[Mapbender-dev] (no subject)

Christoph Baudson christoph.baudson at wheregroup.com
Mon Oct 8 13:27:46 EDT 2007

This is a short summary of yesterday's IRC meeting, see


log file: http://logs.qgis.org/mapbender/%23mapbender.2007-10-08.log

Please join our next meeting on Monday, Oct 15, 1700 UTC+1


* new module wiki site


Categorized, individual module sites linked to Trac

* SLD work group status report

SLD editor will be part of Mapbender 2.5

* Link Help in left menu tpo Mapbender help instead of the current minor
(Media)Wiki help.

We need to have profiles of the users of the website, and arrange the
website according to the specific workflow. "Help" might link to a
presentation at http://test.osgeo.net/moodle/

* What about a logo? We have this one but it is not used actively. Anybody
dare to propose something else?

No ideas.

* Code sprint in November in Italy, further i18n? Is there funded interest
by anyone?

There was interest in the coding part, but a problem with the funding part

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