[Mapbender-dev] Volunteer wanted to administrate mapbender.telascience.org

Astrid Emde (WhereGroup) astrid.emde at wheregroup.com
Mon Apr 14 12:11:18 EDT 2008

Hello devs,

we need some persons which are responsible for mapbender.telscience.org. 
This a a server from the osgeo, where we can put Mapbender Versions and 

We already preset the Mapbender versions there: 


The job is to:
- administrate the mapbender components (mapbender, 
- install the actual release when it comes out
- update the existing releases  when there are bugfixes
- be there as contact person if there are questions from the SAC-people 
from osgeo

Anyone who is interested can apply for this job. Please send an email to 
the mapbender-dev list.



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