[Mapbender_dev] Final SoC report - Rest API for Mapbender

Vikas Banjara vikashbanjara at gmail.com
Fri Aug 13 13:52:51 EDT 2010

Hi all,

GSoC is almost over. And this is going to be my last GSoC report for the
project "Rest API for Mapbender". I could complete two Mapbender resources -
"Users" and "Groups".
In this report, I am going to detail about all the methods exposed.

Users -

URI - rest/users.php/xml or rest/users.php/json
Input Parameters - none
Method - GET
Result - List of all user IDs and their Names and Email.
Result format - xml/json depending on the URI
Authorization - No authorization yet. Can be added later

User -

URI - rest/user.php/id/json rest/user.php/id/xml
Input Parameters - none
Method - GET
Result - List all (except password and login count) properties of the user
with user id  - "id".
Result Format - xml/json depending on the URI

URI - rest/user.php/id/json rest/user.php/id
Input Parameters - All the parameters of the user table except id and login
Method: PUT
Result: Modifies the user id with input parameters
Authorization - Only user knowing her password can make this request.

Group -

URI - rest/group.php/id/json/ rest/group.php/id/xml
Method - GET
Result - List all the attribues of the group with group id - "id"
Result format - xml or json depending on URI
Input Parameters - None

URI - rest/groups.php/json rest/groups.php/xml
Method - GET
Input Parameters - None
Result - All the group ids and their names and owners.
Result format - xml or json depending on the URI

URI - rest/group.php/id/
Method - PUT
Input parameters - All the properties of the group except group id.
Result - Group is modified according to the parameters
Authorization - only group owners can make this call.

This is the list of the functions exposed. Please comment and provide
suggestions. I propose to continue working on this long term REST api for
Mapbender project. I would love to work on other resources of Mapbender
later this year, if given a chance. I would also like to maintain the
current REST Api code.

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