[Mapbender_dev] REST Api Demo

Marc Jansen jansen at terrestris.de
Thu Aug 19 06:34:56 EDT 2010

Hi Vikas,

both examples work great for me. Good work! Where -- if anywhere -- in 
the wiki can I see a list of supported outputformats for the 
GET-request? 'json' worked, but are there more?


On 19.08.2010 06:11, Vikas Banjara wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have set up a demo of user resource on adhocVM.
> There are currently two operations supported on user resource.
> 1) GET user/id/format
> Example : http://adhocvm.mapbender.osgeo.org/banjo_dev/rest/user.php/2/xml
> 2) PUT user/id?parameters
> Example:
> curl -i -X PUT -d 
> "password=banjo&owner=1&city=Delhi&description=test&phone=91&department=mapbender&resolution=72&organisation_name=geo&position_name=dev&phone1=91&facsimile=91&delivery_point=&city=Delhi&postal_code=201301&country=India&online_resource=no" 
> http://adhocvm.mapbender.osgeo.org/banjo_dev/rest/user.php/2/
> Please let me know the feedback.
> Thanks,
> Vikas
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