[Mapbender_dev] Mapbender 2.7 preview is planned for next week

Astrid Emde astrid.emde at wheregroup.com
Wed Aug 25 15:13:42 EDT 2010

Hello devs,

Christoph, Arnulf and me will go to FOSS4G in Barcelona. We make a
Mapbender Workshop and presentations and we will present Mapbender on the
OSGeo booth.

We plan to publish a Mapbender 2.7 preview next thursday (2.9.2010).
Please check the modules you programmed, please check Done [1] for your
modules and if necessary complete the missing tasks (docu, i18n, is there
a ticket,...).

Should your new module be presented in one of the template applications?
--> if yes? Please write an SQL to the update-script and test it.

It would be great if you could check Mapbender trunk till tuesday. If you
discover any bugs, please report.

If you have any suggestions, please let us know.

[1] http://www.mapbender.org/Done

Best regards


FOSS4G 2010
6.-9. September 2010 in Barcelona


Aufwind durch Wissen!

Qualifizierte OpenSource-Schulungen
bei der www.foss-academy.eu


 Astrid Emde
 WhereGroup GmbH & Co.KG
 Siemensstraße 8
 53121 Bonn

 Fon: +49(0)228 90 90 38 - 19
 Fax: +49(0)228 90 90 38 - 11

 astrid.emde at wheregroup.com

Amtsgericht Bonn, HRA 6788
WhereGroup Verwaltungs GmbH
vertreten durch:
Olaf Knopp, Peter Stamm

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