[Mapbender_dev] just ranting

Karim Malhas karim at malhas.de
Wed Jul 7 11:17:00 EDT 2010

Dear List,

I am getting frustrated: evertime I want to implement a teeny
bit of functionality I end up needing/wanting to rewrite the whole
thing because "every" function is written with one exact use case in
mind and can't be generally used. The code is also littered with

( my current example:

  map_obj.getExtent() returns a string of coordinates (just a
  comma seperated list without) 
  map_obj.getExtentInfo() OTOH returns  an Extent object
  Why would they be named that way?

Then there's what I mentioned at the devsprint (too many "object"-types
that have blurry definitions, too many different callback/events

Everytime the I encounter something like that, the alternatives are
"rewrite" and "code around it" It usually ends up being "code around it" 
which is, of course, a terrible idea because the next time someone 
encounters _my_ code it will be even worse and so it builds up.

But even if I chose "rewrite", what are the standards I'd be rewriting
by, I could make something up on the spot but our general direction is
fuzzy (or I haven't grokked it).

Spolsky say one should never do it [1] - but I am looking for someone to
lock myself in with for a day to try and distill what it is
that Mapbender does and then design a proper API on which a rewrite
could happen - any volunteers?

The iterative approach we are using now to improve the code is not getting 
anywhere nearly fast enough for me to retain any kind of enthusiasm and 
- at times - sanity.

On a related concept: I am unclear on the status of "Mapbender 3" 
It's a branch with little activity and no documentation, I am assuming I
missed a discussion somwehere, so If someone could fill me in that'd be


[1] http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/fog0000000069.html

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