Updating MB 2.2.3 User-GUIs to MB 2.4

"Jäger, Frank \(KRZ\)" F.Jaeger at KRZ.DE
Fri Aug 11 07:37:33 EDT 2006


Hallo Leute,
ich habe den MB 2.4 installiert versuche gerade die Anwender-GUIs von 2.2.3 nach 2.4 zu übertragen und dort um die neuen Funktionen von 2.4 zu erweitern.

Das ist im produktiven Umfeld eine andere Aufgabenstellung als eine frische Installation von MB 2.4 aus Scripten.

An einigen Stellen hat es dabei ein wenig geklemmt. Ich skizziere unten mal ein paar der aufgetretenen Probleme und ihre (mögliche) Lösung.
Vielleicht kennt jemand bessere Lösungen. 
Ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit, denn ich bin ja noch dabei. ...


I'm trying to bring some User-GUIs designed in Mapbender 2.2.3 to the new 2.4.

Doing this I had some problems that won't happen when a new MB 2.4 is completely loaded from Scripts. 

I tell you what I found and how I think it can be fixed - may be you have better ideas?
But I'm still working on it. ....

TreeGDE, to add the new feature "All Layers with one Click":

Edit Element Vars
  Name:  switchwms
  Value: True
  Type:  var

Using "featureInfoTunnel"  JavaScript "mod_featureInfoTunnel.php"
instead of "featureInfo1"  JavaScript "mod_featureInfo.php"

ERR: Relative path in HTML-Template must change. 
Call to Template comes from SUBdirectory
So the relative path is another 

Click on this Button:  
  "The requested URL
   was not found on this server."

I switch back to "featureInfo1" but may be it will also help to insert a "../" in the URL:

"resize Mapsize" - dynamically resize the mapframe in relation to the browsersize.
ERR: The Scale is lost. Resize of Browser-Window is like "zoom full". 
FIX: ?

Using the SQL-Update-Scripts I have now the new "gui2" (new Style) and "gui_digitize" but I can't use them because they have no WMS or WFS.
I can manually insert the WMS as I've done many times before but I have no experience with the new WFS-functions, it will be hard to do. I would prefer to have an example.
FIX: In a parallel installation and database I loaded a Mapbender 2.4 completely from SQL-Scripts. In this Version I have no (old) User-GUIs but "gui2" and "gui_digitize" are filled with WMS and WFS.
Here I can look for examples.

ERR: The Button with the "little House" brings me to "Login" but not to my GUI-List.
  Change Old 
    Attributes: onClick="window.location.href='login.php?sessionID'"
  To the new:
    Atributes:   onClick="mod_home_init()"
    JavaScript:  mod_home.php
    URL:         http://www.mapbender.org/index.php/MyGUIlist
  ... in every old GUI.

To get no lazy-mouse-syndrom I've done this directly in the Mapbender-Database:

  Update gui_element 
    Set e_js_file = 'mod_home.php', 
            e_url = 'http://www.mapbender.org/index.php/MyGUIlist' 
  where      e_id = 'myGUIlist' 
    and e_js_file = '';

  Then open Table 'gui_element' (with pgAdmin III)
  and filter with " e_id = 'myGUIlist' "
  and edit the beginning of field 'e_attributes'.


Have a nice weekend 

Frank Jaeger

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