uploading WFS capabilities

Daniel Goetz madprof at gmx.ch
Tue Jul 25 05:33:01 EDT 2006

Hi mapbender-community,

I build up a little wfs-server (on a local umn-mapserver installation; ms4w 1.5.3). Now I want to implement this wfs-service in mapbender. 

Therefor I orientated myself on the WFS-Configuration Guide from the mapbender-wiki (http://www.mapbender.org/index.php/WFS_Konfiguration). So I logged in and went to the "admin_1" user interface. There I created a new GUI and then I wanted to upload the Capabilities of my WFS. But when I choose a GUI in the "Load WFS" menue (where to laod the WFS-Capabilities) there appears an error message saying:

Warning: pg_exec() [function.pg-exec]: Query failed: ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "gui_wfs" in C:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\mapbender\http\php\database-pgsql.php on line 121

Note that this warning appears right after I have chosen a GUI where to load the WFS-Capabilities (no upload has taken place till this point).
So I opened the database-pgsql.php but to be honest I am not that good in php reading and writing, so I do not understand what's going on in this file. But I activated the echoing of the sql-statements in line 122 of the database-pgsql.php. The SQL statement that causes the error-message is the following:

SQL: SELECT Distinct wfs.wfs_title from gui_wfs, gui LEFT JOIN wfs ON gui_wfs.fkey_wfs_id=wfs.wfs_id and gui_wfs.fkey_gui_id=gui.gui_id where gui.gui_name='WFS_Test' order by wfs.wfs_title

But this SQL-statement didn't help me at all. So I want to ask you whether somebody could help me solving this problem. Perhaps anybody knows this type of error-message and has some useful hints or ideas for me.

Thank you so much for your help, thought and ideas.



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