[Mapbender-users] Funcionality Opacity: modifications of mapbender files to change opacity image

Christoph Baudson (WhereGroup) christoph.baudson at wheregroup.com
Fri Mar 16 12:01:55 EDT 2007

Thanks Emilio,

I have tested the code you sent and it works fine (some minor issues in 
IE as always). I think it is a great feature!

I have to add a formal question: Does your friend Virgilio Rey agree we 
use his code in Mapbender from now on? Is it GPL compliant?

Another enhancement would be an integration of opacity handling in the 
context menu of the new treefolder. I will try to implement this next week.

Very much appreciated, and thanks again,


Emilio Pardo schrieb:
> Hallo
> Another day I did a question about  the possibility of mody the opacity 
> of the different images when you connect with more than one wms server. 
> The response was that was not implemented.
>  A good friend (Virgilio Rey)  has done the code modifications to have 
> this functionality,
>  It is necessary to modify three files
>                         Map.php
>                         Map_obj.js
>                         mod_WMSpreferences.php
> /*Change to Opacity*/
> /* [VRL 14/03/07] leemos el valor de mb_mapObj[i].gui_wms_mapopacity y 
> lo asignamos al estilo en distintos formatos */
>  cadenaOpacity = "opacity:"+mb_mapObj[i].wms[ii].gui_wms_mapopacity+"; 
> Filter: Alpha(Opacity="+mb_mapObj[i].wms[ii].gui_wms_mapopacity*100+"); 
> -moz-opacity:"+mb_mapObj[i].wms[ii].gui_wms_mapopacity+" ; 
> -khtml-opacity:"+mb_mapObj[i].wms[ii].gui_wms_mapopacity;
>  newMapRequest += "<div id='"+myDivId+"' style=\"position:absolute; 
> top:0px; left:0px; z-index:'"+ii+"';"+cadenaOpacity+"\">";
> /*End Change to Opacity*/
> newMapRequest += "<div id='"+myDivId+"' style='position:absolute; 
> top:0px; left:0px; z-index:"+ii+"; '>";
> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> /*Change to Opacity*/
> /* [VRL 14/03/07] definimos gui_wms_mapopacity inicializado a 1 */
>                 this.gui_wms_mapopacity = 1 ;      
> /* End Change to Opacity*/
> Include this line in at the end pf function wms_const
> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> Add these functions
> /*Change to Opacity*/
> /*
>    Hay que buscar donde se define mb_mapObj[] y añadirle el valor 
> gui_wms_mapopacity
>    que será donde se guarde el valor de la opacidad. [Se se puede poner 
> el valor 1 mejor]
>    Por otro lado, en el "map" hay que leer ese valor de 
> gui_wms_mapopacity y asignárselo al "opacity: "
> */
> function setMapOpacity(val){
>                 var tmp = val.split(",");
>                 my.wms[tmp[0]].gui_wms_mapopacity = tmp[1];
>                 loadWMS();
> }
> function cambia_opacity(id,incremento)
> {
>     objeto = opener.mapframe1.document.getElementById('div_'+id);
>     opacity = objeto.style.opacity*100 - (-incremento);
>     opacity = (opacity < 100)? ((opacity > 0)? opacity : 0) : 100;
>    objeto.style.opacity = (opacity / 100);
>    objeto.style.MozOpacity = (opacity / 100);
>    objeto.style.KhtmlOpacity = (opacity / 100);
>    objeto.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + opacity + ")";
> /* End Change to Opacity*/
>    setMapOpacity(id+","+(opacity / 100));
> }
> Change the table  and include one row
> /*Change to Opacity*/
>                                /* [VRL 13/03/07] Modificado para leer el 
> valor de la opacity almacenado en gui_wms_mapopacity */
>                                str += "<tr><td>Cambiar 
> Opacidad:</td><td><input type=\"button\" 
> onclick=\"cambia_opacity('"+visibleWmsIndexArray[i]+"','-10')\" 
> value=\"-\">";
>                                str += "<input 
> id=\"valor_opacity_"+visibleWmsIndexArray[i]+"\" type=\"text\" 
> disabled=\"disabled\" size=\"3\" 
> value=\""+my.wms[visibleWmsIndexArray[i]].gui_wms_mapopacity*100+" %\">";
>                                str += "<input type=\"button\" 
> onclick=\"cambia_opacity('"+visibleWmsIndexArray[i]+"','+10')\" 
> value=\"+\">";
>                                str += "</td></tr>";
>                 /* End Change to Opacity*/
> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> Sorry but the coment of the autor is in Spanish
> These changes have been realized to the version  Mapbender 2.4.0 I do 
> not believe that there are problems with the new version 2.4.1
>  If some one need the files I´ll send by mail.
> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Baudson Christoph

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