[Mapbender-users] How to... change the title-tag

Tilo Wütherich tilo.wuetherich at la-bw.de
Thu Nov 29 07:05:26 EST 2007

Hi Christoph, hi All,

> There is a column "gui_name" in the table "gui"; but I don't know how to 
> set that title within the administration GUIs...Anyway, you could add an 
> SQL to index.php and display the gui_name instead.

do you think about s.th. like this:

$sql = "SELECT gui_name FROM gui WHERE gui_id = '".$_REQUEST["gui_id"]."'";
$res = db_query($sql);

while($row = db_fetch_array($res)){
	$gui_name = $row['0'];
<title><?php  echo $gui_name; ?> MyTitle</title>



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