[Mapbender-users] Save WMC doesnt't work

Samson, Marko Marko.Samson at wald-und-holz.nrw.de
Tue Oct 16 10:54:40 EDT 2007

Hello List,

After an update from 2.4.0 step by step to 2.4.3 I just recognized, that the savewmc doesnt work anymore.
It seems, that my mb has a problem while collecting the data for the wmc. The saved wmc_text looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ViewContext xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/context" version="1.0.0" id="1_1192544540" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:mapbender="http://www.mapbender.org" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:SchemaLocation="http://schemas.opengis.net/context/1.0.0/context.xsd">
<BoundingBox SRS="" minx="0" miny="0" maxx="0" maxy="0"/> <Name>Mapbender WMC</Name> <Title>test</Title> <KeywordList> <Keyword>Mapbender</Keyword> <Keyword>WMC</Keyword> </KeywordList> </General> <LayerList/> </ViewContext>

Additional there is a strange behaviour. When I press the "Abbrechen" Button at the SaveWMC window, there is still opening an alertmessage with "WMC document 'null' has been saved."

Loading the WMC causes an error(seems to be a problem of the missing data from the wmc xml) in line 26

25 if (old_mapObj[i].frameName != 'overview') {
26 window.opener.mb_registerMapObj(old_mapObj[i].frameName, old_mapObj[i].elementName, null, , );
27 window.opener.document.getElementById(old_mapObj[i].frameName).style.width = ;
28 window.opener.document.getElementById(old_mapObj[i].frameName).style.height = ;
29 }

Does anybody know, or has an idea, how I can solve or isolate the problem?

One additional little question:
Is it possible to adjust the opacity by the treegde2 function with IE6 or 7. If so, whats the trick for the IE? 

Marko Samson

Marko Samson
Landesbetrieb Wald und Holz NRW
Referat I-5
Albrecht-Thaer-Straße 34
48147 Münster

Tel.: 0251/91797 - 169
Mail: marko.samson at wald-und-holz.nrw.de

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