[Mapbender-users] Google maps in Mapbender?

Vito Meuli v.meuli at tecnologieavanzate.it
Tue Jul 29 02:38:02 EDT 2008

On Monday 28 July 2008 17:29, Christoph Baudson wrote:
> Hi Vito
> in general, it's possible to add Google data in Mapbender. You would
> have to write a small OpenLayers wrapper module that adds your service
> to the OpenLayers module in Mapbender. But you would not be able to
> administer these services with the existing administration tools.
> However, OpenLayers support in Mapbender will not be included until
> version 2.6 which will be released in mid-September.
> If you are a developer and need more instructions on how to code this
> enhancement, let me know.
> Christoph

OpenLayers support built into MapBender would be a good solution, but I should 
wait for version 2.6 and it will need some additional coding.
I'm a Java coder, with no PHP experience, and I didn't intend to tweak 
Mapbender so much.

OK, I'll think about this suggestion. If I take this way I'll ask more help. 
Thank you very much!

Regards, Vito
Ing. Vito Meuli

Tecnologie Avanzate S.r.l.
via B. Croce, 49
70015 Noci (BA)
tel. +39 080 4979652
fax  +39 080 4979263

email: v.meuli at tecnologieavanzate.it

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