[Mapbender-users] switch locale
Christoph Baudson
christoph.baudson at wheregroup.com
Wed May 7 10:04:02 EDT 2008
Christoph Baudson schrieb:
> David Arndt schrieb:
>> Hello,
>> I tried the switch locale module today. I have the problem, changing
>> the language to de,bg,gr is working, to en or it not.
>> Is this a error or a misconfiguration?
> Somehow, italian is not working for me as well, I will take a look at
> that. But english is definitely working.
> Whenever you switch the locale, an AJAX request is triggered. Monitor
> the request with Firebug, and check if the language is correct.
You can enable logging in mapbender.conf (set to "notice") in order to
monitor the locale setting process in the log files. I get this
2008.05.07, 15:59:00,Notice: class_locale: setting locale to it
2008.05.07, 15:59:00,Notice: locale it_IT.utf8 not found.
2008.05.07, 15:59:00,Notice: class_locale: no input parameter specified.
2008.05.07, 15:59:00,Notice: trying browser setting en-us
2008.05.07, 15:59:00,Notice: language en-us not supported.
2008.05.07, 15:59:00,Notice: trying browser setting en
2008.05.07, 15:59:00,Notice: locale en_US.utf8 ok on linux
Maybe these locales are not installed on the system (or have another name)?
Maybe also check class_locale.php from line 165 on, maybe you can add
some locale data.
> Christoph
>> Regards, David.
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