[Mapbender-users] Query Parameter for a specific external WMS

Michael Schulz mschulz at webgis.de
Fri Oct 31 07:15:41 EDT 2008


you'd need a module like mod_add_vendor, that defines a JS variable
that holds your time value. Then register a VSP function that returns
the value acquired from that javascript variable, i.e. replace the
static string through a JS variable. Then your module needs a way,
e.g. text input field, to change the value of the javascript time

Then on each request, the VSP function should append the time
parameter with the current value of your variable.

For a start, you could try to add this via the content field of your
add_vendorspecific gui element. there you place a input-field and get
the value of the field in mod_add_vendorspecific. Take care of the
urlencoding of the parameter. And you need to position and make the
div really visible somewhere.

in content-field sth like:
<input type="text" id="timevalue" name="timevalue" size="20">

in mod_time_vendorspecific.php:

function mod_vs_init(){
 timefield = document.getElementById("timevalue");
var re = "time="+encodeURIComponent(timefield.value);

  return re;

This is just a suggestion, not tested. Are you already using firebug?
If not, start using it. It'll help you.

Cheers, Michael

2008/10/31  <gisbert.breitbach at gkss.de>:
> Hi,
> after successful including a time parameter into mod_addvendorspecific.php
> (again many thanks to Michael Schulz) the next question arises. How can I
> do it more dynamically. In mod_addvendorspecific.php a static parameter is
> hard coded. I need something where the user can enter a parameter. Are
> there any ideas how to that.
> Best regards,
> Gisbert
> ____________________________________________________
> Gisbert Breitbach, GKSS Forschungszentrum
> Tel.: +49 4152 87 1563
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> E-Mail: Gisbert.Breitbach at gkss.de
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Michael Schulz
mschulz at webgis.de

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