[Mapbender-users] treeGDE2 not working

Balázs Bámer bamerbalazs at gmail.com
Mon Feb 9 15:31:42 EST 2009

Hi All,

I put a simple treeGDE2 on my experimental GUI:
user: mapbenderlist, pass: =]-[0p
It cannot be used at all (even with separate checkboxes for visibility
and feature info). Firebug halts with an error here:

function checkChildren(path, ctrlNr, bChk){
var nd = getDomNode(path);
var plus;
if(!nd)return false;
if(!childExists(nd))nd.firstChild.firstChild.onclick(); ///here
onclick is not function
//any other place this onclick is called in a try block to avoid this,
Firebug logs the exception but it is caught in the code.

However, on disk, jsTree.js 's same function starts like this:
function checkChildren(path,ctrlNr,bChk){
var nd=getDomNode(path);
var plus;
if(!nd)return false;
if(!childExists(nd))return false;

Is this a self-modifying code?
What makes this treeGDE go wrong? I've seen it already working. No
Mapbender warning or worse in log (level=notice).

my modules are:

back body
center1 closePolygon copyright
featureInfo1 forward
help help1
logo logout
mapframe1 measure metadata
pan1 printPDF
repaint rubber
sandclock scalebar scaleSelect scaleText selArea1 setPOI2Scale
setSpatialRequest showCoords_div showLoggedUser
zoomCoords zoomFull zoomIn1 zoomOut1

thank you in advance.
Best regards: Balázs Bámer

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