[Mapbender-users] Releasetermin - Mapbender 2.6?

Astrid Emde astrid.emde at wheregroup.com
Fri Jun 12 02:26:47 EDT 2009

Hello David,

you asked, when Mapbender 2.6 is going to be released.

We planned to bring out the release in the week before the Hacking Event 
in Bolsena - this would be next week. But it looks like we are not going 
to manage this. It is more realistic that we pack the release during the 
Hacking Event or in the week after the event. This means at the end of 
June 2009.

We will discuss this question in the Mapbender IRC and I will post more 
detailed information when I know more about the release date.

If you want to try Mapbender 2.6 already you can download a zip file 
from [1] or checkout the code with an SVN-Client from [2].
Make sure, that you take a Test implementation of Mapbender first before 
you update your productive version.

[1] http://trac.osgeo.org/mapbender/browser/branches/2.6
[2] https://svn.osgeo.org/mapbender/branches/2.6/

Best regards astrid

david.mueller at kaiserslautern.de schrieb:
> Hallo Liste,
> kurze Frage an die Admins:
> Steht der Releasetermin für die 2.6er Version von Mapbender schon fest?
> Ich stehe vor der Entscheidung ob ich auf die 2.6.rc1 update oder lieber
> noch auf die endgültige 2.6er warten soll.
> Mich macht vor allem die neue Tooltip Funktion neugierig!
> Danke!
> Mit freundlichem Gruß
> i.A. David Müller
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
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