[Mapbender-users] wfs request in mb 2.5

Michael Schulz mschulz at webgis.de
Fri Jun 19 09:30:14 EDT 2009

Hi Till,

you also have a duplicate of request=getFeature ...

Is there an onlineResourceUrl confusion somewhere? I think to recall,
if you're using the geoserver wfs shortcut, you wouldn't need the
service parameter anymore, because it's alre[st]ady immanent. What was
the URL you loaded the WFS with?

Just a guess... Cheers, Michael

2009/6/19 Till Adams <adams at terrestris.de>:
> dear list,
> are there any known issues or bugs about the generated request string for
> wfs selection?
> my firebug tells me, that my wfs-select string is this:
> http://demoraumplus.ethz.ch:80/geoserver/wfs?request=GetFeatureservice=wfs&request=getFeature&version=1.0.0&typename=topp:potobfelden&filter=
> which of course could not work, because there is no seperating "&" in here:
> request=GetFeatureservice=wfs
> any ideas?
> Regards, Till
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