[SOLVED] Re: Re: [Mapbender-users] GetFeatureInfo on WMS

Robert Walter robert-walter at gmx.de
Thu Oct 1 03:27:26 EDT 2009

Hi Michael, hi list,

the problem is, that the url in the featureInfoTunnel request contains no LAYERS parameter, when the layer is invisible because of the maxScale setting. That is why the mapserver throws a ServiceException.

Now I have a workaround for my problem. I have changed the "javascript/mod_featureInfoTunnel.php" near line 82.

81 ...
82 mb_ajax_post(path, {'url':currentRequest},function(js_code,status){
83     var isServiceException = js_code.search(/<ServiceException/)
84     if(js_code && isServiceException == -1){
85         if(featureInfoLayerPopup == 'true'){
86             ...

Not the nicest code but it works. Now I can use the maxScale setting in conjunction with the featureInfoTunnel module without any error message.

Thanks for your support.

Greetings Robert

Hi Robert,

I wonder whether UMN Mapserver in this case throws an error at all
...? Hmm. Looking at your error message, it gets thrown in
msLoadWMSGetMapParams. I don't think this function already takes the
scale into account, it just collects the layers that are given in the
request and checks whether they exist. When drawing the map it just
omits them, I guess the same should happen for getFI. I am not totally
sure about this and happy to be told the opposite.

Could you check your getFeatureInfo Request whether there are any
other things happening to the layers or querylayers parameter? Are you
using grouped layers?

Cheers, Michael

2009/9/30 Robert Walter <robert-walter at gmx.de>:
> Hi Michael,
> thanks for your answer.
> Setting "ficheckbox" to false works for switching the layer manually off. But when
the setting maxScale in wms settings is set and the layer is invisible because of
the mapscale, the featureinfo still shows the error.
> And when I surf through the mapbender application in the wiki-gallery, obviously
no one uses the maxscale setting in conjunction with the featureinfo tool. So this
seems to be a known problem.
> Greetings Robert
> Hi Robert,
> as far as I can see it is true, that Mapbender currently doesn't check
> whether a queryable layer is also visible, and if not visible
> automatically also disables it's queryability.
> I think we had some discussion about that issue in the past, because
> there are use-cases, when you exactly want a layer to be queryable but
> not visible. The outcome is, that when using treegde with element_var
> "ficheckbox" set to true, it is up to the user to en-/disable
> visbility/queryability in the tree by means of seperate checkboxes. If
> "ficheckbox" is set to false, you'll only get one checkbox per layer,
> that toggles visbility/queryability combined on or off. So maybe
> thats's what you're looking for.
> Cheers, Michael
> 2009/9/30 Robert Walter <robert-walter at gmx.de>:
>> Hi,
>> I'm using Mapbender 2.6 with a modified copy of gui2. The error message appears if
> a wms layer is set to invisible or invisible because of it's scale and the
> featureinfo checkbox is still enabled. I think there should be a dependency
> between the visibility of a layer and the possibility to make featureinfo
> requests.
>> Greetings Robert
>> Hi,
>> could you give us more information on what version of mapbender you
>> are using? Is this error happening in a standard gui or in a self-made
>> gui?
>> Greetings, Michael
>> 2009/9/28 Robert Walter <robert-walter at gmx.de>:
>>> Hi list,
>>> I have a problem with getfeatureinfo-requests on WMS-layers. In the mapfile of the
>> wms a template for each layer is defined. I use the featureinfotunnel with the new
>> popup-module.
>>> When the wms is enabled and visible in Mapbender the getfeatureinfo-request shows
>> the correct info. But when the wms is turned off in treegde-module or the
>> wms-layer is invisible because of its scale, the getfeatureinfo shows the
>> following error:
>>> <?xml version='1.0' encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no" ?>
>>> <!DOCTYPE ServiceExceptionReport SYSTEM
>> "http://schemas.opengis.net/wms/1.1.1/exception_1_1_1.dtd">
>>> <ServiceExceptionReport version="1.1.1">
>>> <ServiceException code="LayerNotDefined">
>>> msWMSLoadGetMapParams(): WMS server error. Invalid layer(s) given in the LAYERS
>> parameter.
>>> </ServiceException>
>>> </ServiceExceptionReport>
>>> What can I do, to avoid this behaviour. When there is no object visible, the
>> getfeatureinfo-request should return no result and must not open the popup.
>>> Greeting RW
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