[SOLVED] Re: Re: [Mapbender-users] GetFeatureInfo on WMS

Michael Schulz mschulz at webgis.de
Fri Oct 2 08:35:18 EDT 2009

Hi Robert,

maybe we should try to find out, how other WMS do this. UMN throws an
error when the layers parameter in a request is empty. If others do
that as well, Mapbender shouldn't issue such a request (which is
already true for getMap, but obviously not for GetFI). I am not aware
about what the specs say to this subject.

Cheers, Michael

2009/10/2 Robert Walter <robert-walter at gmx.de>:
> Hi Michael,
> I don't know what happens, when Mapbender respects the min/maxscale setting also for querylayers.
> When the QUERY_LAYERS parameter is also empty, the mapserver would throw an exception too.
> Up to now my skills of the Mapbender code are very limited. So I don't see another solution for now.
> Greetings Robert
> Hi Robert,
> thanks for bringing this up. I haven't made up my mind yet, what the
> correct solution would be. We'd need to know how the mapservers handle
> this case. Some facts for a discussion:
> - the layer parameter is empty because mapbender respects the scale
> settings, that is correct.
> - Mapserver throws an exception when the layers parameter is empty
> (and the mapfile contains no DEFAULT layers)
> Should Mapbender respect the min/maxscale settings also for querylayers?
> Still thinking... Michael
> 2009/10/1 Robert Walter <robert-walter at gmx.de>:
>> Hi Michael, hi list,
>> the problem is, that the url in the featureInfoTunnel request contains no LAYERS
> parameter, when the layer is invisible because of the maxScale setting. That is
> why the mapserver throws a ServiceException.
>> Now I have a workaround for my problem. I have changed the
> "javascript/mod_featureInfoTunnel.php" near line 82.
>> 81 ...
>> 82 mb_ajax_post(path, {'url':currentRequest},function(js_code,status){
>> 83     var isServiceException = js_code.search(/<ServiceException/)
>> 84     if(js_code && isServiceException == -1){
>> 85         if(featureInfoLayerPopup == 'true'){
>> 86             ...
>> Not the nicest code but it works. Now I can use the maxScale setting in
> conjunction with the featureInfoTunnel module without any error message.
>> Thanks for your support.
>> Greetings Robert
>> Hi Robert,
>> I wonder whether UMN Mapserver in this case throws an error at all
>> ...? Hmm. Looking at your error message, it gets thrown in
>> msLoadWMSGetMapParams. I don't think this function already takes the
>> scale into account, it just collects the layers that are given in the
>> request and checks whether they exist. When drawing the map it just
>> omits them, I guess the same should happen for getFI. I am not totally
>> sure about this and happy to be told the opposite.
>> Could you check your getFeatureInfo Request whether there are any
>> other things happening to the layers or querylayers parameter? Are you
>> using grouped layers?
>> Cheers, Michael
>> 2009/9/30 Robert Walter <robert-walter at gmx.de>:
>>> Hi Michael,
>>> thanks for your answer.
>>> Setting "ficheckbox" to false works for switching the layer manually off. But when
>> the setting maxScale in wms settings is set and the layer is invisible because of
>> the mapscale, the featureinfo still shows the error.
>>> And when I surf through the mapbender application in the wiki-gallery, obviously
>> no one uses the maxscale setting in conjunction with the featureinfo tool. So this
>> seems to be a known problem.
>>> Greetings Robert
>>> Hi Robert,
>>> as far as I can see it is true, that Mapbender currently doesn't check
>>> whether a queryable layer is also visible, and if not visible
>>> automatically also disables it's queryability.
>>> I think we had some discussion about that issue in the past, because
>>> there are use-cases, when you exactly want a layer to be queryable but
>>> not visible. The outcome is, that when using treegde with element_var
>>> "ficheckbox" set to true, it is up to the user to en-/disable
>>> visbility/queryability in the tree by means of seperate checkboxes. If
>>> "ficheckbox" is set to false, you'll only get one checkbox per layer,
>>> that toggles visbility/queryability combined on or off. So maybe
>>> thats's what you're looking for.
>>> Cheers, Michael
>>> 2009/9/30 Robert Walter <robert-walter at gmx.de>:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I'm using Mapbender 2.6 with a modified copy of gui2. The error message appears if
>>> a wms layer is set to invisible or invisible because of it's scale and the
>>> featureinfo checkbox is still enabled. I think there should be a dependency
>>> between the visibility of a layer and the possibility to make featureinfo
>>> requests.
>>>> Greetings Robert
>>>> Hi,
>>>> could you give us more information on what version of mapbender you
>>>> are using? Is this error happening in a standard gui or in a self-made
>>>> gui?
>>>> Greetings, Michael
>>>> 2009/9/28 Robert Walter <robert-walter at gmx.de>:
>>>>> Hi list,
>>>>> I have a problem with getfeatureinfo-requests on WMS-layers. In the mapfile of the
>>>> wms a template for each layer is defined. I use the featureinfotunnel with the new
>>>> popup-module.
>>>>> When the wms is enabled and visible in Mapbender the getfeatureinfo-request shows
>>>> the correct info. But when the wms is turned off in treegde-module or the
>>>> wms-layer is invisible because of its scale, the getfeatureinfo shows the
>>>> following error:
>>>>> <?xml version='1.0' encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no" ?>
>>>>> <!DOCTYPE ServiceExceptionReport SYSTEM
>>>> "http://schemas.opengis.net/wms/1.1.1/exception_1_1_1.dtd">
>>>>> <ServiceExceptionReport version="1.1.1">
>>>>> <ServiceException code="LayerNotDefined">
>>>>> msWMSLoadGetMapParams(): WMS server error. Invalid layer(s) given in the LAYERS
>>>> parameter.
>>>>> </ServiceException>
>>>>> </ServiceExceptionReport>
>>>>> What can I do, to avoid this behaviour. When there is no object visible, the
>>>> getfeatureinfo-request should return no result and must not open the popup.
>>>>> Greeting RW
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> mschulz at webgis.de
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Michael Schulz
mschulz at webgis.de

in medias res
Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH

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