[Mapbender-users] Help

Michael Schulz mschulz at webgis.de
Fri Sep 25 04:45:42 EDT 2009

Hi Upul,

welcome to the mapbender community.

Your first starting points should be:

- have a look at the Mapbender Community site, especially the
mapbender installation wiki page:
http://www.mapbender.org/Installation_en - it may be not totally up to
date, but gives you an overview of what prerequisites you'll need,
e.g. webserver, php, database ...
- download the current stable version 2.6, out since Thursday - it
includes an install script for linux and windows
- go to the directory where mapbender was extracted to, ccd in to
./conf and edit mapbender.conf (especially the db connection entries)
- the installation won't do the configuration of the webserver for you
(at least not yet ;-) ), so you'll have to do that information is on
the wiki page.
- After that you should be able to start with sth. like
http://localhost/mapbender/ (if you installed it on a local machine)
and login to mapbender with root / root.
- enjoy!

I hope these first steps help you to get mapbender up and running.

Cheers, Michael

2009/9/21 upul kumara <yenupul at gmail.com>:
> Dear all
> I am GIS system developer. Now I am developing regional spatial monitoring
> system for the project. I know mapserver. But I don't know mapblenedr can
> anybody help me
> thank you
> upul
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