[Mapbender-users] [Fwd: [OSGeo-Announce] FOSS4G 2010 Workshops ready for inscriptions]

Astrid Emde astrid.emde at wheregroup.com
Mon Mar 8 10:48:15 EST 2010

Hello Community,

if you plan to go to FOSS4G in Barcelona in Septemer 2010 you can 
already subscribe for a workshop (see mail below).

We offer a Mapbender-Workshop (W-05: Introduction to the Mapbender 
geoportal framwework).

You will find information about Mapbender on FOSS4G in Barcelona in the 
Mapbender Wiki:

We also plan presentations concerning Mapbender, a Mapbender BOF and a 
Mapbender developer meeting.

If you would like to get infolved in activities around Mapbender on 
FOSS4G 2010 please contact us on the developer list. Every input is welcome.

See you Astrid

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [OSGeo-Announce] FOSS4G 2010 Workshops ready for inscriptions
From:    "Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo)" <tmitchell at osgeo.org>
Date:    Fri, February 26, 2010 6:02 pm
To:      announce at lists.osgeo.org

Barcelona, Spain. 26 February 2010.

The Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) conference
is pleased to announce this year's Workshops panel.

Workshops are a unique experience to learn about open source software
from the experts in a hands-on environment. Workshops are 3 hour
courses presented in full computer labs, with two attendees per
computer, in the Barcelona School of Computer Science.

We are offering 14 workshops this year, in two sessions, on Monday
afternoon, September 6, and on Tuesday morning, September 7. When
registering, workshop attendees will be asked to choose one workshop
in each session.

Following is a breaf description for each workshop. For more detailed
information and registration, please visit FOSS4G 2010 web page:

On the Conference web page you will also find the Tutorials panel, to
be held during the conference days, September 7-9, which are included
in the conference fee. And you can take the opportunity to book the
gala dinner tickets too.

Workshops have a high demand, and classroom capacity is limited.
Register soon, don't miss them!

September 6 Workshops (Monday afternoon, 15-18h)

W-01: Web mapping with GeoServer

Attendees will learn how to load, publish, and share geospatial data
with GeoServer. Discussion will include navigating the GeoServer user
interface, loading and publishing data, OGC web services, and styling
data with SLD. Also showcased will be Styler, a browser-based
graphical style (SLD) editor.

W-02: gvSIG 1.9 user workshop

The main objective of the workshop is to show the new features
included in the last stable version of gvSIG desktop (1.9). Also a
brief introduction on gvsig.org, the main collaborative web portal of
the gvSIG project.

W-03: Setting up an OpenStreetMap rendering toolchain

This workshop will walk the participants through getting raw
OpenStreetMap data, rendering map tiles with Mapnik, and displaying
them with OpenLayers. They will learn how to install and configure a
mimic of the main OpenStreetMap toolchain, using the same
technologies, that can be later customised to render other datasets.

W-04: Introduction to PostGIS

PostGIS is an open source spatial extension to the PostgreSQL open
source enterprise relational database. Spatial databases such as
PostGIS, Oracle Spatial and DB Spatial are used for high-performance
multi-user access to large seamless data sets. If you are managing
large volumes of read/write spatial data, using a spatial database can
improve access speed, ease management overhead and guarantee data
integrity. Built as an object extension to PostgreSQL, PostGIS has
been certified as "Simple Features for SQL" compliant by the Open
Geospatial Consortium.

W-05: Introduction to the Mapbender geoportal framwework

This workshop gives an in-depth introduction to the software
Mapbender, a managed, web based geoportal framework. Mapbender is
implementing the publish / register, find, bind, execute paradigm for
geospatial data. The focus of the workshop lies on building web
mapping applications with distributed Spatial Data Infrastructure
components and how to manage user access. All this will be done by
using Mapbender's administration interfaces, without the need to
modify any source code.

W-06: Solid web mapping with Python

Covers the Shapely and GeoJSON libraries from the GIS Python Lab. It
shows how to use these libraries together with SQLAlchemy and its GIS
extension, GeoAlchemy, to create HTTP web services in an application
developed with the Pylons web development framework. The workshop then
teaches how to use MapFish to make the development of GIS web services

W-07: Practical introduction to ZOO, the powerful WPS platform

The ZOO-Project provides a WPS (Web Processing Service) compliant and
developer-friendly framework to easily create and connect OGC
Webservices. During this workshop, participants will install the
ZOO-Kernel and related material on their computers; upon installation
the users will be ready to use and implement WPS 1.1.0 services.

September 7 Workshops (Tuesday morning, 9-12h)

W-08: Getting started with MapServer

This hands-on workshop is intended as an introduction to Web mapping
with the University of Minnesota MapServer. The participants will go
through the process of setting up a MapServer environment which
includes configuring a Web server and creating a MapServer

W-09: Quantum GIS and PostGIS: Solving spatial problems and creating
web-based analysis tools

Quantum GIS (QGIS) is a powerful open source GIS desktop application.
It excels at viewing and manipulating a wide variety of GIS data and
services, performing geographic analysis and preparing data for
MapServer and GeoServer applications. QGIS has an extensible "plug-in"
architecture and now provides comprehensive support for using and
managing PostGIS databases. This workshop/tutorial will give students
hands-on experience for applying QGIS to real-world spatial analysis
problems and the development of PostGIS tools for web-based mapping
and services.

W-10: FOSS4G routing with PgRouting tools, OpenStreetMap road data and

pgRouting adds routing functionality to PostGIS. This introductory
workshop will show you how. It gives a practical example of how to use
pgRouting with OpenStreetMap road network data. It explains the steps
to prepare the data, make routing queries, assign costs and use GeoExt
to show your route in a web-mapping application.

W-11: Working with OpenLayers

This workshop will guide participants through the library core,
providing the experience necessary to build interactive mapping
applications. We will cover best practices for dealing with a variety
of raster and vector data sources, investigate client side styling,
and discuss options for integrating OpenLayers with other JavaScript

W-12: GeoNetwork for dummies, or how to setup an SDI in 3 hours

The workshop will focus on the implementation of a GeoNetwork
opensource based catalog to serve and access geospatial data in a
Spatial Data Infrastructure. A local catalog will be installed and
configured. Harvesting of spatial data resources from remote servers
will be configured and geospatial web map services will be set up
using the embedded GeoServer and configured for access through the
catalog web interface.

W-13: Geospatial for java

This GeoTools session is back by popular demand in a new long format
workshop. Offering a visual introduction for Java developers we will
exploring how you can integrate GIS services into your next project.
For those new to the GeoSpatial scene we provide an introduction to
current concepts and projects, and how to avoid common pitfalls.

W-14: Practical introduction to GRASS

The workshop has two parts: a brief GRASS overview and a hands-on
session by the attendees. The aim is to allow the first time users to
understand the logic of the software and to experiment some
significant, although necessarily limited, data processing for
technical and environmental GIS applications. The workshop provides a
brief introduction to GRASS and then a step by step tutorial to guide
beginners in the basic applications of the software, highlighting
GRASS' interoperability with other FOSS and proprietary software.
Announce mailing list
Announce at lists.osgeo.org

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Astrid Emde


Aufwind durch Wissen!

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bei der www.foss-academy.eu


  Astrid Emde
  WhereGroup GmbH & Co.KG
  Siemensstraße 8
  53121 Bonn

  Fon: +49(0)228 90 90 38 - 19
  Fax: +49(0)228 90 90 38 - 11

  astrid.emde at wheregroup.com

Amtsgericht Bonn, HRA 6788
WhereGroup Verwaltungs GmbH
vertreten durch:
Olaf Knopp, Peter Stamm

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