[Mapbender-users] How to change a .tif mapbase when the zoom changes

Armin Retterath armin.retterath at lvermgeo.rlp.de
Wed Jul 17 00:44:30 PDT 2013

hello charles,

mapbender is a ows client. therefor it has not a basemap concept as 
openlayers has. if you wan't a possibility to switch between different 
backgrund layers this module will help you:
see the example:
in the right upper corner there is the selectbox.
the thing with the visibility is normally defined by the scale hints of 
the wms - in your example geoserver.
in the capabilities document the visibility for the client is defined as 
"scale hint". mapbender interprets this scale hints and you can reduce 
them in admin1 EDIT GUI-WMS module. if your geoserver has a minscale of 
1:10.000 and a maxscale of 1:100.000 you can alter them e.g. to 1:20.000 
- 1:80.000.

if you have further questions - don't hesitate to ask


On 17.07.2013 03:06, karchy wrote:
> hello, I need help.
> First of all, i want to know how can i set a basemap in mapbender. I'm using
> geoserver and postgis 2.0 (with raster support). Also i have the .tif files.
> I want to know too, how to change the basemap when I make a zoom in the
> aplication.
> Thaks you very much again.
> --
> View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/How-to-change-a-tif-mapbase-when-the-zoom-changes-tp5066905.html
> Sent from the mapbender-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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armin.retterath at lvermgeo.rlp.de

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