[Mapbender-users] Filling out digitized polygon

Armin Retterath armin.retterath at gmail.com
Tue Feb 4 15:19:15 PST 2014

hi kai,
the html objects which are rendered by the digitize module are points not
lines. if you zoom you will see, that the number of the points will
increase. the class is lp for linepoint and bp for border points. to fill
the area, there should be a polygon object - which is obvious somewhere -
the geometry is highlighted onmouseover at the geometry list. you have to
inspect the function parent.mb_wfs_perform - look at
javascripts/mod_digitize_tab.php line 1906. it has a highlight option.
maybe this can also be used to draw a filled polygon.
we will develop a new module to allow digitizing temporary objects (geojson
/ or kml)  in the next few months. maybe this is helpfull for you. if you
only want to show external data, there are modules, which are able to
render kml and georss resources.

2014-02-04 Dr. Kai Behncke <behncke at creativista-solutions.de>:

> Dear users,
> I`m using mapbender 2.7 and check out the digitizing-module.
> It works fine, but I wonder if there is a possibility if I digitize a
> polygone to fill it out directly after it`s created (without saving it)?
> Has anybody an idea how to manage that?
> Thank you very much, Kai
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