[Mapbender-users] mapbender 3: digitzer configuration

Astrid Emde astrid.emde at wheregroup.com
Mon Oct 26 02:44:18 PDT 2015

Hello Moritz,

Am 2015-10-23 09:19, schrieb Plachta, Moritz:
> Hi list,
> we are using mapbender3-
> Is it possible at the definition of a textfield (type input) [1] to
> define a bigger "textarea" for the input of informations [2]?

Textarea is possible. You can use:

-type: textArea

And you can define the number of rows by:

rows: 4

I have to add more information in the documentation. This will follow soon.


> It would be nice if the user could have a better overview of the
> text-input. This is e.g. helpful for longer descriptions.
> Thanks!
> Best regards,
> Moritz Plachta
> [1]
> http://doc.mapbender3.org/en/bundles/Mapbender/CoreBundle/elements/digitizer.html#definition-of-a-textfield-type-input
> [2] http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_textarea.asp
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Astrid Emde

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