[Mapbender-users] Mapbender 2.7.4: Print Module

lukas.bollack lukas.bollack at naturnetz.ch
Fri Feb 26 05:31:32 PST 2016

Hi Mapbender Mailing List

I am trying to implement a printing function in my GUI. To this end I copied
the elements "printPDF" and "printButton" from the "template_print" GUI into
my own GUI. When I test the printing functionality it always times out "An
error occured or timeout of 90 seconds reached. Print was aborted."

Now when I use the print function inside of the "template_print" GUI it
works fine and doesn't time out, so the module works on my server. When I
add the wms from my own GUI to the "template_print" GUI, printing still
works. I have 3 theories, what my problem could be:

1. There are some settings defined in the "printPDF" element I copied from
the "template_print" GUI which refer to layers not present in my own GUI.

2. There is some element missing in my GUI which is needed for printPDF to

3. The base layer in my own GUI is password protected and I haven't
succeeded in getting owsProxy to run yet. It works when I open my GUI in the
browser but maybe the print module has problems accessing the WMS?

Do any of you have an idea how I could solve this?


View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/Mapbender-2-7-4-Print-Module-tp5253023.html
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