[Mapbender-users] SimpleSearch JSON Format

Chris Kay-Ayling CKay-Ayling at cornishmutual.co.uk
Mon Jul 8 01:02:23 PDT 2019


I'm looking to implement simple search however cannot find an example JSON response to format our data by.

Could someone please provide an example of how this JSON should be formatted.

Kind Regards


Chris Kay-Ayling

System Developer

[Cornish Mutual logo]<http://www.cornishmutual.co.uk>

Our main source of business is referrals, and we really appreciate them, so please let your friends and business contacts know about us.

Cornish Mutual helps people and businesses in the South West with a range of insurance products including: Home, Farm, Renewable Energy, Let Property, Motor Trade, Special Events, Personal Accident, Motor and Agricultural Motor Fleet.

Please click here<https://www.cornishmutual.co.uk/privacy-policy> for Cornish Mutual's Privacy policy.

Tel: (+44) 01872 277151


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Agents, Legal Representatives and Insurers please notify your client(s) of the following:-

Cornish Mutual Assurance Company Ltd pass information to the Claims and Underwriting Exchange register and the Motor Insurance Anti-Fraud and Theft Register run by the Motor Insurers' Bureau (MIB). The aim is to help us to check information provided and to help prevent fraudulent claims. We will pass information relating to this incident to the appropriate registers. While dealing with your claim we may search the register(s).

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The Cornish Mutual Assurance Co Ltd
Registered Office: CMA House, Newham Road, Newham, Truro TR1 2SU
Registered in England No. 78768

To help us improve our service, calls to our office may be recorded and monitored

Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.
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