[Mapbender-users] Fwd: Mapbender on Raspberry Pi 4 (8GB)

Jörg Thomsen (WhereGroup) joerg.thomsen at wheregroup.com
Fri Mar 19 05:08:53 PDT 2021

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: 	Re: [Mapbender-users] Mapbender on Raspberry Pi 4 (8GB)
Datum: 	Fri, 19 Mar 2021 12:33:03 +0100
Von: 	Robert Pfeifle <diplopoda at gmail.com>
Antwort an: 	diplopoda at gmail.com
An: 	joerg.thomsen at wheregroup.com

Hello Jörg,

thanks for the input.

Yeah, the strange this is that I get this error:

    <> 500
    (Internal Server Error)/
    /DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for
    HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE/

And I just noticed that the folder "application" is not present at all
in my mapbender installation. It seems the
<https://mapbender.org/builds/mapbender-starter-current.tar.gz>" I used
does not contain the folder application?

Thanks in advance. BR, Robert

/Sent with Shift

Am Fr., 19. März 2021 um 08:53 Uhr schrieb Jörg Thomsen (WhereGroup)
<joerg.thomsen at wheregroup.com <mailto:joerg.thomsen at wheregroup.com>>:

    Hello Robert,

    very nice!

    it's 'only' the css missing. Have a look into the developer tools of
    your browser or at the logs to see what's going wrong. In most cases the
    rights are not set correct. Have a look at


    -Am 19.03.21 um 08:42 schrieb Robert Pfeifle:
    > Hello Mapbender-Community,
    > at the moment I'm trying to install Mapbender on a Raspberry Pi 4 with
    > 8GB on Raspberry OS (Raspbian) so I can use Mapbender for our small
    > non-profit environmental local group of NABU (Naturschutzbund).
    > Apache, PHP etc. seems to work and I can open the Mapbender
    install but
    > it seems that some of the configuration to display the front-/backend
    > correctly is wrong/missing. See attached screenshot.
    > Can anyone help me with this?
    > Thanks in advance. Best regards, Robert
    > /Sent with Shift
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    Viele Grüße,
    Jörg Thomsen

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    joerg.thomsen at wheregroup.com <mailto:joerg.thomsen at wheregroup.com>
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