[Mapbender-users] Installation doesn't seem to work

Thorsten Hack (WhereGroup) thorsten.hack at wheregroup.com
Wed May 22 03:05:54 PDT 2024


if you try to open the css file directly 
(/application/manager/assets/css or 
/application/<slug-of-your-app>/assets/css), what is the error message?

If you only see an internal server error, try to use app_dev.php as your 
entrypoint (/app_dev.php/application/manager/assets/css). If this gives 
you a permission denied error, temporarily comment the lines 11 through 
17 in the web/app_dev.php directory.

Best regards,

Thorsten Hack


FOSS Academy Sommerschule: Kompaktkurs zum Aufbau einer GDI
02.-06. September 2024, Präsenzveranstaltung in Bonn

WhereGroup GmbH
Schwimmbadstr. 2
79100 Freiburg

Tel.: +49 (0)761 / 519 102 - 67
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thorsten.hack at wheregroup.com

Olaf Knopp, Peter Stamm
Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 9885

Am 22.05.24 um 10:56 schrieb Fabio Curman via Mapbender_users:
> Dear all,
> I've been working on a QGIS project (with a POSTGIS DB in the 
> background) for a couple of months. Now I am at a certain point, where 
> I want to publish this project and Mapbender seems to be a pretty cool 
> tool therefore.
> I set up a test environment in a virtual machine using Ubuntu Server 
> 20.04. and followed the documentation. The installation seemed to work 
> without any errors, but for some reason my CSS is not loaded 
> correctly. This causes malfunction in displaying the whole 
> application, so that I cannot work with it.
> I believe it might have something to do with access rights on specific 
> folders, but I wasn't able to find any similar problem or solution on 
> the web.
> Has anybody encountered this issue yet and has an advice how to fix that?
> Best regards from Austria,
> Fabio Curman
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