[mapguide-commits] r1083 - in trunk/MgDev: Common/Foundation/System Common/MapGuideCommon Common/MapGuideCommon/Resources Server/src Server/src/Core Server/src/PostBuild Web/src/mapagent

svn_mapguide at osgeo.org svn_mapguide at osgeo.org
Wed Jan 31 16:21:41 EST 2007

Author: brucedechant
Date: 2007-01-31 16:21:41 -0500 (Wed, 31 Jan 2007)
New Revision: 1083

This change makes the server/web use a common resource file when building to facilitate easier updating. 
They will still have their own copy of the resource file when executing.

Filename changes:
web_en.res    --> mapguide_en.res
server_en.res --> mapguide_en.res

Modified: trunk/MgDev/Common/Foundation/System/Resources.cpp
--- trunk/MgDev/Common/Foundation/System/Resources.cpp	2007-01-31 18:33:44 UTC (rev 1082)
+++ trunk/MgDev/Common/Foundation/System/Resources.cpp	2007-01-31 21:21:41 UTC (rev 1083)
@@ -23,8 +23,7 @@
 const STRING MgResources::DefaultLocale              = L"en";           // Do not translate (ISO 639-1)
 const STRING MgResources::ResourceFilenameExtension  = L".res";         // Do not translate
 const STRING MgResources::ResourceFilenameUnderscore = L"_";            // Do not translate
-const STRING MgResources::ResourceComponentServer    = L"server";       // Do not translate
-const STRING MgResources::ResourceComponentWeb       = L"web";          // Do not translate
+const STRING MgResources::ResourceComponent          = L"mapguide";     // Do not translate
 // The following resouce messages are not in the resource file because there may be the case where the resource file failed to load.
 const STRING MgResources::FailedToLoadResourcesFile     = L"Failed to load the resource file \"%1\" for locale \"%2\".";
@@ -159,7 +158,7 @@
     m_path = L"../Resources/";
     // default component
-    m_component = MgResources::ResourceComponentWeb;
+    m_component = MgResources::ResourceComponent;

Modified: trunk/MgDev/Common/Foundation/System/Resources.h
--- trunk/MgDev/Common/Foundation/System/Resources.h	2007-01-31 18:33:44 UTC (rev 1082)
+++ trunk/MgDev/Common/Foundation/System/Resources.h	2007-01-31 21:21:41 UTC (rev 1083)
@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@
     /// \brief
     /// Gets the resource filename for the component and locale specified.
     /// The resource filenames use the following format:
-    ///   <component>_<ISO 639-2 name>.res
-    /// Ex: server_eng.res
+    ///   <component>_<ISO 639-1 name>.res
+    /// Ex: mapguide_en.res
     /// \param locale
     /// The locale.
@@ -166,8 +166,7 @@
         MgStringCollection* arguments);
     /// Resource Components
-    static const STRING ResourceComponentServer;
-    static const STRING ResourceComponentWeb;
+    static const STRING ResourceComponent;
     /// Default locale
     static const STRING DefaultLocale;

Added: trunk/MgDev/Common/MapGuideCommon/Resources/mapguide_en.res
--- trunk/MgDev/Common/MapGuideCommon/Resources/mapguide_en.res	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/MgDev/Common/MapGuideCommon/Resources/mapguide_en.res	2007-01-31 21:21:41 UTC (rev 1083)
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+# *****************************************************************************
+# MapGuide Resource File
+# Copyright (C) 2004-2007  Autodesk, Inc.
+# The following is the format for resources contained in this file:
+# [SectionName]
+# ResourceName = ResourceText
+# The terms used above are explained below:
+#   SectionName  - This defines the name of a resource section
+#   ResourceName - This defines the name of a resource
+#   ResourceText - This defines the text associated with the resource
+# *****************************************************************************
+# *****************************************************************************
+# E X C E P T I O N S
+# *****************************************************************************
+MgArgumentOutOfRangeException                         = Argument is out of range.
+MgArrayTypeMismatchException                          = Array type mismatch.
+MgAuthenticationFailedException                       = Authentication failed.  Please enter a valid username and password.
+MgClassNotFoundException                              = The specified class was not found.
+MgConfigurationException                              = Configuration exception: %1
+MgConfigurationSaveFailedException                    = Failed to save configuration file %1
+MgConnectionFailedException                           = Cannot establish connection.
+MgConnectionNotOpenException                          = The connection is not open.
+MgCoordinateSystemComputationFailedException          = The coordinate system computation failed.
+MgCoordinateSystemConversionFailedException           = The coordinate system conversion failed.
+MgCoordinateSystemInitializationFailedException       = The coordinate system initialization failed.
+MgCoordinateSystemLoadFailedException                 = The coordinate system load failed.
+MgCoordinateSystemMeasureFailedException              = The coordinate system measure failed.
+MgCoordinateSystemTransformFailedException            = The coordinate system transform failed.
+MgDateTimeException                                   = A date and/or time exception occurred.
+MgDbException                                         = An exception occurred in DB component.
+MgDbXmlException                                      = An exception occurred in DB XML component.
+MgDecryptionException                                 = A decryption exception occurred.
+MgDirectoryNotFoundException                          = The specified directory was not found: %1
+MgDivideByZeroException                               = Divide by zero.
+MgDomainException                                     = A domain exception occurred.
+MgDuplicateDirectoryException                         = Directory already exists: %1
+MgDuplicateFileException                              = File already exists: %1
+MgDuplicateGroupException                             = The specified group already exists: %1
+MgDuplicateNameException                              = Duplicate name: %1
+MgDuplicateObjectException                            = Duplicate object.
+MgDuplicateParameterException                         = Duplicate parameter: %1
+MgDuplicateRepositoryException                        = An existing repository was detected: %1
+MgDuplicateResourceDataException                      = An existing resource data was detected: %1
+MgDuplicateResourceException                          = An existing resource was detected: %1
+MgDuplicateRoleException                              = The specified role already exists: %1
+MgDuplicateServerException                            = Server already exists: %1
+MgDuplicateSessionException                           = Session already exists.
+MgDuplicateUserException                              = The specified user already exists: %1
+MgDwfException                                        = An exception occurred in DWF component.
+MgDwfSectionNotFoundException                         = The specified section was not found: %1
+MgDwfSectionResourceNotFoundException                 = The specified section resource was not found: %1
+MgEmptyFeatureSetException                            = The feature set is empty.
+MgEncryptionException                                 = An encryption exception occurred.
+MgEndOfStreamException                                = End of stream exception.
+MgEvaluationExpiredException                          = This evaluation version expired on: %1
+MgFdoException                                        = An exception occurred in FDO component.
+MgFeatureServiceException                             = Feature Service exception - %1
+MgFileIoException                                     = A file IO exception occurred: %1
+MgFileNotFoundException                               = The specified file was not found: %1
+MgGeometryException                                   = A geometry exception occurred.
+MgGroupNotFoundException                              = The specified group was not found: %1
+MgIndexOutOfRangeException                            = Index is out of range.
+MgInvalidArgumentException                            = Invalid argument(s):
+MgInvalidCastException                                = Invalid cast.
+MgInvalidCoordinateSystemException                    = The coordinate system is invalid. %1
+MgInvalidCoordinateSystemTypeException                = The coordinate system type is invalid.
+MgInvalidCoordinateSystemUnitsException               = The coordinate system units are invalid.
+MgInvalidDwfPackageException                          = Invalid DWF package: %1
+MgInvalidDwfSectionException                          = Invalid DWF section: %1
+MgInvalidFeatureSourceException                       = Feature Source - %1
+MgInvalidIpAddressException                           = Invalid IP address: %1
+MgInvalidLicenseException                             = Invalid license.
+MgInvalidLogEntryException                            = An invalid log entry was found.
+MgInvalidMapDefinitionException                       = The map definition is invalid.
+MgInvalidMimeTypeException                            = Invalid mime type: %1
+MgInvalidOperationException                           = The requested operation is invalid.
+MgInvalidOperationVersionException                    = The requested operation version is invalid.
+MgInvalidPasswordException                            = The password is invalid.
+MgInvalidPrintLayoutFontSizeUnitsException            = The Print Layout has invalid Font Size Units.
+MgInvalidPrintLayoutPositionUnitsException            = The Print Layout has invalid Position Units.
+MgInvalidPrintLayoutSizeUnitsException                = The Print Layout has invalid Size Units.
+MgInvalidPropertyTypeException                        = The Property Type is invalid.
+MgInvalidRepositoryNameException                      = Invalid repository name: %1
+MgInvalidRepositoryTypeException                      = Invalid repository type.
+MgInvalidResourceDataNameException                    = Invalid resource data name: %1
+MgInvalidResourceDataTypeException                    = Invalid resource data type.
+MgInvalidResourceNameException                        = Invalid resource name: %1
+MgInvalidResourcePathException                        = Invalid resource path: %1
+MgInvalidResourcePreProcessingTypeException           = Invalid resource pre-processing type.
+MgInvalidResourceTypeException                        = Invalid resource type.
+MgInvalidServerNameException                          = Invalid server name: %1
+MgInvalidSerialNumberException                        = Invalid serial number: %1
+MgInvalidStreamHeaderException                        = Invalid stream header exception.
+MgIoException                                         = An IO exception occurred.
+MgLayerNotFoundException                              = The specified layer was not found: %1
+MgLengthException                                     = A length exception occurred.
+MgLicenseException                                    = License exception.
+MgLicenseExpiredException                             = License has expired on %1.
+MgLogicException                                      = Logic exception.
+MgLogOpenFailedException                              = Failed to open package log file %1.  Check permissions on folder.
+MgNotFiniteNumberException                            = Not a finite number.
+MgNotImplementedException                             = Not implemented.
+MgNullArgumentException                               = Argument is null.
+MgNullPropertyValueException                          = Value for %1 property is null.
+MgNullReferenceException                              = Null reference.
+MgObjectNotFoundException                             = The specified object was not found.
+MgOperationProcessingException                        = Unable to process the operation.
+MgOutOfMemoryException                                = Out of memory.
+MgOutOfRangeException                                 = Out of range.
+MgOverflowException                                   = Overflow exception.
+MgParameterNotFoundException                          = Parameter was not found: %1
+MgPathTooLongException                                = The specified path is too long: %1
+MgPermissionDeniedException                           = Permission denied to resource: %1
+MgPlatformNotSupportedException                       = Platform is not supported.
+MgPortNotAvailableException                           = Port %1 is not available, please try using a different port.
+MgPrintToScaleModeNotSelectedException                = The print to scale mode is not selected.
+MgRepositoryCreationFailedException                   = Cannot create repository: %1
+MgRepositoryNotFoundException                         = Repository was not found: %1
+MgRepositoryNotOpenException                          = Repository is not open: %1
+MgRepositoryOpenFailedException                       = Cannot open repository: %1
+MgResourceBusyException                               = Please try your operation later as the resource was busy: %1
+MgResourceDataNotFoundException                       = Resource data was not found: %1
+MgResourceNotFoundException                           = Resource was not found: %1
+MgResourcesException                                  = Resources exception: %1 %2
+MgResourceTagNotFoundException                        = Resource tag was not found: %1
+MgRoleNotFoundException                               = The specified role was not found: %1
+MgRuntimeException                                    = Runtime exception.
+MgServerNotFoundException                             = Server was not found: %1
+MgServerNotOnlineException                            = The Server is not online.
+MgServiceNotAvailableException                        = The specified service is not available.
+MgServiceNotSupportedException                        = The specified service is not supported.
+MgSessionExpiredException                             = Session has expired or is invalid. Please log in again.
+MgSessionNotFoundException                            = A required session was not found.
+MgStreamIoException                                   = A stream IO exception occurred.
+MgStylizeLayerFailedException                         = Failed to stylize layer: %1
+MgTemporaryFileNotAvailableException                  = Temporary file is not available.
+MgUnauthorizedAccessException                         = Unauthorized access.
+MgUnclassifiedException                               = An unclassified exception occurred.
+MgUnderflowException                                  = Underflow exception.
+MgUriFormatException                                  = Uri format exception.
+MgUserNotFoundException                               = The specified user was not found: %1
+MgXmlException                                        = An XML exception occurred.
+MgXmlParserException                                  = An exception occurred in the XML parser.
+# *****************************************************************************
+# E R R O R  D E S C R I P T I O N
+# *****************************************************************************
+MgArgumentsMismatch                                   = The arguments needed do not match the arguments provided.
+MgClassWOIdentity                                     = A class definition has no identity property.
+MgCollectionEmpty                                     = The collection cannot be empty. 
+MgConfigurationPropertyLengthIsInvalid                = The value of property %1 under section %2 is %3. Its length must be %4
+MgConfigurationPropertyLengthIsOutOfRange             = The value of property %1 under section %2 is %3. Its length must be between %4 and %5
+MgConfigurationPropertyValueContainsReservedCharacters= The value of property %1 under section %2 is %3. It must not contain any of the following reserved characters %4
+MgConfigurationPropertyValueIsNotSpecified            = The value of property %1 under section %2 must be specified.
+MgConfigurationPropertyValueIsOutOfRange              = The value of property %1 under section %2 is %3. It must be between %4 and %5
+MgContentDocumentNotEmpty                             = The content document is not empty.
+MgContentNotNull                                      = The content is not null.
+MgCoordinateDimensionDifferent                        = The coordinate dimensions are different.
+MgDataReaderIdNotFound                                = The data reader ID was not found.
+MgDocumentIdentifierFilenameFailed                    = Failed to get the filename from the document identifier because no matching document path found.
+MgFailedToGetFileNameForDates                         = Failed to get the filename for the specified dates.
+MgFailedToLoadFdoLibrary                              = Failed to load FDO library.
+MgFailedToRetrieveSystemExceptionMesage               = Failed to retrieve the system exception mesage. This message may not be unicode compliant.
+MgFailedToRetrieveThirdPartyExceptionMesage           = Failed to retrieve the third party exception mesage. This message may not be unicode compliant.
+MgFeatureReaderIdNotFound                             = The feature reader ID was not found.
+MgFilenamesIdentical                                  = The filenames cannot be the same.
+MgFormatExceptionStackTrace                           = Exception occurred in method %1 at line %2 in file %3
+MgFormatAllExceptionStackTrace                        = - %1 line %2 file %3
+MgFormatInnerExceptionMessage                         = %1
+MgGeometryEmpty                                       = The geometry cannot be empty.
+MgGeometryPropertyEmpty                               = The geometry property cannot be empty. 
+MgGroupAndRoleNotEmpty                                = Both the group and role are not empty.
+MgHeaderDocumentNotEmpty                              = The header document is not empty.
+MgInvalidAgfText                                      = The AGF text is invalid because it failed to parse into a valid geometry object.
+MgInvalidCollectionSize                               = The collection is invalid because the size was not what was expected.
+MgInvalidDateDifference                               = The date is invalid because there cannot be more than a 24 hour difference.
+MgInvalidDataType                                     = The data type is invalid because it is not recognized.
+MgInvalidDay                                          = The day is invalid because it must be between 1 and 31.
+MgInvalidEnvelope                                     = The envelope contains the incorrect number of points.
+MgInvalidEnvelopeCoordinates                          = The coordinates cannot be used because they are not matched to the lower left and the upper right of an envelope.
+MgInvalidFdoDataType                                  = The FDO data type is invalid because it is not recognized.
+MgInvalidFdoDateTime                                  = The FDO date time is invalid because not all of the fields were found.
+MgInvalidFeatureSpatialOperation                      = The feature spatial operation is invalid because it is not recognized.
+MgInvalidFromDate                                     = The from date is invalid because it comes after the to date.
+MgInvalidGeometryBadProportion                        = The geometry is invalid because the proportion must be between 0.0 and 1.0.
+MgInvalidGeometryComponentType                        = The geometry component type is invalid because it is not recognized.
+MgInvalidGeometryNoDimension                          = The geometry is invalid because the dimension is 0.
+MgInvalidGeometryTooFewCoordinates                    = The geometry is invalid because it has too few coordinates.
+MgInvalidGeometryType                                 = The geometry type is invalid because it is not recognized.
+MgInvalidHour                                         = The hour is invalid because it must be between 0 and 23.
+MgInvalidImageSizeTooBig                              = The requested image size exceeds the maximum.
+MgInvalidIpConfigurationForLocalMachine               = The machine IP is not a local host.
+MgInvalidIpConfigurationForSiteServer                 = This server (%1) is configured as a site server but has a different IP address than the site server (%2).
+MgInvalidIpConfigurationForSupportServer              = This server (%1) is configured as a support server but has the same IP address as the site server (%2).
+MgInvalidLogType                                      = The log type is invalid because it is not recognized.
+MgInvalidMapPlotCollectionMapPlotInstruction          = The map plot is invalid because it contains an unrecognized map plot instruction.
+MgInvalidMicroSecond                                  = The microsecond is invalid because it must be between 0 and 999999.
+MgInvalidMinute                                       = The minute is invalid because it must be between 0 and 59.
+MgInvalidMonth                                        = The month is invalid because it must be between 1 and 12.
+MgInvalidNode                                         = The node is invalid because it is not an element node or a document node.
+MgInvalidPrintLayoutPageSizeUnits                     = The print layout is invalid because it contains unrecognized page size units.
+MgInvalidPropertyType                                 = The property type is invalid because it is not recognized.
+MgInvalidPropertyTypeForCommand                       = The property type is invalid for the command because it was of a different type then expected.
+MgInvalidResourceCannotBeRoot                         = The resource is invalid because it cannot be the root.
+MgInvalidSecond                                       = The second is invalid because it must be between 0 and 59.
+MgInvalidServiceType                                  = The service type is invalid because it is not recognized.
+MgInvalidSessionsId                                   = The session ID is invalid because the session separator character was not found.
+MgInvalidStringConversion                             = The string is invalid and cannot be converted.
+MgInvalidStringTrim                                   = The string was trimmed and it's size now differs from the original.
+MgInvalidTCPProtocol                                  = The TCP/IP protocol is mismatched between the Server and Web Extensions.  Please install the same version of Server and Web Extensions.
+MgInvalidValueOutsideRange                            = The value is invalid because it must be between the valid range of values.
+MgInvalidValueTooBig                                  = The value is invalid because it is too large.
+MgInvalidValueTooSmall                                = The value is invalid because it is too small.
+MgInvalidWebAction                                    = The web action is invalid because it is not recognized.
+MgInvalidWebTargetType                                = The web target type is invalid because it is not recognized.
+MgInvalidWebTargetViewerType                          = The web target viewer type is invalid because it is not recognized.
+MgInvalidWebWidgetType                                = The web widget type is invalid because it is not recognized.
+MgInvalidXmlDateTime                                  = The Xml date time is invalid because not all of the fields were found.
+MgInvalidYear                                         = The year is invalid because it must be between 1 and 9999.
+MgMapLayerGroupNameNotFound                           = The map layer group name was not found.
+MgMissingClassDef                                     = No class definition specified.
+MgMissingSchema                                       = No schema specified.
+MgMissingSrs                                          = No coordinate system specified.
+MgNameNotFound                                        = The name was not found.
+MgPropertyValuesEmpty                                 = The property values cannot be empty. 
+MgReaderIdNotFound                                    = The reader ID was not found.
+MgRepositoryAlreadyOpened                             = The repository is already opened by another process (e.g. If you are running the server interactively as an application from the command line, are you also running the server as a service?).
+MgResourceDataFilePathEmpty                           = The resource data file path is empty.
+MgResourceNameDoesNotContainSectionName               = The resource name does not contain a section name.
+MgResourceNameSeparatorNotFound                       = The resource name separator was not found.
+MgResourceRootPathsDifferent                          = The resource root paths cannot be different.
+MgResourceTypesDifferent                              = The resource types cannot be different.
+MgResourcesIdentical                                  = The resources cannot be the same.
+MgSqlReaderIdNotFound                                 = The SQL reader ID was not found.
+MgStringContainsReservedCharacters                    = The string cannot contain reserved characters %1
+MgStringEmpty                                         = The string cannot be empty. 
+MgStringTooLong                                       = The string is too long.
+MgTagFieldNotFound                                    = The tag contained no fields.
+MgUnsupportedService                                  = The site/resource services cannot be enabled/disabled.
+MgUserAndGroupNotEmpty                                = Both the user and group are not empty.
+MgUserAndRoleNotEmpty                                 = Both the user and role are not empty.
+MgValueCannotBeLessThanOrEqualToZero                  = The value cannot be less than or equal to zero.
+MgValueCannotBeLessThanZero                           = The value cannot be less than zero.
+MgValueCannotBeZero                                   = The value cannot be zero.
+# *****************************************************************************
+# D R A W I N G  S E R V I C E
+# *****************************************************************************
+# *****************************************************************************
+# F E A T U R E  S E R V I C E
+# *****************************************************************************
+MgBatchInsertNotSupported                             = Provider does not support batch insert. Only one Feature instance is allowed.
+MgCommandNotSupported                                 = Command is not supported by Provider.
+MgCustomFunctionNotSupported                          = Aggregate function specified not supported or invalid data type
+MgGroupingNotSupported                                = Grouping is not supported by provider
+MgInsertError                                         = Error occurred while insert operation, no ID to retrieve
+MgInvalidComputedProperty                             = Invalid Computed property specified, Make sure valid no of arguments are specified
+MgInvalidConnectionString                             = Invalid Connection String.
+MgInvalidFdoProvider                                  = Invalid Feature Provider specified.
+MgInvalidPropertyName                                 = Invalid Property Name found.
+MgMissingConfiguration                                = No configuration specified.
+MgMissingPropertyAlias                                = Alias for computed property is missing
+MgMissingRasterProperty                               = No Raster Property available in the class.
+MgNoFeaturesForInsert                                 = No Features for Insert supplied
+MgOnlyOnePropertyAllowed                              = Only one aggregate function of this kind is supported
+MgOrderingOptionNotSupported                          = Ordering Option is not supported by provider
+MgPropertyNotEnumerable                               = Property specified is not enumerable.
+# *****************************************************************************
+# K M L  S E R V I C E
+# *****************************************************************************
+# *****************************************************************************
+# M A P P I N G  S E R V I C E
+# *****************************************************************************
+# *****************************************************************************
+# R E N D E R I N G  S E R V I C E
+# *****************************************************************************
+# *****************************************************************************
+# R E S O U R C E  S E R V I C E
+# *****************************************************************************
+MgPackageStatusMessageLoadPackageFailed               = LOAD FAILED: %1 failed to load package on %2
+MgPackageStatusMessageLoadPackageInProgress           = Loading package %1 ...
+MgPackageStatusMessageLoadPackageSucceeded            = LOAD SUCCEEDED: %1 successfully loaded package on %2
+MgPackageStatusMessageMakePackageFailed               = MAKE FAILED: %1 failed to make package on %2
+MgPackageStatusMessageMakePackageInProgress           = Making package %1 ...
+MgPackageStatusMessageMakePackageSucceeded            = MAKE SUCCEEDED: %1 successfully made package on %2
+MgPackageStatusMessageNotStarted                      = Not started
+MgPackageStatusMessageUnknown                         = Unknown
+MgRepositoryBusy                                      = Please try your operation later as the repository was busy.
+MgSchemaFileNotFound                                  = The specified schema file is not found: %1
+MgSchemaFileNotSpecified                              = No schema file is specified in the XML document.
+# *****************************************************************************
+# S E R V E R A D M I N  S E R V I C E
+# *****************************************************************************
+# *****************************************************************************
+# S I T E  S E R V I C E
+# *****************************************************************************
+MgGroupDescriptionEveryone                            = Built-in group to include all users
+MgRoleDescriptionAdministrator                        = Administrator role
+MgRoleDescriptionAuthor                               = Author role
+MgRoleDescriptionViewer                               = Viewer role
+MgUserDescriptionAdministrator                        = Built-in account for administering the site
+MgUserDescriptionAnonymous                            = Built-in account for guests with Viewer role
+MgUserDescriptionAuthor                               = Built-in account for users with Author role
+MgUserDescriptionWfsUser                              = Built-in account for WFS users with Viewer role
+MgUserDescriptionWmsUser                              = Built-in account for WMS users with Viewer role
+MgUserFullNameAdministrator                           = Site Administrator
+MgUserFullNameAnonymous                               = Anonymous User
+MgUserFullNameAuthor                                  = Map Author
+MgUserFullNameWfsUser                                 = WFS User
+MgUserFullNameWmsUser                                 = WMS User
+# *****************************************************************************
+# T I L E  S E R V I C E
+# *****************************************************************************

Property changes on: trunk/MgDev/Common/MapGuideCommon/Resources/mapguide_en.res
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Modified: trunk/MgDev/Server/src/Core/Makefile.am
--- trunk/MgDev/Server/src/Core/Makefile.am	2007-01-31 18:33:44 UTC (rev 1082)
+++ trunk/MgDev/Server/src/Core/Makefile.am	2007-01-31 21:21:41 UTC (rev 1083)
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
 Resources :
 	@mkdir Resources
-	@cp -f ../Resources/server_en.res Resources/server_en.res
+	@cp -f ../../../Common/MapGuideCommon/Resources/mapguide_en.res Resources/mapguide_en.res
 Schema :
 	@mkdir Schema
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@
 	test -d $(proj4naddir) || $(mkinstalldirs) $(proj4naddir)
 	test -d $(fdodir) || $(mkinstalldirs) $(fdodir)
 	test -d $(daemondir) || $(mkinstalldirs) $(daemondir)
-	@cp -fp ../Resources/*.res $(resourcesdir)
+	@cp -fp ../../../Common/MapGuideCommon/Resources/*.res $(resourcesdir)
 	@cp -fp ../Wms/* $(wmsdir)
 	@cp -fp ../Wfs/* $(wfsdir)
 	test -d $(schemadir) || $(mkinstalldirs) $(schemadir)

Modified: trunk/MgDev/Server/src/Core/Server.cpp
--- trunk/MgDev/Server/src/Core/Server.cpp	2007-01-31 18:33:44 UTC (rev 1082)
+++ trunk/MgDev/Server/src/Core/Server.cpp	2007-01-31 21:21:41 UTC (rev 1083)
@@ -122,7 +122,6 @@
         // If additional locales are needed they will be loaded/cached on demand.
         ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("(%P|%t) MgServer::init() - Loading resources.\n")));
         MgResources* pResources = MgResources::GetInstance();
-        pResources->SetComponent(MgResources::ResourceComponentServer);
         // Try loading the specified locale resource. If it fails default to loading "en". 

Modified: trunk/MgDev/Server/src/PostBuild/PostBuild.mak
--- trunk/MgDev/Server/src/PostBuild/PostBuild.mak	2007-01-31 18:33:44 UTC (rev 1082)
+++ trunk/MgDev/Server/src/PostBuild/PostBuild.mak	2007-01-31 21:21:41 UTC (rev 1083)
@@ -111,9 +111,9 @@
     if NOT EXIST ..\..\bin\debug\Schema\nul mkdir ..\..\bin\debug\Schema
     xcopy /r /y /d ..\..\..\Common\Schema\*.xsd ..\..\bin\debug\Schema
-CopyResourcesDebug : ..\..\src\Resources\server_en.res
+CopyResourcesDebug : ..\..\..\Common\MapGuideCommon\Resources\mapguide_en.res
     if NOT EXIST ..\..\bin\debug\Resources\nul mkdir ..\..\bin\debug\Resources
-    xcopy /r /d /y "..\..\src\Resources\server_en.res" ..\..\bin\debug\Resources\
+    xcopy /r /d /y "..\..\..\Common\MapGuideCommon\Resources\mapguide_en.res" ..\..\bin\debug\Resources\
 CopyOgcFilesDebug : ..\..\src\wms\*.awd ..\..\src\wfs\*.awd
     if NOT EXIST    ..\..\bin\debug\wms\nul  mkdir ..\..\bin\debug\wms
@@ -332,9 +332,9 @@
     if NOT EXIST ..\..\bin\release\Schema\nul mkdir ..\..\bin\release\Schema
     xcopy /r /y /d ..\..\..\Common\Schema\*.xsd ..\..\bin\release\Schema
-CopyResourcesRelease : ..\..\src\Resources\server_en.res
+CopyResourcesRelease : ..\..\..\Common\MapGuideCommon\Resources\mapguide_en.res
     if NOT EXIST ..\..\bin\release\Resources\nul mkdir ..\..\bin\release\Resources
-    xcopy /r /d /y "..\..\src\Resources\server_en.res" ..\..\bin\release\Resources\
+    xcopy /r /d /y "..\..\..\Common\MapGuideCommon\Resources\mapguide_en.res" ..\..\bin\release\Resources\
 CopyOgcFilesRelease: ..\..\src\wms\*.awd ..\..\src\wfs\*.awd
     if NOT EXIST ..\..\bin\release\wms\nul  mkdir ..\..\bin\release\wms

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