[mapguide-commits] r1255 - trunk/MgDev/Common/Stylization

svn_mapguide at osgeo.org svn_mapguide at osgeo.org
Fri Mar 16 12:51:51 EDT 2007

Author: traianstanev
Date: 2007-03-16 12:51:51 -0400 (Fri, 16 Mar 2007)
New Revision: 1255

Forgot to add the actual new header files.

Added: trunk/MgDev/Common/Stylization/SE_RenderProxies.h
--- trunk/MgDev/Common/Stylization/SE_RenderProxies.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/MgDev/Common/Stylization/SE_RenderProxies.h	2007-03-16 16:51:51 UTC (rev 1255)
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+//  Copyright (C) 2007 by Autodesk, Inc.
+//  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+//  modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser
+//  General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+//  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+//  Lesser General Public License for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+//  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+//  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+#include "SE_Bounds.h"
+#include "SE_LineBuffer.h"
+enum SE_RenderPrimitiveType
+    SE_RenderPolylinePrimitive,
+    SE_RenderPolygonPrimitive,
+    SE_RenderTextPrimitive,
+    SE_RenderRasterPrimitive
+enum SE_RenderStyleType
+    SE_RenderPointStyleType,
+    SE_RenderLineStyleType,
+    SE_RenderAreaStyleType
+//        SE_RenderPrimitives
+struct SE_RenderPrimitive
+    SE_RenderPrimitiveType type;
+    bool resize;
+    SE_Bounds* bounds;
+struct SE_RenderPolyline : public SE_RenderPrimitive
+    SE_LineBuffer* geometry;
+    double weight;
+    unsigned int color;
+    SE_INLINE SE_RenderPolyline() { type = SE_RenderPolylinePrimitive; }
+    ~SE_RenderPolyline() { if (geometry) geometry->Free(); }
+struct SE_RenderPolygon : public SE_RenderPolyline
+    unsigned int fill;
+    SE_INLINE SE_RenderPolygon() { type = SE_RenderPolygonPrimitive; }
+    ~SE_RenderPolygon() {  }
+struct SE_RenderText : public SE_RenderPrimitive
+    std::wstring text;
+    double position[2];
+    RS_TextDef tdef;
+    SE_INLINE SE_RenderText() { type = SE_RenderTextPrimitive; }
+/* Caching, if any, is left to the implementor of SE_Renderer */
+struct SE_RenderRaster : public SE_RenderPrimitive
+    const unsigned char* pngPtr;
+    int pngSize;
+    double position[2];
+    double extent[2];
+    double angle;
+    SE_INLINE SE_RenderRaster() : pngPtr(0), pngSize(0) { type = SE_RenderRasterPrimitive; }
+typedef std::vector<SE_RenderPrimitive*> SE_RenderPrimitiveList;
+//        SE_RenderStyles
+struct SE_RenderStyle
+    SE_INLINE SE_RenderStyle(SE_RenderStyleType stype) 
+        : type(stype),
+          drawLast(false),
+          checkExclusionRegions(false),
+          addToExclusionRegions(false),
+          bounds(NULL)
+    { }
+    ~SE_RenderStyle()
+    {
+        for (SE_RenderPrimitiveList::iterator iter = symbol.begin(); iter != symbol.end(); iter++)
+        {
+            //necessary since destructor of SE_RenderPrimitive is not virtual
+            //we may want to figure out a better scheme to manage render primitives
+            switch ((*iter)->type)
+            {
+            case SE_RenderPolylinePrimitive: delete (SE_RenderPolyline*)(*iter);break;
+            case SE_RenderPolygonPrimitive: delete (SE_RenderPolygon*)(*iter);break;
+            case SE_RenderRasterPrimitive: delete (SE_RenderRaster*)(*iter);break;
+            case SE_RenderTextPrimitive: delete (SE_RenderText*)(*iter);break;
+            default: throw; //means there is a bug
+            }
+        }
+        if (bounds) bounds->Free();
+    }
+    SE_RenderStyleType type;
+    SE_RenderPrimitiveList symbol;
+    SE_Bounds* bounds;
+    int renderPass;
+    bool drawLast;
+    bool checkExclusionRegions;
+    bool addToExclusionRegions;
+struct SE_RenderPointStyle : public SE_RenderStyle
+    SE_INLINE SE_RenderPointStyle() : SE_RenderStyle(SE_RenderPointStyleType) { }
+struct SE_RenderLineStyle : public SE_RenderStyle
+    SE_INLINE SE_RenderLineStyle() : SE_RenderStyle(SE_RenderLineStyleType) { }
+    const wchar_t* angleControl;
+    const wchar_t* unitsControl;
+    const wchar_t* vertexControl;
+//  const wchar_t* join;
+    double angle;
+    double startOffset;
+    double endOffset;
+    double repeat;
+    double vertexAngleLimit;
+struct SE_RenderAreaStyle : public SE_RenderStyle
+    SE_INLINE SE_RenderAreaStyle() : SE_RenderStyle(SE_RenderAreaStyleType) { }
+    const wchar_t* angleControl;
+    const wchar_t* originControl;
+    const wchar_t* clippingControl;
+    double angle;
+    double origin[2];
+    double repeat[2];
+    double bufferWidth;
+class SE_LabelInfo
+    SE_RenderStyle* symbol;
+    double x;
+    double y;
+    double dx;
+    double dy;
+    double anglerad;
+    RS_Units dunits;    
+    SE_INLINE SE_LabelInfo() :
+        x(0.0),
+        y(0.0),
+        dx(0.0),
+        dy(0.0),
+        anglerad(0.0),
+        symbol(NULL)
+    { }
+    SE_INLINE SE_LabelInfo (double _x, double _y, double _dx, double _dy, RS_Units _dunits, double _anglerad, SE_RenderStyle* _symbol)
+                 : x(_x), y(_y), dx(_dx), dy(_dy), dunits(_dunits), anglerad(_anglerad), symbol(_symbol)
+    { }

Added: trunk/MgDev/Common/Stylization/SE_SymbolDefProxies.h
--- trunk/MgDev/Common/Stylization/SE_SymbolDefProxies.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/MgDev/Common/Stylization/SE_SymbolDefProxies.h	2007-03-16 16:51:51 UTC (rev 1255)
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+//  Copyright (C) 2007 by Autodesk, Inc.
+//  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+//  modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser
+//  General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+//  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+//  Lesser General Public License for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+//  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+//  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+#include "SE_LineBuffer.h"
+//        SE_Primitives
+enum SE_PrimitiveType
+    SE_PolylinePrimitive,
+    SE_PolygonPrimitive,
+    SE_TextPrimitive,
+    SE_RasterPrimitive
+enum SE_StyleType
+    SE_PointStyleType,
+    SE_LineStyleType,
+    SE_AreaStyleType
+struct SE_Primitive
+    SE_PrimitiveType type;
+    GraphicElement::ResizeControl resize;
+    bool cacheable;
+typedef std::vector<SE_Primitive*> SE_PrimitiveList;
+struct SE_Polyline : public SE_Primitive
+    SE_LineBuffer* geometry;
+    SE_Double weight;
+    SE_Color color;
+    SE_Boolean weightScalable;
+    SE_INLINE SE_Polyline() : weight(0.0) { type = SE_PolylinePrimitive; }
+    ~SE_Polyline() { geometry->Free(); }
+struct SE_Polygon : public SE_Polyline
+    SE_Color fill;
+    SE_INLINE SE_Polygon() { type = SE_PolygonPrimitive; weight = 0.0; } 
+    ~SE_Polygon() { geometry->Free(); }
+/* Font/properties caching is left to the implementor of SE_Renderer */
+struct SE_Text : public SE_Primitive
+    SE_String textExpr;
+    SE_String fontExpr;
+    SE_Double position[2];
+    SE_Double size; // pt
+    SE_Double angle;
+    SE_Boolean underlined;
+    SE_Boolean italic;
+    SE_Boolean bold;
+    SE_Double lineSpacing;
+    SE_String hAlignment;
+    SE_String vAlignment;
+    SE_String justification;
+    SE_Color textColor;
+    SE_Color ghostColor;
+    SE_INLINE SE_Text() { type = SE_TextPrimitive;  }
+struct SE_Raster : public SE_Primitive
+    SE_String pngPath;
+    const unsigned char* pngPtr;
+    int pngSize;
+    SE_Double position[2];
+    SE_Double extent[2];
+    SE_Double angle;
+    SE_INLINE SE_Raster() { type = SE_RasterPrimitive; }
+//        SE_Styles
+struct SE_Style
+    SE_StyleType type;
+    SE_PrimitiveList symbol;
+    SE_Integer renderPass;
+    bool useBox;
+    SE_Double resizePosition[2];
+    SE_Double resizeSize[2];
+    ResizeBox::GrowControl resize;
+    SE_INLINE SE_Style(SE_StyleType stype) : type(stype) { }
+    ~SE_Style()
+    {
+        for (SE_PrimitiveList::iterator iter = symbol.begin(); iter != symbol.end(); iter++)
+            delete *iter;
+    }
+struct SE_PointStyle : public SE_Style
+    SE_INLINE SE_PointStyle() : SE_Style(SE_PointStyleType) { }
+    SE_String angleControl;
+    SE_Double angle;
+    SE_Double originOffset[2];
+struct SE_LineStyle : public SE_Style
+    SE_INLINE SE_LineStyle() : SE_Style(SE_LineStyleType) { }
+    SE_String angleControl;
+    SE_String unitsControl;
+    SE_String vertexControl;
+//  SE_String join;
+    SE_Double angle;
+    SE_Double startOffset;
+    SE_Double endOffset;
+    SE_Double repeat;
+    SE_Double vertexAngleLimit;
+struct SE_AreaStyle : public SE_Style
+    SE_INLINE SE_AreaStyle() : SE_Style(SE_AreaStyleType) { }
+    SE_String angleControl;
+    SE_String originControl;
+    SE_String clippingControl;
+    SE_Double angle;
+    SE_Double origin[2];
+    SE_Double repeat[2];
+    SE_Double bufferWidth;
+struct SE_Symbolization
+    std::vector<SE_Style*> styles;
+    SE_Double scale[2];
+    SE_Double absOffset[2];
+    MdfModel::SizeContext context;
+    SE_Boolean drawLast;
+    SE_Boolean checkExclusionRegions;
+    SE_Boolean addToExclusionRegions;
+    std::wstring positioningAlgorithm;
+    ~SE_Symbolization()
+    {
+        for (std::vector<SE_Style*>::iterator iter = styles.begin(); iter != styles.end(); iter++)
+            //TODO: SE_Styles have no virtual destructor but they don't seem to need
+            //to free stuff specific to the derived classes
+            delete *iter;
+        styles.clear();
+    }
+struct SE_Rule
+    std::vector<SE_Symbolization*> symbolization;
+    RS_String legendLabel;  // no expressions on this guy
+    FdoFilter* filter;
+    ~SE_Rule()
+    {
+        if (filter) filter->Release();
+        for (std::vector<SE_Symbolization*>::iterator iter = symbolization.begin(); iter != symbolization.end(); iter++)
+            delete *iter;
+        symbolization.clear();
+    }

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