[mapguide-commits] r1309 - in trunk/MgDev/Oem/gdal-1.4.0: . ogr port

svn_mapguide at osgeo.org svn_mapguide at osgeo.org
Tue Mar 20 20:50:26 EDT 2007

Author: stevedang
Date: 2007-03-20 20:50:25 -0400 (Tue, 20 Mar 2007)
New Revision: 1309

GDAL 1.4.0 upgrade (part 1):
- Fix MapGuide crashing problem on debug Windows.
- Incorporate changes made to GDAL 1.3.0 (e.g. adding support for additional projections, fixing leaks in CPLFinderClean, allowing custom name for PDB file).

Modified: trunk/MgDev/Oem/gdal-1.4.0/nmake.opt
--- trunk/MgDev/Oem/gdal-1.4.0/nmake.opt	2007-03-21 00:47:37 UTC (rev 1308)
+++ trunk/MgDev/Oem/gdal-1.4.0/nmake.opt	2007-03-21 00:50:25 UTC (rev 1309)
@@ -1,278 +1,278 @@
-# Location to install .exe, .dll and python stuff
-# Edit as required. GDAL_HOME is used for convenience here,
-# but this particular relative organization is not mandatory.
-# But the paths *should* be absolute (relative paths mess up in submakefiles).
-GDAL_HOME = "C:\warmerda\bld"
-INCDIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\include
-# Set this to the installed directory containing python.  If you don't
-# have python just let it point to a directory that does not exist (as now). 
-PYDIR   =	"C:\Software\Python24"
-# Set the location of your SWIG installation
-SWIG = D:\swig\swig-1.3.25\swig.exe
-# Uncomment the first for an optimized build or the second for a debug build.
-#OPTFLAGS=	/nologo /MD /EHsc /Ox
-OPTFLAGS=	/nologo /MD /EHsc /Zi /Fd$(GDAL_ROOT)\gdal.pdb
-# Uncomment the following if you are building for 64-bit windows
-# (x64). You'll need to have PATH, INCLUDE and LIB set up for 64-bit
-# compiles.
-# If you don't want some entry points to have STDCALL conventions, 
-# comment out the following and add -DCPL_DISABLE_STDCALL in OPTFLAGS.
-# This option has no effect on 64-bit windows.
-# Version number embedded in DLL name. 
-# Uncomment the following to link OGR utilities against main GDAL DLL
-# instead of statically linking against OGR libraries.
-# Enable all OGR formats, or only raster formats?  Comment out to disable
-# vector formats. 
-# Location of Visual C++ directory (only required for following SETARGV stuff)
-VCDIR   = 	D:\Software\VStudio\VC98
-# Enable the following if VCDIR set properly, and you want the utility
-# programs to be able to expand wildcards. 
-#SETARGV =	"$(VCDIR)\lib\setargv.obj"
-# Comment out the following to disable BSB support.
-# Comment out the following to disable ODBC support.
-# Comment out the following to disable JPEG support.
-#if using an external jpeg library uncomment the follwing lines
-#JPEGDIR = c:/projects/jpeg-6b
-#JPEG_LIB = $(JPEGDIR)/libjpeg.lib
-#if using an external png library uncomment the follwing lines
-#PNGDIR = c:/projects/libpng-1.0.8
-#PNG_LIB = $(PNGDIR)/libpng.lib
-# if using an external libtiff library
-#TIFF_INC =	-Ic:/warmerda/libtiff/libtiff
-#TIFF_LIB =	c:/warmerda/libtiff/libtiff/libtiff_i.lib
-# if using an external libgeotiff library
-#GEOTIFF_INC =   -Ic:/warmerda/libgeotiff -Ic:/warmerda/libgeotiff/libxtiff
-#GEOTIFF_LIB =   C:/warmerda/libgeotiff/geotiff_i.lib
-# Uncomment the following and update to enable ECW support.
-#ECWDIR  = 	C:\warmerda\libecwj2-3.3
-#ECWLIB  = 	$(ECWDIR)\Source\NCSBuildQmake\Debug\libecwj2.lib
-# DWG/DXF support via DWGdirect from Open Design Alliance
-#DWG_LIB=$(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_AcisBuilder_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_AcisRenderer_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Alloc_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_BmpExport_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Br_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Db_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_DwfExport_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_DwfImport_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Ge_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Gi_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Gs_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_ModelerGeometry_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Root_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Sm_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_SpatialIndex_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_VC6MD_OleDataAccess_dll.lib
-# Uncomment the following and update to enable OGDI support.
-#OGDIDIR =	D:\warmerda\iii\devdir
-#OGDIVER =	31
-#OGDILIB =	$(OGDIDIR)\lib\$(TARGET)\ogdi$(OGDIVER).lib \
-#		$(OGDIDIR)\lib\$(TARGET)\zlib_ogdi$(OGDIVER).lib
-# Uncomment for Xerces based GML support.
-#XERCES_DIR =	c:\warmerda\supportlibs\xerces-c_2_6_0
-#XERCES_INCLUDE = -I$(XERCES_DIR)/include -I$(XERCES_DIR)/include/xercesc
-#XERCES_LIB = $(XERCES_DIR)/lib/xerces-c_2.lib
-# Uncomment the following for Interlis support.  Note that a Xercex 2.x
-# is also required (see above).  Also, Interlis support only works with
-# Visual Studio.NET or newer, not VC6.
-# Uncomment for JasPer based JPEG2000 support
-#JASPER_DIR = d:\projects\jasper-1.700.2.uuid
-#JASPER_LIB = $(JASPER_DIR)\src\msvc\Win32_Release\libjasper.lib
-# Uncomment the following line if you have patched UUID-enabled version
-# of JasPer from ftp://ftp.remotesensing.org/gdal/
-# Uncommment if you have Kakadu 4.0 or newer
-#KAKDIR =	D:\warmerda\jp2\kakadu
-# Uncomment the following and update to enable NCSA HDF Release 4 support.
-#HDF4_DIR =	D:\warmerda\HDF41r5
-#HDF4_LIB =	/LIBPATH:$(HDF4_DIR)\lib Ws2_32.lib
-# Uncomment the following and update to enable NCSA HDF Release 5 support.
-#HDF5_DIR =	c:\warmerda\supportlibs\hdf5\5-164-win
-#SZIP_DIR =      c:\warmerda\supportlibs\hdf5\szip20
-#HDF5_LIB =	$(HDF5_DIR)\dll\hdf5dll.lib \
-#		$(SZIP_DIR)\dll\szlibdll.lib
-# Uncomment the following for MrSID support.
-# You will likely require /MD and /EHsc in OPTFLAGS. 
-#MRSID_DIR =	d:\projects\mrsid
-#MRSID_INCLUDE = -I$(MRSID_DIR)\include\base -I$(MRSID_DIR)\include\support \
-#		-I$(MRSID_DIR)\include\metadata \
-#		-I$(MRSID_DIR)\include\mrsid_readers \
-#		-I$(MRSID_DIR)\include\j2k_readers
-#MRSID_LIB =	$(MRSID_DIR)\lib\Release_md\lti_dsdk_dll.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib
-# Enable these, if you have the MrSID Encoding SDK and want
-# to create MrSID files
-#MRSID_INCLUDE = -I$(MRSID_DIR)\include\mrsid_writers \
-#		-I$(MRSID_DIR)\include\j2k_writers $(MRSID_INCLUDE)
-#MRSID_LIB =	$(MRSID_DIR)\lib\Release_md\lti_esdk_dll.lib $(MRSID_LIB)
-# Enable the following if you prefer to build MrSID support as a plugin.
-# PostGIS Libraries
-#PG_INC_DIR = n:\pkg\libpq_win32\include
-#PG_LIB = n:\pkg\libpq_win32\lib\libpqdll.lib wsock32.lib
-# MySQL Libraries
-# NOTE: Need /MT instead of /MD, also enable /EHsc switch. 
-#MYSQL_INC_DIR = D:\Software\MySQLServer4.1\include
-#MYSQL_LIB = D:\Software\MySQLServer4.1\lib\opt\libmysql.lib advapi32.lib
-# SQLite Libraries
-# Informix Data Blade
-#INFORMIXDIR="C:\Program Files\IBM\Informix\Client-SDK"
-#IDB_INC=-I$(INFORMIXDIR)\incl\cpp -I$(INFORMIXDIR)\incl\dmi \
-#	-I$(INFORMIXDIR)\incl\esql
-#IDB_LIB=$(INFORMIXDIR)\lib\cpp\libthc++.lib \
-#	$(INFORMIXDIR)\lib\dmi\libthdmi.lib $(INFORMIXDIR)\lib\isqlt09a.lib
-# Uncomment the following and update to enable FME support.
-#FME_DIR =	d:\Software\fme
-# Uncomment the following to enable FITS format support
-#FITS_INC_DIR =	c:\dev32\usr\include\cfitsio
-#FITS_LIB =	c:\dev32\usr\lib\cfitsio.lib
-# Uncomment the following to enable NetCDF format.
-# PROJ.4 stuff
-# Uncomment the following lines to link PROJ.4 library statically. Otherwise
-# it will be linked dynamically during runtime.
-#PROJ_INCLUDE = -Id:\projects\proj.4\src
-#PROJ_LIBRARY = d:\projects\proj.4\src\proj_i.lib
-# Add ORACLE support.
-#ORACLE_HOME =	C:/Software/Oracle/Product/10.1.0/db_1
-OCI_LIB =	$(ORACLE_HOME)\oci\lib\msvc\ociw32.lib \
-		$(ORACLE_HOME)\oci\lib\msvc\oci.lib
-#SDE_SDK = C:\arcgis\arcsde
-#SDE_INC = $(SDE_SDK)\include 
-#SDE_LIB = $(SDE_SDK)\lib\pe$(SDE_VERSION).lib \
-#          $(SDE_SDK)\lib\sde$(SDE_VERSION).lib $(SDE_SDK)\lib\sg$(SDE_VERSION).lib      
-# Uncomment to use libcurl (for WCS)
-#CURL_INC = -I$(CURL_DIR)/include
-#CURL_LIB = $(CURL_DIR)/libcurl.lib
-# Uncomment for GEOS support
-#GEOS_CFLAGS = -Ic:/warmerda/geos/capi -DHAVE_GEOS
-#GEOS_LIB     = C:/warmerda/geos/source/geos_c_i.lib
-# Uncomment for Panorama GIS support
-#PANORAMA_INC =	z:/panorama/include
-# Any extra libraries needed on this platform?
-# Comment out the following if you want to build with Python support, but
-# you don't have Numeric Python installed (with include files).  Numeric
-# integration may not work.
-########### END OF STUFF THAT NORMALLY NEEDS TO BE UPDATED ##################
-# Location of MS Data Access SDK (not really needed anymore I think)
-#MSDASDK =	D:\Software\MDAC_2.6
-GDAL_DLL =	gdal$(VERSION).dll
-INC	=	-I$(GDAL_ROOT)\port -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\ogr -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\gcore \
-		-I$(GDAL_ROOT)\alg
-#LINKER_FLAGS = /debug
-MAKE	=	nmake /nologo
-CC	=	cl
-CPLLIB	=    $(GDAL_ROOT)/port/cpl.lib
-GDALLIB	=    $(GDAL_ROOT)/gdal_i.lib
-GDALLIB	=    $(GDAL_ROOT)/gdal.lib
-ODBCLIB = odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib user32.lib
-# Under win64, symbols for function names lack the underscore prefix
-# present on win32. Also the STDCALL calling convention is not used.
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c $*.c
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c $*.cpp
+# Location to install .exe, .dll and python stuff
+# Edit as required. GDAL_HOME is used for convenience here,
+# but this particular relative organization is not mandatory.
+# But the paths *should* be absolute (relative paths mess up in submakefiles).
+GDAL_HOME = "C:\warmerda\bld"
+INCDIR = $(GDAL_HOME)\include
+# Set this to the installed directory containing python.  If you don't
+# have python just let it point to a directory that does not exist (as now). 
+PYDIR   =	"C:\Software\Python24"
+# Set the location of your SWIG installation
+SWIG = D:\swig\swig-1.3.25\swig.exe
+# Uncomment the first for an optimized build or the second for a debug build.
+OPTFLAGS=	/nologo /Ox /MD /EHsc
+#OPTFLAGS=	/nologo /Od /MDd /EHsc /Zi /Fd$(PDB_NAME)
+# Uncomment the following if you are building for 64-bit windows
+# (x64). You'll need to have PATH, INCLUDE and LIB set up for 64-bit
+# compiles.
+# If you don't want some entry points to have STDCALL conventions, 
+# comment out the following and add -DCPL_DISABLE_STDCALL in OPTFLAGS.
+# This option has no effect on 64-bit windows.
+# Version number embedded in DLL name. 
+# Uncomment the following to link OGR utilities against main GDAL DLL
+# instead of statically linking against OGR libraries.
+# Enable all OGR formats, or only raster formats?  Comment out to disable
+# vector formats. 
+# Location of Visual C++ directory (only required for following SETARGV stuff)
+VCDIR   = 	D:\Software\VStudio\VC98
+# Enable the following if VCDIR set properly, and you want the utility
+# programs to be able to expand wildcards. 
+#SETARGV =	"$(VCDIR)\lib\setargv.obj"
+# Comment out the following to disable BSB support.
+# Comment out the following to disable ODBC support.
+# Comment out the following to disable JPEG support.
+#if using an external jpeg library uncomment the follwing lines
+#JPEGDIR = c:/projects/jpeg-6b
+#JPEG_LIB = $(JPEGDIR)/libjpeg.lib
+#if using an external png library uncomment the follwing lines
+#PNGDIR = c:/projects/libpng-1.0.8
+#PNG_LIB = $(PNGDIR)/libpng.lib
+# if using an external libtiff library
+#TIFF_INC =	-Ic:/warmerda/libtiff/libtiff
+#TIFF_LIB =	c:/warmerda/libtiff/libtiff/libtiff_i.lib
+# if using an external libgeotiff library
+#GEOTIFF_INC =   -Ic:/warmerda/libgeotiff -Ic:/warmerda/libgeotiff/libxtiff
+#GEOTIFF_LIB =   C:/warmerda/libgeotiff/geotiff_i.lib
+# Uncomment the following and update to enable ECW support.
+#ECWDIR  = 	C:\warmerda\libecwj2-3.3
+#ECWLIB  = 	$(ECWDIR)\Source\NCSBuildQmake\Debug\libecwj2.lib
+# DWG/DXF support via DWGdirect from Open Design Alliance
+#DWG_LIB=$(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_AcisBuilder_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_AcisRenderer_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Alloc_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_BmpExport_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Br_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Db_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_DwfExport_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_DwfImport_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Ge_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Gi_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Gs_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_ModelerGeometry_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Root_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_Sm_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_SpatialIndex_dll.lib $(DWG_LIB_DIR)\DD_VC6MD_OleDataAccess_dll.lib
+# Uncomment the following and update to enable OGDI support.
+#OGDIDIR =	D:\warmerda\iii\devdir
+#OGDIVER =	31
+#OGDILIB =	$(OGDIDIR)\lib\$(TARGET)\ogdi$(OGDIVER).lib \
+#		$(OGDIDIR)\lib\$(TARGET)\zlib_ogdi$(OGDIVER).lib
+# Uncomment for Xerces based GML support.
+#XERCES_DIR =	c:\warmerda\supportlibs\xerces-c_2_6_0
+#XERCES_INCLUDE = -I$(XERCES_DIR)/include -I$(XERCES_DIR)/include/xercesc
+#XERCES_LIB = $(XERCES_DIR)/lib/xerces-c_2.lib
+# Uncomment the following for Interlis support.  Note that a Xercex 2.x
+# is also required (see above).  Also, Interlis support only works with
+# Visual Studio.NET or newer, not VC6.
+# Uncomment for JasPer based JPEG2000 support
+#JASPER_DIR = d:\projects\jasper-1.700.2.uuid
+#JASPER_LIB = $(JASPER_DIR)\src\msvc\Win32_Release\libjasper.lib
+# Uncomment the following line if you have patched UUID-enabled version
+# of JasPer from ftp://ftp.remotesensing.org/gdal/
+# Uncommment if you have Kakadu 4.0 or newer
+#KAKDIR =	D:\warmerda\jp2\kakadu
+# Uncomment the following and update to enable NCSA HDF Release 4 support.
+#HDF4_DIR =	D:\warmerda\HDF41r5
+#HDF4_LIB =	/LIBPATH:$(HDF4_DIR)\lib Ws2_32.lib
+# Uncomment the following and update to enable NCSA HDF Release 5 support.
+#HDF5_DIR =	c:\warmerda\supportlibs\hdf5\5-164-win
+#SZIP_DIR =      c:\warmerda\supportlibs\hdf5\szip20
+#HDF5_LIB =	$(HDF5_DIR)\dll\hdf5dll.lib \
+#		$(SZIP_DIR)\dll\szlibdll.lib
+# Uncomment the following for MrSID support.
+# You will likely require /MD and /EHsc in OPTFLAGS. 
+#MRSID_DIR =	d:\projects\mrsid
+#MRSID_INCLUDE = -I$(MRSID_DIR)\include\base -I$(MRSID_DIR)\include\support \
+#		-I$(MRSID_DIR)\include\metadata \
+#		-I$(MRSID_DIR)\include\mrsid_readers \
+#		-I$(MRSID_DIR)\include\j2k_readers
+#MRSID_LIB =	$(MRSID_DIR)\lib\Release_md\lti_dsdk_dll.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib
+# Enable these, if you have the MrSID Encoding SDK and want
+# to create MrSID files
+#MRSID_INCLUDE = -I$(MRSID_DIR)\include\mrsid_writers \
+#		-I$(MRSID_DIR)\include\j2k_writers $(MRSID_INCLUDE)
+#MRSID_LIB =	$(MRSID_DIR)\lib\Release_md\lti_esdk_dll.lib $(MRSID_LIB)
+# Enable the following if you prefer to build MrSID support as a plugin.
+# PostGIS Libraries
+#PG_INC_DIR = n:\pkg\libpq_win32\include
+#PG_LIB = n:\pkg\libpq_win32\lib\libpqdll.lib wsock32.lib
+# MySQL Libraries
+# NOTE: Need /MT instead of /MD, also enable /EHsc switch. 
+#MYSQL_INC_DIR = D:\Software\MySQLServer4.1\include
+#MYSQL_LIB = D:\Software\MySQLServer4.1\lib\opt\libmysql.lib advapi32.lib
+# SQLite Libraries
+# Informix Data Blade
+#INFORMIXDIR="C:\Program Files\IBM\Informix\Client-SDK"
+#IDB_INC=-I$(INFORMIXDIR)\incl\cpp -I$(INFORMIXDIR)\incl\dmi \
+#	-I$(INFORMIXDIR)\incl\esql
+#IDB_LIB=$(INFORMIXDIR)\lib\cpp\libthc++.lib \
+#	$(INFORMIXDIR)\lib\dmi\libthdmi.lib $(INFORMIXDIR)\lib\isqlt09a.lib
+# Uncomment the following and update to enable FME support.
+#FME_DIR =	d:\Software\fme
+# Uncomment the following to enable FITS format support
+#FITS_INC_DIR =	c:\dev32\usr\include\cfitsio
+#FITS_LIB =	c:\dev32\usr\lib\cfitsio.lib
+# Uncomment the following to enable NetCDF format.
+# PROJ.4 stuff
+# Uncomment the following lines to link PROJ.4 library statically. Otherwise
+# it will be linked dynamically during runtime.
+#PROJ_INCLUDE = -Id:\projects\proj.4\src
+#PROJ_LIBRARY = d:\projects\proj.4\src\proj_i.lib
+# Add ORACLE support.
+#ORACLE_HOME =	C:/Software/Oracle/Product/10.1.0/db_1
+OCI_LIB =	$(ORACLE_HOME)\oci\lib\msvc\ociw32.lib \
+		$(ORACLE_HOME)\oci\lib\msvc\oci.lib
+#SDE_SDK = C:\arcgis\arcsde
+#SDE_INC = $(SDE_SDK)\include 
+#SDE_LIB = $(SDE_SDK)\lib\pe$(SDE_VERSION).lib \
+#          $(SDE_SDK)\lib\sde$(SDE_VERSION).lib $(SDE_SDK)\lib\sg$(SDE_VERSION).lib      
+# Uncomment to use libcurl (for WCS)
+#CURL_INC = -I$(CURL_DIR)/include
+#CURL_LIB = $(CURL_DIR)/libcurl.lib
+# Uncomment for GEOS support
+#GEOS_CFLAGS = -Ic:/warmerda/geos/capi -DHAVE_GEOS
+#GEOS_LIB     = C:/warmerda/geos/source/geos_c_i.lib
+# Uncomment for Panorama GIS support
+#PANORAMA_INC =	z:/panorama/include
+# Any extra libraries needed on this platform?
+# Comment out the following if you want to build with Python support, but
+# you don't have Numeric Python installed (with include files).  Numeric
+# integration may not work.
+########### END OF STUFF THAT NORMALLY NEEDS TO BE UPDATED ##################
+# Location of MS Data Access SDK (not really needed anymore I think)
+#MSDASDK =	D:\Software\MDAC_2.6
+GDAL_DLL =	gdal$(VERSION).dll
+INC	=	-I$(GDAL_ROOT)\port -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\ogr -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\gcore \
+		-I$(GDAL_ROOT)\alg
+#LINKER_FLAGS = /debug
+MAKE	=	nmake /nologo
+CC	=	cl
+CPLLIB	=    $(GDAL_ROOT)/port/cpl.lib
+GDALLIB	=    $(GDAL_ROOT)/gdal_i.lib
+GDALLIB	=    $(GDAL_ROOT)/gdal.lib
+ODBCLIB = odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib user32.lib
+# Under win64, symbols for function names lack the underscore prefix
+# present on win32. Also the STDCALL calling convention is not used.
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c $*.c
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c $*.cpp

Modified: trunk/MgDev/Oem/gdal-1.4.0/ogr/Makefile
--- trunk/MgDev/Oem/gdal-1.4.0/ogr/Makefile	2007-03-21 00:47:37 UTC (rev 1308)
+++ trunk/MgDev/Oem/gdal-1.4.0/ogr/Makefile	2007-03-21 00:50:25 UTC (rev 1309)
@@ -1,144 +1,145 @@
-		-I"$(VCDIR)\ATL\Include" -DWIN32 \
-		-I. -Iogrsf_frmts -I..\frmts\gtiff\libgeotiff \
-GDAL_ROOT = 	..
-!INCLUDE ..\nmake.opt
-OLE_LIBS =	oledb.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib 
-OGR_FRMTS =	ogrsf_frmts\ogrsf_frmts.lib ogrsf_frmts\ogrsf_frmts_sup.lib
-OBJ_OGR	=	ogrgeometryfactory.obj ogrpoint.obj ogrcurve.obj ogr_api.obj \
-		ogrlinestring.obj ogrpolygon.obj ogrlinearring.obj \
-		ogrutils.obj ogrgeometry.obj ogrgeometrycollection.obj \
-		ogrmultipolygon.obj ogrmultilinestring.obj ogr_opt.obj \
-                ogrmultipoint.obj ogrfeature.obj ogrfeaturedefn.obj \
-		ogrfielddefn.obj ogr_srsnode.obj ogrspatialreference.obj \
-		ogr_srs_proj4.obj ogr_fromepsg.obj ogrct.obj swq.obj \
-		ogrfeaturestyle.obj ogr_srs_esri.obj ogrfeaturequery.obj \
-		ogr_srs_validate.obj ogr_srs_xml.obj ograssemblepolygon.obj \
-		ogr2gmlgeometry.obj gml2ogrgeometry.obj ogr_srs_pci.obj \
-		ogr_srs_usgs.obj ogr_srs_dict.obj ogr_srs_panorama.obj
-OBJ_OLEDB =	oledb_sup.obj \
-		sfcenumerator.obj sfcdatasource.obj sfctable.obj
-LINKARGS =	..\gdal_i.lib $(LIBS)
-DEPLIBS	=	..\gdal_i.lib
-default:        ogr.lib ogrinfo.exe test_ogrsf.exe ogr2ogr.exe ogrtindex.exe
-sublibs:	frmts
-	cd ogrsf_frmts
-	$(MAKE) 
-	cd ..
-oledb:	ogroledb.lib 
-	cd sfcom_oledb
-	$(MAKE)
-	cd ..
-all:	frmts default oledb sfcdump.exe
-geometryidl.h: geometryidl.idl spatialreferenceidl.h
-	midl geometryidl.idl
-spatialreferenceidl.h: spatialreferenceidl.idl
-	midl spatialreferenceidl.idl
-ogr.lib:	$(OBJ_OGR)
-	lib /out:ogr.lib $(OBJ_OGR)
-ogroledb.lib:	$(OBJ_OLEDB)
-	lib /out:ogroledb.lib $(OBJ_OLEDB)
-sfcdump.exe:	geometryidl.h sfcdump.obj ogr.lib ogroledb.lib
-	cl $(LINKFLAGS) sfcdump.obj ogroledb.lib $(LINKARGS) \
-		/link $(LINKER_FLAGS)
-    if exist $@.manifest mt -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;1
-test1.exe:	test1.obj $(OBJ_OGR) $(DEPLIBS)
-	cl $(LINKFLAGS) test1.obj $(OBJ_OGR) $(ALL_LIBS) \
-		 /link $(LINKER_FLAGS)
-    if exist $@.manifest mt -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;1
-test2.exe:	test2.obj $(OBJ_OGR) $(DEPLIBS)
-	cl $(LINKFLAGS) test2.obj $(OBJ_OGR) $(OGR_FRMTS) \
-			$(ALL_LIBS) /link $(LINKER_FLAGS)
-    if exist $@.manifest mt -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;1
-test3.exe:      test3.obj $(OBJ_OGR) $(DEPLIBS)
-    cl $(LINKFLAGS) test3.obj $(OBJ_OGR) $(OGR_FRMTS) \
-	    $(ALL_LIBS) /link $(LINKER_FLAGS)
-    if exist $@.manifest mt -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;1
-test_ogrsf.exe:      test_ogrsf.obj $(OBJ_OGR) $(DEPLIBS)
-    cl $(LINKFLAGS) test_ogrsf.obj $(OBJ_OGR) $(OGR_FRMTS) \
-	    $(ALL_LIBS) /link $(LINKER_FLAGS)
-    if exist $@.manifest mt -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;1
-test_rep.exe:      test_rep.obj $(OBJ_OGR) $(DEPLIBS)
-    cl $(LINKFLAGS) test_rep.obj $(OBJ_OGR) $(OGR_FRMTS) \
-			$(ALL_LIBS) /link $(LINKER_FLAGS)
-    if exist $@.manifest mt -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;1
-testepsg.exe:      testepsg.obj $(OBJ_OGR) $(DEPLIBS)
-    cl $(LINKFLAGS) testepsg.obj $(LINKARGS) /link $(LINKER_FLAGS)
-    if exist $@.manifest mt -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;1
-ogrinfo.exe:      ogrinfo.obj $(OBJ_OGR) $(DEPLIBS)
-    cl $(LINKFLAGS) ogrinfo.obj $(LINKARGS) /link $(LINKER_FLAGS)
-    if exist $@.manifest mt -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;1
-ogr2ogr.exe:      ogr2ogr.obj $(OBJ_OGR) $(DEPLIBS)
-    cl $(LINKFLAGS) ogr2ogr.obj $(LINKARGS) /link $(LINKER_FLAGS)
-    if exist $@.manifest mt -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;1
-ogrtindex.exe:      ogrtindex.obj $(OBJ_OGR) $(DEPLIBS)
-    cl $(LINKFLAGS) ogrtindex.obj $(SETARGV) $(LINKARGS) /link $(LINKER_FLAGS)
-    if exist $@.manifest mt -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;1
-sdts2mi.exe:      sdts2mi.obj $(OBJ_OGR) $(DEPLIBS)
-    cl $(LINKFLAGS) sdts2mi.obj $(OBJ_OGR) $(OGR_FRMTS) \
-			$(ALL_LIBS) /link $(LINKER_FLAGS)
-    if exist $@.manifest mt -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;1
-install:	default
-	copy ogrinfo.exe $(BINDIR)
-	copy ogr2ogr.exe $(BINDIR)
-	copy ogrtindex.exe $(BINDIR)
-	-del *.obj
-	-del *.exe
-	-del *.exe.manifest
-	-del *.lib
-	-del *.pdb
-	-del *.ilk
-allclean:	clean
-	cd ogrsf_frmts
-	$(MAKE) clean
-	cd ..\sfcom_oledb
-	$(MAKE) clean
-	cd ..
+		-I"$(VCDIR)\ATL\Include" -DWIN32 \
+		-I. -Iogrsf_frmts -I..\frmts\gtiff\libgeotiff \
+GDAL_ROOT = 	..
+PDB_NAME = ogr.pdb
+!INCLUDE ..\nmake.opt
+OLE_LIBS =	oledb.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib 
+OGR_FRMTS =	ogrsf_frmts\ogrsf_frmts.lib ogrsf_frmts\ogrsf_frmts_sup.lib
+OBJ_OGR	=	ogrgeometryfactory.obj ogrpoint.obj ogrcurve.obj ogr_api.obj \
+		ogrlinestring.obj ogrpolygon.obj ogrlinearring.obj \
+		ogrutils.obj ogrgeometry.obj ogrgeometrycollection.obj \
+		ogrmultipolygon.obj ogrmultilinestring.obj ogr_opt.obj \
+                ogrmultipoint.obj ogrfeature.obj ogrfeaturedefn.obj \
+		ogrfielddefn.obj ogr_srsnode.obj ogrspatialreference.obj \
+		ogr_srs_proj4.obj ogr_fromepsg.obj ogrct.obj swq.obj \
+		ogrfeaturestyle.obj ogr_srs_esri.obj ogrfeaturequery.obj \
+		ogr_srs_validate.obj ogr_srs_xml.obj ograssemblepolygon.obj \
+		ogr2gmlgeometry.obj gml2ogrgeometry.obj ogr_srs_pci.obj \
+		ogr_srs_usgs.obj ogr_srs_dict.obj ogr_srs_panorama.obj
+OBJ_OLEDB =	oledb_sup.obj \
+		sfcenumerator.obj sfcdatasource.obj sfctable.obj
+LINKARGS =	..\gdal_i.lib $(LIBS)
+DEPLIBS	=	..\gdal_i.lib
+default:        ogr.lib ogrinfo.exe test_ogrsf.exe ogr2ogr.exe ogrtindex.exe
+sublibs:	frmts
+	cd ogrsf_frmts
+	$(MAKE) 
+	cd ..
+oledb:	ogroledb.lib 
+	cd sfcom_oledb
+	$(MAKE)
+	cd ..
+all:	frmts default oledb sfcdump.exe
+geometryidl.h: geometryidl.idl spatialreferenceidl.h
+	midl geometryidl.idl
+spatialreferenceidl.h: spatialreferenceidl.idl
+	midl spatialreferenceidl.idl
+ogr.lib:	$(OBJ_OGR)
+	lib /out:ogr.lib $(OBJ_OGR)
+ogroledb.lib:	$(OBJ_OLEDB)
+	lib /out:ogroledb.lib $(OBJ_OLEDB)
+sfcdump.exe:	geometryidl.h sfcdump.obj ogr.lib ogroledb.lib
+	cl $(LINKFLAGS) sfcdump.obj ogroledb.lib $(LINKARGS) \
+		/link $(LINKER_FLAGS)
+    if exist $@.manifest mt -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;1
+test1.exe:	test1.obj $(OBJ_OGR) $(DEPLIBS)
+	cl $(LINKFLAGS) test1.obj $(OBJ_OGR) $(ALL_LIBS) \
+		 /link $(LINKER_FLAGS)
+    if exist $@.manifest mt -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;1
+test2.exe:	test2.obj $(OBJ_OGR) $(DEPLIBS)
+	cl $(LINKFLAGS) test2.obj $(OBJ_OGR) $(OGR_FRMTS) \
+			$(ALL_LIBS) /link $(LINKER_FLAGS)
+    if exist $@.manifest mt -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;1
+test3.exe:      test3.obj $(OBJ_OGR) $(DEPLIBS)
+    cl $(LINKFLAGS) test3.obj $(OBJ_OGR) $(OGR_FRMTS) \
+	    $(ALL_LIBS) /link $(LINKER_FLAGS)
+    if exist $@.manifest mt -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;1
+test_ogrsf.exe:      test_ogrsf.obj $(OBJ_OGR) $(DEPLIBS)
+    cl $(LINKFLAGS) test_ogrsf.obj $(OBJ_OGR) $(OGR_FRMTS) \
+	    $(ALL_LIBS) /link $(LINKER_FLAGS)
+    if exist $@.manifest mt -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;1
+test_rep.exe:      test_rep.obj $(OBJ_OGR) $(DEPLIBS)
+    cl $(LINKFLAGS) test_rep.obj $(OBJ_OGR) $(OGR_FRMTS) \
+			$(ALL_LIBS) /link $(LINKER_FLAGS)
+    if exist $@.manifest mt -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;1
+testepsg.exe:      testepsg.obj $(OBJ_OGR) $(DEPLIBS)
+    cl $(LINKFLAGS) testepsg.obj $(LINKARGS) /link $(LINKER_FLAGS)
+    if exist $@.manifest mt -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;1
+ogrinfo.exe:      ogrinfo.obj $(OBJ_OGR) $(DEPLIBS)
+    cl $(LINKFLAGS) ogrinfo.obj $(LINKARGS) /link $(LINKER_FLAGS)
+    if exist $@.manifest mt -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;1
+ogr2ogr.exe:      ogr2ogr.obj $(OBJ_OGR) $(DEPLIBS)
+    cl $(LINKFLAGS) ogr2ogr.obj $(LINKARGS) /link $(LINKER_FLAGS)
+    if exist $@.manifest mt -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;1
+ogrtindex.exe:      ogrtindex.obj $(OBJ_OGR) $(DEPLIBS)
+    cl $(LINKFLAGS) ogrtindex.obj $(SETARGV) $(LINKARGS) /link $(LINKER_FLAGS)
+    if exist $@.manifest mt -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;1
+sdts2mi.exe:      sdts2mi.obj $(OBJ_OGR) $(DEPLIBS)
+    cl $(LINKFLAGS) sdts2mi.obj $(OBJ_OGR) $(OGR_FRMTS) \
+			$(ALL_LIBS) /link $(LINKER_FLAGS)
+    if exist $@.manifest mt -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;1
+install:	default
+	copy ogrinfo.exe $(BINDIR)
+	copy ogr2ogr.exe $(BINDIR)
+	copy ogrtindex.exe $(BINDIR)
+	-del *.obj
+	-del *.exe
+	-del *.exe.manifest
+	-del *.lib
+	-del *.pdb
+	-del *.ilk
+allclean:	clean
+	cd ogrsf_frmts
+	$(MAKE) clean
+	cd ..\sfcom_oledb
+	$(MAKE) clean
+	cd ..

Added: trunk/MgDev/Oem/gdal-1.4.0/ogr/ogr.vcproj
--- trunk/MgDev/Oem/gdal-1.4.0/ogr/ogr.vcproj	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/MgDev/Oem/gdal-1.4.0/ogr/ogr.vcproj	2007-03-21 00:50:25 UTC (rev 1309)
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
+	ProjectType="Visual C++"
+	Version="8.00"
+	Name="OGR"
+	ProjectGUID="{E8F6DBAE-C078-4826-C885-01EFA74219F6}"
+	Keyword="MakeFileProj"
+	>
+	<Platforms>
+		<Platform
+			Name="Win32"
+		/>
+	</Platforms>
+	<ToolFiles>
+	</ToolFiles>
+	<Configurations>
+		<Configuration
+			Name="Debug|Win32"
+			OutputDirectory="Debug"
+			IntermediateDirectory="Debug"
+			ConfigurationType="0"
+			InheritedPropertySheets="$(VCInstallDir)VCProjectDefaults\UpgradeFromVC71.vsprops"
+			>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCNMakeTool"
+				BuildCommandLine="nmake /f makefile ogr.lib"
+				ReBuildCommandLine="nmake /f makefile clean ogr.lib"
+				CleanCommandLine="nmake /f makefile clean"
+				Output=""
+				PreprocessorDefinitions=""
+				IncludeSearchPath=""
+				ForcedIncludes=""
+				AssemblySearchPath=""
+				ForcedUsingAssemblies=""
+				CompileAsManaged=""
+			/>
+		</Configuration>
+		<Configuration
+			Name="Release|Win32"
+			OutputDirectory="Release"
+			IntermediateDirectory="Release"
+			ConfigurationType="0"
+			InheritedPropertySheets="$(VCInstallDir)VCProjectDefaults\UpgradeFromVC71.vsprops"
+			>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCNMakeTool"
+				BuildCommandLine="nmake /f makefile ogr.lib"
+				ReBuildCommandLine="nmake /f makefile clean ogr.lib"
+				CleanCommandLine="nmake /f makefile clean"
+				Output=""
+				PreprocessorDefinitions=""
+				IncludeSearchPath=""
+				ForcedIncludes=""
+				AssemblySearchPath=""
+				ForcedUsingAssemblies=""
+				CompileAsManaged=""
+			/>
+		</Configuration>
+	</Configurations>
+	<References>
+	</References>
+	<Files>
+		<File
+			RelativePath=".\Makefile"
+			>
+		</File>
+	</Files>
+	<Globals>
+	</Globals>

Property changes on: trunk/MgDev/Oem/gdal-1.4.0/ogr/ogr.vcproj
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Modified: trunk/MgDev/Oem/gdal-1.4.0/ogr/ogr_srs_api.h
--- trunk/MgDev/Oem/gdal-1.4.0/ogr/ogr_srs_api.h	2007-03-21 00:47:37 UTC (rev 1308)
+++ trunk/MgDev/Oem/gdal-1.4.0/ogr/ogr_srs_api.h	2007-03-21 00:50:25 UTC (rev 1309)
@@ -1,738 +1,777 @@
- * $Id: ogr_srs_api.h,v 1.58 2006/04/11 18:45:41 fwarmerdam Exp $
- *
- * Project:  OpenGIS Simple Features Reference Implementation
- * Purpose:  C API and constant declarations for OGR Spatial References.
- * Author:   Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
- *
- ******************************************************************************
- * Copyright (c) 2000, Frank Warmerdam
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
- * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
- * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
- * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
- * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
- * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
- * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- ******************************************************************************
- *
- * $Log: ogr_srs_api.h,v $
- * Revision 1.58  2006/04/11 18:45:41  fwarmerdam
- * Fixed definition of a chain.
- *
- * Revision 1.57  2006/03/31 17:44:20  fwarmerdam
- * header updates
- *
- * Revision 1.56  2005/12/01 04:59:46  fwarmerdam
- * added two point equidistant support
- *
- * Revision 1.55  2005/10/10 14:45:47  dron
- * Added OSRImportFromPanorama()/OSRExportToPanorama() wrappers.
- *
- * Revision 1.54  2005/10/03 18:13:28  fwarmerdam
- * Fixed prototype for OSRSetGEOS().
- *
- * Revision 1.53  2005/09/21 00:50:08  fwarmerdam
- * Added Release
- *
- * Revision 1.52  2005/05/09 15:39:44  fwarmerdam
- * Added TM_MI_21 as per email from Safe.
- *
- * Revision 1.51  2005/04/06 00:02:05  fwarmerdam
- * various osr and oct functions now stdcall
- *
- * Revision 1.50  2005/02/17 16:34:17  fwarmerdam
- * OSRCloneCS() should be OSRClone().
- *
- * Revision 1.49  2005/02/11 14:21:28  fwarmerdam
- * added GEOS projection support
- *
- * Revision 1.48  2005/01/05 21:02:33  fwarmerdam
- * added Goode Homolosine
- *
- * Revision 1.47  2004/11/11 18:28:45  fwarmerdam
- * added Bonne projection support
- *
- * Revision 1.46  2004/09/23 16:20:13  fwarmerdam
- * added OSRCleanup
- *
- * Revision 1.45  2004/05/12 19:25:54  dron
- * SRS_DN_WGS72 constant added.
- *
- * Revision 1.44  2004/05/10 17:05:14  warmerda
- * added AutoIdentifyEPSG()
- *
- * Revision 1.43  2004/05/06 19:26:04  dron
- * Added OSRSetProjection() function.
- *
- * Revision 1.42  2004/03/04 18:04:45  warmerda
- * added importFromDict() support
- *
- * Revision 1.41  2004/02/07 17:31:21  dron
- * Added OSRExportToUSGS() method.
- *
- * Revision 1.40  2004/02/05 17:07:59  dron
- * Support for HOM projection, specified by two points on centerline.
- *
- * Revision 1.39  2004/02/01 14:23:29  dron
- * Added OSRImportFromUSGS().
- *
- * Revision 1.38  2004/01/24 09:35:00  warmerda
- * added TransformEx support to capture per point reprojection failure
- *
- * Revision 1.37  2003/09/09 07:49:52  dron
- * Added OSRExportToPCI().
- *
- * Revision 1.36  2003/08/31 14:51:01  dron
- * Added OSRImportFromPCI().
- *
- * Revision 1.35  2003/08/18 13:26:01  warmerda
- * added SetTMVariant() and related definitions
- *
- * Revision 1.34  2003/06/21 23:24:36  warmerda
- * added Set/Get TOWGS84 calls
- *
- * Revision 1.33  2003/06/19 17:10:26  warmerda
- * a couple fixes in last commit
- *
- * Revision 1.32  2003/06/18 18:24:17  warmerda
- * added projection specific set methods to C API
- *
- * Revision 1.31  2003/06/10 09:31:12  dron
- * Added OSRSetAngularUnits() and OSRGetAngularUnits().
- *
- * Revision 1.30  2003/05/30 15:39:53  warmerda
- * Added override units capability for SetStatePlane()
- *
- * Revision 1.29  2003/03/21 22:15:11  warmerda
- * added C XML import/export entry points
- *
- * Revision 1.28  2003/03/12 14:29:34  warmerda
- * Rename OGRAxisOrientation and OGRDatumType values to avoid conflicts with
- * the real OGC definitions in applications such as Cadcorps.
- *
- * Revision 1.27  2003/02/25 04:53:38  warmerda
- * added OSRCopyGeogCSFrom
- *
- * Revision 1.26  2003/02/06 04:53:12  warmerda
- * added Fixup() method
- *
- * Revision 1.25  2003/01/08 18:14:28  warmerda
- * added FixupOrdering()
- *
- * Revision 1.24  2002/12/16 17:07:13  warmerda
- * added NormProjParm functions, and OSRGetPrimeMeridian
- *
- * Revision 1.23  2002/12/14 22:59:14  warmerda
- * added Krovak in ESRI compatible way
- *
- * Revision 1.22  2002/12/09 18:55:07  warmerda
- * moved DMS stuff to gdal/port
- *
- * Revision 1.21  2002/12/09 16:11:53  warmerda
- * added DMS translation
- *
- * Revision 1.20  2002/11/25 16:12:54  warmerda
- * added GetAuthorityCode/Name
- *
- * Revision 1.19  2002/09/26 18:13:25  warmerda
- * avoid double def
- *
- * Revision 1.18  2002/06/11 18:02:03  warmerda
- * add PROJ.4 normalization and EPSG support
- *
- * Revision 1.17  2001/10/11 19:27:12  warmerda
- * upgraded validation infrastructure
- *
- * Revision 1.16  2001/10/10 20:42:43  warmerda
- * added ESRI WKT morphing support
- *
- * Revision 1.15  2001/09/21 16:21:02  warmerda
- * added Clear(), and SetFromUserInput() methods
- *
- * Revision 1.14  2000/11/09 06:21:32  warmerda
- * added limited ESRI prj support
- *
- * Revision 1.13  2000/10/20 04:19:38  warmerda
- * added setstateplane
- *
- * Revision 1.12  2000/10/16 21:26:07  warmerda
- * added some level of LOCAL_CS support
- *
- * Revision 1.11  2000/09/01 20:58:01  warmerda
- * added CPL_DLL for entry points
- *
- * Revision 1.10  2000/08/30 20:06:14  warmerda
- * added projection method list functions
- *
- * Revision 1.9  2000/08/28 20:13:23  warmerda
- * added importFromProj4
- *
- * Revision 1.8  2000/07/11 01:02:06  warmerda
- * added ExportToProj4()
- *
- * Revision 1.7  2000/07/09 20:48:02  warmerda
- * added exportToPrettyWkt
- *
- * Revision 1.6  2000/05/30 22:45:44  warmerda
- * added OSRCloneGeogCS()
- *
- * Revision 1.5  2000/04/26 18:25:56  warmerda
- * added missing CPL_DLL attributes
- *
- * Revision 1.4  2000/03/22 01:09:43  warmerda
- * added SetProjCS and SetWellKnownTextCS
- *
- * Revision 1.3  2000/03/20 23:33:51  warmerda
- * updated docs a bit
- *
- * Revision 1.2  2000/03/20 22:39:31  warmerda
- * Added C API.
- *
- * Revision 1.1  2000/03/16 19:04:14  warmerda
- * New
- *
- */
-#include "ogr_core.h"
- * \file ogr_srs_api.h
- * 
- * C spatial reference system services and defines.
- * 
- * See also: ogr_spatialref.h
- */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Axis orientations (corresponds to CS_AxisOrientationEnum).      */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-typedef enum {
-    OAO_Other=0,
-    OAO_North=1,
-    OAO_South=2,
-    OAO_East=3,
-    OAO_West=4,
-    OAO_Up=5,
-    OAO_Down=6
-} OGRAxisOrientation;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Datum types (corresponds to CS_DatumType).                      */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-typedef enum {
-    ODT_HD_Min=1000,
-    ODT_HD_Other=1000,
-    ODT_HD_Classic=1001,
-    ODT_HD_Geocentric=1002,
-    ODT_HD_Max=1999,
-    ODT_VD_Min=2000,
-    ODT_VD_Other=2000,
-    ODT_VD_Orthometric=2001,
-    ODT_VD_Ellipsoidal=2002,
-    ODT_VD_AltitudeBarometric=2003,
-    ODT_VD_Normal=2004,
-    ODT_VD_GeoidModelDerived=2005,
-    ODT_VD_Depth=2006,
-    ODT_VD_Max=2999,
-    ODT_LD_Min=10000,
-    ODT_LD_Max=32767
-} OGRDatumType; 
-/* ==================================================================== */
-/*      Some "standard" strings.                                        */
-/* ==================================================================== */
-#define SRS_PT_ALBERS_CONIC_EQUAL_AREA                                  \
-                                "Albers_Conic_Equal_Area"
-#define SRS_PT_AZIMUTHAL_EQUIDISTANT "Azimuthal_Equidistant"
-#define SRS_PT_CASSINI_SOLDNER  "Cassini_Soldner"
-#define SRS_PT_CYLINDRICAL_EQUAL_AREA "Cylindrical_Equal_Area"
-#define SRS_PT_BONNE            "Bonne"
-#define SRS_PT_ECKERT_IV        "Eckert_IV"
-#define SRS_PT_ECKERT_VI        "Eckert_VI"
-#define SRS_PT_EQUIDISTANT_CONIC "Equidistant_Conic"
-#define SRS_PT_EQUIRECTANGULAR  "Equirectangular"
-#define SRS_PT_GALL_STEREOGRAPHIC "Gall_Stereographic"
-#define SRS_PT_GEOSTATIONARY_SATELLITE "Geostationary_Satellite"
-#define SRS_PT_GOODE_HOMOLOSINE "Goode_Homolosine"
-#define SRS_PT_GNOMONIC         "Gnomonic"
-#define SRS_PT_HOTINE_OBLIQUE_MERCATOR                                  \
-                                "Hotine_Oblique_Mercator"
-                            "Hotine_Oblique_Mercator_Two_Point_Natural_Origin"
-#define SRS_PT_LABORDE_OBLIQUE_MERCATOR                                 \
-                                "Laborde_Oblique_Mercator"
-#define SRS_PT_LAMBERT_CONFORMAL_CONIC_1SP                              \
-                                "Lambert_Conformal_Conic_1SP"
-#define SRS_PT_LAMBERT_CONFORMAL_CONIC_2SP                              \
-                                "Lambert_Conformal_Conic_2SP"
-#define SRS_PT_LAMBERT_CONFORMAL_CONIC_2SP_BELGIUM                      \
-                                "Lambert_Conformal_Conic_2SP_Belgium)"
-#define SRS_PT_LAMBERT_AZIMUTHAL_EQUAL_AREA                     \
-                                "Lambert_Azimuthal_Equal_Area"
-#define SRS_PT_MERCATOR_1SP     "Mercator_1SP"
-#define SRS_PT_MERCATOR_2SP     "Mercator_2SP"
-#define SRS_PT_MILLER_CYLINDRICAL "Miller_Cylindrical"
-#define SRS_PT_MOLLWEIDE        "Mollweide"
-#define SRS_PT_NEW_ZEALAND_MAP_GRID                                     \
-                                "New_Zealand_Map_Grid"
-#define SRS_PT_OBLIQUE_STEREOGRAPHIC                                    \
-                                "Oblique_Stereographic"
-#define SRS_PT_ORTHOGRAPHIC     "Orthographic"
-#define SRS_PT_POLAR_STEREOGRAPHIC                                      \
-                                "Polar_Stereographic"
-#define SRS_PT_POLYCONIC        "Polyconic"
-#define SRS_PT_ROBINSON         "Robinson"
-#define SRS_PT_SINUSOIDAL       "Sinusoidal"
-#define SRS_PT_STEREOGRAPHIC    "Stereographic"
-#define SRS_PT_SWISS_OBLIQUE_CYLINDRICAL                                \
-                                "Swiss_Oblique_Cylindrical"
-#define SRS_PT_TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR                                      \
-                                "Transverse_Mercator"
-#define SRS_PT_TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR_SOUTH_ORIENTED                       \
-                                "Transverse_Mercator_South_Orientated"
-/* special mapinfo variants on Transverse Mercator */
-                                "Transverse_Mercator_MapInfo_21"
-                                "Transverse_Mercator_MapInfo_22"
-                                "Transverse_Mercator_MapInfo_23"
-                                "Transverse_Mercator_MapInfo_24"
-                                "Transverse_Mercator_MapInfo_25"
-#define SRS_PT_TUNISIA_MINING_GRID                                      \
-                                "Tunisia_Mining_Grid"
-#define SRS_PT_TWO_POINT_EQUIDISTANT                                    \
-                                "Two_Point_Equidistant"
-#define SRS_PT_VANDERGRINTEN    "VanDerGrinten"
-#define SRS_PT_KROVAK           "Krovak"
-#define SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN         "central_meridian"
-#define SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR             "scale_factor"
-#define SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1      "standard_parallel_1"
-#define SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_2      "standard_parallel_2"
-#define SRS_PP_PSEUDO_STD_PARALLEL_1    "pseudo_standard_parallel_1"
-#define SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_CENTER      "longitude_of_center"
-#define SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_CENTER       "latitude_of_center"
-#define SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_ORIGIN      "longitude_of_origin"
-#define SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN       "latitude_of_origin"
-#define SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING            "false_easting"
-#define SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING           "false_northing"
-#define SRS_PP_AZIMUTH                  "azimuth"
-#define SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_POINT_1     "longitude_of_point_1"
-#define SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_POINT_1      "latitude_of_point_1"
-#define SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_POINT_2     "longitude_of_point_2"
-#define SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_POINT_2      "latitude_of_point_2"
-#define SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_POINT_3     "longitude_of_point_3"
-#define SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_POINT_3      "latitude_of_point_3"
-#define SRS_PP_RECTIFIED_GRID_ANGLE     "rectified_grid_angle"
-#define SRS_PP_LANDSAT_NUMBER           "landsat_number"
-#define SRS_PP_PATH_NUMBER              "path_number"
-#define SRS_PP_PERSPECTIVE_POINT_HEIGHT "perspective_point_height"
-#define SRS_PP_SATELLITE_HEIGHT         "satellite_height"
-#define SRS_PP_FIPSZONE                 "fipszone"
-#define SRS_PP_ZONE                     "zone"
-#define SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_1ST_POINT    "Latitude_Of_1st_Point"
-#define SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_1ST_POINT   "Longitude_Of_1st_Point"
-#define SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_2ND_POINT    "Latitude_Of_2nd_Point"
-#define SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_2ND_POINT   "Longitude_Of_2nd_Point"
-#define SRS_UL_METER            "Meter"
-#define SRS_UL_FOOT             "Foot (International)" /* or just "FOOT"? */
-#define SRS_UL_FOOT_CONV                    "0.3048"
-#define SRS_UL_US_FOOT          "U.S. Foot" /* or "US survey foot" */
-#define SRS_UL_US_FOOT_CONV                 "0.3048006"
-#define SRS_UL_NAUTICAL_MILE    "Nautical Mile"
-#define SRS_UL_NAUTICAL_MILE_CONV           "1852.0"
-#define SRS_UL_LINK             "Link"          /* Based on US Foot */
-#define SRS_UL_LINK_CONV                    "0.20116684023368047"
-#define SRS_UL_CHAIN            "Chain"         /* based on US Foot */
-#define SRS_UL_CHAIN_CONV                   "20.116684023368047"
-#define SRS_UL_ROD              "Rod"           /* based on US Foot */
-#define SRS_UL_ROD_CONV                     "5.02921005842012"
-#define SRS_UA_DEGREE           "degree"
-#define SRS_UA_DEGREE_CONV                  "0.0174532925199433"
-#define SRS_UA_RADIAN           "radian"
-#define SRS_PM_GREENWICH        "Greenwich"
-#define SRS_DN_NAD27            "North_American_Datum_1927"
-#define SRS_DN_NAD83            "North_American_Datum_1983"
-#define SRS_DN_WGS72            "WGS_1972"
-#define SRS_DN_WGS84            "WGS_1984"
-#define SRS_WGS84_SEMIMAJOR     6378137.0                                
-#define SRS_WGS84_INVFLATTENING 298.257223563
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      C Wrappers for C++ objects and methods.                         */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#ifndef _DEFINED_OGRSpatialReferenceH
-#define _DEFINED_OGRSpatialReferenceH
-typedef void *OGRSpatialReferenceH;                               
-typedef void *OGRCoordinateTransformationH;
-      OSRNewSpatialReference( const char * /* = NULL */);
-OGRSpatialReferenceH CPL_DLL CPL_STDCALL OSRCloneGeogCS( OGRSpatialReferenceH );
-OGRSpatialReferenceH CPL_DLL CPL_STDCALL OSRClone( OGRSpatialReferenceH );
-void CPL_DLL CPL_STDCALL OSRDestroySpatialReference( OGRSpatialReferenceH );
-int CPL_DLL OSRReference( OGRSpatialReferenceH );
-int CPL_DLL OSRDereference( OGRSpatialReferenceH );
-void CPL_DLL OSRRelease( OGRSpatialReferenceH );
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRValidate( OGRSpatialReferenceH );
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRFixupOrdering( OGRSpatialReferenceH );
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRFixup( OGRSpatialReferenceH );
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRStripCTParms( OGRSpatialReferenceH );
-OGRErr CPL_DLL CPL_STDCALL OSRImportFromEPSG( OGRSpatialReferenceH, int );
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRImportFromWkt( OGRSpatialReferenceH, char ** );
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRImportFromProj4( OGRSpatialReferenceH, const char *);
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRImportFromESRI( OGRSpatialReferenceH, char **);
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRImportFromPCI( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, const char *,
-                                 const char *, double * );
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRImportFromUSGS( OGRSpatialReferenceH,
-                                  long, long, double *, long);
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRImportFromXML( OGRSpatialReferenceH, const char * );
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRImportFromDict( OGRSpatialReferenceH, const char *, 
-                                  const char * );
-OGRErr OSRImportFromPanorama( OGRSpatialReferenceH, long, long, long, long,
-                              double, double, double, double );
-OGRErr CPL_DLL CPL_STDCALL OSRExportToWkt( OGRSpatialReferenceH, char ** );
-OGRErr CPL_DLL CPL_STDCALL OSRExportToPrettyWkt( OGRSpatialReferenceH, char **, int);
-OGRErr CPL_DLL CPL_STDCALL OSRExportToProj4( OGRSpatialReferenceH, char **);
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRExportToPCI( OGRSpatialReferenceH, char **, char **,
-                               double ** );
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRExportToUSGS( OGRSpatialReferenceH, long *, long *,
-                                double **, long * );
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRExportToXML( OGRSpatialReferenceH, char **, const char * );
-OGRErr OSRExportToPanorama( OGRSpatialReferenceH, long *, long *, long *,
-                            long *, double *, double *, double *, double * );
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRMorphToESRI( OGRSpatialReferenceH );
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRMorphFromESRI( OGRSpatialReferenceH );
-OGRErr CPL_DLL CPL_STDCALL OSRSetAttrValue( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
-                                const char * pszNodePath,
-                                const char * pszNewNodeValue );
-const char CPL_DLL * CPL_STDCALL OSRGetAttrValue( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
-                           const char * pszName, int iChild /* = 0 */ );
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetAngularUnits( OGRSpatialReferenceH, const char *, double );
-double CPL_DLL OSRGetAngularUnits( OGRSpatialReferenceH, char ** );
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetLinearUnits( OGRSpatialReferenceH, const char *, double );
-double CPL_DLL OSRGetLinearUnits( OGRSpatialReferenceH, char ** );
-double CPL_DLL OSRGetPrimeMeridian( OGRSpatialReferenceH, char ** );
-int CPL_DLL OSRIsGeographic( OGRSpatialReferenceH );
-int CPL_DLL OSRIsLocal( OGRSpatialReferenceH );
-int CPL_DLL OSRIsProjected( OGRSpatialReferenceH );
-int CPL_DLL OSRIsSameGeogCS( OGRSpatialReferenceH, OGRSpatialReferenceH );
-int CPL_DLL OSRIsSame( OGRSpatialReferenceH, OGRSpatialReferenceH );
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetLocalCS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, const char *pszName );
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetProjCS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, const char * pszName );
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetWellKnownGeogCS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
-                                      const char * pszName );
-OGRErr CPL_DLL CPL_STDCALL OSRSetFromUserInput( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                                    const char * );
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRCopyGeogCSFrom( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                                  OGRSpatialReferenceH hSrcSRS );
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetTOWGS84( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                              double, double, double, 
-                              double, double, double, double );
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRGetTOWGS84( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double *, int );
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetGeogCS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
-                      const char * pszGeogName,
-                      const char * pszDatumName,
-                      const char * pszEllipsoidName,
-                      double dfSemiMajor, double dfInvFlattening,
-                      const char * pszPMName /* = NULL */,
-                      double dfPMOffset /* = 0.0 */,
-                      const char * pszUnits /* = NULL */,
-                      double dfConvertToRadians /* = 0.0 */ );
-double CPL_DLL OSRGetSemiMajor( OGRSpatialReferenceH, OGRErr * /* = NULL */ );
-double CPL_DLL OSRGetSemiMinor( OGRSpatialReferenceH, OGRErr * /* = NULL */ );
-double CPL_DLL OSRGetInvFlattening( OGRSpatialReferenceH, OGRErr * /*=NULL*/);
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetAuthority( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
-                         const char * pszTargetKey,
-                         const char * pszAuthority,
-                         int nCode );
-const char CPL_DLL *OSRGetAuthorityCode( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
-                                         const char * pszTargetKey );
-const char CPL_DLL *OSRGetAuthorityName( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
-                                         const char * pszTargetKey );
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetProjection( OGRSpatialReferenceH, const char * );
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetProjParm( OGRSpatialReferenceH, const char *, double );
-double CPL_DLL OSRGetProjParm( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
-                        const char * pszParmName, 
-                        double dfDefault /* = 0.0 */,
-                        OGRErr * /* = NULL */ );
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetNormProjParm( OGRSpatialReferenceH, const char *, double);
-double CPL_DLL OSRGetNormProjParm( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
-                                   const char * pszParmName, 
-                                   double dfDefault /* = 0.0 */,
-                                   OGRErr * /* = NULL */ );
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetUTM( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, int nZone, int bNorth );
-int    CPL_DLL OSRGetUTMZone( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, int *pbNorth );
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetStatePlane( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                                 int nZone, int bNAD83 );
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetStatePlaneWithUnits( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                                          int nZone, int bNAD83,
-                                          const char *pszOverrideUnitName,
-                                          double dfOverrideUnit );
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRAutoIdentifyEPSG( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS );
-/** Albers Conic Equal Area */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetACEA( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfStdP1, double dfStdP2,
-                         double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                         double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
-/** Azimuthal Equidistant */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL  OSRSetAE( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                       double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
-/** Bonne */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetBonne(OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                           double dfStandardParallel, double dfCentralMeridian,
-                           double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
-/** Cylindrical Equal Area */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetCEA( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfStdP1, double dfCentralMeridian,
-                        double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
-/** Cassini-Soldner */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetCS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                       double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
-/** Equidistant Conic */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetEC( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfStdP1, double dfStdP2,
-                       double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                       double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
-/** Eckert IV */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetEckertIV( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCentralMeridian,
-                             double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
-/** Eckert VI */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetEckertVI( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCentralMeridian,
-                             double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
-/** Equirectangular */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetEquirectangular(OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
-                              double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                              double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
-/** Gall Stereograpic */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetGS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCentralMeridian,
-                       double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
-/** Goode Homolosine */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetGH( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCentralMeridian,
-                         double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
-/** GEOS - Geostationary Satellite View */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetGEOS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                           double dfCentralMeridian, double dfSatelliteHeight,
-                           double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
-/** Gnomonic */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetGnomonic(OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
-                              double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                            double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
-/** Hotine Oblique Mercator using azimuth angle */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetHOM( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
-                          double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                          double dfAzimuth, double dfRectToSkew,
-                          double dfScale,
-                          double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
-/** Hotine Oblique Mercator using two points on centerline */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetHOM2PNO( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCenterLat,
-                              double dfLat1, double dfLong1,
-                              double dfLat2, double dfLong2,
-                              double dfScale,
-                              double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
-/** Krovak Oblique Conic Conformal */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetKrovak( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                           double dfAzimuth, double dfPseudoStdParallelLat,
-                           double dfScale, 
-                           double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
-/** Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetLAEA( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                         double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
-/** Lambert Conformal Conic */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetLCC( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfStdP1, double dfStdP2,
-                        double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                        double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
-/** Lambert Conformal Conic 1SP */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetLCC1SP( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                           double dfScale,
-                           double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
-/** Lambert Conformal Conic (Belgium) */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetLCCB( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfStdP1, double dfStdP2,
-                         double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                         double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
-/** Miller Cylindrical */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetMC( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                       double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
-/** Mercator */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetMercator( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                             double dfScale, 
-                             double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
-/** Mollweide */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL  OSRSetMollweide( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCentralMeridian,
-                              double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
-/** New Zealand Map Grid */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetNZMG( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                         double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
-/** Oblique Stereographic */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetOS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfOriginLat, double dfCMeridian,
-                       double dfScale,
-                       double dfFalseEasting,double dfFalseNorthing);
-/** Orthographic */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetOrthographic( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                                 double dfFalseEasting,double dfFalseNorthing);
-/** Polyconic */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetPolyconic( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                              double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
-/** Polar Stereographic */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetPS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                       double dfScale,
-                       double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing);
-/** Robinson */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetRobinson( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCenterLong, 
-                             double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
-/** Sinusoidal */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetSinusoidal( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCenterLong, 
-                               double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
-/** Stereographic */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetStereographic( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                                  double dfScale,
-                                 double dfFalseEasting,double dfFalseNorthing);
-/** Swiss Oblique Cylindrical */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetSOC( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfLatitudeOfOrigin, double dfCentralMeridian,
-                        double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
-/** Transverse Mercator */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetTM( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                       double dfScale,
-                       double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
-/** Transverse Mercator variant */
-    OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, const char *pszVariantName,
-    double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-    double dfScale,
-    double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
-/** Tunesia Mining Grid  */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetTMG( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, 
-                        double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
-/** Transverse Mercator (South Oriented) */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetTMSO( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
-                           double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                           double dfScale,
-                           double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
-/** VanDerGrinten */
-OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetVDG( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
-                          double dfCenterLong,
-                          double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
-void CPL_DLL OSRCleanup( void );
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      OGRCoordinateTransform C API.                                   */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-OGRCoordinateTransformationH CPL_DLL CPL_STDCALL
-OCTNewCoordinateTransformation( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSourceSRS,
-                                OGRSpatialReferenceH hTargetSRS );
-      OCTDestroyCoordinateTransformation( OGRCoordinateTransformationH );
-OCTTransform( OGRCoordinateTransformationH hCT,
-              int nCount, double *x, double *y, double *z );
-OCTTransformEx( OGRCoordinateTransformationH hCT,
-                int nCount, double *x, double *y, double *z,
-                int *pabSuccess );
-/* this is really private to OGR. */
-char *OCTProj4Normalize( const char *pszProj4Src );
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Projection transform dictionary query.                          */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-char CPL_DLL ** OPTGetProjectionMethods();
-char CPL_DLL ** OPTGetParameterList( const char * pszProjectionMethod,
-                             char ** ppszUserName );
-int CPL_DLL OPTGetParameterInfo( const char * pszProjectionMethod,
-                                 const char * pszParameterName,
-                                 char ** ppszUserName,
-                                 char ** ppszType,
-                                 double *pdfDefaultValue );
-#endif /* ndef _OGR_SRS_API_H_INCLUDED */
+ * $Id: ogr_srs_api.h,v 1.58 2006/04/11 18:45:41 fwarmerdam Exp $
+ *
+ * Project:  OpenGIS Simple Features Reference Implementation
+ * Purpose:  C API and constant declarations for OGR Spatial References.
+ * Author:   Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, Frank Warmerdam
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+ * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+ * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+ * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * $Log: ogr_srs_api.h,v $
+ * Revision 1.58  2006/04/11 18:45:41  fwarmerdam
+ * Fixed definition of a chain.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.57  2006/03/31 17:44:20  fwarmerdam
+ * header updates
+ *
+ * Revision 1.56  2005/12/01 04:59:46  fwarmerdam
+ * added two point equidistant support
+ *
+ * Revision 1.55  2005/10/10 14:45:47  dron
+ * Added OSRImportFromPanorama()/OSRExportToPanorama() wrappers.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.54  2005/10/03 18:13:28  fwarmerdam
+ * Fixed prototype for OSRSetGEOS().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.53  2005/09/21 00:50:08  fwarmerdam
+ * Added Release
+ *
+ * Revision 1.52  2005/05/09 15:39:44  fwarmerdam
+ * Added TM_MI_21 as per email from Safe.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.51  2005/04/06 00:02:05  fwarmerdam
+ * various osr and oct functions now stdcall
+ *
+ * Revision 1.50  2005/02/17 16:34:17  fwarmerdam
+ * OSRCloneCS() should be OSRClone().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.49  2005/02/11 14:21:28  fwarmerdam
+ * added GEOS projection support
+ *
+ * Revision 1.48  2005/01/05 21:02:33  fwarmerdam
+ * added Goode Homolosine
+ *
+ * Revision 1.47  2004/11/11 18:28:45  fwarmerdam
+ * added Bonne projection support
+ *
+ * Revision 1.46  2004/09/23 16:20:13  fwarmerdam
+ * added OSRCleanup
+ *
+ * Revision 1.45  2004/05/12 19:25:54  dron
+ * SRS_DN_WGS72 constant added.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.44  2004/05/10 17:05:14  warmerda
+ * added AutoIdentifyEPSG()
+ *
+ * Revision 1.43  2004/05/06 19:26:04  dron
+ * Added OSRSetProjection() function.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.42  2004/03/04 18:04:45  warmerda
+ * added importFromDict() support
+ *
+ * Revision 1.41  2004/02/07 17:31:21  dron
+ * Added OSRExportToUSGS() method.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.40  2004/02/05 17:07:59  dron
+ * Support for HOM projection, specified by two points on centerline.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.39  2004/02/01 14:23:29  dron
+ * Added OSRImportFromUSGS().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.38  2004/01/24 09:35:00  warmerda
+ * added TransformEx support to capture per point reprojection failure
+ *
+ * Revision 1.37  2003/09/09 07:49:52  dron
+ * Added OSRExportToPCI().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.36  2003/08/31 14:51:01  dron
+ * Added OSRImportFromPCI().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.35  2003/08/18 13:26:01  warmerda
+ * added SetTMVariant() and related definitions
+ *
+ * Revision 1.34  2003/06/21 23:24:36  warmerda
+ * added Set/Get TOWGS84 calls
+ *
+ * Revision 1.33  2003/06/19 17:10:26  warmerda
+ * a couple fixes in last commit
+ *
+ * Revision 1.32  2003/06/18 18:24:17  warmerda
+ * added projection specific set methods to C API
+ *
+ * Revision 1.31  2003/06/10 09:31:12  dron
+ * Added OSRSetAngularUnits() and OSRGetAngularUnits().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.30  2003/05/30 15:39:53  warmerda
+ * Added override units capability for SetStatePlane()
+ *
+ * Revision 1.29  2003/03/21 22:15:11  warmerda
+ * added C XML import/export entry points
+ *
+ * Revision 1.28  2003/03/12 14:29:34  warmerda
+ * Rename OGRAxisOrientation and OGRDatumType values to avoid conflicts with
+ * the real OGC definitions in applications such as Cadcorps.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.27  2003/02/25 04:53:38  warmerda
+ * added OSRCopyGeogCSFrom
+ *
+ * Revision 1.26  2003/02/06 04:53:12  warmerda
+ * added Fixup() method
+ *
+ * Revision 1.25  2003/01/08 18:14:28  warmerda
+ * added FixupOrdering()
+ *
+ * Revision 1.24  2002/12/16 17:07:13  warmerda
+ * added NormProjParm functions, and OSRGetPrimeMeridian
+ *
+ * Revision 1.23  2002/12/14 22:59:14  warmerda
+ * added Krovak in ESRI compatible way
+ *
+ * Revision 1.22  2002/12/09 18:55:07  warmerda
+ * moved DMS stuff to gdal/port
+ *
+ * Revision 1.21  2002/12/09 16:11:53  warmerda
+ * added DMS translation
+ *
+ * Revision 1.20  2002/11/25 16:12:54  warmerda
+ * added GetAuthorityCode/Name
+ *
+ * Revision 1.19  2002/09/26 18:13:25  warmerda
+ * avoid double def
+ *
+ * Revision 1.18  2002/06/11 18:02:03  warmerda
+ * add PROJ.4 normalization and EPSG support
+ *
+ * Revision 1.17  2001/10/11 19:27:12  warmerda
+ * upgraded validation infrastructure
+ *
+ * Revision 1.16  2001/10/10 20:42:43  warmerda
+ * added ESRI WKT morphing support
+ *
+ * Revision 1.15  2001/09/21 16:21:02  warmerda
+ * added Clear(), and SetFromUserInput() methods
+ *
+ * Revision 1.14  2000/11/09 06:21:32  warmerda
+ * added limited ESRI prj support
+ *
+ * Revision 1.13  2000/10/20 04:19:38  warmerda
+ * added setstateplane
+ *
+ * Revision 1.12  2000/10/16 21:26:07  warmerda
+ * added some level of LOCAL_CS support
+ *
+ * Revision 1.11  2000/09/01 20:58:01  warmerda
+ * added CPL_DLL for entry points
+ *
+ * Revision 1.10  2000/08/30 20:06:14  warmerda
+ * added projection method list functions
+ *
+ * Revision 1.9  2000/08/28 20:13:23  warmerda
+ * added importFromProj4
+ *
+ * Revision 1.8  2000/07/11 01:02:06  warmerda
+ * added ExportToProj4()
+ *
+ * Revision 1.7  2000/07/09 20:48:02  warmerda
+ * added exportToPrettyWkt
+ *
+ * Revision 1.6  2000/05/30 22:45:44  warmerda
+ * added OSRCloneGeogCS()
+ *
+ * Revision 1.5  2000/04/26 18:25:56  warmerda
+ * added missing CPL_DLL attributes
+ *
+ * Revision 1.4  2000/03/22 01:09:43  warmerda
+ * added SetProjCS and SetWellKnownTextCS
+ *
+ * Revision 1.3  2000/03/20 23:33:51  warmerda
+ * updated docs a bit
+ *
+ * Revision 1.2  2000/03/20 22:39:31  warmerda
+ * Added C API.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  2000/03/16 19:04:14  warmerda
+ * New
+ *
+ */
+#include "ogr_core.h"
+ * \file ogr_srs_api.h
+ * 
+ * C spatial reference system services and defines.
+ * 
+ * See also: ogr_spatialref.h
+ */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Axis orientations (corresponds to CS_AxisOrientationEnum).      */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+typedef enum {
+    OAO_Other=0,
+    OAO_North=1,
+    OAO_South=2,
+    OAO_East=3,
+    OAO_West=4,
+    OAO_Up=5,
+    OAO_Down=6
+} OGRAxisOrientation;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Datum types (corresponds to CS_DatumType).                      */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+typedef enum {
+    ODT_HD_Min=1000,
+    ODT_HD_Other=1000,
+    ODT_HD_Classic=1001,
+    ODT_HD_Geocentric=1002,
+    ODT_HD_Max=1999,
+    ODT_VD_Min=2000,
+    ODT_VD_Other=2000,
+    ODT_VD_Orthometric=2001,
+    ODT_VD_Ellipsoidal=2002,
+    ODT_VD_AltitudeBarometric=2003,
+    ODT_VD_Normal=2004,
+    ODT_VD_GeoidModelDerived=2005,
+    ODT_VD_Depth=2006,
+    ODT_VD_Max=2999,
+    ODT_LD_Min=10000,
+    ODT_LD_Max=32767
+} OGRDatumType; 
+/* ==================================================================== */
+/*      Some "standard" strings.                                        */
+/* ==================================================================== */
+// The EQUAL() macro does a simple case insensitive string compare with these strings, 
+// but it should also ignore white space, "-", "_" and "," characters so that more matches are found.
+// The following should all be considered equal:
+//          Transverse_Mercator
+//          Transverse-Mercator
+//          Transverse Mercator
+//          TransverseMercator
+/* Abbreviation for Albers_Conic_Equal_Area */
+#define SRS_PT_AE               "AE"
+#define SRS_PT_ALBERS_CONIC_EQUAL_AREA                                  \
+                                "Albers_Conic_Equal_Area"
+#define SRS_PT_AZIMUTHAL_EQUIDISTANT "Azimuthal_Equidistant"
+#define SRS_PT_CASSINI_SOLDNER  "Cassini_Soldner"
+#define SRS_PT_CASSINI_SOLDNER1 "Cassini-Soldner"
+#define SRS_PT_CYLINDRICAL_EQUAL_AREA "Cylindrical_Equal_Area"
+#define SRS_PT_BONNE            "Bonne"
+#define SRS_PT_ECKERT_IV        "Eckert_IV"
+#define SRS_PT_ECKERT_VI        "Eckert_VI"
+#define SRS_PT_EQUIDISTANT_CONIC "Equidistant_Conic"
+#define SRS_PT_EQUIDISTANT_CYLINDRICAL "Equidistant_Cylindrical"
+#define SRS_PT_EQUIRECTANGULAR  "Equirectangular"
+#define SRS_PT_GALL_STEREOGRAPHIC "Gall_Stereographic"
+#define SRS_PT_GEOSTATIONARY_SATELLITE "Geostationary_Satellite"
+#define SRS_PT_GOODE_HOMOLOSINE "Goode_Homolosine"
+#define SRS_PT_GNOMONIC         "Gnomonic"
+#define SRS_PT_HOTINE_OBLIQUE_MERCATOR                                  \
+                                "Hotine_Oblique_Mercator"
+                            "Hotine_Oblique_Mercator_Two_Point_Natural_Origin"
+#define SRS_PT_LABORDE_OBLIQUE_MERCATOR                                 \
+                                "Laborde_Oblique_Mercator"
+/* Abbreviation for Lambert Conformal Conic */
+#define SRS_PT_LCC              "LCC"
+#define SRS_PT_LM               "LM"
+#define SRS_PT_LAMBERT_CONFORMAL_CONIC                                  \
+                                "Lambert Conformal Conic" 
+#define SRS_PT_LAMBERT_CONFORMAL_CONIC_1SP                              \
+                                "Lambert_Conformal_Conic_1SP"
+#define SRS_PT_LAMBERT_CONFORMAL_CONIC_2SP                              \
+                                "Lambert_Conformal_Conic_2SP"
+#define SRS_PT_LAMBERT_CONFORMAL_CONIC_2SP_BELGIUM                      \
+                                "Lambert_Conformal_Conic_2SP_Belgium"
+#define SRS_PT_LAMBERT_CONFORMAL_CONIC_ALT                              \
+                                "Lambert_Conformal_Conic"
+#define SRS_PT_LAMBERT_CONIC_CONFORMAL                                  \
+                                "Lambert Conic Conformal" 
+#define SRS_PT_LAMBERT_CONIC_CONFORMAL_1SP                              \
+                                "Lambert_Conic_Conformal_1SP"
+#define SRS_PT_LAMBERT_CONIC_CONFORMAL_2SP_BELGIUM                      \
+                                "Lambert_Conic_Conformal_2SP_Belgium"
+                                "Lambert_Conic_Conformal_West_Orientated"
+#define SRS_PT_LAMBERT_AZIMUTHAL_EQUAL_AREA                             \
+                                "Lambert_Azimuthal_Equal_Area"
+#define SRS_PT_MERCATOR_1SP     "Mercator_1SP"
+#define SRS_PT_MERCATOR_2SP     "Mercator_2SP"
+/* Abbreviation for Miller_Cylindrical */
+#define SRS_PT_MILLER           "Miller"
+#define SRS_PT_MILLER_CYLINDRICAL "Miller_Cylindrical"
+#define SRS_PT_MOLLWEIDE        "Mollweide"
+#define SRS_PT_NEW_ZEALAND_MAP_GRID                                     \
+                                "New_Zealand_Map_Grid"
+#define SRS_PT_OBLIQUE_MERCATOR                                         \
+                                "Oblique_Mercator"
+#define SRS_PT_OBLIQUE_STEREOGRAPHIC                                    \
+                                "Oblique_Stereographic"
+#define SRS_PT_ORTHOGRAPHIC     "Orthographic"
+#define SRS_PT_POLAR_STEREOGRAPHIC                                      \
+                                "Polar_Stereographic"
+#define SRS_PT_POLYCONIC        "Polyconic"
+#define SRS_PT_ROBINSON         "Robinson"
+#define SRS_PT_SINUSOIDAL       "Sinusoidal"
+#define SRS_PT_STEREOGRAPHIC    "Stereographic"
+/* Abbreviation for Swiss_Oblique_Cylindrical */
+#define SRS_PT_SWISS            "Swiss"
+#define SRS_PT_SWISS_OBLIQUE_CYLINDRICAL                                \
+                                "Swiss_Oblique_Cylindrical"
+/* Abbreviations for Transverse_Mercator */
+#define SRS_PT_TM               "TM"
+#define SRS_PT_TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR                                      \
+                                "Transverse_Mercator"
+#define SRS_PT_TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR_SOUTH_ORIENTED                       \
+                                "Transverse_Mercator_South_Orientated"
+/* special mapinfo variants on Transverse Mercator */
+                                "Transverse_Mercator_MapInfo_21"
+                                "Transverse_Mercator_MapInfo_22"
+                                "Transverse_Mercator_MapInfo_23"
+                                "Transverse_Mercator_MapInfo_24"
+                                "Transverse_Mercator_MapInfo_25"
+#define SRS_PT_TUNISIA_MINING_GRID                                      \
+                                "Tunisia_Mining_Grid"
+#define SRS_PT_TWO_POINT_EQUIDISTANT                                    \
+                                "Two_Point_Equidistant"
+/* Mentor abbreviation for Transverse Mercator */
+#define SRS_PT_UTM              "UTM"
+#define SRS_PT_VANDERGRINTEN    "VanDerGrinten"
+#define SRS_PT_KROVAK           "Krovak"
+#define SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN         "central_meridian"
+#define SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR             "scale_factor"
+#define SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1      "standard_parallel_1"
+#define SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_2      "standard_parallel_2"
+#define SRS_PP_PSEUDO_STD_PARALLEL_1    "pseudo_standard_parallel_1"
+#define SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_CENTER      "longitude_of_center"
+#define SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_CENTER       "latitude_of_center"
+#define SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_ORIGIN      "longitude_of_origin"
+#define SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN       "latitude_of_origin"
+#define SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING            "false_easting"
+#define SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING           "false_northing"
+#define SRS_PP_AZIMUTH                  "azimuth"
+#define SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_POINT_1     "longitude_of_point_1"
+#define SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_POINT_1      "latitude_of_point_1"
+#define SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_POINT_2     "longitude_of_point_2"
+#define SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_POINT_2      "latitude_of_point_2"
+#define SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_POINT_3     "longitude_of_point_3"
+#define SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_POINT_3      "latitude_of_point_3"
+#define SRS_PP_RECTIFIED_GRID_ANGLE     "rectified_grid_angle"
+#define SRS_PP_LANDSAT_NUMBER           "landsat_number"
+#define SRS_PP_PATH_NUMBER              "path_number"
+#define SRS_PP_PERSPECTIVE_POINT_HEIGHT "perspective_point_height"
+#define SRS_PP_SATELLITE_HEIGHT         "satellite_height"
+#define SRS_PP_FIPSZONE                 "fipszone"
+#define SRS_PP_ZONE                     "zone"
+#define SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_1ST_POINT    "Latitude_Of_1st_Point"
+#define SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_1ST_POINT   "Longitude_Of_1st_Point"
+#define SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_2ND_POINT    "Latitude_Of_2nd_Point"
+#define SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_2ND_POINT   "Longitude_Of_2nd_Point"
+#define SRS_UL_METER            "Meter"
+#define SRS_UL_FOOT             "Foot (International)" /* or just "FOOT"? */
+#define SRS_UL_FOOT_CONV                    "0.3048"
+#define SRS_UL_US_FOOT          "U.S. Foot" /* or "US survey foot" */
+#define SRS_UL_US_FOOT_CONV                 "0.3048006"
+#define SRS_UL_NAUTICAL_MILE    "Nautical Mile"
+#define SRS_UL_NAUTICAL_MILE_CONV           "1852.0"
+#define SRS_UL_LINK             "Link"          /* Based on US Foot */
+#define SRS_UL_LINK_CONV                    "0.20116684023368047"
+#define SRS_UL_CHAIN            "Chain"         /* based on US Foot */
+#define SRS_UL_CHAIN_CONV                   "20.116684023368047"
+#define SRS_UL_ROD              "Rod"           /* based on US Foot */
+#define SRS_UL_ROD_CONV                     "5.02921005842012"
+#define SRS_UA_DEGREE           "degree"
+#define SRS_UA_DEGREE_CONV                  "0.0174532925199433"
+#define SRS_UA_RADIAN           "radian"
+#define SRS_PM_GREENWICH        "Greenwich"
+#define SRS_DN_NAD27            "North_American_Datum_1927"
+#define SRS_DN_NAD83            "North_American_Datum_1983"
+#define SRS_DN_WGS72            "WGS_1972"
+#define SRS_DN_WGS84            "WGS_1984"
+#define SRS_WGS84_SEMIMAJOR     6378137.0                                
+#define SRS_WGS84_INVFLATTENING 298.257223563
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      C Wrappers for C++ objects and methods.                         */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifndef _DEFINED_OGRSpatialReferenceH
+#define _DEFINED_OGRSpatialReferenceH
+typedef void *OGRSpatialReferenceH;                               
+typedef void *OGRCoordinateTransformationH;
+      OSRNewSpatialReference( const char * /* = NULL */);
+OGRSpatialReferenceH CPL_DLL CPL_STDCALL OSRCloneGeogCS( OGRSpatialReferenceH );
+OGRSpatialReferenceH CPL_DLL CPL_STDCALL OSRClone( OGRSpatialReferenceH );
+void CPL_DLL CPL_STDCALL OSRDestroySpatialReference( OGRSpatialReferenceH );
+int CPL_DLL OSRReference( OGRSpatialReferenceH );
+int CPL_DLL OSRDereference( OGRSpatialReferenceH );
+void CPL_DLL OSRRelease( OGRSpatialReferenceH );
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRValidate( OGRSpatialReferenceH );
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRFixupOrdering( OGRSpatialReferenceH );
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRFixup( OGRSpatialReferenceH );
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRStripCTParms( OGRSpatialReferenceH );
+OGRErr CPL_DLL CPL_STDCALL OSRImportFromEPSG( OGRSpatialReferenceH, int );
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRImportFromWkt( OGRSpatialReferenceH, char ** );
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRImportFromProj4( OGRSpatialReferenceH, const char *);
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRImportFromESRI( OGRSpatialReferenceH, char **);
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRImportFromPCI( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, const char *,
+                                 const char *, double * );
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRImportFromUSGS( OGRSpatialReferenceH,
+                                  long, long, double *, long);
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRImportFromXML( OGRSpatialReferenceH, const char * );
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRImportFromDict( OGRSpatialReferenceH, const char *, 
+                                  const char * );
+OGRErr OSRImportFromPanorama( OGRSpatialReferenceH, long, long, long, long,
+                              double, double, double, double );
+OGRErr CPL_DLL CPL_STDCALL OSRExportToWkt( OGRSpatialReferenceH, char ** );
+OGRErr CPL_DLL CPL_STDCALL OSRExportToPrettyWkt( OGRSpatialReferenceH, char **, int);
+OGRErr CPL_DLL CPL_STDCALL OSRExportToProj4( OGRSpatialReferenceH, char **);
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRExportToPCI( OGRSpatialReferenceH, char **, char **,
+                               double ** );
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRExportToUSGS( OGRSpatialReferenceH, long *, long *,
+                                double **, long * );
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRExportToXML( OGRSpatialReferenceH, char **, const char * );
+OGRErr OSRExportToPanorama( OGRSpatialReferenceH, long *, long *, long *,
+                            long *, double *, double *, double *, double * );
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRMorphToESRI( OGRSpatialReferenceH );
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRMorphFromESRI( OGRSpatialReferenceH );
+OGRErr CPL_DLL CPL_STDCALL OSRSetAttrValue( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
+                                const char * pszNodePath,
+                                const char * pszNewNodeValue );
+const char CPL_DLL * CPL_STDCALL OSRGetAttrValue( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
+                           const char * pszName, int iChild /* = 0 */ );
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetAngularUnits( OGRSpatialReferenceH, const char *, double );
+double CPL_DLL OSRGetAngularUnits( OGRSpatialReferenceH, char ** );
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetLinearUnits( OGRSpatialReferenceH, const char *, double );
+double CPL_DLL OSRGetLinearUnits( OGRSpatialReferenceH, char ** );
+double CPL_DLL OSRGetPrimeMeridian( OGRSpatialReferenceH, char ** );
+int CPL_DLL OSRIsGeographic( OGRSpatialReferenceH );
+int CPL_DLL OSRIsLocal( OGRSpatialReferenceH );
+int CPL_DLL OSRIsProjected( OGRSpatialReferenceH );
+int CPL_DLL OSRIsSameGeogCS( OGRSpatialReferenceH, OGRSpatialReferenceH );
+int CPL_DLL OSRIsSame( OGRSpatialReferenceH, OGRSpatialReferenceH );
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetLocalCS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, const char *pszName );
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetProjCS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, const char * pszName );
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetWellKnownGeogCS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
+                                      const char * pszName );
+OGRErr CPL_DLL CPL_STDCALL OSRSetFromUserInput( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                                    const char * );
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRCopyGeogCSFrom( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                                  OGRSpatialReferenceH hSrcSRS );
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetTOWGS84( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                              double, double, double, 
+                              double, double, double, double );
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRGetTOWGS84( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double *, int );
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetGeogCS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
+                      const char * pszGeogName,
+                      const char * pszDatumName,
+                      const char * pszEllipsoidName,
+                      double dfSemiMajor, double dfInvFlattening,
+                      const char * pszPMName /* = NULL */,
+                      double dfPMOffset /* = 0.0 */,
+                      const char * pszUnits /* = NULL */,
+                      double dfConvertToRadians /* = 0.0 */ );
+double CPL_DLL OSRGetSemiMajor( OGRSpatialReferenceH, OGRErr * /* = NULL */ );
+double CPL_DLL OSRGetSemiMinor( OGRSpatialReferenceH, OGRErr * /* = NULL */ );
+double CPL_DLL OSRGetInvFlattening( OGRSpatialReferenceH, OGRErr * /*=NULL*/);
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetAuthority( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
+                         const char * pszTargetKey,
+                         const char * pszAuthority,
+                         int nCode );
+const char CPL_DLL *OSRGetAuthorityCode( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
+                                         const char * pszTargetKey );
+const char CPL_DLL *OSRGetAuthorityName( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
+                                         const char * pszTargetKey );
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetProjection( OGRSpatialReferenceH, const char * );
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetProjParm( OGRSpatialReferenceH, const char *, double );
+double CPL_DLL OSRGetProjParm( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
+                        const char * pszParmName, 
+                        double dfDefault /* = 0.0 */,
+                        OGRErr * /* = NULL */ );
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetNormProjParm( OGRSpatialReferenceH, const char *, double);
+double CPL_DLL OSRGetNormProjParm( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
+                                   const char * pszParmName, 
+                                   double dfDefault /* = 0.0 */,
+                                   OGRErr * /* = NULL */ );
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetUTM( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, int nZone, int bNorth );
+int    CPL_DLL OSRGetUTMZone( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, int *pbNorth );
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetStatePlane( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                                 int nZone, int bNAD83 );
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetStatePlaneWithUnits( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                                          int nZone, int bNAD83,
+                                          const char *pszOverrideUnitName,
+                                          double dfOverrideUnit );
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRAutoIdentifyEPSG( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS );
+/** Albers Conic Equal Area */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetACEA( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfStdP1, double dfStdP2,
+                         double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                         double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
+/** Azimuthal Equidistant */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL  OSRSetAE( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                       double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
+/** Bonne */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetBonne(OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                           double dfStandardParallel, double dfCentralMeridian,
+                           double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
+/** Cylindrical Equal Area */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetCEA( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfStdP1, double dfCentralMeridian,
+                        double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
+/** Cassini-Soldner */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetCS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                       double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
+/** Equidistant Conic */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetEC( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfStdP1, double dfStdP2,
+                       double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                       double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
+/** Eckert IV */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetEckertIV( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCentralMeridian,
+                             double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
+/** Eckert VI */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetEckertVI( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCentralMeridian,
+                             double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
+/** Equirectangular */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetEquirectangular(OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
+                              double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                              double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
+/** Gall Stereograpic */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetGS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCentralMeridian,
+                       double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
+/** Goode Homolosine */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetGH( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCentralMeridian,
+                         double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
+/** GEOS - Geostationary Satellite View */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetGEOS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                           double dfCentralMeridian, double dfSatelliteHeight,
+                           double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
+/** Gnomonic */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetGnomonic(OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
+                              double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                            double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
+/** Hotine Oblique Mercator using azimuth angle */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetHOM( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
+                          double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                          double dfAzimuth, double dfRectToSkew,
+                          double dfScale,
+                          double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
+/** Hotine Oblique Mercator using two points on centerline */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetHOM2PNO( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCenterLat,
+                              double dfLat1, double dfLong1,
+                              double dfLat2, double dfLong2,
+                              double dfScale,
+                              double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
+/** Krovak Oblique Conic Conformal */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetKrovak( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                           double dfAzimuth, double dfPseudoStdParallelLat,
+                           double dfScale, 
+                           double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
+/** Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetLAEA( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                         double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
+/** Lambert Conformal Conic */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetLCC( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfStdP1, double dfStdP2,
+                        double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                        double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
+/** Lambert Conformal Conic 1SP */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetLCC1SP( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                           double dfScale,
+                           double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
+/** Lambert Conformal Conic (Belgium) */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetLCCB( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfStdP1, double dfStdP2,
+                         double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                         double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
+/** Miller Cylindrical */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetMC( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                       double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
+/** Mercator */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetMercator( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                             double dfScale, 
+                             double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
+/** Mollweide */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL  OSRSetMollweide( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCentralMeridian,
+                              double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
+/** New Zealand Map Grid */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetNZMG( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                         double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
+/** Oblique Stereographic */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetOS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfOriginLat, double dfCMeridian,
+                       double dfScale,
+                       double dfFalseEasting,double dfFalseNorthing);
+/** Orthographic */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetOrthographic( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                                 double dfFalseEasting,double dfFalseNorthing);
+/** Polyconic */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetPolyconic( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                              double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
+/** Polar Stereographic */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetPS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                       double dfScale,
+                       double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing);
+/** Robinson */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetRobinson( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCenterLong, 
+                             double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
+/** Sinusoidal */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetSinusoidal( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCenterLong, 
+                               double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
+/** Stereographic */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetStereographic( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                                  double dfScale,
+                                 double dfFalseEasting,double dfFalseNorthing);
+/** Swiss Oblique Cylindrical */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetSOC( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfLatitudeOfOrigin, double dfCentralMeridian,
+                        double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
+/** Transverse Mercator */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetTM( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                       double dfScale,
+                       double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
+/** Transverse Mercator variant */
+    OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, const char *pszVariantName,
+    double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+    double dfScale,
+    double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
+/** Tunesia Mining Grid  */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetTMG( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, 
+                        double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
+/** Transverse Mercator (South Oriented) */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetTMSO( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
+                           double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                           double dfScale,
+                           double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
+/** VanDerGrinten */
+OGRErr CPL_DLL OSRSetVDG( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
+                          double dfCenterLong,
+                          double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing );
+void CPL_DLL OSRCleanup( void );
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      OGRCoordinateTransform C API.                                   */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+OGRCoordinateTransformationH CPL_DLL CPL_STDCALL
+OCTNewCoordinateTransformation( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSourceSRS,
+                                OGRSpatialReferenceH hTargetSRS );
+      OCTDestroyCoordinateTransformation( OGRCoordinateTransformationH );
+OCTTransform( OGRCoordinateTransformationH hCT,
+              int nCount, double *x, double *y, double *z );
+OCTTransformEx( OGRCoordinateTransformationH hCT,
+                int nCount, double *x, double *y, double *z,
+                int *pabSuccess );
+/* this is really private to OGR. */
+char *OCTProj4Normalize( const char *pszProj4Src );
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Projection transform dictionary query.                          */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+char CPL_DLL ** OPTGetProjectionMethods();
+char CPL_DLL ** OPTGetParameterList( const char * pszProjectionMethod,
+                             char ** ppszUserName );
+int CPL_DLL OPTGetParameterInfo( const char * pszProjectionMethod,
+                                 const char * pszParameterName,
+                                 char ** ppszUserName,
+                                 char ** ppszType,
+                                 double *pdfDefaultValue );
+#endif /* ndef _OGR_SRS_API_H_INCLUDED */

Modified: trunk/MgDev/Oem/gdal-1.4.0/ogr/ogr_srs_proj4.cpp
--- trunk/MgDev/Oem/gdal-1.4.0/ogr/ogr_srs_proj4.cpp	2007-03-21 00:47:37 UTC (rev 1308)
+++ trunk/MgDev/Oem/gdal-1.4.0/ogr/ogr_srs_proj4.cpp	2007-03-21 00:50:25 UTC (rev 1309)
@@ -1,1964 +1,1981 @@
- * $Id: ogr_srs_proj4.cpp,v 1.66 2006/11/24 17:58:30 fwarmerdam Exp $
- *
- * Project:  OpenGIS Simple Features Reference Implementation
- * Purpose:  OGRSpatialReference interface to PROJ.4.
- * Author:   Frank Warmerdam <warmerdam at pobox.com>
- *
- ******************************************************************************
- * Copyright (c) 1999,  Les Technologies SoftMap Inc. 
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
- * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
- * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
- * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
- * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
- * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
- * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- ******************************************************************************
- *
- * $Log: ogr_srs_proj4.cpp,v $
- * Revision 1.66  2006/11/24 17:58:30  fwarmerdam
- * added support for +wktext / PROJ4 EXTENSION hackery
- *
- * Revision 1.65  2006/11/01 04:37:39  fwarmerdam
- * fixed two point equidistant, preliminary mercator2sp support
- *
- * Revision 1.64  2006/05/05 17:02:54  fwarmerdam
- * Added Krovak PROJ.4 to WKT translation.
- *
- * Revision 1.63  2006/04/21 03:33:23  fwarmerdam
- * Per bug 811 we should not actually be adjusting the central meridian or
- * other longitudes.  They are relative to the geogcs prime meridian in
- * WKT and PROJ.4 format.  Ugg.
- *
- * Revision 1.62  2006/04/21 02:44:35  fwarmerdam
- * Fixed bogota meridian sign (west, not east).
- *
- * Revision 1.61  2006/03/21 15:12:22  fwarmerdam
- * Fixed support for +R parameter.
- *
- * Revision 1.60  2005/12/13 15:57:28  dron
- * Export scale coefficient when exporting to stereographic projection.
- *
- * Revision 1.59  2005/12/01 04:59:46  fwarmerdam
- * added two point equidistant support
- *
- * Revision 1.58  2005/11/10 04:12:40  fwarmerdam
- * The last change related to:
- * http://bugzilla.remotesensing.org/show_bug.cgi?id=980
- *
- * Revision 1.57  2005/11/10 04:12:14  fwarmerdam
- * Changed the translation for Oblique Stereographic from proj=stere to
- * proj=sterea.
- *
- * Revision 1.56  2005/09/29 20:22:26  dmorissette
- * Improved support for MapInfo modified TM projections in exportToProj4()
- * (Anthony D - MITAB bug 1155)
- *
- * Revision 1.55  2005/09/05 20:42:52  fwarmerdam
- * ensure that non-geographic, non-projected srses return empty string
- *
- * Revision 1.54  2005/04/06 00:02:05  fwarmerdam
- * various osr and oct functions now stdcall
- *
- * Revision 1.53  2005/02/28 15:01:56  fwarmerdam
- * Applied patch to add +towgs84 parameter if one is well known for a given
- * EPSG GEOGCS, and no datum shifting info is available in the source defn.
- * See http://bugzilla.remotesensing.org/show_bug.cgi?id=784
- *
- * Revision 1.52  2005/02/09 20:25:39  fwarmerdam
- * Changed default height for GEOS projection.
- *
- * Revision 1.51  2005/01/05 21:02:33  fwarmerdam
- * added Goode Homolosine
- *
- * Revision 1.50  2004/11/11 18:28:45  fwarmerdam
- * added Bonne projection support
- *
- * Revision 1.49  2004/09/10 21:04:51  fwarmerdam
- * Various fixes for swiss oblique mercator (somerc) support.
- * http://bugzilla.remotesensing.org/show_bug.cgi?id=423
- *
- * Revision 1.48  2004/09/10 20:29:16  fwarmerdam
- * Re bug 423: fixed up SRS_PT_SWISS_OBLIQUE_CYLINDRICAL to use somerc.
- *
- * Revision 1.47  2004/05/12 14:27:47  warmerda
- * added translation for nzgd49 and potsdam using epsg codes
- *
- * Revision 1.46  2004/05/04 18:49:43  warmerda
- * Fixed handling of prime meridian.  In PROJ.4 strings the central meridian
- * or other longitude parameters are relative to the prime meridian.  Apply
- * appropriate transformations going and coming from WKT where that is not
- * the case.
- *
- * Revision 1.45  2004/02/05 17:07:59  dron
- * Support for HOM projection, specified by two points on centerline.
- *
- * Revision 1.44  2003/06/27 19:02:04  warmerda
- * added OSRProj4Tokenize(), fixes plus related tokenizing bug in bug 355
- *
- * Revision 1.43  2003/06/27 17:54:12  warmerda
- * allow k_0 in place of k parsing proj4, bug 355
- *
- * Revision 1.42  2003/06/21 23:25:03  warmerda
- * added +towgs84 support in importFromProj4()
- *
- * Revision 1.41  2003/05/28 18:17:38  warmerda
- * treat meter or m as meter
- *
- * Revision 1.40  2003/05/20 18:09:36  warmerda
- * fixed so that importFromProj4() will transform linear parameter units
- *
- * Revision 1.39  2003/02/13 19:27:28  warmerda
- * always append no_defs to avoid getting hosted by defaults file
- *
- * Revision 1.38  2002/12/15 23:42:59  warmerda
- * added initial support for normalizing proj params
- *
- * Revision 1.37  2002/12/14 19:50:21  warmerda
- * implement support for NZMG (New Zealand Map Grid)
- *
- * Revision 1.36  2002/12/10 04:05:04  warmerda
- * fixed some translation problems with prime meridians
- *
- * Revision 1.35  2002/12/09 23:03:45  warmerda
- * Fixed translation of paris prime meridian.
- *
- * Revision 1.34  2002/12/09 18:55:07  warmerda
- * moved DMS stuff to gdal/port
- *
- * Revision 1.33  2002/12/09 16:12:14  warmerda
- * added +pm= support
- *
- * Revision 1.32  2002/12/03 15:38:10  warmerda
- * dont write linear units to geograpic srs but avoid freaking out
- *
- * Revision 1.31  2002/12/01 20:19:21  warmerda
- * use %.16g to preserve precision as per bug 184
- *
- * Revision 1.30  2002/11/29 21:23:38  warmerda
- * implement LCC1SP PROJ.4 to WKT translation
- *
- * Revision 1.29  2002/11/29 20:56:37  warmerda
- * added LCC1SP conversion to PROJ.4, missing reverse
- *
- * Revision 1.28  2002/11/25 03:28:16  warmerda
- * added/improved documentation
- *
- * Revision 1.27  2002/07/09 14:49:07  warmerda
- * Improved translation from/to polar stereographic as per
- * http://bugzilla.remotesensing.org/show_bug.cgi?id=172
- *
- * Revision 1.26  2002/06/11 18:02:03  warmerda
- * add PROJ.4 normalization and EPSG support
- *
- * Revision 1.25  2002/04/18 14:22:45  warmerda
- * made OGRSpatialReference and co 'const correct'
- *
- * Revision 1.24  2002/03/08 20:17:52  warmerda
- * assume WGS84 if ellipse info missing
- *
- * Revision 1.23  2002/01/18 04:48:48  warmerda
- * clean tabs, and newlines from input to importProj4
- *
- * Revision 1.22  2001/12/12 20:18:06  warmerda
- * added support for units in proj.4 to WKT
- *
- * Revision 1.21  2001/11/07 22:08:51  warmerda
- * dont put + in to_meter value
- *
- * Revision 1.20  2001/11/02 22:21:15  warmerda
- * fixed memory leak
- *
- * Revision 1.19  2001/10/11 19:23:30  warmerda
- * fixed datum names
- *
- * Revision 1.18  2001/07/18 05:03:05  warmerda
- * added CPL_CVSID
- *
- * Revision 1.17  2001/03/02 04:37:43  danmo
- * Return empty string for LOCAL_CS in exportToProj4().
- *
- * Revision 1.16  2001/01/22 14:00:28  warmerda
- * added untested support for Swiss Oblique Cylindrical
- *
- * Revision 1.15  2001/01/19 21:10:46  warmerda
- * replaced tabs
- *
- * Revision 1.14  2000/12/05 23:10:34  warmerda
- * Added cassini support
- *
- * Revision 1.13  2000/12/05 17:46:16  warmerda
- * Use +R_A for VanDerGrinten and miller
- *
- * Revision 1.12  2000/09/25 20:22:21  warmerda
- * ensure pszPROJ4Units is initialized
- *
- * Revision 1.11  2000/09/25 15:46:56  warmerda
- * added sphere
- *
- * Revision 1.10  2000/08/28 20:13:23  warmerda
- * added importFromProj4
- *
- * Revision 1.9  2000/07/11 01:02:06  warmerda
- * added ExportToProj4()
- *
- * Revision 1.8  2000/07/09 20:49:21  warmerda
- * added +datum support
- *
- * Revision 1.7  2000/03/06 02:23:54  warmerda
- * don't use +datum syntax
- *
- * Revision 1.6  1999/12/22 15:39:43  warmerda
- * fix to differentiate WGS variants
- *
- * Revision 1.5  1999/12/13 16:29:59  warmerda
- * Added improved units, and ellipse support.
- *
- * Revision 1.4  1999/12/08 16:34:05  warmerda
- * added five or six more projections
- *
- * Revision 1.1  1999/07/29 17:29:15  warmerda
- * New
- *
- */
-#include "ogr_spatialref.h"
-#include "ogr_p.h"
-#include "cpl_conv.h"
-extern int EPSGGetWGS84Transform( int nGeogCS, double *padfTransform );
-CPL_CVSID("$Id: ogr_srs_proj4.cpp,v 1.66 2006/11/24 17:58:30 fwarmerdam Exp $");
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      The following list comes from osrs/proj/src/pj_ellps.c          */
-/*      ... please update from time to time.                            */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-static const char *ogr_pj_ellps[] = {
-"MERIT",        "a=6378137.0", "rf=298.257", "MERIT 1983",
-"SGS85",        "a=6378136.0", "rf=298.257",  "Soviet Geodetic System 85",
-"GRS80",        "a=6378137.0", "rf=298.257222101", "GRS 1980(IUGG, 1980)",
-"IAU76",        "a=6378140.0", "rf=298.257", "IAU 1976",
-"airy",         "a=6377563.396", "b=6356256.910", "Airy 1830",
-"APL4.9",       "a=6378137.0.",  "rf=298.25", "Appl. Physics. 1965",
-"NWL9D",        "a=6378145.0.",  "rf=298.25", "Naval Weapons Lab., 1965",
-"mod_airy",     "a=6377340.189", "b=6356034.446", "Modified Airy",
-"andrae",       "a=6377104.43",  "rf=300.0",    "Andrae 1876 (Den., Iclnd.)",
-"aust_SA",      "a=6378160.0", "rf=298.25", "Australian Natl & S. Amer. 1969",
-"GRS67",        "a=6378160.0", "rf=298.2471674270", "GRS 67(IUGG 1967)",
-"bessel",       "a=6377397.155", "rf=299.1528128", "Bessel 1841",
-"bess_nam",     "a=6377483.865", "rf=299.1528128", "Bessel 1841 (Namibia)",
-"clrk66",       "a=6378206.4", "b=6356583.8", "Clarke 1866",
-"clrk80",       "a=6378249.145", "rf=293.4663", "Clarke 1880 mod.",
-"CPM",          "a=6375738.7", "rf=334.29", "Comm. des Poids et Mesures 1799",
-"delmbr",       "a=6376428.",  "rf=311.5", "Delambre 1810 (Belgium)",
-"engelis",      "a=6378136.05", "rf=298.2566", "Engelis 1985",
-"evrst30",  "a=6377276.345", "rf=300.8017",  "Everest 1830",
-"evrst48",  "a=6377304.063", "rf=300.8017",  "Everest 1948",
-"evrst56",  "a=6377301.243", "rf=300.8017",  "Everest 1956",
-"evrst69",  "a=6377295.664", "rf=300.8017",  "Everest 1969",
-"evrstSS",  "a=6377298.556", "rf=300.8017",  "Everest (Sabah & Sarawak)",
-"fschr60",  "a=6378166.",   "rf=298.3", "Fischer (Mercury Datum) 1960",
-"fschr60m", "a=6378155.",   "rf=298.3", "Modified Fischer 1960",
-"fschr68",  "a=6378150.",   "rf=298.3", "Fischer 1968",
-"helmert",  "a=6378200.",   "rf=298.3", "Helmert 1906",
-"hough",        "a=6378270.0", "rf=297.", "Hough",
-"intl",         "a=6378388.0", "rf=297.", "International 1909 (Hayford)",
-"krass",        "a=6378245.0", "rf=298.3", "Krassovsky, 1942",
-"kaula",        "a=6378163.",  "rf=298.24", "Kaula 1961",
-"lerch",        "a=6378139.",  "rf=298.257", "Lerch 1979",
-"mprts",        "a=6397300.",  "rf=191.", "Maupertius 1738",
-"new_intl",     "a=6378157.5", "b=6356772.2", "New International 1967",
-"plessis",      "a=6376523.",  "b=6355863.", "Plessis 1817 (France)",
-"SEasia",       "a=6378155.0", "b=6356773.3205", "Southeast Asia",
-"walbeck",      "a=6376896.0", "b=6355834.8467", "Walbeck",
-"WGS60",    "a=6378165.0",  "rf=298.3", "WGS 60",
-"WGS66",        "a=6378145.0", "rf=298.25", "WGS 66",
-"WGS72",        "a=6378135.0", "rf=298.26", "WGS 72",
-"WGS84",    "a=6378137.0",  "rf=298.257223563", "WGS 84",
-"sphere",   "a=6370997.0",  "b=6370997.0", "Normal Sphere (r=6370997)",
-0, 0, 0, 0,
-/*                          OSRProj4Tokenize()                          */
-/*                                                                      */
-/*      Custom tokenizing function for PROJ.4 strings.  The main        */
-/*      reason we can't just use CSLTokenizeString is to handle         */
-/*      strings with a + sign in the exponents of parameter values.     */
-char **OSRProj4Tokenize( const char *pszFull )
-    char *pszStart = NULL;
-    char *pszFullWrk;
-    char **papszTokens = NULL;
-    int  i;
-    if( pszFull == NULL )
-        return NULL;
-    pszFullWrk = CPLStrdup( pszFull );
-    for( i=0; pszFullWrk[i] != '\0'; i++ )
-    {
-        switch( pszFullWrk[i] )
-        {
-          case '+':
-            if( i == 0 || pszFullWrk[i-1] == '\0' )
-            {
-                if( pszStart != NULL )
-                {
-                    if( strstr(pszStart,"=") != NULL )
-                        papszTokens = CSLAddString( papszTokens, pszStart );
-                    else
-                    {
-                        CPLString osAsBoolean = pszStart;
-                        osAsBoolean += "=yes";
-                        papszTokens = CSLAddString( papszTokens, osAsBoolean );
-                    }
-                }
-                pszStart = pszFullWrk + i + 1;
-            }
-            break;
-          case ' ':
-          case '\t':
-          case '\n':
-            pszFullWrk[i] = '\0';
-            break;
-          default:
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if( pszStart != NULL && strlen(pszStart) > 0 )
-        papszTokens = CSLAddString( papszTokens, pszStart );
-    CPLFree( pszFullWrk );
-    return papszTokens;
-/*                         OSRImportFromProj4()                         */
-OGRErr OSRImportFromProj4( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, const char *pszProj4 )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->importFromProj4( pszProj4 );
-/*                              OSR_GDV()                               */
-/*                                                                      */
-/*      Fetch a particular parameter out of the parameter list, or      */
-/*      the indicated default if it isn't available.  This is a         */
-/*      helper function for importFromProj4().                          */
-static double OSR_GDV( char **papszNV, const char * pszField, 
-                       double dfDefaultValue )
-    const char * pszValue;
-    pszValue = CSLFetchNameValue( papszNV, pszField );
-    // special hack to use k_0 if available.
-    if( pszValue == NULL && EQUAL(pszField,"k") )
-        pszValue = CSLFetchNameValue( papszNV, "k_0" );
-    if( pszValue == NULL )
-        return dfDefaultValue;
-    else
-        return CPLDMSToDec(pszValue);
-/*                          importFromProj4()                           */
- * Import PROJ.4 coordinate string.
- *
- * The OGRSpatialReference is initialized from the passed PROJ.4 style
- * coordinate system string.  In addition to many +proj formulations which
- * have OGC equivelents, it is also possible to import "+init=epsg:n" style
- * definitions.  These are passed to importFromEPSG().  Other init strings
- * (such as the state plane zones) are not currently supported.   
- *
- * Example:
- *   pszProj4 = "+proj=utm +zone=11 +datum=WGS84" 
- *
- * This method is the equivelent of the C function OSRImportFromProj4().
- *
- * @param pszProj4 the PROJ.4 style string. 
- *
- * @return OGRERR_NONE on success or OGRERR_CORRUPT_DATA on failure.
- */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::importFromProj4( const char * pszProj4 )
-    char **papszNV = NULL;
-    char **papszTokens;
-    int  i;
-    char *pszCleanCopy;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Strip any newlines or other "funny" stuff that might occur      */
-/*      if this string just came from reading a file.                   */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    pszCleanCopy = CPLStrdup( pszProj4 );
-    for( i = 0; pszCleanCopy[i] != '\0'; i++ )
-    {
-        if( pszCleanCopy[i] == 10 
-            || pszCleanCopy[i] == 13 
-            || pszCleanCopy[i] == 9 )
-            pszCleanCopy[i] = ' ';
-    }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Try to normalize the definition.  This should expand +init=     */
-/*      clauses and so forth.                                           */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    char *pszNormalized;
-    pszNormalized = OCTProj4Normalize( pszCleanCopy );
-    CPLFree( pszCleanCopy );
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      If we have an EPSG based init string, try to process it         */
-/*      directly to get the fullest possible EPSG definition.           */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    if( strstr(pszNormalized,"init=epsg:") != NULL )
-    {
-        OGRErr eErr;
-        const char *pszNumber = strstr(pszNormalized,"init=epsg:") + 10;
-        eErr = importFromEPSG( atoi(pszNumber) );
-        if( eErr == OGRERR_NONE )
-        {
-            CPLFree( pszNormalized );
-            return eErr;
-        }
-    }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Parse the PROJ.4 string into a cpl_string.h style name/value    */
-/*      list.                                                           */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    papszTokens = OSRProj4Tokenize( pszNormalized );
-    CPLFree( pszNormalized );
-    for( i = 0; papszTokens != NULL && papszTokens[i] != NULL; i++ )
-    {
-        char *pszEqual = strstr(papszTokens[i],"=");
-        if( pszEqual == NULL )
-            papszNV = CSLAddNameValue(papszNV, papszTokens[i], "" );
-        else
-        {
-            pszEqual[0] = '\0';
-            papszNV = CSLAddNameValue( papszNV, papszTokens[i], pszEqual+1 );
-        }
-    }
-    CSLDestroy( papszTokens );
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Extract the prime meridian, if there is one set.                */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    const char *pszPM = CSLFetchNameValue( papszNV, "pm" );
-    double dfFromGreenwich = 0.0;
-    int    nPMCode = -1;
-    if( pszPM != NULL )
-    {
-        if( EQUAL(pszPM,"lisbon") )
-        {
-            dfFromGreenwich = CPLDMSToDec( "9d07'54.862\"W" );
-            nPMCode = 8902;
-        }
-        else if( EQUAL(pszPM,"paris") )
-        {
-            dfFromGreenwich = CPLDMSToDec( "2d20'14.025\"E" );
-            nPMCode = 8903;
-        }
-        else if( EQUAL(pszPM,"bogota") )
-        {
-            dfFromGreenwich = CPLDMSToDec( "74d04'51.3\"W" );
-            nPMCode = 8904;
-        }
-        else if( EQUAL(pszPM,"madrid") )
-        {
-            dfFromGreenwich = CPLDMSToDec( "3d41'16.48\"W" );
-            nPMCode = 8905;
-        }
-        else if( EQUAL(pszPM,"rome") )
-        {
-            dfFromGreenwich = CPLDMSToDec( "12d27'8.4\"E" );
-            nPMCode = 8906;
-        }
-        else if( EQUAL(pszPM,"bern") )
-        {
-            dfFromGreenwich = CPLDMSToDec( "7d26'22.5\"E" );
-            nPMCode = 8907;
-        }
-        else if( EQUAL(pszPM,"jakarta") )
-        {
-            dfFromGreenwich = CPLDMSToDec( "106d48'27.79\"E" );
-            nPMCode = 8908;
-        }
-        else if( EQUAL(pszPM,"ferro") )
-        {
-            dfFromGreenwich = CPLDMSToDec( "17d40'W" );
-            nPMCode = 8909;
-        }
-        else if( EQUAL(pszPM,"brussels") )
-        {
-            dfFromGreenwich = CPLDMSToDec( "4d22'4.71\"E" );
-            nPMCode = 8910;
-        }
-        else if( EQUAL(pszPM,"stockholm") )
-        {
-            dfFromGreenwich = CPLDMSToDec( "18d3'29.8\"E" );
-            nPMCode = 8911;
-        }
-        else if( EQUAL(pszPM,"athens") )
-        {
-            dfFromGreenwich = CPLDMSToDec( "23d42'58.815\"E" );
-            nPMCode = 8912;
-        }
-        else if( EQUAL(pszPM,"oslo") )
-        {
-            dfFromGreenwich = CPLDMSToDec( "10d43'22.5\"E" );
-            nPMCode = 8913;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            dfFromGreenwich = CPLDMSToDec( pszPM );
-            pszPM = "unnamed";
-        }
-    }
-    else
-        pszPM = "Greenwich";
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Operate on the basis of the projection name.                    */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    const char *pszProj = CSLFetchNameValue(papszNV,"proj");
-    if( pszProj == NULL )
-    {
-        CPLDebug( "OGR_PROJ4", "Can't find +proj= in:\n%s", pszProj4 );
-        CSLDestroy( papszNV );
-        return OGRERR_CORRUPT_DATA;
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"longlat") || EQUAL(pszProj,"latlong") )
-    {
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"bonne") )
-    {
-        SetBonne( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_1", 0.0 ), 
-                  OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 ) + dfFromGreenwich, 
-                  OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
-                  OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"cass") )
-    {
-        SetCS( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ), 
-               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 ) + dfFromGreenwich, 
-               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
-               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"nzmg") )
-    {
-        SetNZMG( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", -41.0 ), 
-                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 173.0 ) + dfFromGreenwich, 
-                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 2510000.0 ), 
-                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 6023150.0 ) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"cea") )
-    {
-        SetCEA( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_ts", 0.0 ), 
-                OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 ) + dfFromGreenwich, 
-                OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
-                OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"tmerc") )
-    {
-        SetTM( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ), 
-               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 ) + dfFromGreenwich, 
-               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "k", 1.0 ), 
-               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
-               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"utm") )
-    {
-        SetUTM( (int) OSR_GDV( papszNV, "zone", 0.0 ),
-                (int) OSR_GDV( papszNV, "south", 1.0 ) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"merc") /* 2SP form */
-             && OSR_GDV(papszNV, "lat_ts", 1000.0) < 999.0 )
-    {
-        SetMercator2SP( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_ts", 0.0 ), 
-                        0.0,
-                        OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 ) + dfFromGreenwich, 
-                        OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
-                        OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"merc") ) /* 1SP form */
-    {
-        SetMercator( 0.0,
-                     OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 ) + dfFromGreenwich, 
-                     OSR_GDV( papszNV, "k", 1.0 ), 
-                     OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
-                     OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"stere") 
-             && ABS(OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ) - 90) < 0.001 )
-    {
-        SetPS( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_ts", 90.0 ), 
-               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 ) + dfFromGreenwich, 
-               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "k", 1.0 ), 
-               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
-               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"stere") 
-             && ABS(OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ) + 90) < 0.001 )
-    {
-        SetPS( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_ts", -90.0 ), 
-               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 ) + dfFromGreenwich, 
-               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "k", 1.0 ), 
-               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
-               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUALN(pszProj,"stere",5) /* mostly sterea */
-             && CSLFetchNameValue(papszNV,"k") != NULL )
-    {
-        SetOS( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ), 
-               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 ) + dfFromGreenwich, 
-               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "k", 1.0 ), 
-               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
-               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"stere") )
-    {
-        SetStereographic( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ), 
-                          OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 ) + dfFromGreenwich, 
-                          1.0, 
-                          OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
-                          OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"eqc") )
-    {
-        SetEquirectangular( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_ts", 0.0 ), 
-                            OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
-                            OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
-                            OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"gnom") )
-    {
-        SetGnomonic( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ), 
-                     OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
-                     OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
-                     OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"ortho") )
-    {
-        SetOrthographic( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ), 
-                         OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
-                         OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
-                         OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"laea") )
-    {
-        SetLAEA( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ), 
-                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
-                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
-                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"aeqd") )
-    {
-        SetAE( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ), 
-               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
-               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
-               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"eqdc") )
-    {
-        SetEC( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_1", 0.0 ), 
-               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_2", 0.0 ), 
-               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ), 
-               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
-               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
-               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"mill") )
-    {
-        SetMC( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ), 
-               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
-               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
-               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"moll") )
-    {
-        SetMollweide( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
-                      OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
-                      OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"eck4") )
-    {
-        SetEckertIV( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
-                     OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
-                     OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"eck6") )
-    {
-        SetEckertVI( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
-                     OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
-                     OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"poly") )
-    {
-        SetPolyconic( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ), 
-                      OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
-                      OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
-                      OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"aea") )
-    {
-        SetACEA( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_1", 0.0 ), 
-                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_2", 0.0 ), 
-                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ), 
-                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
-                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
-                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"robin") )
-    {
-        SetRobinson( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
-                     OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
-                     OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"vandg") )
-    {
-        SetVDG( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
-                OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
-                OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"sinu") )
-    {
-        SetSinusoidal( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
-                       OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
-                       OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"gall") )
-    {
-        SetGS( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
-               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
-               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"goode") )
-    {
-        SetGH( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
-               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
-               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"geos") )
-    {
-        SetGEOS( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
-                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "h", 35785831.0 ), 
-                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
-                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"lcc") ) 
-    {
-        if( OSR_GDV(papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ) 
-            == OSR_GDV(papszNV, "lat_1", 0.0 ) )
-        {
-            /* 1SP form */
-            SetLCC1SP( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ), 
-                       OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
-                       OSR_GDV( papszNV, "k_0", 1.0 ), 
-                       OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
-                       OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            /* 2SP form */
-            SetLCC( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_1", 0.0 ), 
-                    OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_2", 0.0 ), 
-                    OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ), 
-                    OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
-                    OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
-                    OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
-        }
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"omerc") )
-    {
-        SetHOM( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ), 
-                OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lonc", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
-                OSR_GDV( papszNV, "alpha", 0.0 ), 
-                0.0, /* ??? */
-                OSR_GDV( papszNV, "k", 1.0 ), 
-                OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
-                OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"somerc") )
-    {
-        SetHOM( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ), 
-                OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
-                90.0,  90.0, 
-                OSR_GDV( papszNV, "k", 1.0 ), 
-                OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
-                OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"krovak") )
-    {
-        SetKrovak( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ), 
-                   OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
-                   OSR_GDV( papszNV, "alpha", 0.0 ), 
-                   0.0, // pseudo_standard_parallel_1
-                   OSR_GDV( papszNV, "k", 1.0 ), 
-                   OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
-                   OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"tpeqd") )
-    {
-        SetTPED( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_1", 0.0 ), 
-                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_1", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
-                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_2", 0.0 ), 
-                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_2", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
-                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
-                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        CPLDebug( "OGR_PROJ4", "Unsupported projection: %s", pszProj );
-        CSLDestroy( papszNV );
-        return OGRERR_CORRUPT_DATA;
-    }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Try to translate the datum.                                     */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    const char *pszValue;
-    int  bFullyDefined = FALSE;
-    pszValue = CSLFetchNameValue(papszNV, "datum");
-    if( pszValue == NULL )
-    {
-        /* do nothing */
-    }
-    else if( (EQUAL(pszValue,"NAD27") || EQUAL(pszValue,"NAD83")
-              || EQUAL(pszValue,"WGS84") || EQUAL(pszValue,"WGS72"))
-             && dfFromGreenwich == 0.0 )
-    {
-        SetWellKnownGeogCS( pszValue );
-        bFullyDefined = TRUE;
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszValue,"potsdam") )
-    {
-        OGRSpatialReference oGCS;
-        oGCS.importFromEPSG( 4314 );
-        CopyGeogCSFrom( &oGCS );
-        bFullyDefined = TRUE;
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszValue,"nzgd49") )
-    {
-        OGRSpatialReference oGCS;
-        oGCS.importFromEPSG( 4272 );
-        CopyGeogCSFrom( &oGCS );
-        bFullyDefined = TRUE;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        /* we don't recognise the datum, and ignore it */
-    }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Set the ellipsoid information.                                   */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    double dfSemiMajor, dfInvFlattening, dfSemiMinor;
-    pszValue = CSLFetchNameValue(papszNV, "ellps");
-    if( pszValue != NULL && !bFullyDefined )
-    {
-        for( i = 0; ogr_pj_ellps[i] != NULL; i += 4 )
-        {
-            if( !EQUAL(ogr_pj_ellps[i],pszValue) )
-                continue;
-            CPLAssert( EQUALN(ogr_pj_ellps[i+1],"a=",2) );
-            dfSemiMajor = atof(ogr_pj_ellps[i+1]+2);
-            if( EQUALN(ogr_pj_ellps[i+2],"rf=",3) )
-                dfInvFlattening = atof(ogr_pj_ellps[i+2]+3);
-            else
-            {
-                CPLAssert( EQUALN(ogr_pj_ellps[i+2],"b=",2) );
-                dfSemiMinor = atof(ogr_pj_ellps[i+2]+2);
-                if( ABS(dfSemiMajor/dfSemiMinor) - 1.0 < 0.0000000000001 )
-                    dfInvFlattening = 0.0;
-                else
-                    dfInvFlattening = -1.0 / (dfSemiMinor/dfSemiMajor - 1.0);
-            }
-            SetGeogCS( ogr_pj_ellps[i+3], "unknown", ogr_pj_ellps[i], 
-                       dfSemiMajor, dfInvFlattening,
-                       pszPM, dfFromGreenwich );
-            bFullyDefined = TRUE;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if( !bFullyDefined )
-    {
-        dfSemiMajor = OSR_GDV( papszNV, "a", 0.0 );
-        if( dfSemiMajor == 0.0 )
-        {
-            dfSemiMajor = OSR_GDV( papszNV, "R", 0.0 );
-            if( dfSemiMajor != 0.0 )
-            {
-                dfSemiMinor = -1.0;
-                dfInvFlattening = 0.0;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                CPLDebug( "OGR_PROJ4", "Can't find ellipse definition, default to WGS84:\n%s", 
-                          pszProj4 );
-                dfSemiMajor = SRS_WGS84_SEMIMAJOR;
-                dfSemiMinor = -1.0;
-                dfInvFlattening = SRS_WGS84_INVFLATTENING;
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            dfSemiMinor = OSR_GDV( papszNV, "b", -1.0 );
-            dfInvFlattening = OSR_GDV( papszNV, "rf", -1.0 );
-        }
-        if( dfSemiMinor == -1.0 && dfInvFlattening == -1.0 )
-        {
-            CPLDebug( "OGR_PROJ4", "Can't find ellipse definition in:\n%s", 
-                      pszProj4 );
-            CSLDestroy( papszNV );
-            return OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_SRS;
-        }
-        if( dfInvFlattening == -1.0 )
-        {
-            if( ABS(dfSemiMajor/dfSemiMinor) - 1.0 < 0.0000000000001 )
-                dfInvFlattening = 0.0;
-            else
-                dfInvFlattening = -1.0 / (dfSemiMinor/dfSemiMajor - 1.0);
-        }
-        SetGeogCS( "unnamed ellipse", "unknown", "unnamed",
-                   dfSemiMajor, dfInvFlattening,
-                   pszPM, dfFromGreenwich );
-        bFullyDefined = TRUE;
-    }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Handle TOWGS84 conversion.                                      */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    pszValue = CSLFetchNameValue(papszNV, "towgs84");
-    if(pszValue!=NULL)
-    {
-        char **papszToWGS84 = CSLTokenizeStringComplex( pszValue, ",", 
-                                                        FALSE, TRUE );
-        if( CSLCount(papszToWGS84) >= 7 )
-            SetTOWGS84( atof(papszToWGS84[0]), 
-                        atof(papszToWGS84[1]), 
-                        atof(papszToWGS84[2]), 
-                        atof(papszToWGS84[3]), 
-                        atof(papszToWGS84[4]), 
-                        atof(papszToWGS84[5]), 
-                        atof(papszToWGS84[6]) );
-        else if( CSLCount(papszToWGS84) >= 3 )
-            SetTOWGS84( atof(papszToWGS84[0]), 
-                        atof(papszToWGS84[1]), 
-                        atof(papszToWGS84[2]) );
-        else
-            CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, 
-                      "Seemingly corrupt +towgs84 option (%s), ignoring.", 
-                      pszValue );
-        CSLDestroy(papszToWGS84);
-    }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Linear units translation                                        */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    if( IsProjected() || IsLocal() )
-    {
-        pszValue = CSLFetchNameValue(papszNV, "to_meter");
-        if( pszValue != NULL && atof(pszValue) > 0.0 )
-        {
-            SetLinearUnits( "unknown", atof(pszValue) );
-        }
-        else if( (pszValue = CSLFetchNameValue(papszNV, "units")) != NULL )
-        {
-            if( EQUAL(pszValue,"meter" ) || EQUAL(pszValue,"m") )
-                SetLinearUnits( SRS_UL_METER, 1.0 );
-            else if( EQUAL(pszValue,"us-ft" ) )
-                SetLinearUnits( SRS_UL_US_FOOT, atof(SRS_UL_US_FOOT_CONV) );
-            else if( EQUAL(pszValue,"ft" ) )
-                SetLinearUnits( SRS_UL_FOOT, atof(SRS_UL_FOOT_CONV) );
-            else if( EQUAL(pszValue,"yd" ) )
-                SetLinearUnits( pszValue, 0.9144 );
-            else if( EQUAL(pszValue,"us-yd" ) )
-                SetLinearUnits( pszValue, 0.914401828803658 );
-            else // This case is untranslatable.  Should add all proj.4 unts
-                SetLinearUnits( pszValue, 1.0 );
-        }
-    }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Adjust linear parameters into PROJCS units if the linear        */
-/*      units are not meters.                                           */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    if( GetLinearUnits() != 1.0 && IsProjected() )
-    {
-        OGR_SRSNode *poPROJCS = GetAttrNode( "PROJCS" );
-        int  i;
-        for( i = 0; i < poPROJCS->GetChildCount(); i++ )
-        {
-            OGR_SRSNode *poParm = poPROJCS->GetChild(i);
-            if( !EQUAL(poParm->GetValue(),"PARAMETER") 
-                || poParm->GetChildCount() != 2 )
-                continue;
-            const char *pszParmName = poParm->GetChild(0)->GetValue();
-            if( IsLinearParameter(pszParmName) )
-                SetNormProjParm(pszParmName,GetProjParm(pszParmName));
-        }        
-    }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      do we want to insert a PROJ.4 EXTENSION item?                   */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    if( strstr(pszProj4,"wktext") != NULL )
-        SetExtension( GetRoot()->GetValue(), "PROJ4", pszProj4 );
-    CSLDestroy( papszNV );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                          OSRExportToProj4()                          */
-OGRErr CPL_STDCALL OSRExportToProj4( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                                     char ** ppszReturn )
-    *ppszReturn = NULL;
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->exportToProj4( ppszReturn );
-/*                           exportToProj4()                            */
- * Export coordinate system in PROJ.4 format.
- *
- * Converts the loaded coordinate reference system into PROJ.4 format
- * to the extent possible.  The string returned in ppszProj4 should be
- * deallocated by the caller with CPLFree() when no longer needed.
- *
- * LOCAL_CS coordinate systems are not translatable.  An empty string
- * will be returned along with OGRERR_NONE.  
- *
- * This method is the equivelent of the C function OSRExportToProj4().
- *
- * @param ppszProj4 pointer to which dynamically allocated PROJ.4 definition 
- * will be assigned. 
- *
- * @return OGRERR_NONE on success or an error code on failure. 
- */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::exportToProj4( char ** ppszProj4 ) const
-    char        szProj4[512];
-    const char *pszProjection = GetAttrValue("PROJECTION");
-    szProj4[0] = '\0';
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Do we have a PROJ.4 override definition?                        */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    const char *pszPredefProj4 = GetExtension( GetRoot()->GetValue(), 
-                                               "PROJ4", NULL );
-    if( pszPredefProj4 != NULL )
-    {
-        *ppszProj4 = CPLStrdup( pszPredefProj4 );
-        return OGRERR_NONE;
-    }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Get the prime meridian info.                                    */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    const OGR_SRSNode *poPRIMEM = GetAttrNode( "PRIMEM" );
-    double dfFromGreenwich = 0.0;
-    if( poPRIMEM != NULL && poPRIMEM->GetChildCount() >= 2 
-        && atof(poPRIMEM->GetChild(1)->GetValue()) != 0.0 )
-    {
-        dfFromGreenwich = atof(poPRIMEM->GetChild(1)->GetValue());
-    }
-/* ==================================================================== */
-/*      Handle the projection definition.                               */
-/* ==================================================================== */
-    if( pszProjection == NULL && IsGeographic() )
-    {
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4), "+proj=longlat " );
-    }
-    else if( pszProjection == NULL && !IsGeographic() )
-    {
-        // LOCAL_CS, or incompletely initialized coordinate systems.
-        *ppszProj4 = CPLStrdup("");
-        return OGRERR_NONE;
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_CYLINDRICAL_EQUAL_AREA) )
-    {
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-           "+proj=cea +lon_0=%.16g +lat_ts=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_BONNE) )
-    {
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-           "+proj=bonne +lon_0=%.16g +lat_1=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_CASSINI_SOLDNER) )
-    {
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-           "+proj=cass +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_NEW_ZEALAND_MAP_GRID) )
-    {
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-                 "+proj=nzmg +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR) ||
-             EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR_MI_21) ||
-             EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR_MI_22) ||
-             EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR_MI_23) ||
-             EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR_MI_24) ||
-             EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR_MI_25) )
-    {
-        int bNorth;
-        int nZone = GetUTMZone( &bNorth );
-        if( nZone != 0 )
-        {
-            if( bNorth )
-                sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4), "+proj=utm +zone=%d ", 
-                         nZone );
-            else
-                sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),"+proj=utm +zone=%d +south ", 
-                         nZone );
-        }            
-        else
-            sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-             "+proj=tmerc +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g +k=%f +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR,1.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_MERCATOR_1SP) )
-    {
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-           "+proj=merc +lon_0=%.16g +k=%f +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR,1.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_MERCATOR_2SP) )
-    {
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-           "+proj=merc +lon_0=%.16g +lat_ts=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_OBLIQUE_STEREOGRAPHIC) )
-    {
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-         "+proj=sterea +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g +k=%f +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-//         "+proj=stere +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g +k=%f +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR,1.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_STEREOGRAPHIC) )
-    {
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-           "+proj=stere +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g +k=%f +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR,1.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_POLAR_STEREOGRAPHIC) )
-    {
-        if( GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0) >= 0.0 )
-            sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-                     "+proj=stere +lat_0=90 +lat_ts=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g "
-                     "+k=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,90.0),
-                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
-                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR,1.0),
-                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-        else
-            sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-                     "+proj=stere +lat_0=-90 +lat_ts=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g "
-                     "+k=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,-90.0),
-                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
-                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR,1.0),
-                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_EQUIRECTANGULAR) )
-    {
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-                 "+proj=eqc +lat_ts=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_GNOMONIC) )
-    {
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-                 "+proj=gnom +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_ORTHOGRAPHIC) )
-    {
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-                 "+proj=ortho +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_LAMBERT_AZIMUTHAL_EQUAL_AREA) )
-    {
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-                 "+proj=laea +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_AZIMUTHAL_EQUIDISTANT) )
-    {
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-                 "+proj=aeqd +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_EQUIDISTANT_CONIC) )
-    {
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-                 "+proj=eqdc +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g +lat_1=%.16g +lat_2=%.16g"
-                 " +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_CENTER,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_CENTER,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_2,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_MILLER_CYLINDRICAL) )
-    {
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-                "+proj=mill +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g +R_A ",
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_MOLLWEIDE) )
-    {
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-                 "+proj=moll +lon_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_ECKERT_IV) )
-    {
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-                 "+proj=eck4 +lon_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_ECKERT_VI) )
-    {
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-                 "+proj=eck6 +lon_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_POLYCONIC) )
-    {
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-                 "+proj=poly +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_ALBERS_CONIC_EQUAL_AREA) )
-    {
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-                 "+proj=aea +lat_1=%.16g +lat_2=%.16g +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g"
-                 " +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_2,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_ROBINSON) )
-    {
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-                 "+proj=robin +lon_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_VANDERGRINTEN) )
-    {
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-                 "+proj=vandg +lon_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g +R_A ",
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_SINUSOIDAL) )
-    {
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-                 "+proj=sinu +lon_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_CENTER,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_GALL_STEREOGRAPHIC) )
-    {
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-                 "+proj=gall +lon_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_GOODE_HOMOLOSINE) )
-    {
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-                 "+proj=goode +lon_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_GEOSTATIONARY_SATELLITE) )
-    {
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-                 "+proj=geos +lon_0=%.16g +h=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_SATELLITE_HEIGHT,35785831.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_LAMBERT_CONFORMAL_CONIC_2SP)
-    {
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-                 "+proj=lcc +lat_1=%.16g +lat_2=%.16g +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g"
-                 " +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_2,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_LAMBERT_CONFORMAL_CONIC_1SP) )
-    {
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-                 "+proj=lcc +lat_1=%.16g +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g"
-                 " +k_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR,1.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_HOTINE_OBLIQUE_MERCATOR) )
-    {
-        /* not clear how ProjParm[3] - angle from rectified to skewed grid -
-           should be applied ... see the +not_rot flag for PROJ.4.
-           Just ignoring for now. */
-        /* special case for swiss oblique mercator : see bug 423 */
-        if( fabs(GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_AZIMUTH,0.0) - 90.0) < 0.0001 
-            && fabs(GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_RECTIFIED_GRID_ANGLE,0.0)-90.0) < 0.0001 )
-        {
-            sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-                     "+proj=somerc +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g"
-                     " +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
-                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
-                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-                     "+proj=omerc +lat_0=%.16g +lonc=%.16g +alpha=%.16g"
-                     " +k=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
-                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
-                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_AZIMUTH,0.0),
-                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR,1.0),
-                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-        }
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,
-    {
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-                 "+proj=omerc +lat_0=%.16g"
-                 " +lon_1=%.16g +lat_1=%.16g +lon_2=%.16g +lat_2=%.16g"
-                 " +k=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_POINT_1,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_POINT_1,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_POINT_2,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_POINT_2,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR,1.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_KROVAK) )
-    {
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-                 "+proj=krovak +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g +alpha=%.16g"
-                 " +k=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_CENTER,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_CENTER,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_AZIMUTH,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR,1.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_TWO_POINT_EQUIDISTANT) )
-    {
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-                 "+proj=tpeqd +lat_1=%.16g +lon_1=%.16g "
-                 "+lat_2=%.16g +lon_2=%.16g "
-                 "+x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_1ST_POINT,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_1ST_POINT,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_2ND_POINT,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_2ND_POINT,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-    }
-    /* Note: This never really gets used currently.  See bug 423 */
-    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_SWISS_OBLIQUE_CYLINDRICAL) )
-    {
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
-                 "+proj=somerc +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g"
-                 " +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
-                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
-    }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Handle earth model.  For now we just always emit the user       */
-/*      defined ellipsoid parameters.                                   */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    double      dfSemiMajor = GetSemiMajor();
-    double      dfInvFlattening = GetInvFlattening();
-    const char  *pszPROJ4Ellipse = NULL;
-    const char  *pszDatum = GetAttrValue("DATUM");
-    if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6378249.145) < 0.01
-        && ABS(dfInvFlattening-293.465) < 0.0001 )
-    {
-        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "clrk80";     /* Clark 1880 */
-    }
-    else if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6378245.0) < 0.01
-             && ABS(dfInvFlattening-298.3) < 0.0001 )
-    {
-        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "krass";      /* Krassovsky */
-    }
-    else if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6378388.0) < 0.01
-             && ABS(dfInvFlattening-297.0) < 0.0001 )
-    {
-        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "intl";       /* International 1924 */
-    }
-    else if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6378160.0) < 0.01
-             && ABS(dfInvFlattening-298.25) < 0.0001 )
-    {
-        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "aust_SA";    /* Australian */
-    }
-    else if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6377397.155) < 0.01
-             && ABS(dfInvFlattening-299.1528128) < 0.0001 )
-    {
-        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "bessel";     /* Bessel 1841 */
-    }
-    else if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6377483.865) < 0.01
-             && ABS(dfInvFlattening-299.1528128) < 0.0001 )
-    {
-        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "bess_nam";   /* Bessel 1841 (Namibia / Schwarzeck)*/
-    }
-    else if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6378160.0) < 0.01
-             && ABS(dfInvFlattening-298.247167427) < 0.0001 )
-    {
-        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "GRS67";      /* GRS 1967 */
-    }
-    else if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6378137) < 0.01
-             && ABS(dfInvFlattening-298.257222101) < 0.000001 )
-    {
-        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "GRS80";      /* GRS 1980 */
-    }
-    else if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6378206.4) < 0.01
-             && ABS(dfInvFlattening-294.9786982) < 0.0001 )
-    {
-        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "clrk66";     /* Clarke 1866 */
-    }
-    else if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6378206.4) < 0.01
-             && ABS(dfInvFlattening-294.9786982) < 0.0001 )
-    {
-        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "mod_airy";   /* Modified Airy */
-    }
-    else if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6377563.396) < 0.01
-             && ABS(dfInvFlattening-299.3249646) < 0.0001 )
-    {
-        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "airy";       /* Modified Airy */
-    }
-    else if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6378200) < 0.01
-             && ABS(dfInvFlattening-298.3) < 0.0001 )
-    {
-        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "helmert";    /* Helmert 1906 */
-    }
-    else if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6378155) < 0.01
-             && ABS(dfInvFlattening-298.3) < 0.0001 )
-    {
-        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "fschr60m";   /* Modified Fischer 1960 */
-    }
-    else if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6377298.556) < 0.01
-             && ABS(dfInvFlattening-300.8017) < 0.0001 )
-    {
-        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "evrstSS";    /* Everest (Sabah & Sarawak) */
-    }
-    else if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6378165.0) < 0.01
-             && ABS(dfInvFlattening-298.3) < 0.0001 )
-    {
-        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "WGS60";      
-    }
-    else if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6378145.0) < 0.01
-             && ABS(dfInvFlattening-298.25) < 0.0001 )
-    {
-        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "WGS66";      
-    }
-    else if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6378135.0) < 0.01
-             && ABS(dfInvFlattening-298.26) < 0.0001 )
-    {
-        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "WGS72";      
-    }
-    else if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6378137.0) < 0.01
-             && ABS(dfInvFlattening-298.257223563) < 0.000001 )
-    {
-        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "WGS84";
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszDatum,"North_American_Datum_1927") )
-    {
-//        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "clrk66:+datum=nad27"; /* NAD 27 */
-        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "clrk66";
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszDatum,"North_American_Datum_1983") )
-    {
-//        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "GRS80:+datum=nad83";       /* NAD 83 */
-        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "GRS80";
-    }
-    if( pszPROJ4Ellipse == NULL )
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4), "+a=%.16g +b=%.16g ",
-                 GetSemiMajor(), GetSemiMinor() );
-    else
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4), "+ellps=%s ",
-                 pszPROJ4Ellipse );
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Translate the datum.                                            */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    const char *pszPROJ4Datum = NULL;
-    const OGR_SRSNode *poTOWGS84 = GetAttrNode( "TOWGS84" );
-    char  szTOWGS84[256];
-    int nEPSGDatum = -1;
-    const char *pszAuthority;
-    int nEPSGGeogCS = -1;
-    const char *pszGeogCSAuthority;
-    pszAuthority = GetAuthorityName( "DATUM" );
-    if( pszAuthority != NULL && EQUAL(pszAuthority,"EPSG") )
-        nEPSGDatum = atoi(GetAuthorityCode( "DATUM" ));
-    pszGeogCSAuthority = GetAuthorityName( "GEOGCS" );
-    if( pszGeogCSAuthority != NULL && EQUAL(pszGeogCSAuthority,"EPSG") )
-        nEPSGGeogCS = atoi(GetAuthorityCode( "GEOGCS" ));
-    if( pszDatum == NULL )
-        /* nothing */;
-    else if( EQUAL(pszDatum,SRS_DN_NAD27) || nEPSGDatum == 6267 )
-        pszPROJ4Datum = "+datum=NAD27";
-    else if( EQUAL(pszDatum,SRS_DN_NAD83) || nEPSGDatum == 6269 )
-        pszPROJ4Datum = "+datum=NAD83";
-    else if( EQUAL(pszDatum,SRS_DN_WGS84) || nEPSGDatum == 6326 )
-        pszPROJ4Datum = "+datum=WGS84";
-    else if( nEPSGDatum == 6314 )
-        pszPROJ4Datum = "+datum=potsdam";
-    else if( nEPSGDatum == 6272 )
-        pszPROJ4Datum = "+datum=nzgd49";
-    else if( poTOWGS84 != NULL )
-    {
-        if( poTOWGS84->GetChildCount() > 2
-            && (poTOWGS84->GetChildCount() < 6 
-                || EQUAL(poTOWGS84->GetChild(3)->GetValue(),"")
-                && EQUAL(poTOWGS84->GetChild(4)->GetValue(),"")
-                && EQUAL(poTOWGS84->GetChild(5)->GetValue(),"")
-                && EQUAL(poTOWGS84->GetChild(6)->GetValue(),"")) )
-        {
-            sprintf( szTOWGS84, "+towgs84=%s,%s,%s",
-                     poTOWGS84->GetChild(0)->GetValue(),
-                     poTOWGS84->GetChild(1)->GetValue(),
-                     poTOWGS84->GetChild(2)->GetValue() );
-            pszPROJ4Datum = szTOWGS84;
-        }
-        else if( poTOWGS84->GetChildCount() > 6 )
-        {
-            sprintf( szTOWGS84, "+towgs84=%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s",
-                     poTOWGS84->GetChild(0)->GetValue(),
-                     poTOWGS84->GetChild(1)->GetValue(),
-                     poTOWGS84->GetChild(2)->GetValue(),
-                     poTOWGS84->GetChild(3)->GetValue(),
-                     poTOWGS84->GetChild(4)->GetValue(),
-                     poTOWGS84->GetChild(5)->GetValue(),
-                     poTOWGS84->GetChild(6)->GetValue() );
-            pszPROJ4Datum = szTOWGS84;
-        }
-    }
-    else if( nEPSGGeogCS != -1 )
-    {
-        double padfTransform[7];
-        if( EPSGGetWGS84Transform( nEPSGGeogCS, padfTransform ) )
-        {
-            sprintf( szTOWGS84, "+towgs84=%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f",
-                     padfTransform[0],
-                     padfTransform[1],
-                     padfTransform[2],
-                     padfTransform[3],
-                     padfTransform[4],
-                     padfTransform[5],
-                     padfTransform[6] );
-            pszPROJ4Datum = szTOWGS84;
-        }
-    }
-    if( pszPROJ4Datum != NULL )
-    {
-        strcat( szProj4, pszPROJ4Datum );
-        strcat( szProj4, " " );
-    }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Is there prime meridian info to apply?                          */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    if( poPRIMEM != NULL && poPRIMEM->GetChildCount() >= 2 
-        && atof(poPRIMEM->GetChild(1)->GetValue()) != 0.0 )
-    {
-        const char *pszAuthority = GetAuthorityName( "PRIMEM" );
-        char szPMValue[128];
-        int  nCode = -1;
-        if( pszAuthority != NULL && EQUAL(pszAuthority,"EPSG") )
-            nCode = atoi(GetAuthorityCode( "PRIMEM" ));
-        switch( nCode )
-        {
-          case 8902:
-            strcpy( szPMValue, "lisbon" );
-            break;
-          case 8903:
-            strcpy( szPMValue, "paris" );
-            break;
-          case 8904:
-            strcpy( szPMValue, "bogota" );
-            break;
-          case 8905:
-            strcpy( szPMValue, "madrid" );
-            break;
-          case 8906:
-            strcpy( szPMValue, "rome" );
-            break;
-          case 8907:
-            strcpy( szPMValue, "bern" );
-            break;
-          case 8908:
-            strcpy( szPMValue, "jakarta" );
-            break;
-          case 8909:
-            strcpy( szPMValue, "ferro" );
-            break;
-          case 8910:
-            strcpy( szPMValue, "brussels" );
-            break;
-          case 8911:
-            strcpy( szPMValue, "stockholm" );
-            break;
-          case 8912:
-            strcpy( szPMValue, "athens" );
-            break;
-          case 8913:
-            strcpy( szPMValue, "oslo" );
-            break;
-          default:
-            sprintf( szPMValue, "%.16g", dfFromGreenwich );
-        }
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4), "+pm=%s ", szPMValue );
-    }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Handle linear units.                                            */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    const char  *pszPROJ4Units=NULL;
-    char        *pszLinearUnits = NULL;
-    double      dfLinearConv;
-    dfLinearConv = GetLinearUnits( &pszLinearUnits );
-    if( strstr(szProj4,"longlat") != NULL )
-        pszPROJ4Units = NULL;
-    else if( dfLinearConv == 1.0 )
-        pszPROJ4Units = "m";
-    else if( dfLinearConv == 1000.0 )
-        pszPROJ4Units = "km";
-    else if( dfLinearConv == 0.0254 )
-        pszPROJ4Units = "in";
-    else if( EQUAL(pszLinearUnits,SRS_UL_FOOT) )
-        pszPROJ4Units = "ft";
-    else if( EQUAL(pszLinearUnits,"IYARD") || dfLinearConv == 0.9144 )
-        pszPROJ4Units = "yd";
-    else if( dfLinearConv == 0.001 )
-        pszPROJ4Units = "mm";
-    else if( dfLinearConv == 0.01 )
-        pszPROJ4Units = "cm";
-    else if( EQUAL(pszLinearUnits,SRS_UL_US_FOOT) )
-        pszPROJ4Units = "us-ft";
-    else if( EQUAL(pszLinearUnits,SRS_UL_NAUTICAL_MILE) )
-        pszPROJ4Units = "kmi";
-    else if( EQUAL(pszLinearUnits,"Mile") 
-             || EQUAL(pszLinearUnits,"IMILE") )
-        pszPROJ4Units = "mi";
-    else
-    {
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4), "+to_meter=%.16g ",
-                 dfLinearConv );
-    }
-    if( pszPROJ4Units != NULL )
-        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4), "+units=%s ",
-                 pszPROJ4Units );
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Add the no_defs flag to ensure that no values from              */
-/*      proj_def.dat are implicitly used with our definitions.          */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4), "+no_defs " );
-    *ppszProj4 = CPLStrdup( szProj4 );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
+ * $Id: ogr_srs_proj4.cpp,v 1.66 2006/11/24 17:58:30 fwarmerdam Exp $
+ *
+ * Project:  OpenGIS Simple Features Reference Implementation
+ * Purpose:  OGRSpatialReference interface to PROJ.4.
+ * Author:   Frank Warmerdam <warmerdam at pobox.com>
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (c) 1999,  Les Technologies SoftMap Inc. 
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+ * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+ * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+ * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * $Log: ogr_srs_proj4.cpp,v $
+ * Revision 1.66  2006/11/24 17:58:30  fwarmerdam
+ * added support for +wktext / PROJ4 EXTENSION hackery
+ *
+ * Revision 1.65  2006/11/01 04:37:39  fwarmerdam
+ * fixed two point equidistant, preliminary mercator2sp support
+ *
+ * Revision 1.64  2006/05/05 17:02:54  fwarmerdam
+ * Added Krovak PROJ.4 to WKT translation.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.63  2006/04/21 03:33:23  fwarmerdam
+ * Per bug 811 we should not actually be adjusting the central meridian or
+ * other longitudes.  They are relative to the geogcs prime meridian in
+ * WKT and PROJ.4 format.  Ugg.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.62  2006/04/21 02:44:35  fwarmerdam
+ * Fixed bogota meridian sign (west, not east).
+ *
+ * Revision 1.61  2006/03/21 15:12:22  fwarmerdam
+ * Fixed support for +R parameter.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.60  2005/12/13 15:57:28  dron
+ * Export scale coefficient when exporting to stereographic projection.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.59  2005/12/01 04:59:46  fwarmerdam
+ * added two point equidistant support
+ *
+ * Revision 1.58  2005/11/10 04:12:40  fwarmerdam
+ * The last change related to:
+ * http://bugzilla.remotesensing.org/show_bug.cgi?id=980
+ *
+ * Revision 1.57  2005/11/10 04:12:14  fwarmerdam
+ * Changed the translation for Oblique Stereographic from proj=stere to
+ * proj=sterea.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.56  2005/09/29 20:22:26  dmorissette
+ * Improved support for MapInfo modified TM projections in exportToProj4()
+ * (Anthony D - MITAB bug 1155)
+ *
+ * Revision 1.55  2005/09/05 20:42:52  fwarmerdam
+ * ensure that non-geographic, non-projected srses return empty string
+ *
+ * Revision 1.54  2005/04/06 00:02:05  fwarmerdam
+ * various osr and oct functions now stdcall
+ *
+ * Revision 1.53  2005/02/28 15:01:56  fwarmerdam
+ * Applied patch to add +towgs84 parameter if one is well known for a given
+ * EPSG GEOGCS, and no datum shifting info is available in the source defn.
+ * See http://bugzilla.remotesensing.org/show_bug.cgi?id=784
+ *
+ * Revision 1.52  2005/02/09 20:25:39  fwarmerdam
+ * Changed default height for GEOS projection.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.51  2005/01/05 21:02:33  fwarmerdam
+ * added Goode Homolosine
+ *
+ * Revision 1.50  2004/11/11 18:28:45  fwarmerdam
+ * added Bonne projection support
+ *
+ * Revision 1.49  2004/09/10 21:04:51  fwarmerdam
+ * Various fixes for swiss oblique mercator (somerc) support.
+ * http://bugzilla.remotesensing.org/show_bug.cgi?id=423
+ *
+ * Revision 1.48  2004/09/10 20:29:16  fwarmerdam
+ * Re bug 423: fixed up SRS_PT_SWISS_OBLIQUE_CYLINDRICAL to use somerc.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.47  2004/05/12 14:27:47  warmerda
+ * added translation for nzgd49 and potsdam using epsg codes
+ *
+ * Revision 1.46  2004/05/04 18:49:43  warmerda
+ * Fixed handling of prime meridian.  In PROJ.4 strings the central meridian
+ * or other longitude parameters are relative to the prime meridian.  Apply
+ * appropriate transformations going and coming from WKT where that is not
+ * the case.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.45  2004/02/05 17:07:59  dron
+ * Support for HOM projection, specified by two points on centerline.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.44  2003/06/27 19:02:04  warmerda
+ * added OSRProj4Tokenize(), fixes plus related tokenizing bug in bug 355
+ *
+ * Revision 1.43  2003/06/27 17:54:12  warmerda
+ * allow k_0 in place of k parsing proj4, bug 355
+ *
+ * Revision 1.42  2003/06/21 23:25:03  warmerda
+ * added +towgs84 support in importFromProj4()
+ *
+ * Revision 1.41  2003/05/28 18:17:38  warmerda
+ * treat meter or m as meter
+ *
+ * Revision 1.40  2003/05/20 18:09:36  warmerda
+ * fixed so that importFromProj4() will transform linear parameter units
+ *
+ * Revision 1.39  2003/02/13 19:27:28  warmerda
+ * always append no_defs to avoid getting hosted by defaults file
+ *
+ * Revision 1.38  2002/12/15 23:42:59  warmerda
+ * added initial support for normalizing proj params
+ *
+ * Revision 1.37  2002/12/14 19:50:21  warmerda
+ * implement support for NZMG (New Zealand Map Grid)
+ *
+ * Revision 1.36  2002/12/10 04:05:04  warmerda
+ * fixed some translation problems with prime meridians
+ *
+ * Revision 1.35  2002/12/09 23:03:45  warmerda
+ * Fixed translation of paris prime meridian.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.34  2002/12/09 18:55:07  warmerda
+ * moved DMS stuff to gdal/port
+ *
+ * Revision 1.33  2002/12/09 16:12:14  warmerda
+ * added +pm= support
+ *
+ * Revision 1.32  2002/12/03 15:38:10  warmerda
+ * dont write linear units to geograpic srs but avoid freaking out
+ *
+ * Revision 1.31  2002/12/01 20:19:21  warmerda
+ * use %.16g to preserve precision as per bug 184
+ *
+ * Revision 1.30  2002/11/29 21:23:38  warmerda
+ * implement LCC1SP PROJ.4 to WKT translation
+ *
+ * Revision 1.29  2002/11/29 20:56:37  warmerda
+ * added LCC1SP conversion to PROJ.4, missing reverse
+ *
+ * Revision 1.28  2002/11/25 03:28:16  warmerda
+ * added/improved documentation
+ *
+ * Revision 1.27  2002/07/09 14:49:07  warmerda
+ * Improved translation from/to polar stereographic as per
+ * http://bugzilla.remotesensing.org/show_bug.cgi?id=172
+ *
+ * Revision 1.26  2002/06/11 18:02:03  warmerda
+ * add PROJ.4 normalization and EPSG support
+ *
+ * Revision 1.25  2002/04/18 14:22:45  warmerda
+ * made OGRSpatialReference and co 'const correct'
+ *
+ * Revision 1.24  2002/03/08 20:17:52  warmerda
+ * assume WGS84 if ellipse info missing
+ *
+ * Revision 1.23  2002/01/18 04:48:48  warmerda
+ * clean tabs, and newlines from input to importProj4
+ *
+ * Revision 1.22  2001/12/12 20:18:06  warmerda
+ * added support for units in proj.4 to WKT
+ *
+ * Revision 1.21  2001/11/07 22:08:51  warmerda
+ * dont put + in to_meter value
+ *
+ * Revision 1.20  2001/11/02 22:21:15  warmerda
+ * fixed memory leak
+ *
+ * Revision 1.19  2001/10/11 19:23:30  warmerda
+ * fixed datum names
+ *
+ * Revision 1.18  2001/07/18 05:03:05  warmerda
+ * added CPL_CVSID
+ *
+ * Revision 1.17  2001/03/02 04:37:43  danmo
+ * Return empty string for LOCAL_CS in exportToProj4().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.16  2001/01/22 14:00:28  warmerda
+ * added untested support for Swiss Oblique Cylindrical
+ *
+ * Revision 1.15  2001/01/19 21:10:46  warmerda
+ * replaced tabs
+ *
+ * Revision 1.14  2000/12/05 23:10:34  warmerda
+ * Added cassini support
+ *
+ * Revision 1.13  2000/12/05 17:46:16  warmerda
+ * Use +R_A for VanDerGrinten and miller
+ *
+ * Revision 1.12  2000/09/25 20:22:21  warmerda
+ * ensure pszPROJ4Units is initialized
+ *
+ * Revision 1.11  2000/09/25 15:46:56  warmerda
+ * added sphere
+ *
+ * Revision 1.10  2000/08/28 20:13:23  warmerda
+ * added importFromProj4
+ *
+ * Revision 1.9  2000/07/11 01:02:06  warmerda
+ * added ExportToProj4()
+ *
+ * Revision 1.8  2000/07/09 20:49:21  warmerda
+ * added +datum support
+ *
+ * Revision 1.7  2000/03/06 02:23:54  warmerda
+ * don't use +datum syntax
+ *
+ * Revision 1.6  1999/12/22 15:39:43  warmerda
+ * fix to differentiate WGS variants
+ *
+ * Revision 1.5  1999/12/13 16:29:59  warmerda
+ * Added improved units, and ellipse support.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.4  1999/12/08 16:34:05  warmerda
+ * added five or six more projections
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1999/07/29 17:29:15  warmerda
+ * New
+ *
+ */
+#include "ogr_spatialref.h"
+#include "ogr_p.h"
+#include "cpl_conv.h"
+extern int EPSGGetWGS84Transform( int nGeogCS, double *padfTransform );
+CPL_CVSID("$Id: ogr_srs_proj4.cpp,v 1.66 2006/11/24 17:58:30 fwarmerdam Exp $");
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      The following list comes from osrs/proj/src/pj_ellps.c          */
+/*      ... please update from time to time.                            */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static const char *ogr_pj_ellps[] = {
+"MERIT",        "a=6378137.0", "rf=298.257", "MERIT 1983",
+"SGS85",        "a=6378136.0", "rf=298.257",  "Soviet Geodetic System 85",
+"GRS80",        "a=6378137.0", "rf=298.257222101", "GRS 1980(IUGG, 1980)",
+"IAU76",        "a=6378140.0", "rf=298.257", "IAU 1976",
+"airy",         "a=6377563.396", "b=6356256.910", "Airy 1830",
+"APL4.9",       "a=6378137.0.",  "rf=298.25", "Appl. Physics. 1965",
+"NWL9D",        "a=6378145.0.",  "rf=298.25", "Naval Weapons Lab., 1965",
+"mod_airy",     "a=6377340.189", "b=6356034.446", "Modified Airy",
+"andrae",       "a=6377104.43",  "rf=300.0",    "Andrae 1876 (Den., Iclnd.)",
+"aust_SA",      "a=6378160.0", "rf=298.25", "Australian Natl & S. Amer. 1969",
+"GRS67",        "a=6378160.0", "rf=298.2471674270", "GRS 67(IUGG 1967)",
+"bessel",       "a=6377397.155", "rf=299.1528128", "Bessel 1841",
+"bess_nam",     "a=6377483.865", "rf=299.1528128", "Bessel 1841 (Namibia)",
+"clrk66",       "a=6378206.4", "b=6356583.8", "Clarke 1866",
+"clrk80",       "a=6378249.145", "rf=293.4663", "Clarke 1880 mod.",
+"CPM",          "a=6375738.7", "rf=334.29", "Comm. des Poids et Mesures 1799",
+"delmbr",       "a=6376428.",  "rf=311.5", "Delambre 1810 (Belgium)",
+"engelis",      "a=6378136.05", "rf=298.2566", "Engelis 1985",
+"evrst30",  "a=6377276.345", "rf=300.8017",  "Everest 1830",
+"evrst48",  "a=6377304.063", "rf=300.8017",  "Everest 1948",
+"evrst56",  "a=6377301.243", "rf=300.8017",  "Everest 1956",
+"evrst69",  "a=6377295.664", "rf=300.8017",  "Everest 1969",
+"evrstSS",  "a=6377298.556", "rf=300.8017",  "Everest (Sabah & Sarawak)",
+"fschr60",  "a=6378166.",   "rf=298.3", "Fischer (Mercury Datum) 1960",
+"fschr60m", "a=6378155.",   "rf=298.3", "Modified Fischer 1960",
+"fschr68",  "a=6378150.",   "rf=298.3", "Fischer 1968",
+"helmert",  "a=6378200.",   "rf=298.3", "Helmert 1906",
+"hough",        "a=6378270.0", "rf=297.", "Hough",
+"intl",         "a=6378388.0", "rf=297.", "International 1909 (Hayford)",
+"krass",        "a=6378245.0", "rf=298.3", "Krassovsky, 1942",
+"kaula",        "a=6378163.",  "rf=298.24", "Kaula 1961",
+"lerch",        "a=6378139.",  "rf=298.257", "Lerch 1979",
+"mprts",        "a=6397300.",  "rf=191.", "Maupertius 1738",
+"new_intl",     "a=6378157.5", "b=6356772.2", "New International 1967",
+"plessis",      "a=6376523.",  "b=6355863.", "Plessis 1817 (France)",
+"SEasia",       "a=6378155.0", "b=6356773.3205", "Southeast Asia",
+"walbeck",      "a=6376896.0", "b=6355834.8467", "Walbeck",
+"WGS60",    "a=6378165.0",  "rf=298.3", "WGS 60",
+"WGS66",        "a=6378145.0", "rf=298.25", "WGS 66",
+"WGS72",        "a=6378135.0", "rf=298.26", "WGS 72",
+"WGS84",    "a=6378137.0",  "rf=298.257223563", "WGS 84",
+"sphere",   "a=6370997.0",  "b=6370997.0", "Normal Sphere (r=6370997)",
+0, 0, 0, 0,
+/*                          OSRProj4Tokenize()                          */
+/*                                                                      */
+/*      Custom tokenizing function for PROJ.4 strings.  The main        */
+/*      reason we can't just use CSLTokenizeString is to handle         */
+/*      strings with a + sign in the exponents of parameter values.     */
+char **OSRProj4Tokenize( const char *pszFull )
+    char *pszStart = NULL;
+    char *pszFullWrk;
+    char **papszTokens = NULL;
+    int  i;
+    if( pszFull == NULL )
+        return NULL;
+    pszFullWrk = CPLStrdup( pszFull );
+    for( i=0; pszFullWrk[i] != '\0'; i++ )
+    {
+        switch( pszFullWrk[i] )
+        {
+          case '+':
+            if( i == 0 || pszFullWrk[i-1] == '\0' )
+            {
+                if( pszStart != NULL )
+                {
+                    if( strstr(pszStart,"=") != NULL )
+                        papszTokens = CSLAddString( papszTokens, pszStart );
+                    else
+                    {
+                        CPLString osAsBoolean = pszStart;
+                        osAsBoolean += "=yes";
+                        papszTokens = CSLAddString( papszTokens, osAsBoolean );
+                    }
+                }
+                pszStart = pszFullWrk + i + 1;
+            }
+            break;
+          case ' ':
+          case '\t':
+          case '\n':
+            pszFullWrk[i] = '\0';
+            break;
+          default:
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if( pszStart != NULL && strlen(pszStart) > 0 )
+        papszTokens = CSLAddString( papszTokens, pszStart );
+    CPLFree( pszFullWrk );
+    return papszTokens;
+/*                         OSRImportFromProj4()                         */
+OGRErr OSRImportFromProj4( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, const char *pszProj4 )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->importFromProj4( pszProj4 );
+/*                              OSR_GDV()                               */
+/*                                                                      */
+/*      Fetch a particular parameter out of the parameter list, or      */
+/*      the indicated default if it isn't available.  This is a         */
+/*      helper function for importFromProj4().                          */
+static double OSR_GDV( char **papszNV, const char * pszField, 
+                       double dfDefaultValue )
+    const char * pszValue;
+    pszValue = CSLFetchNameValue( papszNV, pszField );
+    // special hack to use k_0 if available.
+    if( pszValue == NULL && EQUAL(pszField,"k") )
+        pszValue = CSLFetchNameValue( papszNV, "k_0" );
+    if( pszValue == NULL )
+        return dfDefaultValue;
+    else
+        return CPLDMSToDec(pszValue);
+/*                          importFromProj4()                           */
+ * Import PROJ.4 coordinate string.
+ *
+ * The OGRSpatialReference is initialized from the passed PROJ.4 style
+ * coordinate system string.  In addition to many +proj formulations which
+ * have OGC equivelents, it is also possible to import "+init=epsg:n" style
+ * definitions.  These are passed to importFromEPSG().  Other init strings
+ * (such as the state plane zones) are not currently supported.   
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *   pszProj4 = "+proj=utm +zone=11 +datum=WGS84" 
+ *
+ * This method is the equivelent of the C function OSRImportFromProj4().
+ *
+ * @param pszProj4 the PROJ.4 style string. 
+ *
+ * @return OGRERR_NONE on success or OGRERR_CORRUPT_DATA on failure.
+ */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::importFromProj4( const char * pszProj4 )
+    char **papszNV = NULL;
+    char **papszTokens;
+    int  i;
+    char *pszCleanCopy;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Strip any newlines or other "funny" stuff that might occur      */
+/*      if this string just came from reading a file.                   */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    pszCleanCopy = CPLStrdup( pszProj4 );
+    for( i = 0; pszCleanCopy[i] != '\0'; i++ )
+    {
+        if( pszCleanCopy[i] == 10 
+            || pszCleanCopy[i] == 13 
+            || pszCleanCopy[i] == 9 )
+            pszCleanCopy[i] = ' ';
+    }
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Try to normalize the definition.  This should expand +init=     */
+/*      clauses and so forth.                                           */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    char *pszNormalized;
+    pszNormalized = OCTProj4Normalize( pszCleanCopy );
+    CPLFree( pszCleanCopy );
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      If we have an EPSG based init string, try to process it         */
+/*      directly to get the fullest possible EPSG definition.           */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    if( strstr(pszNormalized,"init=epsg:") != NULL )
+    {
+        OGRErr eErr;
+        const char *pszNumber = strstr(pszNormalized,"init=epsg:") + 10;
+        eErr = importFromEPSG( atoi(pszNumber) );
+        if( eErr == OGRERR_NONE )
+        {
+            CPLFree( pszNormalized );
+            return eErr;
+        }
+    }
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Parse the PROJ.4 string into a cpl_string.h style name/value    */
+/*      list.                                                           */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    papszTokens = OSRProj4Tokenize( pszNormalized );
+    CPLFree( pszNormalized );
+    for( i = 0; papszTokens != NULL && papszTokens[i] != NULL; i++ )
+    {
+        char *pszEqual = strstr(papszTokens[i],"=");
+        if( pszEqual == NULL )
+            papszNV = CSLAddNameValue(papszNV, papszTokens[i], "" );
+        else
+        {
+            pszEqual[0] = '\0';
+            papszNV = CSLAddNameValue( papszNV, papszTokens[i], pszEqual+1 );
+        }
+    }
+    CSLDestroy( papszTokens );
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Extract the prime meridian, if there is one set.                */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    const char *pszPM = CSLFetchNameValue( papszNV, "pm" );
+    double dfFromGreenwich = 0.0;
+    int    nPMCode = -1;
+    if( pszPM != NULL )
+    {
+        if( EQUAL(pszPM,"lisbon") )
+        {
+            dfFromGreenwich = CPLDMSToDec( "9d07'54.862\"W" );
+            nPMCode = 8902;
+        }
+        else if( EQUAL(pszPM,"paris") )
+        {
+            dfFromGreenwich = CPLDMSToDec( "2d20'14.025\"E" );
+            nPMCode = 8903;
+        }
+        else if( EQUAL(pszPM,"bogota") )
+        {
+            dfFromGreenwich = CPLDMSToDec( "74d04'51.3\"W" );
+            nPMCode = 8904;
+        }
+        else if( EQUAL(pszPM,"madrid") )
+        {
+            dfFromGreenwich = CPLDMSToDec( "3d41'16.48\"W" );
+            nPMCode = 8905;
+        }
+        else if( EQUAL(pszPM,"rome") )
+        {
+            dfFromGreenwich = CPLDMSToDec( "12d27'8.4\"E" );
+            nPMCode = 8906;
+        }
+        else if( EQUAL(pszPM,"bern") )
+        {
+            dfFromGreenwich = CPLDMSToDec( "7d26'22.5\"E" );
+            nPMCode = 8907;
+        }
+        else if( EQUAL(pszPM,"jakarta") )
+        {
+            dfFromGreenwich = CPLDMSToDec( "106d48'27.79\"E" );
+            nPMCode = 8908;
+        }
+        else if( EQUAL(pszPM,"ferro") )
+        {
+            dfFromGreenwich = CPLDMSToDec( "17d40'W" );
+            nPMCode = 8909;
+        }
+        else if( EQUAL(pszPM,"brussels") )
+        {
+            dfFromGreenwich = CPLDMSToDec( "4d22'4.71\"E" );
+            nPMCode = 8910;
+        }
+        else if( EQUAL(pszPM,"stockholm") )
+        {
+            dfFromGreenwich = CPLDMSToDec( "18d3'29.8\"E" );
+            nPMCode = 8911;
+        }
+        else if( EQUAL(pszPM,"athens") )
+        {
+            dfFromGreenwich = CPLDMSToDec( "23d42'58.815\"E" );
+            nPMCode = 8912;
+        }
+        else if( EQUAL(pszPM,"oslo") )
+        {
+            dfFromGreenwich = CPLDMSToDec( "10d43'22.5\"E" );
+            nPMCode = 8913;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            dfFromGreenwich = CPLDMSToDec( pszPM );
+            pszPM = "unnamed";
+        }
+    }
+    else
+        pszPM = "Greenwich";
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Operate on the basis of the projection name.                    */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    const char *pszProj = CSLFetchNameValue(papszNV,"proj");
+    if( pszProj == NULL )
+    {
+        CPLDebug( "OGR_PROJ4", "Can't find +proj= in:\n%s", pszProj4 );
+        CSLDestroy( papszNV );
+        return OGRERR_CORRUPT_DATA;
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"longlat") || EQUAL(pszProj,"latlong") )
+    {
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"bonne") )
+    {
+        SetBonne( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_1", 0.0 ), 
+                  OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 ) + dfFromGreenwich, 
+                  OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
+                  OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"cass") )
+    {
+        SetCS( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ), 
+               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 ) + dfFromGreenwich, 
+               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
+               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"nzmg") )
+    {
+        SetNZMG( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", -41.0 ), 
+                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 173.0 ) + dfFromGreenwich, 
+                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 2510000.0 ), 
+                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 6023150.0 ) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"cea") )
+    {
+        SetCEA( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_ts", 0.0 ), 
+                OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 ) + dfFromGreenwich, 
+                OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
+                OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"tmerc") )
+    {
+        SetTM( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ), 
+               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 ) + dfFromGreenwich, 
+               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "k", 1.0 ), 
+               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
+               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"utm") )
+    {
+        SetUTM( (int) OSR_GDV( papszNV, "zone", 0.0 ),
+                (int) OSR_GDV( papszNV, "south", 1.0 ) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"merc") /* 2SP form */
+             && OSR_GDV(papszNV, "lat_ts", 1000.0) < 999.0 )
+    {
+        SetMercator2SP( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_ts", 0.0 ), 
+                        0.0,
+                        OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 ) + dfFromGreenwich, 
+                        OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
+                        OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"merc") ) /* 1SP form */
+    {
+        SetMercator( 0.0,
+                     OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 ) + dfFromGreenwich, 
+                     OSR_GDV( papszNV, "k", 1.0 ), 
+                     OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
+                     OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"stere") 
+             && ABS(OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ) - 90) < 0.001 )
+    {
+        SetPS( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_ts", 90.0 ), 
+               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 ) + dfFromGreenwich, 
+               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "k", 1.0 ), 
+               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
+               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"stere") 
+             && ABS(OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ) + 90) < 0.001 )
+    {
+        SetPS( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_ts", -90.0 ), 
+               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 ) + dfFromGreenwich, 
+               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "k", 1.0 ), 
+               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
+               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUALN(pszProj,"stere",5) /* mostly sterea */
+             && CSLFetchNameValue(papszNV,"k") != NULL )
+    {
+        SetOS( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ), 
+               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 ) + dfFromGreenwich, 
+               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "k", 1.0 ), 
+               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
+               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"stere") )
+    {
+        SetStereographic( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ), 
+                          OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 ) + dfFromGreenwich, 
+                          1.0, 
+                          OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
+                          OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"eqc") )
+    {
+        SetEquirectangular( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_ts", 0.0 ), 
+                            OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
+                            OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
+                            OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"gnom") )
+    {
+        SetGnomonic( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ), 
+                     OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
+                     OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
+                     OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"ortho") )
+    {
+        SetOrthographic( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ), 
+                         OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
+                         OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
+                         OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"laea") )
+    {
+        SetLAEA( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ), 
+                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
+                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
+                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"aeqd") )
+    {
+        SetAE( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ), 
+               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
+               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
+               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"eqdc") )
+    {
+        SetEC( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_1", 0.0 ), 
+               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_2", 0.0 ), 
+               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ), 
+               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
+               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
+               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"mill") )
+    {
+        SetMC( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ), 
+               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
+               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
+               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"moll") )
+    {
+        SetMollweide( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
+                      OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
+                      OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"eck4") )
+    {
+        SetEckertIV( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
+                     OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
+                     OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"eck6") )
+    {
+        SetEckertVI( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
+                     OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
+                     OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"poly") )
+    {
+        SetPolyconic( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ), 
+                      OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
+                      OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
+                      OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"aea") )
+    {
+        SetACEA( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_1", 0.0 ), 
+                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_2", 0.0 ), 
+                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ), 
+                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
+                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
+                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"robin") )
+    {
+        SetRobinson( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
+                     OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
+                     OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"vandg") )
+    {
+        SetVDG( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
+                OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
+                OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"sinu") )
+    {
+        SetSinusoidal( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
+                       OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
+                       OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"gall") )
+    {
+        SetGS( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
+               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
+               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"goode") )
+    {
+        SetGH( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
+               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
+               OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"geos") )
+    {
+        SetGEOS( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
+                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "h", 35785831.0 ), 
+                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
+                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"lcc") ) 
+    {
+        if( OSR_GDV(papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ) 
+            == OSR_GDV(papszNV, "lat_1", 0.0 ) )
+        {
+            /* 1SP form */
+            SetLCC1SP( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ), 
+                       OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
+                       OSR_GDV( papszNV, "k_0", 1.0 ), 
+                       OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
+                       OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* 2SP form */
+            SetLCC( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_1", 0.0 ), 
+                    OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_2", 0.0 ), 
+                    OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ), 
+                    OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
+                    OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
+                    OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
+        }
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"omerc") )
+    {
+        SetHOM( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ), 
+                OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lonc", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
+                OSR_GDV( papszNV, "alpha", 0.0 ), 
+                0.0, /* ??? */
+                OSR_GDV( papszNV, "k", 1.0 ), 
+                OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
+                OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"somerc") )
+    {
+        SetHOM( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ), 
+                OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
+                90.0,  90.0, 
+                OSR_GDV( papszNV, "k", 1.0 ), 
+                OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
+                OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"krovak") )
+    {
+        SetKrovak( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_0", 0.0 ), 
+                   OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_0", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
+                   OSR_GDV( papszNV, "alpha", 0.0 ), 
+                   0.0, // pseudo_standard_parallel_1
+                   OSR_GDV( papszNV, "k", 1.0 ), 
+                   OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
+                   OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProj,"tpeqd") )
+    {
+        SetTPED( OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_1", 0.0 ), 
+                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_1", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
+                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lat_2", 0.0 ), 
+                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "lon_2", 0.0 )+dfFromGreenwich, 
+                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "x_0", 0.0 ), 
+                 OSR_GDV( papszNV, "y_0", 0.0 ) );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        CPLDebug( "OGR_PROJ4", "Unsupported projection: %s", pszProj );
+        CSLDestroy( papszNV );
+        return OGRERR_CORRUPT_DATA;
+    }
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Try to translate the datum.                                     */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    const char *pszValue;
+    int  bFullyDefined = FALSE;
+    pszValue = CSLFetchNameValue(papszNV, "datum");
+    if( pszValue == NULL )
+    {
+        /* do nothing */
+    }
+    else if( (EQUAL(pszValue,"NAD27") || EQUAL(pszValue,"NAD83")
+              || EQUAL(pszValue,"WGS84") || EQUAL(pszValue,"WGS72"))
+             && dfFromGreenwich == 0.0 )
+    {
+        SetWellKnownGeogCS( pszValue );
+        bFullyDefined = TRUE;
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszValue,"potsdam") )
+    {
+        OGRSpatialReference oGCS;
+        oGCS.importFromEPSG( 4314 );
+        CopyGeogCSFrom( &oGCS );
+        bFullyDefined = TRUE;
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszValue,"nzgd49") )
+    {
+        OGRSpatialReference oGCS;
+        oGCS.importFromEPSG( 4272 );
+        CopyGeogCSFrom( &oGCS );
+        bFullyDefined = TRUE;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* we don't recognise the datum, and ignore it */
+    }
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Set the ellipsoid information.                                   */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    double dfSemiMajor, dfInvFlattening, dfSemiMinor;
+    pszValue = CSLFetchNameValue(papszNV, "ellps");
+    if( pszValue != NULL && !bFullyDefined )
+    {
+        for( i = 0; ogr_pj_ellps[i] != NULL; i += 4 )
+        {
+            if( !EQUAL(ogr_pj_ellps[i],pszValue) )
+                continue;
+            CPLAssert( EQUALN(ogr_pj_ellps[i+1],"a=",2) );
+            dfSemiMajor = atof(ogr_pj_ellps[i+1]+2);
+            if( EQUALN(ogr_pj_ellps[i+2],"rf=",3) )
+                dfInvFlattening = atof(ogr_pj_ellps[i+2]+3);
+            else
+            {
+                CPLAssert( EQUALN(ogr_pj_ellps[i+2],"b=",2) );
+                dfSemiMinor = atof(ogr_pj_ellps[i+2]+2);
+                if( ABS(dfSemiMajor/dfSemiMinor) - 1.0 < 0.0000000000001 )
+                    dfInvFlattening = 0.0;
+                else
+                    dfInvFlattening = -1.0 / (dfSemiMinor/dfSemiMajor - 1.0);
+            }
+            SetGeogCS( ogr_pj_ellps[i+3], "unknown", ogr_pj_ellps[i], 
+                       dfSemiMajor, dfInvFlattening,
+                       pszPM, dfFromGreenwich );
+            bFullyDefined = TRUE;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if( !bFullyDefined )
+    {
+        dfSemiMajor = OSR_GDV( papszNV, "a", 0.0 );
+        if( dfSemiMajor == 0.0 )
+        {
+            dfSemiMajor = OSR_GDV( papszNV, "R", 0.0 );
+            if( dfSemiMajor != 0.0 )
+            {
+                dfSemiMinor = -1.0;
+                dfInvFlattening = 0.0;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                CPLDebug( "OGR_PROJ4", "Can't find ellipse definition, default to WGS84:\n%s", 
+                          pszProj4 );
+                dfSemiMajor = SRS_WGS84_SEMIMAJOR;
+                dfSemiMinor = -1.0;
+                dfInvFlattening = SRS_WGS84_INVFLATTENING;
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            dfSemiMinor = OSR_GDV( papszNV, "b", -1.0 );
+            dfInvFlattening = OSR_GDV( papszNV, "rf", -1.0 );
+        }
+        if( dfSemiMinor == -1.0 && dfInvFlattening == -1.0 )
+        {
+            CPLDebug( "OGR_PROJ4", "Can't find ellipse definition in:\n%s", 
+                      pszProj4 );
+            CSLDestroy( papszNV );
+            return OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_SRS;
+        }
+        if( dfInvFlattening == -1.0 )
+        {
+            if( ABS(dfSemiMajor/dfSemiMinor) - 1.0 < 0.0000000000001 )
+                dfInvFlattening = 0.0;
+            else
+                dfInvFlattening = -1.0 / (dfSemiMinor/dfSemiMajor - 1.0);
+        }
+        SetGeogCS( "unnamed ellipse", "unknown", "unnamed",
+                   dfSemiMajor, dfInvFlattening,
+                   pszPM, dfFromGreenwich );
+        bFullyDefined = TRUE;
+    }
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Handle TOWGS84 conversion.                                      */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    pszValue = CSLFetchNameValue(papszNV, "towgs84");
+    if(pszValue!=NULL)
+    {
+        char **papszToWGS84 = CSLTokenizeStringComplex( pszValue, ",", 
+                                                        FALSE, TRUE );
+        if( CSLCount(papszToWGS84) >= 7 )
+            SetTOWGS84( atof(papszToWGS84[0]), 
+                        atof(papszToWGS84[1]), 
+                        atof(papszToWGS84[2]), 
+                        atof(papszToWGS84[3]), 
+                        atof(papszToWGS84[4]), 
+                        atof(papszToWGS84[5]), 
+                        atof(papszToWGS84[6]) );
+        else if( CSLCount(papszToWGS84) >= 3 )
+            SetTOWGS84( atof(papszToWGS84[0]), 
+                        atof(papszToWGS84[1]), 
+                        atof(papszToWGS84[2]) );
+        else
+            CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, 
+                      "Seemingly corrupt +towgs84 option (%s), ignoring.", 
+                      pszValue );
+        CSLDestroy(papszToWGS84);
+    }
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Linear units translation                                        */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    if( IsProjected() || IsLocal() )
+    {
+        pszValue = CSLFetchNameValue(papszNV, "to_meter");
+        if( pszValue != NULL && atof(pszValue) > 0.0 )
+        {
+            SetLinearUnits( "unknown", atof(pszValue) );
+        }
+        else if( (pszValue = CSLFetchNameValue(papszNV, "units")) != NULL )
+        {
+            if( EQUAL(pszValue,"meter" ) || EQUAL(pszValue,"m") )
+                SetLinearUnits( SRS_UL_METER, 1.0 );
+            else if( EQUAL(pszValue,"us-ft" ) )
+                SetLinearUnits( SRS_UL_US_FOOT, atof(SRS_UL_US_FOOT_CONV) );
+            else if( EQUAL(pszValue,"ft" ) )
+                SetLinearUnits( SRS_UL_FOOT, atof(SRS_UL_FOOT_CONV) );
+            else if( EQUAL(pszValue,"yd" ) )
+                SetLinearUnits( pszValue, 0.9144 );
+            else if( EQUAL(pszValue,"us-yd" ) )
+                SetLinearUnits( pszValue, 0.914401828803658 );
+            else // This case is untranslatable.  Should add all proj.4 unts
+                SetLinearUnits( pszValue, 1.0 );
+        }
+    }
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Adjust linear parameters into PROJCS units if the linear        */
+/*      units are not meters.                                           */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    if( GetLinearUnits() != 1.0 && IsProjected() )
+    {
+        OGR_SRSNode *poPROJCS = GetAttrNode( "PROJCS" );
+        int  i;
+        for( i = 0; i < poPROJCS->GetChildCount(); i++ )
+        {
+            OGR_SRSNode *poParm = poPROJCS->GetChild(i);
+            if( !EQUAL(poParm->GetValue(),"PARAMETER") 
+                || poParm->GetChildCount() != 2 )
+                continue;
+            const char *pszParmName = poParm->GetChild(0)->GetValue();
+            if( IsLinearParameter(pszParmName) )
+                SetNormProjParm(pszParmName,GetProjParm(pszParmName));
+        }        
+    }
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      do we want to insert a PROJ.4 EXTENSION item?                   */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    if( strstr(pszProj4,"wktext") != NULL )
+        SetExtension( GetRoot()->GetValue(), "PROJ4", pszProj4 );
+    CSLDestroy( papszNV );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                          OSRExportToProj4()                          */
+OGRErr CPL_STDCALL OSRExportToProj4( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                                     char ** ppszReturn )
+    *ppszReturn = NULL;
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->exportToProj4( ppszReturn );
+/*                           exportToProj4()                            */
+ * Export coordinate system in PROJ.4 format.
+ *
+ * Converts the loaded coordinate reference system into PROJ.4 format
+ * to the extent possible.  The string returned in ppszProj4 should be
+ * deallocated by the caller with CPLFree() when no longer needed.
+ *
+ * LOCAL_CS coordinate systems are not translatable.  An empty string
+ * will be returned along with OGRERR_NONE.  
+ *
+ * This method is the equivelent of the C function OSRExportToProj4().
+ *
+ * @param ppszProj4 pointer to which dynamically allocated PROJ.4 definition 
+ * will be assigned. 
+ *
+ * @return OGRERR_NONE on success or an error code on failure. 
+ */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::exportToProj4( char ** ppszProj4 ) const
+    char        szProj4[512];
+    const char *pszProjection = GetAttrValue("PROJECTION");
+    szProj4[0] = '\0';
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Do we have a PROJ.4 override definition?                        */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    const char *pszPredefProj4 = GetExtension( GetRoot()->GetValue(), 
+                                               "PROJ4", NULL );
+    if( pszPredefProj4 != NULL )
+    {
+        *ppszProj4 = CPLStrdup( pszPredefProj4 );
+        return OGRERR_NONE;
+    }
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Get the prime meridian info.                                    */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    const OGR_SRSNode *poPRIMEM = GetAttrNode( "PRIMEM" );
+    double dfFromGreenwich = 0.0;
+    if( poPRIMEM != NULL && poPRIMEM->GetChildCount() >= 2 
+        && atof(poPRIMEM->GetChild(1)->GetValue()) != 0.0 )
+    {
+        dfFromGreenwich = atof(poPRIMEM->GetChild(1)->GetValue());
+    }
+/* ==================================================================== */
+/*      Handle the projection definition.                               */
+/* ==================================================================== */
+    if( pszProjection == NULL && IsGeographic() )
+    {
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4), "+proj=longlat " );
+    }
+    else if( pszProjection == NULL && !IsGeographic() )
+    {
+        // LOCAL_CS, or incompletely initialized coordinate systems.
+        *ppszProj4 = CPLStrdup("");
+        return OGRERR_NONE;
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_CYLINDRICAL_EQUAL_AREA) )
+    {
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+           "+proj=cea +lon_0=%.16g +lat_ts=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_BONNE) )
+    {
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+           "+proj=bonne +lon_0=%.16g +lat_1=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_CASSINI_SOLDNER) ||
+             EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_CASSINI_SOLDNER1) )
+    {
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+           "+proj=cass +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_NEW_ZEALAND_MAP_GRID) )
+    {
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+                 "+proj=nzmg +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR) ||
+             EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_TM) ||
+             EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR_MI_21) ||
+             EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR_MI_22) ||
+             EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR_MI_23) ||
+             EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR_MI_24) ||
+             EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR_MI_25) ||
+             EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_UTM) )
+    {
+        int bNorth;
+        int nZone = GetUTMZone( &bNorth );
+        if( nZone != 0 )
+        {
+            if( bNorth )
+                sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4), "+proj=utm +zone=%d ", 
+                         nZone );
+            else
+                sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),"+proj=utm +zone=%d +south ", 
+                         nZone );
+        }            
+        else
+            sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+             "+proj=tmerc +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g +k=%f +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR,1.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_MERCATOR_1SP) )
+    {
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+           "+proj=merc +lon_0=%.16g +k=%f +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR,1.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_MERCATOR_2SP) )
+    {
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+           "+proj=merc +lon_0=%.16g +lat_ts=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_OBLIQUE_STEREOGRAPHIC) )
+    {
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+         "+proj=sterea +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g +k=%f +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+//         "+proj=stere +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g +k=%f +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR,1.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_STEREOGRAPHIC) )
+    {
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+           "+proj=stere +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g +k=%f +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR,1.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_POLAR_STEREOGRAPHIC) )
+    {
+        if( GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0) >= 0.0 )
+            sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+                     "+proj=stere +lat_0=90 +lat_ts=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g "
+                     "+k=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,90.0),
+                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
+                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR,1.0),
+                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+        else
+            sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+                     "+proj=stere +lat_0=-90 +lat_ts=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g "
+                     "+k=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,-90.0),
+                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
+                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR,1.0),
+                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_EQUIRECTANGULAR) ||
+             EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_EQUIDISTANT_CYLINDRICAL) )
+    {
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+                 "+proj=eqc +lat_ts=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_GNOMONIC) )
+    {
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+                 "+proj=gnom +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_ORTHOGRAPHIC) )
+    {
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+                 "+proj=ortho +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_LAMBERT_AZIMUTHAL_EQUAL_AREA) )
+    {
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+                 "+proj=laea +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_AZIMUTHAL_EQUIDISTANT) )
+    {
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+                 "+proj=aeqd +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_EQUIDISTANT_CONIC) )
+    {
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+                 "+proj=eqdc +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g +lat_1=%.16g +lat_2=%.16g"
+                 " +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_CENTER,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_CENTER,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_2,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_MILLER) ||
+             EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_MILLER_CYLINDRICAL) )
+    {
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+                "+proj=mill +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g +R_A ",
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_MOLLWEIDE) )
+    {
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+                 "+proj=moll +lon_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_ECKERT_IV) )
+    {
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+                 "+proj=eck4 +lon_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_ECKERT_VI) )
+    {
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+                 "+proj=eck6 +lon_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_POLYCONIC) )
+    {
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+                 "+proj=poly +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_AE) ||
+             EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_ALBERS_CONIC_EQUAL_AREA) )
+    {
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+                 "+proj=aea +lat_1=%.16g +lat_2=%.16g +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g"
+                 " +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_2,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_ROBINSON) )
+    {
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+                 "+proj=robin +lon_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_VANDERGRINTEN) )
+    {
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+                 "+proj=vandg +lon_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g +R_A ",
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_SINUSOIDAL) )
+    {
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+                 "+proj=sinu +lon_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_CENTER,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_GALL_STEREOGRAPHIC) )
+    {
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+                 "+proj=gall +lon_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_GOODE_HOMOLOSINE) )
+    {
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+                 "+proj=goode +lon_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_GEOSTATIONARY_SATELLITE) )
+    {
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+                 "+proj=geos +lon_0=%.16g +h=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_SATELLITE_HEIGHT,35785831.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_LAMBERT_CONFORMAL_CONIC) ||
+             EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_LAMBERT_CONFORMAL_CONIC_2SP) ||
+             EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_LAMBERT_CONFORMAL_CONIC_ALT) ||
+             EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_LAMBERT_CONIC_CONFORMAL) ||
+             EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_LCC) ||
+             EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_LM) )
+    {
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+                 "+proj=lcc +lat_1=%.16g +lat_2=%.16g +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g"
+                 " +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_2,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_LAMBERT_CONFORMAL_CONIC_1SP) ||
+             EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_LAMBERT_CONIC_CONFORMAL_1SP) )
+    {
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+                 "+proj=lcc +lat_1=%.16g +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g"
+                 " +k_0=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR,1.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_HOTINE_OBLIQUE_MERCATOR) ||
+             EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_OBLIQUE_MERCATOR) )
+    {
+        /* not clear how ProjParm[3] - angle from rectified to skewed grid -
+           should be applied ... see the +not_rot flag for PROJ.4.
+           Just ignoring for now. */
+        /* special case for swiss oblique mercator : see bug 423 */
+        if( fabs(GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_AZIMUTH,0.0) - 90.0) < 0.0001 
+            && fabs(GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_RECTIFIED_GRID_ANGLE,0.0)-90.0) < 0.0001 )
+        {
+            sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+                     "+proj=somerc +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g"
+                     " +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
+                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
+                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+                     "+proj=omerc +lat_0=%.16g +lonc=%.16g +alpha=%.16g"
+                     " +k=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
+                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
+                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_AZIMUTH,0.0),
+                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR,1.0),
+                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                     GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+        }
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,
+    {
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+                 "+proj=omerc +lat_0=%.16g"
+                 " +lon_1=%.16g +lat_1=%.16g +lon_2=%.16g +lat_2=%.16g"
+                 " +k=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_POINT_1,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_POINT_1,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_POINT_2,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_POINT_2,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR,1.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_KROVAK) )
+    {
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+                 "+proj=krovak +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g +alpha=%.16g"
+                 " +k=%.16g +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_CENTER,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_CENTER,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_AZIMUTH,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR,1.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_TWO_POINT_EQUIDISTANT) )
+    {
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+                 "+proj=tpeqd +lat_1=%.16g +lon_1=%.16g "
+                 "+lat_2=%.16g +lon_2=%.16g "
+                 "+x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_1ST_POINT,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_1ST_POINT,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_2ND_POINT,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_2ND_POINT,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+    }
+    /* Note: This never really gets used currently.  See bug 423 */
+    else if( EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_SWISS) ||
+             EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_SWISS_OBLIQUE_CYLINDRICAL) )
+    {
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4),
+                 "+proj=somerc +lat_0=%.16g +lon_0=%.16g"
+                 " +x_0=%.16g +y_0=%.16g ",
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING,0.0),
+                 GetNormProjParm(SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING,0.0) );
+    }
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Handle earth model.  For now we just always emit the user       */
+/*      defined ellipsoid parameters.                                   */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    double      dfSemiMajor = GetSemiMajor();
+    double      dfInvFlattening = GetInvFlattening();
+    const char  *pszPROJ4Ellipse = NULL;
+    const char  *pszDatum = GetAttrValue("DATUM");
+    if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6378249.145) < 0.01
+        && ABS(dfInvFlattening-293.465) < 0.0001 )
+    {
+        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "clrk80";     /* Clark 1880 */
+    }
+    else if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6378245.0) < 0.01
+             && ABS(dfInvFlattening-298.3) < 0.0001 )
+    {
+        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "krass";      /* Krassovsky */
+    }
+    else if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6378388.0) < 0.01
+             && ABS(dfInvFlattening-297.0) < 0.0001 )
+    {
+        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "intl";       /* International 1924 */
+    }
+    else if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6378160.0) < 0.01
+             && ABS(dfInvFlattening-298.25) < 0.0001 )
+    {
+        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "aust_SA";    /* Australian */
+    }
+    else if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6377397.155) < 0.01
+             && ABS(dfInvFlattening-299.1528128) < 0.0001 )
+    {
+        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "bessel";     /* Bessel 1841 */
+    }
+    else if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6377483.865) < 0.01
+             && ABS(dfInvFlattening-299.1528128) < 0.0001 )
+    {
+        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "bess_nam";   /* Bessel 1841 (Namibia / Schwarzeck)*/
+    }
+    else if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6378160.0) < 0.01
+             && ABS(dfInvFlattening-298.247167427) < 0.0001 )
+    {
+        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "GRS67";      /* GRS 1967 */
+    }
+    else if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6378137) < 0.01
+             && ABS(dfInvFlattening-298.257222101) < 0.000001 )
+    {
+        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "GRS80";      /* GRS 1980 */
+    }
+    else if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6378206.4) < 0.01
+             && ABS(dfInvFlattening-294.9786982) < 0.0001 )
+    {
+        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "clrk66";     /* Clarke 1866 */
+    }
+    else if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6378206.4) < 0.01
+             && ABS(dfInvFlattening-294.9786982) < 0.0001 )
+    {
+        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "mod_airy";   /* Modified Airy */
+    }
+    else if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6377563.396) < 0.01
+             && ABS(dfInvFlattening-299.3249646) < 0.0001 )
+    {
+        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "airy";       /* Modified Airy */
+    }
+    else if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6378200) < 0.01
+             && ABS(dfInvFlattening-298.3) < 0.0001 )
+    {
+        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "helmert";    /* Helmert 1906 */
+    }
+    else if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6378155) < 0.01
+             && ABS(dfInvFlattening-298.3) < 0.0001 )
+    {
+        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "fschr60m";   /* Modified Fischer 1960 */
+    }
+    else if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6377298.556) < 0.01
+             && ABS(dfInvFlattening-300.8017) < 0.0001 )
+    {
+        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "evrstSS";    /* Everest (Sabah & Sarawak) */
+    }
+    else if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6378165.0) < 0.01
+             && ABS(dfInvFlattening-298.3) < 0.0001 )
+    {
+        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "WGS60";      
+    }
+    else if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6378145.0) < 0.01
+             && ABS(dfInvFlattening-298.25) < 0.0001 )
+    {
+        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "WGS66";      
+    }
+    else if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6378135.0) < 0.01
+             && ABS(dfInvFlattening-298.26) < 0.0001 )
+    {
+        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "WGS72";      
+    }
+    else if( ABS(dfSemiMajor-6378137.0) < 0.01
+             && ABS(dfInvFlattening-298.257223563) < 0.000001 )
+    {
+        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "WGS84";
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszDatum,"North_American_Datum_1927") )
+    {
+//        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "clrk66:+datum=nad27"; /* NAD 27 */
+        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "clrk66";
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszDatum,"North_American_Datum_1983") )
+    {
+//        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "GRS80:+datum=nad83";       /* NAD 83 */
+        pszPROJ4Ellipse = "GRS80";
+    }
+    if( pszPROJ4Ellipse == NULL )
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4), "+a=%.16g +b=%.16g ",
+                 GetSemiMajor(), GetSemiMinor() );
+    else
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4), "+ellps=%s ",
+                 pszPROJ4Ellipse );
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Translate the datum.                                            */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    const char *pszPROJ4Datum = NULL;
+    const OGR_SRSNode *poTOWGS84 = GetAttrNode( "TOWGS84" );
+    char  szTOWGS84[256];
+    int nEPSGDatum = -1;
+    const char *pszAuthority;
+    int nEPSGGeogCS = -1;
+    const char *pszGeogCSAuthority;
+    pszAuthority = GetAuthorityName( "DATUM" );
+    if( pszAuthority != NULL && EQUAL(pszAuthority,"EPSG") )
+        nEPSGDatum = atoi(GetAuthorityCode( "DATUM" ));
+    pszGeogCSAuthority = GetAuthorityName( "GEOGCS" );
+    if( pszGeogCSAuthority != NULL && EQUAL(pszGeogCSAuthority,"EPSG") )
+        nEPSGGeogCS = atoi(GetAuthorityCode( "GEOGCS" ));
+    if( pszDatum == NULL )
+        /* nothing */;
+    else if( EQUAL(pszDatum,SRS_DN_NAD27) || nEPSGDatum == 6267 )
+        pszPROJ4Datum = "+datum=NAD27";
+    else if( EQUAL(pszDatum,SRS_DN_NAD83) || nEPSGDatum == 6269 )
+        pszPROJ4Datum = "+datum=NAD83";
+    else if( EQUAL(pszDatum,SRS_DN_WGS84) || nEPSGDatum == 6326 )
+        pszPROJ4Datum = "+datum=WGS84";
+    else if( nEPSGDatum == 6314 )
+        pszPROJ4Datum = "+datum=potsdam";
+    else if( nEPSGDatum == 6272 )
+        pszPROJ4Datum = "+datum=nzgd49";
+    else if( poTOWGS84 != NULL )
+    {
+        if( poTOWGS84->GetChildCount() > 2
+            && (poTOWGS84->GetChildCount() < 6 
+                || EQUAL(poTOWGS84->GetChild(3)->GetValue(),"")
+                && EQUAL(poTOWGS84->GetChild(4)->GetValue(),"")
+                && EQUAL(poTOWGS84->GetChild(5)->GetValue(),"")
+                && EQUAL(poTOWGS84->GetChild(6)->GetValue(),"")) )
+        {
+            sprintf( szTOWGS84, "+towgs84=%s,%s,%s",
+                     poTOWGS84->GetChild(0)->GetValue(),
+                     poTOWGS84->GetChild(1)->GetValue(),
+                     poTOWGS84->GetChild(2)->GetValue() );
+            pszPROJ4Datum = szTOWGS84;
+        }
+        else if( poTOWGS84->GetChildCount() > 6 )
+        {
+            sprintf( szTOWGS84, "+towgs84=%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s",
+                     poTOWGS84->GetChild(0)->GetValue(),
+                     poTOWGS84->GetChild(1)->GetValue(),
+                     poTOWGS84->GetChild(2)->GetValue(),
+                     poTOWGS84->GetChild(3)->GetValue(),
+                     poTOWGS84->GetChild(4)->GetValue(),
+                     poTOWGS84->GetChild(5)->GetValue(),
+                     poTOWGS84->GetChild(6)->GetValue() );
+            pszPROJ4Datum = szTOWGS84;
+        }
+    }
+    else if( nEPSGGeogCS != -1 )
+    {
+        double padfTransform[7];
+        if( EPSGGetWGS84Transform( nEPSGGeogCS, padfTransform ) )
+        {
+            sprintf( szTOWGS84, "+towgs84=%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f",
+                     padfTransform[0],
+                     padfTransform[1],
+                     padfTransform[2],
+                     padfTransform[3],
+                     padfTransform[4],
+                     padfTransform[5],
+                     padfTransform[6] );
+            pszPROJ4Datum = szTOWGS84;
+        }
+    }
+    if( pszPROJ4Datum != NULL )
+    {
+        strcat( szProj4, pszPROJ4Datum );
+        strcat( szProj4, " " );
+    }
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Is there prime meridian info to apply?                          */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    if( poPRIMEM != NULL && poPRIMEM->GetChildCount() >= 2 
+        && atof(poPRIMEM->GetChild(1)->GetValue()) != 0.0 )
+    {
+        const char *pszAuthority = GetAuthorityName( "PRIMEM" );
+        char szPMValue[128];
+        int  nCode = -1;
+        if( pszAuthority != NULL && EQUAL(pszAuthority,"EPSG") )
+            nCode = atoi(GetAuthorityCode( "PRIMEM" ));
+        switch( nCode )
+        {
+          case 8902:
+            strcpy( szPMValue, "lisbon" );
+            break;
+          case 8903:
+            strcpy( szPMValue, "paris" );
+            break;
+          case 8904:
+            strcpy( szPMValue, "bogota" );
+            break;
+          case 8905:
+            strcpy( szPMValue, "madrid" );
+            break;
+          case 8906:
+            strcpy( szPMValue, "rome" );
+            break;
+          case 8907:
+            strcpy( szPMValue, "bern" );
+            break;
+          case 8908:
+            strcpy( szPMValue, "jakarta" );
+            break;
+          case 8909:
+            strcpy( szPMValue, "ferro" );
+            break;
+          case 8910:
+            strcpy( szPMValue, "brussels" );
+            break;
+          case 8911:
+            strcpy( szPMValue, "stockholm" );
+            break;
+          case 8912:
+            strcpy( szPMValue, "athens" );
+            break;
+          case 8913:
+            strcpy( szPMValue, "oslo" );
+            break;
+          default:
+            sprintf( szPMValue, "%.16g", dfFromGreenwich );
+        }
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4), "+pm=%s ", szPMValue );
+    }
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Handle linear units.                                            */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    const char  *pszPROJ4Units=NULL;
+    char        *pszLinearUnits = NULL;
+    double      dfLinearConv;
+    dfLinearConv = GetLinearUnits( &pszLinearUnits );
+    if( strstr(szProj4,"longlat") != NULL )
+        pszPROJ4Units = NULL;
+    else if( dfLinearConv == 1.0 )
+        pszPROJ4Units = "m";
+    else if( dfLinearConv == 1000.0 )
+        pszPROJ4Units = "km";
+    else if( dfLinearConv == 0.0254 )
+        pszPROJ4Units = "in";
+    else if( EQUAL(pszLinearUnits,SRS_UL_FOOT) )
+        pszPROJ4Units = "ft";
+    else if( EQUAL(pszLinearUnits,"IYARD") || dfLinearConv == 0.9144 )
+        pszPROJ4Units = "yd";
+    else if( dfLinearConv == 0.001 )
+        pszPROJ4Units = "mm";
+    else if( dfLinearConv == 0.01 )
+        pszPROJ4Units = "cm";
+    else if( EQUAL(pszLinearUnits,SRS_UL_US_FOOT) )
+        pszPROJ4Units = "us-ft";
+    else if( EQUAL(pszLinearUnits,SRS_UL_NAUTICAL_MILE) )
+        pszPROJ4Units = "kmi";
+    else if( EQUAL(pszLinearUnits,"Mile") 
+             || EQUAL(pszLinearUnits,"IMILE") )
+        pszPROJ4Units = "mi";
+    else
+    {
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4), "+to_meter=%.16g ",
+                 dfLinearConv );
+    }
+    if( pszPROJ4Units != NULL )
+        sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4), "+units=%s ",
+                 pszPROJ4Units );
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Add the no_defs flag to ensure that no values from              */
+/*      proj_def.dat are implicitly used with our definitions.          */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    sprintf( szProj4+strlen(szProj4), "+no_defs " );
+    *ppszProj4 = CPLStrdup( szProj4 );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;

Modified: trunk/MgDev/Oem/gdal-1.4.0/ogr/ogrspatialreference.cpp
--- trunk/MgDev/Oem/gdal-1.4.0/ogr/ogrspatialreference.cpp	2007-03-21 00:47:37 UTC (rev 1308)
+++ trunk/MgDev/Oem/gdal-1.4.0/ogr/ogrspatialreference.cpp	2007-03-21 00:50:25 UTC (rev 1309)
@@ -1,5092 +1,5095 @@
- * $Id: ogrspatialreference.cpp,v 1.104 2006/12/18 16:22:51 fwarmerdam Exp $
- *
- * Project:  OpenGIS Simple Features Reference Implementation
- * Purpose:  The OGRSpatialReference class.
- * Author:   Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
- *
- ******************************************************************************
- * Copyright (c) 1999,  Les Technologies SoftMap Inc.
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
- * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
- * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
- * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
- * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
- * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
- * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- ******************************************************************************
- *
- * $Log: ogrspatialreference.cpp,v $
- * Revision 1.104  2006/12/18 16:22:51  fwarmerdam
- * added support for x-ogc as well as ogc namespace
- *
- * Revision 1.103  2006/11/30 17:48:32  fwarmerdam
- * Avoid uninitialized variable warning.
- *
- * Revision 1.102  2006/11/24 17:58:15  fwarmerdam
- * added extension management methods
- *
- * Revision 1.101  2006/11/21 21:25:27  fwarmerdam
- * Applied ESRI:: modifier to dictionary lookups if requested.
- *
- * Revision 1.100  2006/11/07 18:55:07  fwarmerdam
- * added OGC importFromURN()
- *
- * Revision 1.99  2006/10/14 01:31:14  fwarmerdam
- * NULL target for GetAuthorityName/Code now returns for the root node.
- *
- * Revision 1.98  2005/12/20 02:08:07  fwarmerdam
- * UTM should default to a linear units of meter.
- *
- * Revision 1.97  2005/12/01 04:59:46  fwarmerdam
- * added two point equidistant support
- *
- * Revision 1.96  2005/10/16 01:32:41  fwarmerdam
- * Apply epsilon testing to UTM zone false easting and northing.
- *
- * Revision 1.95  2005/09/21 03:00:42  fwarmerdam
- * fixed return for Release
- *
- * Revision 1.94  2005/09/21 00:51:27  fwarmerdam
- * added Release
- *
- * Revision 1.93  2005/04/06 00:02:05  fwarmerdam
- * various osr and oct functions now stdcall
- *
- * Revision 1.92  2005/03/03 04:55:42  fwarmerdam
- * make exportToWkt() const
- *
- * Revision 1.91  2005/02/11 14:21:28  fwarmerdam
- * added GEOS projection support
- *
- * Revision 1.90  2005/01/13 05:17:37  fwarmerdam
- * added SetLinearUnitsAndUpdateParameters
- *
- * Revision 1.89  2005/01/05 21:02:33  fwarmerdam
- * added Goode Homolosine
- *
- * Revision 1.88  2004/11/11 18:28:45  fwarmerdam
- * added Bonne projection support
- *
- * Revision 1.87  2004/09/23 16:20:13  fwarmerdam
- * added OSRCleanup
- *
- * Revision 1.86  2004/09/10 20:59:06  fwarmerdam
- * Added note on SetSOC() being deprecated.
- *
- * Revision 1.85  2004/05/06 19:26:04  dron
- * Added OSRSetProjection() function.
- *
- * Revision 1.84  2004/05/04 17:54:45  warmerda
- * internal longitude format is greenwich relative - no adjustments needed
- *
- * Revision 1.83  2004/03/04 18:04:45  warmerda
- * added importFromDict() support
- *
- * Revision 1.82  2004/02/05 17:07:59  dron
- * Support for HOM projection, specified by two points on centerline.
- *
- * Revision 1.81  2003/12/05 16:22:49  warmerda
- * optimized IsProjected
- *
- * Revision 1.80  2003/10/07 04:20:50  warmerda
- * added WMS AUTO: support
- *
- * Revision 1.79  2003/09/18 14:43:40  warmerda
- * Ensure that SetAuthority() clears old nodes.
- * Don't crash on NULL root in exportToPrettyWkt().
- *
- * Revision 1.78  2003/08/18 13:26:01  warmerda
- * added SetTMVariant() and related definitions
- *
- * Revision 1.77  2003/06/19 17:10:26  warmerda
- * a couple fixes in last commit
- *
- * Revision 1.76  2003/06/18 18:24:17  warmerda
- * added projection specific set methods to C API
- *
- * Revision 1.75  2003/05/30 18:34:41  warmerda
- * clear existing authority node in SetLinearUnits if one exists
- *
- * Revision 1.74  2003/05/28 19:16:43  warmerda
- * fixed up argument names and stuff for docs
- *
- * Revision 1.73  2003/04/01 14:34:45  warmerda
- * Clarify SetUTM() documentation.
- *
- * Revision 1.72  2003/03/28 17:42:05  warmerda
- * fixed reference/dereference problem
- *
- * Revision 1.71  2003/02/25 04:55:41  warmerda
- * Added SetGeogCSFrom() method. Modified SetWellKnownGeogCS() to use it.
- * Modfied SetGeogCS() to replace an existing GEOGCS node if there is one.
- *
- * Revision 1.70  2003/02/14 22:15:04  warmerda
- * expand tabs
- *
- * Revision 1.69  2003/02/08 00:37:15  warmerda
- * try to improve documentation
- *
- * Revision 1.68  2003/02/06 04:53:12  warmerda
- * added Fixup() method
- *
- * Revision 1.67  2003/01/31 02:27:08  warmerda
- * modified SetFromUserInput() to avoid large buffer on stack
- *
- * Revision 1.66  2003/01/08 18:14:28  warmerda
- * added FixupOrdering()
- */
-#include "ogr_spatialref.h"
-#include "ogr_p.h"
-#include "cpl_csv.h"
-CPL_CVSID("$Id: ogrspatialreference.cpp,v 1.104 2006/12/18 16:22:51 fwarmerdam Exp $");
-// The current opinion is that WKT longitudes like central meridian
-// should be relative to greenwich, not the prime meridian in use. 
-// Define the following if they should be relative to the prime meridian
-// of then geogcs.
-/*                           OGRPrintDouble()                           */
-static void OGRPrintDouble( char * pszStrBuf, double dfValue )
-    sprintf( pszStrBuf, "%.16g", dfValue );
-    int nLen = strlen(pszStrBuf);
-    // The following hack is intended to truncate some "precision" in cases
-    // that appear to be roundoff error. 
-    if( nLen > 15 
-        && (strcmp(pszStrBuf+nLen-6,"999999") == 0
-            || strcmp(pszStrBuf+nLen-6,"000001") == 0) )
-    {
-        sprintf( pszStrBuf, "%.15g", dfValue );
-    }
-/*                        OGRSpatialReference()                         */
- * Constructor.
- *
- * This constructor takes an optional string argument which if passed
- * should be a WKT representation of an SRS.  Passing this is equivelent
- * to not passing it, and then calling importFromWkt() with the WKT string.
- *
- * Note that newly created objects are given a reference count of one. 
- *
- * The C function OSRNewSpatialReference() does the same thing as this
- * constructor. 
- *
- * @param pszWKT well known text definition to which the object should
- * be initialized, or NULL (the default). 
- */
-OGRSpatialReference::OGRSpatialReference( const char * pszWKT )
-    bNormInfoSet = FALSE;
-    nRefCount = 1;
-    poRoot = NULL;
-    if( pszWKT != NULL )
-        importFromWkt( (char **) &pszWKT );
-/*                       OSRNewSpatialReference()                       */
-OGRSpatialReferenceH CPL_STDCALL OSRNewSpatialReference( const char *pszWKT )
-    OGRSpatialReference * poSRS;
-    poSRS = new OGRSpatialReference();
-    if( pszWKT != NULL && strlen(pszWKT) > 0 )
-    {
-        if( poSRS->importFromWkt( (char **) (&pszWKT) ) != OGRERR_NONE )
-        {
-            delete poSRS;
-            poSRS = NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    return poSRS;
-/*                        OGRSpatialReference()                         */
-/*                                                                      */
-/*      Simple copy constructor.  See also Clone().                     */
-OGRSpatialReference::OGRSpatialReference(const OGRSpatialReference &oOther)
-    bNormInfoSet = FALSE;
-    nRefCount = 1;
-    poRoot = NULL;
-    if( oOther.poRoot != NULL )
-        poRoot = oOther.poRoot->Clone();
-/*                        ~OGRSpatialReference()                        */
- * OGRSpatialReference destructor. 
- *
- * The C function OSRDestroySpatialReference() does the same thing as this
- * method. 
- */
-    if( poRoot != NULL )
-        delete poRoot;
-/*                     OSRDestroySpatialReference()                     */
-void CPL_STDCALL OSRDestroySpatialReference( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS )
-    delete ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS);
-/*                               Clear()                                */
- * Wipe current definition.
- *
- * Returns OGRSpatialReference to a state with no definition, as it 
- * exists when first created.  It does not affect reference counts.
- */
-void OGRSpatialReference::Clear()
-    if( poRoot )
-        delete poRoot;
-    poRoot = NULL;
-/*                             operator=()                              */
-OGRSpatialReference &
-OGRSpatialReference::operator=(const OGRSpatialReference &oSource)
-    if( poRoot != NULL )
-    {
-        delete poRoot;
-        poRoot = NULL;
-    }
-    if( oSource.poRoot != NULL )
-        poRoot = oSource.poRoot->Clone();
-    return *this;
-/*                             Reference()                              */
- * Increments the reference count by one.
- *
- * The reference count is used keep track of the number of OGRGeometry objects
- * referencing this SRS.
- *
- * The method does the same thing as the C function OSRReference(). 
- *
- * @return the updated reference count.
- */
-int OGRSpatialReference::Reference()
-    return ++nRefCount;
-/*                            OSRReference()                            */
-int OSRReference( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->Reference();
-/*                            Dereference()                             */
- * Decrements the reference count by one.
- *
- * The method does the same thing as the C function OSRDereference(). 
- *
- * @return the updated reference count.
- */
-int OGRSpatialReference::Dereference()
-    return --nRefCount;
-/*                           OSRDereference()                           */
-int OSRDereference( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->Dereference();
-/*                         GetReferenceCount()                          */
- * \fn int OGRSpatialReference::GetReferenceCount() const;
- *
- * Fetch current reference count.
- *
- * @return the current reference count.
- */
-/*                              Release()                               */
- * Decrements the reference count by one, and destroy if zero.
- *
- * The method does the same thing as the C function OSRRelease(). 
- */
-void OGRSpatialReference::Release()
-    if( this && Dereference() == 0 )
-        delete this;
-/*                             OSRRelease()                             */
-void OSRRelease( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS )
-    ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->Release();
-/*                              SetRoot()                               */
- * Set the root SRS node.
- *
- * If the object has an existing tree of OGR_SRSNodes, they are destroyed
- * as part of assigning the new root.  Ownership of the passed OGR_SRSNode is
- * is assumed by the OGRSpatialReference.
- *
- * @param poNewRoot object to assign as root.
- */
-void OGRSpatialReference::SetRoot( OGR_SRSNode * poNewRoot )
-    if( poRoot != NULL )
-        delete poRoot;
-    poRoot = poNewRoot;
-/*                            GetAttrNode()                             */
- * Find named node in tree.
- *
- * This method does a pre-order traversal of the node tree searching for
- * a node with this exact value (case insensitive), and returns it.  Leaf
- * nodes are not considered, under the assumption that they are just
- * attribute value nodes.
- *
- * If a node appears more than once in the tree (such as UNIT for instance),
- * the first encountered will be returned.  Use GetNode() on a subtree to be
- * more specific. 
- *
- * @param pszNodePath the name of the node to search for.  May contain multiple
- * components such as "GEOGCS|UNITS".
- *
- * @return a pointer to the node found, or NULL if none.
- */
-OGR_SRSNode *OGRSpatialReference::GetAttrNode( const char * pszNodePath )
-    char        **papszPathTokens;
-    OGR_SRSNode *poNode;
-    papszPathTokens = CSLTokenizeStringComplex(pszNodePath, "|", TRUE, FALSE);
-    if( CSLCount( papszPathTokens ) < 1 )
-        return NULL;
-    poNode = GetRoot();
-    for( int i = 0; poNode != NULL && papszPathTokens[i] != NULL; i++ )
-    {
-        poNode = poNode->GetNode( papszPathTokens[i] );
-    }
-    CSLDestroy( papszPathTokens );
-    return poNode;
-const OGR_SRSNode *
-OGRSpatialReference::GetAttrNode( const char * pszNodePath ) const
-    OGR_SRSNode *poNode;
-    poNode = ((OGRSpatialReference *) this)->GetAttrNode(pszNodePath);
-    return poNode;
-/*                            GetAttrValue()                            */
- * Fetch indicated attribute of named node.
- *
- * This method uses GetAttrNode() to find the named node, and then extracts
- * the value of the indicated child.  Thus a call to GetAttrValue("UNIT",1)
- * would return the second child of the UNIT node, which is normally the
- * length of the linear unit in meters.
- *
- * This method does the same thing as the C function OSRGetAttrValue().
- *
- * @param pszNodeName the tree node to look for (case insensitive).
- * @param iAttr the child of the node to fetch (zero based).
- *
- * @return the requested value, or NULL if it fails for any reason. 
- */
-const char *OGRSpatialReference::GetAttrValue( const char * pszNodeName,
-                                               int iAttr ) const
-    const OGR_SRSNode *poNode;
-    poNode = GetAttrNode( pszNodeName );
-    if( poNode == NULL )
-        return NULL;
-    if( iAttr < 0 || iAttr >= poNode->GetChildCount() )
-        return NULL;
-    return poNode->GetChild(iAttr)->GetValue();
-/*                          OSRGetAttrValue()                           */
-const char * CPL_STDCALL OSRGetAttrValue( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
-                             const char * pszKey, int iChild )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->GetAttrValue( pszKey, iChild );
-/*                               Clone()                                */
- * Make a duplicate of this OGRSpatialReference.
- *
- * This method is the same as the C function OSRClone().
- *
- * @return a new SRS, which becomes the responsibility of the caller.
- */
-OGRSpatialReference *OGRSpatialReference::Clone() const
-    OGRSpatialReference *poNewRef;
-    poNewRef = new OGRSpatialReference();
-    if( poRoot != NULL )
-        poNewRef->poRoot = poRoot->Clone();
-    return poNewRef;
-/*                              OSRClone()                              */
-OGRSpatialReferenceH CPL_STDCALL OSRClone( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS )
-    return (OGRSpatialReferenceH) ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->Clone();
-/*                         exportToPrettyWkt()                          */
-/*                                                                      */
-/*      Translate into a nicely formatted string for display to a       */
-/*      person.                                                         */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::exportToPrettyWkt( char ** ppszResult, 
-                                               int bSimplify ) const
-    if( poRoot == NULL )
-    {
-        *ppszResult = CPLStrdup("");
-        return OGRERR_NONE;
-    }
-    if( bSimplify )
-    {
-        OGRSpatialReference *poSimpleClone = Clone();
-        OGRErr eErr;
-        poSimpleClone->GetRoot()->StripNodes( "AXIS" );
-        poSimpleClone->GetRoot()->StripNodes( "AUTHORITY" );
-        poSimpleClone->GetRoot()->StripNodes( "EXTENSION" );
-        eErr = poSimpleClone->GetRoot()->exportToPrettyWkt( ppszResult, 1 );
-        delete poSimpleClone;
-        return eErr;
-    }
-    else
-        return poRoot->exportToPrettyWkt( ppszResult, 1 );
-/*                        OSRExportToPrettyWkt()                        */
-OGRErr CPL_STDCALL OSRExportToPrettyWkt( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, char ** ppszReturn,
-                             int bSimplify)
-    *ppszReturn = NULL;
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->exportToPrettyWkt( ppszReturn,
-                                                              bSimplify );
-/*                            exportToWkt()                             */
- * Convert this SRS into WKT format.
- *
- * Note that the returned WKT string should be freed with OGRFree() or
- * CPLFree() when no longer needed.  It is the responsibility of the caller.
- *
- * This method is the same as the C function OSRExportToWkt().
- *
- * @param ppszResult the resulting string is returned in this pointer.
- *
- * @return currently OGRERR_NONE is always returned, but the future it
- * is possible error conditions will develop. 
- */
-OGRErr  OGRSpatialReference::exportToWkt( char ** ppszResult ) const
-    if( poRoot == NULL )
-    {
-        *ppszResult = CPLStrdup("");
-        return OGRERR_NONE;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        return poRoot->exportToWkt(ppszResult);
-    }
-/*                           OSRExportToWkt()                           */
-OGRErr CPL_STDCALL OSRExportToWkt( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, char ** ppszReturn )
-    *ppszReturn = NULL;
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->exportToWkt( ppszReturn );
-/*                           importFromWkt()                            */
- * Import from WKT string.
- *
- * This method will wipe the existing SRS definition, and
- * reassign it based on the contents of the passed WKT string.  Only as
- * much of the input string as needed to construct this SRS is consumed from
- * the input string, and the input string pointer
- * is then updated to point to the remaining (unused) input.
- *
- * This method is the same as the C function OSRImportFromWkt().
- *
- * @param ppszInput Pointer to pointer to input.  The pointer is updated to
- * point to remaining unused input text.
- *
- * @return OGRERR_NONE if import succeeds, or OGRERR_CORRUPT_DATA if it
- * fails for any reason.
- */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::importFromWkt( char ** ppszInput )
-    if( poRoot != NULL )
-        delete poRoot;
-    bNormInfoSet = FALSE;
-    poRoot = new OGR_SRSNode();
-    return poRoot->importFromWkt( ppszInput );
-/*                          OSRImportFromWkt()                          */
-OGRErr OSRImportFromWkt( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, char **ppszInput )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->importFromWkt( ppszInput );
-/*                              SetNode()                               */
- * Set attribute value in spatial reference.
- *
- * Missing intermediate nodes in the path will be created if not already
- * in existance.  If the attribute has no children one will be created and
- * assigned the value otherwise the zeroth child will be assigned the value.
- *
- * This method does the same as the C function OSRSetAttrValue(). 
- *
- * @param pszNodePath full path to attribute to be set.  For instance
- * 
- * @param pszNewNodeValue value to be assigned to node, such as "meter". 
- * This may be NULL if you just want to force creation of the intermediate
- * path.
- *
- * @return OGRERR_NONE on success. 
- */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetNode( const char * pszNodePath,
-                                     const char * pszNewNodeValue )
-    char        **papszPathTokens;
-    int         i;
-    OGR_SRSNode *poNode;
-    papszPathTokens = CSLTokenizeStringComplex(pszNodePath, "|", TRUE, FALSE);
-    if( CSLCount( papszPathTokens ) < 1 )
-        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
-    if( GetRoot() == NULL || !EQUAL(papszPathTokens[0],GetRoot()->GetValue()) )
-    {
-        SetRoot( new OGR_SRSNode( papszPathTokens[0] ) );
-    }
-    poNode = GetRoot();
-    for( i = 1; papszPathTokens[i] != NULL; i++ )
-    {
-        int     j;
-        for( j = 0; j < poNode->GetChildCount(); j++ )
-        {
-            if( EQUAL(poNode->GetChild( j )->GetValue(),papszPathTokens[i]) )
-            {
-                poNode = poNode->GetChild(j);
-                j = -1;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        if( j != -1 )
-        {
-            OGR_SRSNode *poNewNode = new OGR_SRSNode( papszPathTokens[i] );
-            poNode->AddChild( poNewNode );
-            poNode = poNewNode;
-        }
-    }
-    CSLDestroy( papszPathTokens );
-    if( pszNewNodeValue != NULL )
-    {
-        if( poNode->GetChildCount() > 0 )
-            poNode->GetChild(0)->SetValue( pszNewNodeValue );
-        else
-            poNode->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( pszNewNodeValue ) );
-    }
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                          OSRSetAttrValue()                           */
-OGRErr CPL_STDCALL OSRSetAttrValue( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                        const char * pszPath, const char * pszValue )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetNode( pszPath, pszValue );
-/*                              SetNode()                               */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetNode( const char *pszNodePath,
-                                     double dfValue )
-    char        szValue[64];
-    if( ABS(dfValue - (int) dfValue) == 0.0 )
-        sprintf( szValue, "%d", (int) dfValue );
-    else
-        // notdef: sprintf( szValue, "%.16g", dfValue );
-        OGRPrintDouble( szValue, dfValue );
-    return SetNode( pszNodePath, szValue );
-/*                          SetAngularUnits()                           */
- * Set the angular units for the geographic coordinate system.
- *
- * This method creates a UNITS subnode with the specified values as a
- * child of the GEOGCS node. 
- *
- * This method does the same as the C function OSRSetAngularUnits(). 
- *
- * @param pszUnitsName the units name to be used.  Some preferred units
- * names can be found in ogr_srs_api.h such as SRS_UA_DEGREE. 
- *
- * @param dfInRadians the value to multiple by an angle in the indicated
- * units to transform to radians.  Some standard conversion factors can
- * be found in ogr_srs_api.h. 
- *
- * @return OGRERR_NONE on success.
- */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetAngularUnits( const char * pszUnitsName,
-                                             double dfInRadians )
-    OGR_SRSNode *poCS;
-    OGR_SRSNode *poUnits;
-    char        szValue[128];
-    bNormInfoSet = FALSE;
-    poCS = GetAttrNode( "GEOGCS" );
-    if( poCS == NULL )
-        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
-    OGRPrintDouble( szValue, dfInRadians );
-    if( poCS->FindChild( "UNIT" ) >= 0 )
-    {
-        poUnits = poCS->GetChild( poCS->FindChild( "UNIT" ) );
-        poUnits->GetChild(0)->SetValue( pszUnitsName );
-        poUnits->GetChild(1)->SetValue( szValue );
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        poUnits = new OGR_SRSNode( "UNIT" );
-        poUnits->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( pszUnitsName ) );
-        poUnits->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( szValue ) );
-        poCS->AddChild( poUnits );
-    }
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                         OSRSetAngularUnits()                         */
-OGRErr OSRSetAngularUnits( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                           const char * pszUnits, double dfInRadians )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetAngularUnits( pszUnits, 
-                                                            dfInRadians );
-/*                          GetAngularUnits()                           */
- * Fetch angular geographic coordinate system units.
- *
- * If no units are available, a value of "degree" and SRS_UA_DEGREE_CONV 
- * will be assumed.  This method only checks directly under the GEOGCS node
- * for units.
- *
- * This method does the same thing as the C function OSRGetAngularUnits().
- *
- * @param ppszName a pointer to be updated with the pointer to the 
- * units name.  The returned value remains internal to the OGRSpatialReference
- * and shouldn't be freed, or modified.  It may be invalidated on the next
- * OGRSpatialReference call. 
- *
- * @return the value to multiply by angular distances to transform them to 
- * radians.
- */
-double OGRSpatialReference::GetAngularUnits( char ** ppszName ) const
-    const OGR_SRSNode *poCS = GetAttrNode( "GEOGCS" );
-    if( ppszName != NULL )
-        *ppszName = "degree";
-    if( poCS == NULL )
-        return atof(SRS_UA_DEGREE_CONV);
-    for( int iChild = 0; iChild < poCS->GetChildCount(); iChild++ )
-    {
-        const OGR_SRSNode     *poChild = poCS->GetChild(iChild);
-        if( EQUAL(poChild->GetValue(),"UNIT")
-            && poChild->GetChildCount() >= 2 )
-        {
-            if( ppszName != NULL )
-                *ppszName = (char *) poChild->GetChild(0)->GetValue();
-            return atof( poChild->GetChild(1)->GetValue() );
-        }
-    }
-    return 1.0;
-/*                         OSRGetAngularUnits()                         */
-double OSRGetAngularUnits( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, char ** ppszName )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->GetAngularUnits( ppszName );
-/*                 SetLinearUnitsAndUpdateParameters()                  */
- * Set the linear units for the projection.
- *
- * This method creates a UNITS subnode with the specified values as a
- * child of the PROJCS or LOCAL_CS node.   It works the same as the
- * SetLinearUnits() method, but it also updates all existing linear
- * projection parameter values from the old units to the new units. 
- *
- * @param pszUnitsName the units name to be used.  Some preferred units
- * names can be found in ogr_srs_api.h such as SRS_UL_METER, SRS_UL_FOOT 
- * and SRS_UL_US_FOOT. 
- *
- * @param dfInMeters the value to multiple by a length in the indicated
- * units to transform to meters.  Some standard conversion factors can
- * be found in ogr_srs_api.h. 
- *
- * @return OGRERR_NONE on success.
- */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetLinearUnitsAndUpdateParameters(
-    const char *pszName, double dfInMeters )
-    double dfOldInMeters = GetLinearUnits();
-    OGR_SRSNode *poPROJCS = GetAttrNode( "PROJCS" );
-    if( dfInMeters == 0.0 )
-        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
-    if( dfInMeters == dfOldInMeters || poPROJCS == NULL )
-        return SetLinearUnits( pszName, dfInMeters );
-    for( int iChild = 0; iChild < poPROJCS->GetChildCount(); iChild++ )
-    {
-        const OGR_SRSNode     *poChild = poPROJCS->GetChild(iChild);
-        if( EQUAL(poChild->GetValue(),"PARAMETER")
-            && poChild->GetChildCount() > 1 )
-        {
-            char *pszParmName = CPLStrdup(poChild->GetChild(0)->GetValue());
-            if( IsLinearParameter( pszParmName ) )
-            {
-                double dfOldValue = GetProjParm( pszParmName );
-                SetProjParm( pszParmName, 
-                             dfOldValue * dfOldInMeters / dfInMeters );
-            }
-            CPLFree( pszParmName );
-        }
-    }
-    return SetLinearUnits( pszName, dfInMeters );
-/*                           SetLinearUnits()                           */
- * Set the linear units for the projection.
- *
- * This method creates a UNITS subnode with the specified values as a
- * child of the PROJCS or LOCAL_CS node. 
- *
- * This method does the same as the C function OSRSetLinearUnits(). 
- *
- * @param pszUnitsName the units name to be used.  Some preferred units
- * names can be found in ogr_srs_api.h such as SRS_UL_METER, SRS_UL_FOOT 
- * and SRS_UL_US_FOOT. 
- *
- * @param dfInMeters the value to multiple by a length in the indicated
- * units to transform to meters.  Some standard conversion factors can
- * be found in ogr_srs_api.h. 
- *
- * @return OGRERR_NONE on success.
- */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetLinearUnits( const char * pszUnitsName,
-                                            double dfInMeters )
-    OGR_SRSNode *poCS;
-    OGR_SRSNode *poUnits;
-    char        szValue[128];
-    bNormInfoSet = FALSE;
-    poCS = GetAttrNode( "PROJCS" );
-    if( poCS == NULL )
-        poCS = GetAttrNode( "LOCAL_CS" );
-    if( poCS == NULL )
-        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
-    if( dfInMeters == (int) dfInMeters )
-        sprintf( szValue, "%d", (int) dfInMeters );
-    else
-        //notdef: sprintf( szValue, "%.16g", dfInMeters );
-        OGRPrintDouble( szValue, dfInMeters );
-    if( poCS->FindChild( "UNIT" ) >= 0 )
-    {
-        poUnits = poCS->GetChild( poCS->FindChild( "UNIT" ) );
-        poUnits->GetChild(0)->SetValue( pszUnitsName );
-        poUnits->GetChild(1)->SetValue( szValue );
-        if( poUnits->FindChild( "AUTHORITY" ) != -1 )
-            poUnits->DestroyChild( poUnits->FindChild( "AUTHORITY" ) );
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        poUnits = new OGR_SRSNode( "UNIT" );
-        poUnits->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( pszUnitsName ) );
-        poUnits->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( szValue ) );
-        poCS->AddChild( poUnits );
-    }
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                         OSRSetLinearUnits()                          */
-OGRErr OSRSetLinearUnits( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                          const char * pszUnits, double dfInMeters )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetLinearUnits( pszUnits, 
-                                                           dfInMeters );
-/*                           GetLinearUnits()                           */
- * Fetch linear projection units. 
- *
- * If no units are available, a value of "Meters" and 1.0 will be assumed.
- * This method only checks directly under the PROJCS or LOCAL_CS node for 
- * units.
- *
- * This method does the same thing as the C function OSRGetLinearUnits()/
- *
- * @param ppszName a pointer to be updated with the pointer to the 
- * units name.  The returned value remains internal to the OGRSpatialReference
- * and shouldn't be freed, or modified.  It may be invalidated on the next
- * OGRSpatialReference call. 
- *
- * @return the value to multiply by linear distances to transform them to 
- * meters.
- */
-double OGRSpatialReference::GetLinearUnits( char ** ppszName ) const
-    const OGR_SRSNode *poCS = GetAttrNode( "PROJCS" );
-    if( poCS == NULL )
-        poCS = GetAttrNode( "LOCAL_CS" );
-    if( ppszName != NULL )
-        *ppszName = "unknown";
-    if( poCS == NULL )
-        return 1.0;
-    for( int iChild = 0; iChild < poCS->GetChildCount(); iChild++ )
-    {
-        const OGR_SRSNode     *poChild = poCS->GetChild(iChild);
-        if( EQUAL(poChild->GetValue(),"UNIT")
-            && poChild->GetChildCount() >= 2 )
-        {
-            if( ppszName != NULL )
-                *ppszName = (char *) poChild->GetChild(0)->GetValue();
-            return atof( poChild->GetChild(1)->GetValue() );
-        }
-    }
-    return 1.0;
-/*                         OSRGetLinearUnits()                          */
-double OSRGetLinearUnits( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, char ** ppszName )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->GetLinearUnits( ppszName );
-/*                          GetPrimeMeridian()                          */
- * Fetch prime meridian info.
- *
- * Returns the offset of the prime meridian from greenwich in degrees,
- * and the prime meridian name (if requested).   If no PRIMEM value exists
- * in the coordinate system definition a value of "Greenwich" and an
- * offset of 0.0 is assumed.
- *
- * If the prime meridian name is returned, the pointer is to an internal
- * copy of the name. It should not be freed, altered or depended on after
- * the next OGR call.
- *
- * This method is the same as the C function OSRGetPrimeMeridian().
- *
- * @param ppszName return location for prime meridian name.  If NULL, name
- * is not returned.
- *
- * @return the offset to the GEOGCS prime meridian from greenwich in decimal
- * degrees.
- */
-double OGRSpatialReference::GetPrimeMeridian( char **ppszName ) const 
-    const OGR_SRSNode *poPRIMEM = GetAttrNode( "PRIMEM" );
-    if( poPRIMEM != NULL && poPRIMEM->GetChildCount() >= 2 
-        && atof(poPRIMEM->GetChild(1)->GetValue()) != 0.0 )
-    {
-        if( ppszName != NULL )
-            *ppszName = (char *) poPRIMEM->GetChild(0)->GetValue();
-        return atof(poPRIMEM->GetChild(1)->GetValue());
-    }
-    if( ppszName != NULL )
-        *ppszName = SRS_PM_GREENWICH;
-    return 0.0;
-/*                        OSRGetPrimeMeridian()                         */
-double OSRGetPrimeMeridian( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, char **ppszName )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->GetPrimeMeridian( ppszName );
-/*                             SetGeogCS()                              */
- * Set geographic coordinate system. 
- *
- * This method is used to set the datum, ellipsoid, prime meridian and
- * angular units for a geographic coordinate system.  It can be used on it's
- * own to establish a geographic spatial reference, or applied to a 
- * projected coordinate system to establish the underlying geographic 
- * coordinate system. 
- *
- * This method does the same as the C function OSRSetGeogCS(). 
- *
- * @param pszGeogName user visible name for the geographic coordinate system
- * (not to serve as a key).
- * 
- * @param pszDatumName key name for this datum.  The OpenGIS specification 
- * lists some known values, and otherwise EPSG datum names with a standard
- * transformation are considered legal keys. 
- * 
- * @param pszSpheroidName user visible spheroid name (not to serve as a key)
- *
- * @param dfSemiMajor the semi major axis of the spheroid.
- * 
- * @param dfInvFlattening the inverse flattening for the spheroid.
- * This can be computed from the semi minor axis as 
- * 1/f = 1.0 / (1.0 - semiminor/semimajor).
- *
- * @param pszPMName the name of the prime merdidian (not to serve as a key)
- * If this is NULL a default value of "Greenwich" will be used. 
- * 
- * @param dfPMOffset the longitude of greenwich relative to this prime
- * meridian.
- *
- * @param pszAngularUnits the angular units name (see ogr_srs_api.h for some
- * standard names).  If NULL a value of "degrees" will be assumed. 
- * 
- * @param dfConvertToRadians value to multiply angular units by to transform
- * them to radians.  A value of SRS_UL_DEGREE_CONV will be used if
- * pszAngularUnits is NULL.
- *
- * @return OGRERR_NONE on success.
- */
-OGRSpatialReference::SetGeogCS( const char * pszGeogName,
-                                const char * pszDatumName,
-                                const char * pszSpheroidName,
-                                double dfSemiMajor, double dfInvFlattening,
-                                const char * pszPMName, double dfPMOffset,
-                                const char * pszAngularUnits,
-                                double dfConvertToRadians )
-    bNormInfoSet = FALSE;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Do we already have a GEOGCS?  If so, blow it away so it can     */
-/*      be properly replaced.                                           */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    if( GetAttrNode( "GEOGCS" ) != NULL )
-    {
-        OGR_SRSNode *poPROJCS;
-        if( EQUAL(GetRoot()->GetValue(),"GEOGCS") )
-            Clear();
-        else if( (poPROJCS = GetAttrNode( "PROJCS" )) != NULL
-                 && poPROJCS->FindChild( "GEOGCS" ) != -1 )
-            poPROJCS->DestroyChild( poPROJCS->FindChild( "GEOGCS" ) );
-        else
-            return OGRERR_FAILURE;
-    }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Set defaults for various parameters.                            */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    if( pszGeogName == NULL )
-        pszGeogName = "unnamed";
-    if( pszPMName == NULL )
-        pszPMName = SRS_PM_GREENWICH;
-    if( pszDatumName == NULL )
-        pszDatumName = "unknown";
-    if( pszSpheroidName == NULL )
-        pszSpheroidName = "unnamed";
-    if( pszAngularUnits == NULL )
-    {
-        pszAngularUnits = SRS_UA_DEGREE;
-        dfConvertToRadians = atof(SRS_UA_DEGREE_CONV);
-    }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Build the GEOGCS object.                                        */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    char                szValue[128];
-    OGR_SRSNode         *poGeogCS, *poSpheroid, *poDatum, *poPM, *poUnits;
-    poGeogCS = new OGR_SRSNode( "GEOGCS" );
-    poGeogCS->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( pszGeogName ) );
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Setup the spheroid.                                             */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    poSpheroid = new OGR_SRSNode( "SPHEROID" );
-    poSpheroid->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( pszSpheroidName ) );
-    OGRPrintDouble( szValue, dfSemiMajor );
-    poSpheroid->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode(szValue) );
-    OGRPrintDouble( szValue, dfInvFlattening );
-    poSpheroid->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode(szValue) );
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Setup the Datum.                                                */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    poDatum = new OGR_SRSNode( "DATUM" );
-    poDatum->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode(pszDatumName) );
-    poDatum->AddChild( poSpheroid );
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Setup the prime meridian.                                       */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    if( dfPMOffset == 0.0 )
-        strcpy( szValue, "0" );
-    else
-        OGRPrintDouble( szValue, dfPMOffset );
-    poPM = new OGR_SRSNode( "PRIMEM" );
-    poPM->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( pszPMName ) );
-    poPM->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( szValue ) );
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Setup the rotational units.                                     */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    OGRPrintDouble( szValue, dfConvertToRadians );
-    poUnits = new OGR_SRSNode( "UNIT" );
-    poUnits->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode(pszAngularUnits) );
-    poUnits->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode(szValue) );
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Complete the GeogCS                                             */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    poGeogCS->AddChild( poDatum );
-    poGeogCS->AddChild( poPM );
-    poGeogCS->AddChild( poUnits );
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Attach below the PROJCS if there is one, or make this the root. */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    if( GetRoot() != NULL && EQUAL(GetRoot()->GetValue(),"PROJCS") )
-        poRoot->InsertChild( poGeogCS, 1 );
-    else
-        SetRoot( poGeogCS );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                            OSRSetGeogCS()                            */
-OGRErr OSRSetGeogCS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
-                     const char * pszGeogName,
-                     const char * pszDatumName,
-                     const char * pszSpheroidName,
-                     double dfSemiMajor, double dfInvFlattening,
-                     const char * pszPMName, double dfPMOffset,
-                     const char * pszAngularUnits,
-                     double dfConvertToRadians )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetGeogCS( 
-        pszGeogName, pszDatumName, 
-        pszSpheroidName, dfSemiMajor, dfInvFlattening, 
-        pszPMName, dfPMOffset, pszAngularUnits, dfConvertToRadians );
-/*                         SetWellKnownGeogCS()                         */
- * Set a GeogCS based on well known name.
- *
- * This may be called on an empty OGRSpatialReference to make a geographic
- * coordinate system, or on something with an existing PROJCS node to 
- * set the underlying geographic coordinate system of a projected coordinate
- * system. 
- *
- * The following well known text values are currently supported:
- * <ul>
- * <li> "WGS84": same as "EPSG:4326" but has no dependence on EPSG data files.
- * <li> "WGS72": same as "EPSG:4322" but has no dependence on EPSG data files.
- * <li> "NAD27": same as "EPSG:4267" but has no dependence on EPSG data files.
- * <li> "NAD83": same as "EPSG:4269" but has no dependence on EPSG data files.
- * <li> "EPSG:n": same as doing an ImportFromEPSG(n).
- * </ul>
- * 
- * @param pszName name of well known geographic coordinate system.
- * @return OGRERR_NONE on success, or OGRERR_FAILURE if the name isn't
- * recognised, the target object is already initialized, or an EPSG value
- * can't be successfully looked up.
- */ 
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetWellKnownGeogCS( const char * pszName )
-    OGRSpatialReference   oSRS2;
-    OGRErr eErr;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Check for EPSG authority numbers.                               */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    if( EQUALN(pszName, "EPSG:",5) )
-    {
-        eErr = oSRS2.importFromEPSG( atoi(pszName+5) );
-        if( eErr != OGRERR_NONE )
-            return eErr;
-        if( !oSRS2.IsGeographic() )
-            return OGRERR_FAILURE;
-        return CopyGeogCSFrom( &oSRS2 );
-    }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Check for simple names.                                         */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    char         *pszWKT = NULL;
-    if( EQUAL(pszName, "WGS84") || EQUAL(pszName,"CRS84") )
-        pszWKT = "GEOGCS[\"WGS 84\",DATUM[\"WGS_1984\",SPHEROID[\"WGS 84\",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"7030\"]],TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"6326\"]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"8901\"]],UNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"9108\"]],AXIS[\"Lat\",NORTH],AXIS[\"Long\",EAST],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"4326\"]]";
-    else if( EQUAL(pszName, "WGS72") )
-        pszWKT = "GEOGCS[\"WGS 72\",DATUM[\"WGS_1972\",SPHEROID[\"WGS 72\",6378135,298.26,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"7043\"]],TOWGS84[0,0,4.5,0,0,0.554,0.2263],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"6322\"]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"8901\"]],UNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"9108\"]],AXIS[\"Lat\",NORTH],AXIS[\"Long\",EAST],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"4322\"]]";
-    else if( EQUAL(pszName, "NAD27") || EQUAL(pszName, "CRS27") )
-        pszWKT = "GEOGCS[\"NAD27\",DATUM[\"North_American_Datum_1927\",SPHEROID[\"Clarke 1866\",6378206.4,294.978698213898,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"7008\"]],TOWGS84[-3,142,183,0,0,0,0],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"6267\"]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"8901\"]],UNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"9108\"]],AXIS[\"Lat\",NORTH],AXIS[\"Long\",EAST],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"4267\"]]";
-    else if( EQUAL(pszName, "NAD83") || EQUAL(pszName,"CRS83") )
-        pszWKT = "GEOGCS[\"NAD83\",DATUM[\"North_American_Datum_1983\",SPHEROID[\"GRS 1980\",6378137,298.257222101,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"7019\"]],TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"6269\"]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"8901\"]],UNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"9108\"]],AXIS[\"Lat\",NORTH],AXIS[\"Long\",EAST],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"4269\"]]";
-    else
-        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Import the WKT                                                  */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    eErr = oSRS2.importFromWkt( &pszWKT );
-    if( eErr != OGRERR_NONE )
-        return eErr;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Copy over.                                                      */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    return CopyGeogCSFrom( &oSRS2 );
-/*                       OSRSetWellKnownGeogCS()                        */
-OGRErr OSRSetWellKnownGeogCS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, const char *pszName )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetWellKnownGeogCS( pszName );
-/*                           CopyGeogCSFrom()                           */
- * Copy GEOGCS from another OGRSpatialReference.
- *
- * The GEOGCS information is copied into this OGRSpatialReference from another.
- * If this object has a PROJCS root already, the GEOGCS is installed within
- * it, otherwise it is installed as the root.
- * 
- * @param poSrcSRS the spatial reference to copy the GEOGCS information from.
- * 
- * @return OGRERR_NONE on success or an error code.
- */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::CopyGeogCSFrom( 
-    const OGRSpatialReference * poSrcSRS )
-    const OGR_SRSNode  *poGeogCS = NULL;
-    bNormInfoSet = FALSE;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Do we already have a GEOGCS?  If so, blow it away so it can     */
-/*      be properly replaced.                                           */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    if( GetAttrNode( "GEOGCS" ) != NULL )
-    {
-        OGR_SRSNode *poPROJCS;
-        if( EQUAL(GetRoot()->GetValue(),"GEOGCS") )
-            Clear();
-        else if( (poPROJCS = GetAttrNode( "PROJCS" )) != NULL
-                 && poPROJCS->FindChild( "GEOGCS" ) != -1 )
-            poPROJCS->DestroyChild( poPROJCS->FindChild( "GEOGCS" ) );
-        else
-            return OGRERR_FAILURE;
-    }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Find the GEOGCS node on the source.                             */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    poGeogCS = poSrcSRS->GetAttrNode( "GEOGCS" );
-    if( poGeogCS == NULL )
-        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Attach below the PROJCS if there is one, or make this the root. */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    if( GetRoot() != NULL && EQUAL(GetRoot()->GetValue(),"PROJCS") )
-        poRoot->InsertChild( poGeogCS->Clone(), 1 );
-    else
-        SetRoot( poGeogCS->Clone() );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                         OSRCopyGeogCSFrom()                          */
-OGRErr OSRCopyGeogCSFrom( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                          OGRSpatialReferenceH hSrcSRS )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->CopyGeogCSFrom( 
-        (const OGRSpatialReference *) hSrcSRS );
-/*                          SetFromUserInput()                          */
- * Set spatial reference from various text formats.
- *
- * This method will examine the provided input, and try to deduce the
- * format, and then use it to initialize the spatial reference system.  It
- * may take the following forms:
- *
- * <ol>
- * <li> Well Known Text definition - passed on to importFromWkt().
- * <li> "EPSG:n" - number passed on to importFromEPSG(). 
- * <li> "AUTO:proj_id,unit_id,lon0,lat0" - WMS auto projections.
- * <li> "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::n" - ogc urns
- * <li> PROJ.4 definitions - passed on to importFromProj4().
- * <li> filename - file read for WKT, XML or PROJ.4 definition.
- * <li> well known name accepted by SetWellKnownGeogCS(), such as NAD27, NAD83,
- * WGS84 or WGS72. 
- * </ol>
- *
- * It is expected that this method will be extended in the future to support
- * XML and perhaps a simplified "minilanguage" for indicating common UTM and
- * State Plane definitions. 
- *
- * This method is intended to be flexible, but by it's nature it is 
- * imprecise as it must guess information about the format intended.  When
- * possible applications should call the specific method appropriate if the
- * input is known to be in a particular format. 
- *
- * This method does the same thing as the OSRSetFromUserInput() function.
- * 
- * @param pszDefinition text definition to try to deduce SRS from.
- *
- * @return OGRERR_NONE on success, or an error code if the name isn't
- * recognised, the definition is corrupt, or an EPSG value can't be 
- * successfully looked up.
- */ 
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetFromUserInput( const char * pszDefinition )
-    int     bESRI = FALSE;
-    OGRErr  err;
-    if( EQUALN(pszDefinition,"ESRI::",6) )
-    {
-        bESRI = TRUE;
-        pszDefinition += 6;
-    }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Is it a recognised syntax?                                      */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    if( EQUALN(pszDefinition,"PROJCS",6)
-        || EQUALN(pszDefinition,"GEOGCS",6)
-        || EQUALN(pszDefinition,"LOCAL_CS",8) )
-    {
-        err = importFromWkt( (char **) &pszDefinition );
-        if( err == OGRERR_NONE && bESRI )
-            err = morphFromESRI();
-        return err;
-    }
-    if( EQUALN(pszDefinition,"EPSG:",5) )
-        return importFromEPSG( atoi(pszDefinition+5) );
-    if( EQUALN(pszDefinition,"urn:ogc:def:crs:",16) 
-        || EQUALN(pszDefinition,"urn:x-ogc:def:crs:",18) )
-        return importFromURN( pszDefinition );
-    if( EQUALN(pszDefinition,"AUTO:",5) )
-        return importFromWMSAUTO( pszDefinition );
-    if( EQUALN(pszDefinition,"DICT:",5) 
-        && strstr(pszDefinition,",") )
-    {
-        char *pszFile = CPLStrdup(pszDefinition+5);
-        char *pszCode = strstr(pszFile,",") + 1;
-        pszCode[-1] = '\0';
-        err = importFromDict( pszFile, pszCode );
-        CPLFree( pszFile );
-        if( err == OGRERR_NONE && bESRI )
-            err = morphFromESRI();
-        return err;
-    }
-    if( EQUAL(pszDefinition,"NAD27") 
-        || EQUAL(pszDefinition,"NAD83") 
-        || EQUAL(pszDefinition,"WGS84") 
-        || EQUAL(pszDefinition,"WGS72") )
-    {
-        Clear();
-        return SetWellKnownGeogCS( pszDefinition );
-    }
-    if( strstr(pszDefinition,"+proj") != NULL 
-             || strstr(pszDefinition,"+init") != NULL )
-        return importFromProj4( pszDefinition );
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Try to open it as a file.                                       */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    FILE        *fp;
-    int         nBufMax = 100000;
-    char        *pszBufPtr, *pszBuffer;
-    int         nBytes;
-    fp = VSIFOpen( pszDefinition, "rt" );
-    if( fp == NULL )
-        return OGRERR_CORRUPT_DATA;
-    pszBuffer = (char *) CPLMalloc(nBufMax);
-    nBytes = VSIFRead( pszBuffer, 1, nBufMax-1, fp );
-    VSIFClose( fp );
-    if( nBytes == nBufMax-1 )
-    {
-        CPLDebug( "OGR", 
-                  "OGRSpatialReference::SetFromUserInput(%s), opened file\n"
-                  "but it is to large for our generous buffer.  Is it really\n"
-                  "just a WKT definition?" );
-        CPLFree( pszBuffer );
-        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    pszBuffer[nBytes] = '\0';
-    pszBufPtr = pszBuffer;
-    while( pszBufPtr[0] == ' ' || pszBufPtr[0] == '\n' )
-        pszBufPtr++;
-    if( pszBufPtr[0] == '<' )
-        err = importFromXML( pszBufPtr );
-    else if( strstr(pszBuffer,"+proj") != NULL 
-             || strstr(pszBuffer,"+init") != NULL )
-        err = importFromProj4( pszBufPtr );
-    else
-    {
-        err = importFromWkt( &pszBufPtr );
-        if( err == OGRERR_NONE && bESRI )
-            err = morphFromESRI();
-    }
-    CPLFree( pszBuffer );
-    return err;
-/*                        OSRSetFromUserInput()                         */
-OGRErr CPL_STDCALL OSRSetFromUserInput( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                                        const char *pszDef )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetFromUserInput( pszDef );
-/*                           importFromURN()                            */
-/*                                                                      */
-/*      See OGC recommendation paper 06-023r1 or later for details.     */
- * Initialize from OGC URN. 
- *
- * Initializes this spatial reference from a coordinate system defined
- * by an OGC URN prefixed with "urn:ogc:def:crs:" per recommendation 
- * paper 06-023r1.  Currently EPSG and OGC authority values are supported, 
- * including OGC auto codes, but not including CRS1 or CRS88 (NAVD88). 
- *
- * This method is also support through SetFromUserInput() which can
- * normally be used for URNs.
- * 
- * @param pszURN the urn string. 
- *
- * @return OGRERR_NONE on success or an error code.
- */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::importFromURN( const char *pszURN )
-    const char *pszCur = pszURN + 16;
-    if( EQUALN(pszURN,"urn:ogc:def:crs:",16) )
-        pszCur = pszURN + 16;
-    else if( EQUALN(pszURN,"urn:x-ogc:def:crs:",18) )
-        pszCur = pszURN + 18;
-    else
-    {
-        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, 
-                  "URN %s not a supported format.", pszURN );
-        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
-    }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Find code (ignoring version) out of string like:                */
-/*                                                                      */
-/*      authority:version:code                                          */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    const char *pszAuthority = pszCur;
-    // skip authority
-    while( *pszCur != ':' && *pszCur )
-        pszCur++;
-    if( *pszCur == ':' )
-        pszCur++;
-    // skip version
-    while( *pszCur != ':' && *pszCur )
-        pszCur++;
-    if( *pszCur == ':' )
-        pszCur++;
-    const char *pszCode = pszCur;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Is this an EPSG code?                                           */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    if( EQUALN(pszAuthority,"EPSG:",5) )
-        return importFromEPSG( atoi(pszCode) );
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Is this an OGC code?                                            */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    if( !EQUALN(pszAuthority,"OGC:",4) )
-    {
-        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, 
-                  "URN %s has unrecognised authority.", 
-                  pszURN );
-        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    if( EQUALN(pszCode,"CRS84",5) )
-        return SetWellKnownGeogCS( pszCode );
-    else if( EQUALN(pszCode,"CRS83",5) )
-        return SetWellKnownGeogCS( pszCode );
-    else if( EQUALN(pszCode,"CRS27",5) )
-        return SetWellKnownGeogCS( pszCode );
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Handle auto codes.  We need to convert from format              */
-/*      AUTO42001:99:8888 to format AUTO:42001,99,8888.                 */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    else if( EQUALN(pszCode,"AUTO",4) )
-    {
-        char szWMSAuto[100];
-        int i;
-        if( strlen(pszCode) > sizeof(szWMSAuto)-2 )
-            return OGRERR_FAILURE;
-        strcpy( szWMSAuto, "AUTO:" );
-        strcpy( szWMSAuto + 5, pszCode + 4 );
-        for( i = 5; szWMSAuto[i] != '\0'; i++ )
-        {
-            if( szWMSAuto[i] == ':' )
-                szWMSAuto[i] = ',';
-        }
-        return importFromWMSAUTO( szWMSAuto );
-    }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Not a recognise OGC item.                                       */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, 
-              "URN %s value not supported.", 
-              pszURN );
-    return OGRERR_FAILURE;
-/*                         importFromWMSAUTO()                          */
-/*                                                                      */
-/*      Note that the WMS 1.3 specification does not include the        */
-/*      units code, while apparently earlier specs do.  We try to       */
-/*      guess around this.                                              */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::importFromWMSAUTO( const char * pszDefinition )
-    char **papszTokens;
-    int nProjId, nUnitsId;
-    double dfRefLong, dfRefLat = 0.0;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Tokenize                                                        */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    if( EQUALN(pszDefinition,"AUTO:",5) )
-        pszDefinition += 5;
-    papszTokens = CSLTokenizeStringComplex( pszDefinition, ",", FALSE, TRUE );
-    if( CSLCount(papszTokens) == 4 )
-    {
-        nProjId = atoi(papszTokens[0]);
-        nUnitsId = atoi(papszTokens[1]);
-        dfRefLong = atof(papszTokens[2]);
-        dfRefLat = atof(papszTokens[3]);
-    }
-    else if( CSLCount(papszTokens) == 3 && atoi(papszTokens[0]) == 42005 )
-    {
-        nProjId = atoi(papszTokens[0]);
-        nUnitsId = atoi(papszTokens[1]);
-        dfRefLong = atof(papszTokens[2]);
-        dfRefLat = 0.0;
-    }
-    else if( CSLCount(papszTokens) == 3 )
-    {
-        nProjId = atoi(papszTokens[0]);
-        nUnitsId = 9001;
-        dfRefLong = atof(papszTokens[1]);
-        dfRefLat = atof(papszTokens[2]);
-    }
-    else if( CSLCount(papszTokens) == 2 && atoi(papszTokens[0]) == 42005 ) 
-    {
-        nProjId = atoi(papszTokens[0]);
-        nUnitsId = 9001;
-        dfRefLong = atof(papszTokens[1]);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        CSLDestroy( papszTokens );
-        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, 
-                  "AUTO projection has wrong number of arguments, expected\n"
-                  "AUTO:proj_id,units_id,ref_long,ref_lat or"
-                  "AUTO:proj_id,ref_long,ref_lat" );
-        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    CSLDestroy( papszTokens );
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Build coordsys.                                                 */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    Clear();
-    switch( nProjId )
-    {
-      case 42001: // Auto UTM
-        SetUTM( (int) floor( (dfRefLong + 180.0) / 6.0 ) + 1, 
-                dfRefLat >= 0.0 );
-        break;
-      case 42002: // Auto TM (strangely very UTM-like).
-        SetTM( 0, dfRefLong, 0.9996, 
-               500000.0, (dfRefLat >= 0.0) ? 0.0 : 10000000.0 );
-        break;
-      case 42003: // Auto Orthographic.
-        SetOrthographic( dfRefLat, dfRefLong, 0.0, 0.0 );
-        break;
-      case 42004: // Auto Equirectangular
-        SetEquirectangular( dfRefLat, dfRefLong, 0.0, 0.0 );
-        break;
-      case 42005:
-        SetMollweide( dfRefLong, 0.0, 0.0 );
-        break;
-      default:
-        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
-                  "Unsupported projection id in importFromWMSAUTO(): %d", 
-                  nProjId );
-        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
-    }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Set units.                                                      */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    switch( nUnitsId )
-    {
-      case 9001:
-        SetLinearUnits( SRS_UL_METER, 1.0 );
-        break;
-      case 9002:
-        SetLinearUnits( "Foot", 0.3048 );
-        break;
-      case 9003:
-        SetLinearUnits( "US survey foot", 0.304800609601 );
-        break;
-      default:
-        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, 
-                  "Unsupported units code (%d).", 
-                  nUnitsId );
-        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
-        break;
-    }
-    SetAuthority( "PROJCS|UNIT", "EPSG", nUnitsId );
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Set WGS84.                                                      */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    SetWellKnownGeogCS( "WGS84" );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                            GetSemiMajor()                            */
- * Get spheroid semi major axis.
- *
- * This method does the same thing as the C function OSRGetSemiMajor().
- *
- * @param pnErr if non-NULL set to OGRERR_FAILURE if semi major axis
- * can be found. 
- *
- * @return semi-major axis, or SRS_WGS84_SEMIMAJOR if it can't be found.
- */
-double OGRSpatialReference::GetSemiMajor( OGRErr * pnErr ) const
-    const OGR_SRSNode *poSpheroid = GetAttrNode( "SPHEROID" );
-    if( pnErr != NULL )
-        *pnErr = OGRERR_NONE;
-    if( poSpheroid != NULL && poSpheroid->GetChildCount() >= 3 )
-    {
-        return atof( poSpheroid->GetChild(1)->GetValue() );
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        if( pnErr != NULL )
-            *pnErr = OGRERR_FAILURE;
-        return SRS_WGS84_SEMIMAJOR;
-    }
-/*                          OSRGetSemiMajor()                           */
-double OSRGetSemiMajor( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, OGRErr *pnErr )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->GetSemiMajor( pnErr );
-/*                          GetInvFlattening()                          */
- * Get spheroid inverse flattening.
- *
- * This method does the same thing as the C function OSRGetInvFlattening().
- *
- * @param pnErr if non-NULL set to OGRERR_FAILURE if no inverse flattening 
- * can be found. 
- *
- * @return inverse flattening, or SRS_WGS84_INVFLATTENING if it can't be found.
- */
-double OGRSpatialReference::GetInvFlattening( OGRErr * pnErr ) const
-    const OGR_SRSNode *poSpheroid = GetAttrNode( "SPHEROID" );
-    if( pnErr != NULL )
-        *pnErr = OGRERR_NONE;
-    if( poSpheroid != NULL && poSpheroid->GetChildCount() >= 3 )
-    {
-        return atof( poSpheroid->GetChild(2)->GetValue() );
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        if( pnErr != NULL )
-            *pnErr = OGRERR_FAILURE;
-        return SRS_WGS84_INVFLATTENING;
-    }
-/*                        OSRGetInvFlattening()                         */
-double OSRGetInvFlattening( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, OGRErr *pnErr )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->GetInvFlattening( pnErr );
-/*                            GetSemiMinor()                            */
- * Get spheroid semi minor axis.
- *
- * This method does the same thing as the C function OSRGetSemiMinor().
- *
- * @param pnErr if non-NULL set to OGRERR_FAILURE if semi minor axis
- * can be found. 
- *
- * @return semi-minor axis, or WGS84 semi minor if it can't be found.
- */
-double OGRSpatialReference::GetSemiMinor( OGRErr * pnErr ) const
-    double      dfInvFlattening, dfSemiMajor;
-    dfSemiMajor = GetSemiMajor( pnErr );
-    dfInvFlattening = GetInvFlattening( pnErr );
-    if( ABS(dfInvFlattening) < 0.000000000001 )
-        return dfSemiMajor;
-    else
-        return dfSemiMajor * (1.0 - 1.0/dfInvFlattening);
-/*                          OSRGetSemiMinor()                           */
-double OSRGetSemiMinor( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, OGRErr *pnErr )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->GetSemiMinor( pnErr );
-/*                             SetLocalCS()                             */
- * Set the user visible LOCAL_CS name.
- *
- * This method is the same as the C function OSRSetLocalCS(). 
- *
- * This method is will ensure a LOCAL_CS node is created as the root, 
- * and set the provided name on it.  It must be used before SetLinearUnits().
- *
- * @param pszName the user visible name to assign.  Not used as a key.
- * 
- * @return OGRERR_NONE on success.
- */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetLocalCS( const char * pszName )
-    OGR_SRSNode *poCS = GetAttrNode( "LOCAL_CS" );
-    if( poCS == NULL && GetRoot() != NULL )
-    {
-        CPLDebug( "OGR", 
-                  "OGRSpatialReference::SetLocalCS(%s) failed.\n"
-               "It appears an incompatible root node (%s) already exists.\n",
-                  GetRoot()->GetValue() );
-        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        SetNode( "LOCAL_CS", pszName );
-        return OGRERR_NONE;
-    }
-/*                           OSRSetLocalCS()                            */
-OGRErr OSRSetLocalCS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, const char * pszName )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetLocalCS( pszName );
-/*                             SetProjCS()                              */
- * Set the user visible PROJCS name.
- *
- * This method is the same as the C function OSRSetProjCS(). 
- *
- * This method is will ensure a PROJCS node is created as the root, 
- * and set the provided name on it.  If used on a GEOGCS coordinate system, 
- * the GEOGCS node will be demoted to be a child of the new PROJCS root.
- *
- * @param pszName the user visible name to assign.  Not used as a key.
- * 
- * @return OGRERR_NONE on success.
- */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetProjCS( const char * pszName )
-    OGR_SRSNode *poGeogCS = NULL;
-    OGR_SRSNode *poProjCS = GetAttrNode( "PROJCS" );
-    if( poRoot != NULL && EQUAL(poRoot->GetValue(),"GEOGCS") )
-    {
-        poGeogCS = poRoot;
-        poRoot = NULL;
-    }
-    if( poProjCS == NULL && GetRoot() != NULL )
-    {
-        CPLDebug( "OGR", 
-                  "OGRSpatialReference::SetProjCS(%s) failed.\n"
-               "It appears an incompatible root node (%s) already exists.\n",
-                  GetRoot()->GetValue() );
-        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
-    }
-    SetNode( "PROJCS", pszName );
-    if( poGeogCS != NULL )
-        poRoot->InsertChild( poGeogCS, 1 );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                            OSRSetProjCS()                            */
-OGRErr OSRSetProjCS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, const char * pszName )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetProjCS( pszName );
-/*                           SetProjection()                            */
- * Set a projection name.
- *
- * This method is the same as the C function OSRSetProjection().
- *
- * @param pszProjection the projection name, which should be selected from
- * the macros in ogr_srs_api.h, such as SRS_PT_TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR. 
- *
- * @return OGRERR_NONE on success.
- */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetProjection( const char * pszProjection )
-    OGR_SRSNode *poGeogCS = NULL;
-    OGRErr eErr;
-    if( poRoot != NULL && EQUAL(poRoot->GetValue(),"GEOGCS") )
-    {
-        poGeogCS = poRoot;
-        poRoot = NULL;
-    }
-    if( !GetAttrNode( "PROJCS" ) )
-    {
-        SetNode( "PROJCS", "unnamed" );
-    }
-    eErr = SetNode( "PROJCS|PROJECTION", pszProjection );
-    if( eErr != OGRERR_NONE )
-        return eErr;
-    if( poGeogCS != NULL )
-        poRoot->InsertChild( poGeogCS, 1 );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                            OSRSetProjection()                        */
-OGRErr OSRSetProjection( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
-                         const char * pszProjection )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetProjection( pszProjection );
-/*                            SetProjParm()                             */
- * Set a projection parameter value.
- *
- * Adds a new PARAMETER under the PROJCS with the indicated name and value.
- *
- * This method is the same as the C function OSRSetProjParm().
- *
- * Please check http://www.remotesensing.org/geotiff/proj_list pages for
- * legal parameter names for specific projections.
- *
- * 
- * @param pszParmName the parameter name, which should be selected from
- * the macros in ogr_srs_api.h, such as SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN. 
- *
- * @param dfValue value to assign. 
- * 
- * @return OGRERR_NONE on success.
- */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetProjParm( const char * pszParmName,
-                                         double dfValue )
-    OGR_SRSNode *poPROJCS = GetAttrNode( "PROJCS" );
-    OGR_SRSNode *poParm;
-    char        szValue[64];
-    if( poPROJCS == NULL )
-        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
-    OGRPrintDouble( szValue, dfValue );
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Try to find existing parameter with this name.                  */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    for( int iChild = 0; iChild < poPROJCS->GetChildCount(); iChild++ )
-    {
-        poParm = poPROJCS->GetChild( iChild );
-        if( EQUAL(poParm->GetValue(),"PARAMETER")
-            && poParm->GetChildCount() == 2 
-            && EQUAL(poParm->GetChild(0)->GetValue(),pszParmName) )
-        {
-            poParm->GetChild(1)->SetValue( szValue );
-            return OGRERR_NONE;
-        }
-    }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Otherwise create a new parameter and append.                    */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    poParm = new OGR_SRSNode( "PARAMETER" );
-    poParm->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( pszParmName ) );
-    poParm->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( szValue ) );
-    poPROJCS->AddChild( poParm );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                           OSRSetProjParm()                           */
-OGRErr OSRSetProjParm( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                       const char * pszParmName, double dfValue )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetProjParm( pszParmName, dfValue );
-/*                            GetProjParm()                             */
- * Fetch a projection parameter value.
- *
- * NOTE: This code should be modified to translate non degree angles into
- * degrees based on the GEOGCS unit.  This has not yet been done.
- *
- * This method is the same as the C function OSRGetProjParm().
- *
- * @param pszName the name of the parameter to fetch, from the set of 
- * SRS_PP codes in ogr_srs_api.h.
- *
- * @param dfDefaultValue the value to return if this parameter doesn't exist.
- *
- * @param pnErr place to put error code on failure.  Ignored if NULL.
- *
- * @return value of parameter.
- */
-double OGRSpatialReference::GetProjParm( const char * pszName,
-                                         double dfDefaultValue,
-                                         OGRErr *pnErr ) const
-    const OGR_SRSNode *poPROJCS = GetAttrNode( "PROJCS" );
-    const OGR_SRSNode *poParameter = NULL;
-    if( pnErr != NULL )
-        *pnErr = OGRERR_NONE;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Search for requested parameter.                                 */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    if( poPROJCS != NULL )
-    {
-        for( int iChild = 0; iChild < poPROJCS->GetChildCount(); iChild++ )
-        {
-            poParameter = poPROJCS->GetChild(iChild);
-            if( EQUAL(poParameter->GetValue(),"PARAMETER")
-                && poParameter->GetChildCount() == 2 
-                && EQUAL(poPROJCS->GetChild(iChild)->GetChild(0)->GetValue(),
-                         pszName) )
-            {
-                return atof(poParameter->GetChild(1)->GetValue());
-            }
-        }
-    }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Try similar names, for selected parameters.                     */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    double      dfValue;
-    OGRErr      nSubErr;
-    {
-        dfValue = GetProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_CENTER,0.0,&nSubErr);
-        if( nSubErr == OGRERR_NONE )
-            return dfValue;
-    }
-    else if( EQUAL(pszName,SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN) )
-    {
-        dfValue = GetProjParm(SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_CENTER,0.0,&nSubErr);
-        if( nSubErr != OGRERR_NONE )
-            dfValue = GetProjParm(SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0,&nSubErr);
-        if( nSubErr == OGRERR_NONE )
-            return dfValue;
-    }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Return default value on failure.                                */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    if( pnErr != NULL )
-        *pnErr = OGRERR_FAILURE;
-    return dfDefaultValue;
-/*                           OSRGetProjParm()                           */
-double OSRGetProjParm( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, const char *pszName,
-                       double dfDefaultValue, OGRErr *pnErr )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->
-        GetProjParm(pszName, dfDefaultValue, pnErr);
-/*                          GetNormProjParm()                           */
- * Fetch a normalized projection parameter value.                      
- *
- * This method is the same as GetProjParm() except that the value of
- * the parameter is "normalized" into degrees or meters depending on 
- * whether it is linear or angular.
- *
- * This method is the same as the C function OSRGetNormProjParm().
- *
- * @param pszName the name of the parameter to fetch, from the set of 
- * SRS_PP codes in ogr_srs_api.h.
- *
- * @param dfDefaultValue the value to return if this parameter doesn't exist.
- *
- * @param pnErr place to put error code on failure.  Ignored if NULL.
- *
- * @return value of parameter.
- */
-double OGRSpatialReference::GetNormProjParm( const char * pszName,
-                                             double dfDefaultValue,
-                                             OGRErr *pnErr ) const
-    double dfRawResult;
-    OGRErr nError;
-    if( pnErr == NULL )
-        pnErr = &nError;
-    GetNormInfo();
-    dfRawResult = GetProjParm( pszName, dfDefaultValue, pnErr );
-    // If we got the default just return it unadjusted.
-    if( *pnErr != OGRERR_NONE )
-        return dfRawResult;
-    if( dfToDegrees != 1.0 && IsAngularParameter(pszName) )
-        dfRawResult *= dfToDegrees;
-    if( dfToMeter != 1.0 && IsLinearParameter( pszName ) )
-        return dfRawResult * dfToMeter;
-    else if( dfFromGreenwich != 0.0 && IsLongitudeParameter( pszName ) )
-        return dfRawResult + dfFromGreenwich;
-    else
-        return dfRawResult;
-/*                         OSRGetNormProjParm()                         */
-double OSRGetNormProjParm( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, const char *pszName,
-                           double dfDefaultValue, OGRErr *pnErr )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->
-        GetNormProjParm(pszName, dfDefaultValue, pnErr);
-/*                          SetNormProjParm()                           */
- * Set a projection parameter with a normalized value.
- *
- * This method is the same as SetProjParm() except that the value of
- * the parameter passed in is assumed to be in "normalized" form (decimal
- * degrees for angular values, meters for linear values.  The values are 
- * converted in a form suitable for the GEOGCS and linear units in effect.
- *
- * This method is the same as the C function OSRSetNormProjParm().
- *
- * @param pszName the parameter name, which should be selected from
- * the macros in ogr_srs_api.h, such as SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN. 
- *
- * @param dfValue value to assign. 
- * 
- * @return OGRERR_NONE on success.
- */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetNormProjParm( const char * pszName,
-                                             double dfValue )
-    GetNormInfo();
-    if( (dfToDegrees != 1.0 || dfFromGreenwich != 0.0) 
-        && IsAngularParameter(pszName) )
-    {
-        if( dfFromGreenwich != 0.0 && IsLongitudeParameter( pszName ) )
-            dfValue -= dfFromGreenwich;
-        dfValue /= dfToDegrees;
-    }
-    else if( dfToMeter != 1.0 && IsLinearParameter( pszName ) )
-        dfValue /= dfToMeter;
-    return SetProjParm( pszName, dfValue );
-/*                         OSRSetNormProjParm()                         */
-OGRErr OSRSetNormProjParm( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                           const char * pszParmName, double dfValue )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->
-        SetNormProjParm( pszParmName, dfValue );
-/*                               SetTM()                                */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetTM( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                                   double dfScale,
-                                   double dfFalseEasting,
-                                   double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfCenterLat );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCenterLong );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR, dfScale );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                              OSRSetTM()                              */
-OGRErr OSRSetTM( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                 double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                 double dfScale,
-                 double dfFalseEasting,
-                 double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetTM( 
-        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
-        dfScale, 
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                            SetTMVariant()                            */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetTMVariant( 
-    const char *pszVariantName,
-    double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-    double dfScale,
-    double dfFalseEasting,
-    double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetProjection( pszVariantName );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfCenterLat );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCenterLong );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR, dfScale );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                          OSRSetTMVariant()                           */
-OGRErr OSRSetTMVariant( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                        const char *pszVariantName,
-                        double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                        double dfScale,
-                        double dfFalseEasting,
-                        double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetTMVariant( 
-        pszVariantName,
-        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
-        dfScale, 
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                              SetTMSO()                               */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetTMSO( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                                     double dfScale,
-                                     double dfFalseEasting,
-                                     double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfCenterLat );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCenterLong );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR, dfScale );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                              SetTPED()                               */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetTPED( double dfLat1, double dfLong1, 
-                                     double dfLat2, double dfLong2,
-                                     double dfFalseEasting,
-                                     double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_1ST_POINT, dfLat1 );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_1ST_POINT, dfLong1 );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_2ND_POINT, dfLat2 );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_2ND_POINT, dfLong2 );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                             OSRSetTMSO()                             */
-OGRErr OSRSetTMSO( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                 double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                 double dfScale,
-                 double dfFalseEasting,
-                 double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetTMSO( 
-        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
-        dfScale, 
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                               SetTMG()                               */
-OGRSpatialReference::SetTMG( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                             double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetProjection( SRS_PT_TUNISIA_MINING_GRID );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfCenterLat );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCenterLong );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                             OSRSetTMG()                              */
-OGRErr OSRSetTMG( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                 double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                 double dfFalseEasting,
-                 double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetTMG( 
-        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                              SetACEA()                               */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetACEA( double dfStdP1, double dfStdP2,
-                                     double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                                     double dfFalseEasting,
-                                     double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1, dfStdP1 );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_2, dfStdP2 );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfCenterLat );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfCenterLong );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                             OSRSetACEA()                             */
-OGRErr OSRSetACEA( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                   double dfStdP1, double dfStdP2,
-                   double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                   double dfFalseEasting,
-                   double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetACEA( 
-        dfStdP1, dfStdP2, 
-        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                               SetAE()                                */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetAE( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                                   double dfFalseEasting,
-                                   double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfCenterLat );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfCenterLong );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                              OSRSetAE()                              */
-OGRErr OSRSetAE( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                 double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                 double dfFalseEasting,
-                 double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetAE( 
-        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                              SetBonne()                              */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetBonne( 
-    double dfStdP1, double dfCentralMeridian,
-    double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetProjection( SRS_PT_BONNE );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1, dfStdP1 );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCentralMeridian );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                            OSRSetBonne()                             */
-OGRErr OSRSetBonne( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                    double dfStandardParallel, double dfCentralMeridian,
-                    double dfFalseEasting,
-                    double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetAE( 
-        dfStandardParallel, dfCentralMeridian,
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                               SetCEA()                               */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetCEA( double dfStdP1, double dfCentralMeridian,
-                                    double dfFalseEasting,
-                                    double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1, dfStdP1 );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCentralMeridian );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                             OSRSetCEA()                              */
-OGRErr OSRSetCEA( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                  double dfStdP1, double dfCentralMeridian,
-                  double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetCEA( 
-        dfStdP1, dfCentralMeridian,
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                               SetCS()                                */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetCS( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                                   double dfFalseEasting,
-                                   double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetProjection( SRS_PT_CASSINI_SOLDNER );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfCenterLat );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCenterLong );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                              OSRSetCS()                              */
-OGRErr OSRSetCS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                 double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                 double dfFalseEasting,
-                 double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetCS( 
-        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                               SetEC()                                */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetEC( double dfStdP1, double dfStdP2,
-                                   double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                                   double dfFalseEasting,
-                                   double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetProjection( SRS_PT_EQUIDISTANT_CONIC );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1, dfStdP1 );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_2, dfStdP2 );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfCenterLat );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfCenterLong );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                              OSRSetEC()                              */
-OGRErr OSRSetEC( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                 double dfStdP1, double dfStdP2,
-                 double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                 double dfFalseEasting,
-                 double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetEC( 
-        dfStdP1, dfStdP2, 
-        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                            SetEckertIV()                             */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetEckertIV( double dfCentralMeridian,
-                                         double dfFalseEasting,
-                                         double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetProjection( SRS_PT_ECKERT_IV );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCentralMeridian );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                           OSRSetEckertIV()                           */
-OGRErr OSRSetEckertIV( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                       double dfCentralMeridian,
-                       double dfFalseEasting,
-                       double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetEckertIV( 
-        dfCentralMeridian,
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                            SetEckertVI()                             */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetEckertVI( double dfCentralMeridian,
-                                         double dfFalseEasting,
-                                         double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetProjection( SRS_PT_ECKERT_VI );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCentralMeridian );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                           OSRSetEckertVI()                           */
-OGRErr OSRSetEckertVI( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                       double dfCentralMeridian,
-                       double dfFalseEasting,
-                       double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetEckertVI( 
-        dfCentralMeridian,
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                         SetEquirectangular()                         */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetEquirectangular(
-                                   double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                                   double dfFalseEasting,
-                                   double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetProjection( SRS_PT_EQUIRECTANGULAR );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfCenterLat );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCenterLong );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                       OSRSetEquirectangular()                        */
-OGRErr OSRSetEquirectangular( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                              double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                              double dfFalseEasting,
-                              double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetEquirectangular( 
-        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                               SetGS()                                */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetGS( double dfCentralMeridian,
-                                   double dfFalseEasting,
-                                   double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetProjection( SRS_PT_GALL_STEREOGRAPHIC );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCentralMeridian );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                              OSRSetGS()                              */
-OGRErr OSRSetGS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                 double dfCentralMeridian,
-                 double dfFalseEasting,
-                 double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetGS( 
-        dfCentralMeridian,
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                               SetGH()                                */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetGH( double dfCentralMeridian,
-                                   double dfFalseEasting,
-                                   double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetProjection( SRS_PT_GOODE_HOMOLOSINE );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCentralMeridian );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                              OSRSetGH()                              */
-OGRErr OSRSetGH( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                 double dfCentralMeridian,
-                 double dfFalseEasting,
-                 double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetGH( 
-        dfCentralMeridian,
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                              SetGEOS()                               */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetGEOS( double dfCentralMeridian,
-                                     double dfSatelliteHeight,
-                                     double dfFalseEasting,
-                                     double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCentralMeridian );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_SATELLITE_HEIGHT, dfSatelliteHeight );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                              OSRSetGEOS()                             */
-OGRErr OSRSetGEOS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                   double dfCentralMeridian,
-                   double dfSatelliteHeight,
-                   double dfFalseEasting,
-                   double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetGEOS( 
-        dfCentralMeridian, dfSatelliteHeight,
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                            SetGnomonic()                             */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetGnomonic(
-                                   double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                                   double dfFalseEasting,
-                                   double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetProjection( SRS_PT_GNOMONIC );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfCenterLat );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCenterLong );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                           OSRSetGnomonic()                           */
-OGRErr OSRSetGnomonic( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                       double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                       double dfFalseEasting,
-                       double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetGnomonic( 
-        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                               SetHOM()                               */
- * Set a Hotine Oblique Mercator projection using azimuth angle.
- *
- * This method does the same thing as the C function OSRSetHOM().
- *
- * @param dfCenterLat Latitude of the projection origin.
- * @param dfCenterLong Longitude of the projection origin.
- * @param dfAzimuth Azimuth, measured clockwise from North, of the projection
- * centerline.
- * @param dfRectToSkew ?.
- * @param dfScale Scale factor applies to the projection origin.
- * @param dfFalseEasting False easting.
- * @param dfFalseNorthing False northing.
- *
- * @return OGRERR_NONE on success.
- */ 
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetHOM( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                                    double dfAzimuth, double dfRectToSkew,
-                                    double dfScale,
-                                    double dfFalseEasting,
-                                    double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfCenterLat );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfCenterLong );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_AZIMUTH, dfAzimuth );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_RECTIFIED_GRID_ANGLE, dfRectToSkew );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR, dfScale );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                             OSRSetHOM()                              */
-OGRErr OSRSetHOM( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                  double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                  double dfAzimuth, double dfRectToSkew, 
-                  double dfScale,
-                  double dfFalseEasting,
-                  double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetHOM( 
-        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
-        dfAzimuth, dfRectToSkew, 
-        dfScale,
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                             SetHOM2PNO()                             */
- * Set a Hotine Oblique Mercator projection using two points on projection
- * centerline.
- *
- * This method does the same thing as the C function OSRSetHOM2PNO().
- *
- * @param dfCenterLat Latitude of the projection origin.
- * @param dfLat1 Latitude of the first point on center line.
- * @param dfLong1 Longitude of the first point on center line.
- * @param dfLat2 Latitude of the second point on center line.
- * @param dfLong2 Longitude of the second point on center line.
- * @param dfScale Scale factor applies to the projection origin.
- * @param dfFalseEasting False easting.
- * @param dfFalseNorthing False northing.
- *
- * @return OGRERR_NONE on success.
- */ 
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetHOM2PNO( double dfCenterLat,
-                                        double dfLat1, double dfLong1,
-                                        double dfLat2, double dfLong2,
-                                        double dfScale,
-                                        double dfFalseEasting,
-                                        double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfCenterLat );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_POINT_1, dfLat1 );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_POINT_1, dfLong1 );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_POINT_2, dfLat2 );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_POINT_2, dfLong2 );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR, dfScale );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                           OSRSetHOM2PNO()                            */
-OGRErr OSRSetHOM2PNO( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                      double dfCenterLat,
-                      double dfLat1, double dfLong1,
-                      double dfLat2, double dfLong2,
-                      double dfScale,
-                      double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetHOM2PNO( 
-        dfCenterLat,
-        dfLat1, dfLong1,
-        dfLat2, dfLong2,
-        dfScale,
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                             SetKrovak()                              */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetKrovak( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                                       double dfAzimuth, 
-                                       double dfPseudoStdParallel1,
-                                       double dfScale,
-                                       double dfFalseEasting,
-                                       double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetProjection( SRS_PT_KROVAK );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfCenterLat );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfCenterLong );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_AZIMUTH, dfAzimuth );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_PSEUDO_STD_PARALLEL_1, dfPseudoStdParallel1 );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR, dfScale );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                            OSRSetKrovak()                            */
-OGRErr OSRSetKrovak( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                     double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                     double dfAzimuth, double dfPseudoStdParallel1,
-                     double dfScale,
-                     double dfFalseEasting,
-                     double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetKrovak( 
-        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
-        dfAzimuth, dfPseudoStdParallel1,
-        dfScale,
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                              SetLAEA()                               */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetLAEA( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                                   double dfFalseEasting,
-                                   double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfCenterLat );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfCenterLong );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                             OSRSetLAEA()                             */
-OGRErr OSRSetLAEA( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                   double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                   double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetLAEA( 
-        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                               SetLCC()                               */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetLCC( double dfStdP1, double dfStdP2,
-                                    double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                                    double dfFalseEasting,
-                                    double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1, dfStdP1 );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_2, dfStdP2 );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfCenterLat );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCenterLong );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                             OSRSetLCC()                              */
-OGRErr OSRSetLCC( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                  double dfStdP1, double dfStdP2, 
-                  double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                  double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetLCC( 
-        dfStdP1, dfStdP2, 
-        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                             SetLCC1SP()                              */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetLCC1SP( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                                       double dfScale,
-                                       double dfFalseEasting,
-                                       double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfCenterLat );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCenterLong );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR, dfScale );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                            OSRSetLCC1SP()                            */
-OGRErr OSRSetLCC1SP( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                     double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                     double dfScale,
-                     double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetLCC1SP( 
-        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
-        dfScale,
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                              SetLCCB()                               */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetLCCB( double dfStdP1, double dfStdP2,
-                                     double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                                     double dfFalseEasting,
-                                     double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1, dfStdP1 );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_2, dfStdP2 );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfCenterLat );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCenterLong );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                             OSRSetLCCB()                             */
-OGRErr OSRSetLCCB( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                   double dfStdP1, double dfStdP2, 
-                   double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                   double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetLCCB( 
-        dfStdP1, dfStdP2, 
-        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                               SetMC()                                */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetMC( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                                   double dfFalseEasting,
-                                   double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetProjection( SRS_PT_MILLER_CYLINDRICAL );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfCenterLat );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfCenterLong );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                              OSRSetMC()                              */
-OGRErr OSRSetMC( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                 double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                 double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetMC( 
-        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                            SetMercator()                             */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetMercator( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                                         double dfScale,
-                                         double dfFalseEasting,
-                                         double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetProjection( SRS_PT_MERCATOR_1SP );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfCenterLat );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCenterLong );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR, dfScale );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                           OSRSetMercator()                           */
-OGRErr OSRSetMercator( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                       double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                       double dfScale,
-                       double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetMercator( 
-        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
-        dfScale,
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                           SetMercator2SP()                           */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetMercator2SP( 
-    double dfStdP1, 
-    double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-    double dfFalseEasting,
-    double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetProjection( SRS_PT_MERCATOR_2SP );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1, dfStdP1 );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfCenterLat );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCenterLong );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                         OSRSetMercator2SP()                          */
-OGRErr OSRSetMercator2SP( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                          double dfStdP1,
-                          double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                          double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetMercator2SP( 
-        dfStdP1, 
-        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                            SetMollweide()                            */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetMollweide( double dfCentralMeridian,
-                                          double dfFalseEasting,
-                                          double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetProjection( SRS_PT_MOLLWEIDE );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCentralMeridian );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                          OSRSetMollweide()                           */
-OGRErr OSRSetMollweide( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                        double dfCentralMeridian,
-                        double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetMollweide( 
-        dfCentralMeridian,
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                              SetNZMG()                               */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetNZMG( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                                     double dfFalseEasting,
-                                     double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetProjection( SRS_PT_NEW_ZEALAND_MAP_GRID );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfCenterLat );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCenterLong );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                             OSRSetNZMG()                             */
-OGRErr OSRSetNZMG( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                   double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                   double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetNZMG( 
-        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                               SetOS()                                */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetOS( double dfOriginLat, double dfCMeridian,
-                                   double dfScale,
-                                   double dfFalseEasting,
-                                   double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfOriginLat );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCMeridian );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR, dfScale );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                              OSRSetOS()                              */
-OGRErr OSRSetOS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                 double dfOriginLat, double dfCMeridian,
-                 double dfScale,
-                 double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetOS( 
-        dfOriginLat, dfCMeridian,
-        dfScale,
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                          SetOrthographic()                           */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetOrthographic(
-                                double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                                double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetProjection( SRS_PT_ORTHOGRAPHIC );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfCenterLat );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCenterLong );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                         OSRSetOrthographic()                         */
-OGRErr OSRSetOrthographic( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                           double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                           double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetOrthographic( 
-        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                            SetPolyconic()                            */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetPolyconic(
-                                double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                                double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
-    // note: it seems that by some definitions this should include a
-    //       scale_factor parameter.
-    SetProjection( SRS_PT_POLYCONIC );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfCenterLat );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCenterLong );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                          OSRSetPolyconic()                           */
-OGRErr OSRSetPolyconic( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                        double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                        double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetPolyconic( 
-        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                               SetPS()                                */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetPS(
-                                double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                                double dfScale,
-                                double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfCenterLat );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCenterLong );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR, dfScale );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                              OSRSetPS()                              */
-OGRErr OSRSetPS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                 double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
-                 double dfScale,
-                 double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetPS( 
-        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
-        dfScale,
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                            SetRobinson()                             */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetRobinson( double dfCenterLong,
-                                         double dfFalseEasting,
-                                         double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetProjection( SRS_PT_ROBINSON );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfCenterLong );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                           OSRSetRobinson()                           */
-OGRErr OSRSetRobinson( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                        double dfCenterLong,
-                        double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetRobinson( 
-        dfCenterLong, 
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                           SetSinusoidal()                            */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetSinusoidal( double dfCenterLong,
-                                           double dfFalseEasting,
-                                           double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetProjection( SRS_PT_SINUSOIDAL );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfCenterLong );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                          OSRSetSinusoidal()                          */
-OGRErr OSRSetSinusoidal( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                         double dfCenterLong,
-                         double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetSinusoidal( 
-        dfCenterLong, 
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                          SetStereographic()                          */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetStereographic(
-                            double dfOriginLat, double dfCMeridian,
-                            double dfScale,
-                            double dfFalseEasting,
-                            double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetProjection( SRS_PT_STEREOGRAPHIC );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfOriginLat );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCMeridian );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR, dfScale );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                        OSRSetStereographic()                         */
-OGRErr OSRSetStereographic( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                            double dfOriginLat, double dfCMeridian,
-                            double dfScale,
-                            double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetStereographic( 
-        dfOriginLat, dfCMeridian,
-        dfScale,
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                               SetSOC()                               */
-/*                                                                      */
-/*      NOTE: This definition isn't really used in practice any more    */
-/*      and should be considered deprecated.  It seems that swiss       */
-/*      oblique mercator is now define as Hotine_Oblique_Mercator       */
-/*      with an azimuth of 90 and a rectified_grid_angle of 90.  See    */
-/*      EPSG:2056 and Bug 423.                                          */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetSOC( double dfLatitudeOfOrigin, 
-                                    double dfCentralMeridian,
-                                    double dfFalseEasting,
-                                    double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfLatitudeOfOrigin );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCentralMeridian );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                             OSRSetSOC()                              */
-OGRErr OSRSetSOC( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                  double dfLatitudeOfOrigin, double dfCentralMeridian,
-                  double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetSOC( 
-        dfLatitudeOfOrigin, dfCentralMeridian,
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                               SetVDG()                               */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetVDG( double dfCMeridian,
-                                    double dfFalseEasting,
-                                    double dfFalseNorthing )
-    SetProjection( SRS_PT_VANDERGRINTEN );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCMeridian );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                             OSRSetVDG()                              */
-OGRErr OSRSetVDG( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                  double dfCentralMeridian,
-                  double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetVDG( 
-        dfCentralMeridian,
-        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
-/*                               SetUTM()                               */
- * Set UTM projection definition.
- *
- * This will generate a projection definition with the full set of 
- * transverse mercator projection parameters for the given UTM zone.
- * If no PROJCS[] description is set yet, one will be set to look
- * like "UTM Zone %d, {Northern, Southern} Hemisphere". 
- *
- * This method is the same as the C function OSRSetUTM().
- *
- * @param nZone UTM zone.
- *
- * @param bNorth TRUE for northern hemisphere, or FALSE for southern 
- * hemisphere. 
- * 
- * @return OGRERR_NONE on success. 
- */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetUTM( int nZone, int bNorth )
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, 0 );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, nZone * 6 - 183 );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR, 0.9996 );
-    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, 500000.0 );
-    if( bNorth )
-        SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, 0 );
-    else
-        SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, 10000000 );
-    if( EQUAL(GetAttrValue("PROJCS"),"unnamed") )
-    {
-        char    szUTMName[128];
-        if( bNorth )
-            sprintf( szUTMName, "UTM Zone %d, Northern Hemisphere", nZone );
-        else
-            sprintf( szUTMName, "UTM Zone %d, Southern Hemisphere", nZone );
-        SetNode( "PROJCS", szUTMName );
-    }
-    SetLinearUnits( SRS_UL_METER, 1.0 );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                             OSRSetUTM()                              */
-OGRErr OSRSetUTM( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, int nZone, int bNorth )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetUTM( nZone, bNorth );
-/*                             GetUTMZone()                             */
-/*                                                                      */
-/*      Returns zero if it isn't UTM.                                   */
- * Get utm zone information.
- *
- * This is the same as the C function OSRGetUTMZone().
- *
- * @param pbNorth pointer to in to set to TRUE if northern hemisphere, or
- * FALSE if southern. 
- * 
- * @return UTM zone number or zero if this isn't a UTM definition. 
- */
-int OGRSpatialReference::GetUTMZone( int * pbNorth ) const
-    const char  *pszProjection = GetAttrValue( "PROJECTION" );
-    if( pszProjection == NULL
-        || !EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR) )
-        return 0;
-    if( GetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, 0.0 ) != 0.0 )
-        return 0;
-    if( GetProjParm( SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR, 1.0 ) != 0.9996 )
-        return 0;
-    if( fabs(GetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, 0.0 )-500000.0) > 0.001 )
-        return 0;
-    double      dfFalseNorthing = GetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, 0.0);
-    if( dfFalseNorthing != 0.0 
-        && fabs(dfFalseNorthing-10000000.0) > 0.001 )
-        return 0;
-    if( pbNorth != NULL )
-        *pbNorth = (dfFalseNorthing == 0);
-    double      dfCentralMeridian = GetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, 
-                                                     0.0);
-    double      dfZone = (dfCentralMeridian+183) / 6.0 + 0.000000001;
-    if( ABS(dfZone - (int) dfZone) > 0.00001
-        || dfCentralMeridian < -177.00001
-        || dfCentralMeridian > 177.000001 )
-        return 0;
-    else
-        return (int) dfZone;
-/*                           OSRGetUTMZone()                            */
-int OSRGetUTMZone( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, int *pbNorth )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->GetUTMZone( pbNorth );
-/*                            SetAuthority()                            */
- * Set the authority for a node.
- *
- * This method is the same as the C function OSRSetAuthority().
- *
- * @param pszTargetKey the partial or complete path to the node to 
- * set an authority on.  ie. "PROJCS", "GEOGCS" or "GEOGCS|UNIT".
- *
- * @param pszAuthority authority name, such as "EPSG".
- *
- * @param nCode code for value with this authority.
- *
- * @return OGRERR_NONE on success.
- */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetAuthority( const char *pszTargetKey,
-                                          const char * pszAuthority, 
-                                          int nCode )
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Find the node below which the authority should be put.          */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    OGR_SRSNode  *poNode = GetAttrNode( pszTargetKey );
-    if( poNode == NULL )
-        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      If there is an existing AUTHORITY child blow it away before     */
-/*      trying to set a new one.                                        */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    int iOldChild = poNode->FindChild( "AUTHORITY" );
-    if( iOldChild != -1 )
-        poNode->DestroyChild( iOldChild );
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Create a new authority node.                                    */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    char   szCode[32];
-    OGR_SRSNode *poAuthNode;
-    sprintf( szCode, "%d", nCode );
-    poAuthNode = new OGR_SRSNode( "AUTHORITY" );
-    poAuthNode->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( pszAuthority ) );
-    poAuthNode->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( szCode ) );
-    poNode->AddChild( poAuthNode );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                          OSRSetAuthority()                           */
-OGRErr OSRSetAuthority( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                        const char *pszTargetKey,
-                        const char * pszAuthority, 
-                        int nCode )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetAuthority( pszTargetKey, 
-                                                         pszAuthority,
-                                                         nCode );
-/*                          GetAuthorityCode()                          */
- * Get the authority code for a node.
- *
- * This method is used to query an AUTHORITY[] node from within the 
- * WKT tree, and fetch the code value.  
- *
- * While in theory values may be non-numeric, for the EPSG authority all
- * code values should be integral.
- *
- * This method is the same as the C function OSRGetAuthorityCode().
- *
- * @param pszTargetKey the partial or complete path to the node to 
- * get an authority from.  ie. "PROJCS", "GEOGCS", "GEOGCS|UNIT" or NULL to 
- * search for an authority node on the root element.
- *
- * @return value code from authority node, or NULL on failure.  The value
- * returned is internal and should not be freed or modified.
- */
-const char *
-OGRSpatialReference::GetAuthorityCode( const char *pszTargetKey ) const
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Find the node below which the authority should be put.          */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    const OGR_SRSNode  *poNode;
-    if( pszTargetKey == NULL )
-        poNode = poRoot;
-    else
-        poNode= ((OGRSpatialReference *) this)->GetAttrNode( pszTargetKey );
-    if( poNode == NULL )
-        return NULL;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Fetch AUTHORITY child if there is one.                          */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    if( poNode->FindChild("AUTHORITY") == -1 )
-        return NULL;
-    poNode = poNode->GetChild(poNode->FindChild("AUTHORITY"));
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Create a new authority node.                                    */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    if( poNode->GetChildCount() < 2 )
-        return NULL;
-    return poNode->GetChild(1)->GetValue();
-/*                          OSRGetAuthorityCode()                       */
-const char *OSRGetAuthorityCode( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                                 const char *pszTargetKey )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->GetAuthorityCode( pszTargetKey );
-/*                          GetAuthorityName()                          */
- * Get the authority name for a node.
- *
- * This method is used to query an AUTHORITY[] node from within the 
- * WKT tree, and fetch the authority name value.  
- *
- * The most common authority is "EPSG".
- *
- * This method is the same as the C function OSRGetAuthorityName().
- *
- * @param pszTargetKey the partial or complete path to the node to 
- * get an authority from.  ie. "PROJCS", "GEOGCS", "GEOGCS|UNIT" or NULL to 
- * search for an authority node on the root element.
- *
- * @return value code from authority node, or NULL on failure. The value
- * returned is internal and should not be freed or modified.
- */
-const char *
-OGRSpatialReference::GetAuthorityName( const char *pszTargetKey ) const
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Find the node below which the authority should be put.          */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    const OGR_SRSNode  *poNode;
-    if( pszTargetKey == NULL )
-        poNode = poRoot;
-    else
-        poNode= ((OGRSpatialReference *) this)->GetAttrNode( pszTargetKey );
-    if( poNode == NULL )
-        return NULL;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Fetch AUTHORITY child if there is one.                          */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    if( poNode->FindChild("AUTHORITY") == -1 )
-        return NULL;
-    poNode = poNode->GetChild(poNode->FindChild("AUTHORITY"));
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Create a new authority node.                                    */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    if( poNode->GetChildCount() < 2 )
-        return NULL;
-    return poNode->GetChild(0)->GetValue();
-/*                        OSRGetAuthorityName()                         */
-const char *OSRGetAuthorityName( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                                 const char *pszTargetKey )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->GetAuthorityName( pszTargetKey );
-/*                            StripCTParms()                            */
- * Strip OGC CT Parameters.
- *
- * This method will remove all components of the coordinate system
- * that are specific to the OGC CT Specification.  That is it will attempt
- * to strip it down to being compatible with the Simple Features 1.0 
- * specification.
- *
- * This method is the same as the C function OSRStripCTParms().
- *
- * @param poCurrent node to operate on.  NULL to operate on whole tree.
- *
- * @return OGRERR_NONE on success or an error code.
- */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::StripCTParms( OGR_SRSNode * poCurrent )
-    if( poCurrent == NULL )
-        poCurrent = GetRoot();
-    if( poCurrent == NULL )
-        return OGRERR_NONE;
-    if( poCurrent == GetRoot() && EQUAL(poCurrent->GetValue(),"LOCAL_CS") )
-    {
-        delete poCurrent;
-        poRoot = NULL;
-        return OGRERR_NONE;
-    }
-    if( poCurrent == NULL )
-        return OGRERR_NONE;
-    poCurrent->StripNodes( "AUTHORITY" );
-    poCurrent->StripNodes( "TOWGS84" );
-    poCurrent->StripNodes( "AXIS" );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                          OSRStripCTParms()                           */
-OGRErr OSRStripCTParms( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->StripCTParms( NULL );
-/*                            IsProjected()                             */
- * Check if projected coordinate system.
- *
- * This method is the same as the C function OSRIsProjected().
- *
- * @return TRUE if this contains a PROJCS node indicating a it is a 
- * projected coordinate system. 
- */
-int OGRSpatialReference::IsProjected() const
-    if( poRoot == NULL )
-        return FALSE;
-    // If we eventually support composite coordinate systems this will
-    // need to improve. 
-    return EQUAL(poRoot->GetValue(),"PROJCS");
-/*                           OSRIsProjected()                           */
-int OSRIsProjected( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS ) 
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->IsProjected();
-/*                            IsGeographic()                            */
- * Check if geographic coordinate system.
- *
- * This method is the same as the C function OSRIsGeographic().
- *
- * @return TRUE if this spatial reference is geographic ... that is the 
- * root is a GEOGCS node. 
- */
-int OGRSpatialReference::IsGeographic() const
-    if( GetRoot() == NULL )
-        return FALSE;
-    return EQUAL(GetRoot()->GetValue(),"GEOGCS");
-/*                          OSRIsGeographic()                           */
-int OSRIsGeographic( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->IsGeographic();
-/*                              IsLocal()                               */
- * Check if local coordinate system.
- *
- * This method is the same as the C function OSRIsLocal().
- *
- * @return TRUE if this spatial reference is local ... that is the 
- * root is a LOCAL_CS node. 
- */
-int OGRSpatialReference::IsLocal() const
-    if( GetRoot() == NULL )
-        return FALSE;
-    return EQUAL(GetRoot()->GetValue(),"LOCAL_CS");
-/*                          OSRIsLocal()                                */
-int OSRIsLocal( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->IsLocal();
-/*                            CloneGeogCS()                             */
-OGRSpatialReference *OGRSpatialReference::CloneGeogCS() const
-    const OGR_SRSNode *poGeogCS;
-    OGRSpatialReference * poNewSRS;
-    poGeogCS = GetAttrNode( "GEOGCS" );
-    if( poGeogCS == NULL )
-        return NULL;
-    poNewSRS = new OGRSpatialReference();
-    poNewSRS->SetRoot( poGeogCS->Clone() );
-    return poNewSRS;
-/*                           OSRCloneGeogCS()                           */
-OGRSpatialReferenceH CPL_STDCALL OSRCloneGeogCS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSource )
-    return (OGRSpatialReferenceH) 
-        ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSource)->CloneGeogCS();
-/*                            IsSameGeogCS()                            */
- * Do the GeogCS'es match?
- *
- * This method is the same as the C function OSRIsSameGeogCS().
- *
- * @param poOther the SRS being compared against. 
- *
- * @return TRUE if they are the same or FALSE otherwise. 
- */
-int OGRSpatialReference::IsSameGeogCS( const OGRSpatialReference *poOther ) const
-    const char *pszThisValue, *pszOtherValue;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Does the datum name match?  Note that we assume                 */
-/*      compatibility if either is missing a datum.                     */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    pszThisValue = this->GetAttrValue( "DATUM" );
-    pszOtherValue = poOther->GetAttrValue( "DATUM" );
-    if( pszThisValue != NULL && pszOtherValue != NULL 
-        && !EQUAL(pszThisValue,pszOtherValue) )
-        return FALSE;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Do the prime meridians match?  If missing assume a value of zero.*/
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    pszThisValue = this->GetAttrValue( "PRIMEM", 1 );
-    if( pszThisValue == NULL )
-        pszThisValue = "0.0";
-    pszOtherValue = poOther->GetAttrValue( "PRIMEM", 1 );
-    if( pszOtherValue == NULL )
-        pszOtherValue = "0.0";
-    if( atof(pszOtherValue) != atof(pszThisValue) )
-        return FALSE;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Do the units match?                                             */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    pszThisValue = this->GetAttrValue( "GEOGCS|UNITS", 1 );
-    if( pszThisValue == NULL )
-        pszThisValue = SRS_UA_DEGREE_CONV;
-    pszOtherValue = poOther->GetAttrValue( "GEOGCS|UNITS", 1 );
-    if( pszOtherValue == NULL )
-        pszOtherValue = SRS_UA_DEGREE_CONV;
-    if( ABS(atof(pszOtherValue) - atof(pszThisValue)) > 0.00000001 )
-        return FALSE;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Does the spheroid match.  Check semi major, and inverse         */
-/*      flattening.                                                     */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    pszThisValue = this->GetAttrValue( "SPHEROID", 1 );
-    pszOtherValue = poOther->GetAttrValue( "SPHEROID", 1 );
-    if( pszThisValue != NULL && pszOtherValue != NULL 
-        && ABS(atof(pszThisValue) - atof(pszOtherValue)) > 0.01 )
-        return FALSE;
-    pszThisValue = this->GetAttrValue( "SPHEROID", 2 );
-    pszOtherValue = poOther->GetAttrValue( "SPHEROID", 2 );
-    if( pszThisValue != NULL && pszOtherValue != NULL 
-        && ABS(atof(pszThisValue) - atof(pszOtherValue)) > 0.0001 )
-        return FALSE;
-    return TRUE;
-/*                          OSRIsSameGeogCS()                           */
-int OSRIsSameGeogCS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS1, OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS2 )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS1)->IsSameGeogCS( 
-        (OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS2 );
-/*                               IsSame()                               */
- * These two spatial references describe the same system.
- *
- * @param poOtherSRS the SRS being compared to.
- *
- * @return TRUE if equivelent or FALSE otherwise. 
- */
-int OGRSpatialReference::IsSame( const OGRSpatialReference * poOtherSRS ) const
-    if( GetRoot() == NULL && poOtherSRS->GetRoot() == NULL )
-        return TRUE;
-    else if( GetRoot() == NULL || poOtherSRS->GetRoot() == NULL )
-        return FALSE;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Compare geographic coordinate system.                           */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    if( !IsSameGeogCS( poOtherSRS ) )
-        return FALSE;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Do the have the same root types?  Ie. is one PROJCS and one     */
-/*      GEOGCS or perhaps LOCALCS?                                      */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    if( !EQUAL(GetRoot()->GetValue(),poOtherSRS->GetRoot()->GetValue()) )
-        return FALSE;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Compare projected coordinate system.                            */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    if( IsProjected() )
-    {
-        const char *pszValue1, *pszValue2;
-        const OGR_SRSNode *poPROJCS = GetAttrNode( "PROJCS" );
-        pszValue1 = this->GetAttrValue( "PROJECTION" );
-        pszValue2 = poOtherSRS->GetAttrValue( "PROJECTION" );
-        if( pszValue1 == NULL || pszValue2 == NULL
-            || !EQUAL(pszValue1,pszValue2) )
-            return FALSE;
-        for( int iChild = 0; iChild < poPROJCS->GetChildCount(); iChild++ )
-        {
-            const OGR_SRSNode    *poNode;
-            poNode = poPROJCS->GetChild( iChild );
-            if( !EQUAL(poNode->GetValue(),"PARAMETER") 
-                || poNode->GetChildCount() != 2 )
-                continue;
-            /* this this eventually test within some epsilon? */
-            if( this->GetProjParm( poNode->GetChild(0)->GetValue() )
-                != poOtherSRS->GetProjParm( poNode->GetChild(0)->GetValue() ) )
-                return FALSE;
-        }
-    }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      If they are LOCALCS/PROJCS, do they have the same units?        */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    if( EQUAL(GetRoot()->GetValue(),"LOCALCS") || IsProjected() )
-    {
-        if( GetLinearUnits() != 0.0 )
-        {
-            double      dfRatio;
-            dfRatio = poOtherSRS->GetLinearUnits() / GetLinearUnits();
-            if( dfRatio < 0.9999999999 || dfRatio > 1.000000001 )
-                return FALSE;
-        }
-    }
-    return TRUE;
-/*                             OSRIsSame()                              */
-int OSRIsSame( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS1, OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS2 )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS1)->IsSame( 
-        (OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS2 );
-/*                             SetTOWGS84()                             */
- * Set the Bursa-Wolf conversion to WGS84. 
- * 
- * This will create the TOWGS84 node as a child of the DATUM.  It will fail
- * if there is no existing DATUM node.  Unlike most OGRSpatialReference
- * methods it will insert itself in the appropriate order, and will replace
- * an existing TOWGS84 node if there is one. 
- *
- * The parameters have the same meaning as EPSG transformation 9606
- * (Position Vector 7-param. transformation). 
- * 
- * This method is the same as the C function OSRSetTOWGS84().
- * 
- * @param dfDX X child in meters.
- * @param dfDY Y child in meters.
- * @param dfDZ Z child in meters.
- * @param dfEX X rotation in arc seconds (optional, defaults to zero).
- * @param dfEY Y rotation in arc seconds (optional, defaults to zero).
- * @param dfEZ Z rotation in arc seconds (optional, defaults to zero).
- * @param dfPPM scaling factor (parts per million).
- * 
- * @return OGRERR_NONE on success. 
- */ 
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetTOWGS84( double dfDX, double dfDY, double dfDZ,
-                                        double dfEX, double dfEY, double dfEZ, 
-                                        double dfPPM )
-    OGR_SRSNode     *poDatum, *poTOWGS84;
-    int             iPosition;
-    char            szValue[64];
-    poDatum = GetAttrNode( "DATUM" );
-    if( poDatum == NULL )
-        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
-    if( poDatum->FindChild( "TOWGS84" ) != -1 )
-        poDatum->DestroyChild( poDatum->FindChild( "TOWGS84" ) );
-    iPosition = poDatum->GetChildCount();
-    if( poDatum->FindChild("AUTHORITY") != -1 )
-    {
-        iPosition = poDatum->FindChild("AUTHORITY");
-    }
-    poTOWGS84 = new OGR_SRSNode("TOWGS84");
-    OGRPrintDouble( szValue, dfDX );
-    poTOWGS84->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( szValue ) );
-    OGRPrintDouble( szValue, dfDY );
-    poTOWGS84->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( szValue ) );
-    OGRPrintDouble( szValue, dfDZ );
-    poTOWGS84->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( szValue ) );
-    OGRPrintDouble( szValue, dfEX );
-    poTOWGS84->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( szValue ) );
-    OGRPrintDouble( szValue, dfEY );
-    poTOWGS84->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( szValue ) );
-    OGRPrintDouble( szValue, dfEZ );
-    poTOWGS84->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( szValue ) );
-    OGRPrintDouble( szValue, dfPPM );
-    poTOWGS84->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( szValue ) );
-    poDatum->InsertChild( poTOWGS84, iPosition );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                           OSRSetTOWGS84()                            */
-OGRErr OSRSetTOWGS84( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                      double dfDX, double dfDY, double dfDZ, 
-                      double dfEX, double dfEY, double dfEZ, 
-                      double dfPPM )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetTOWGS84( dfDX, dfDY, dfDZ, 
-                                                       dfEX, dfEY, dfEZ, 
-                                                       dfPPM );
-/*                             GetTOWGS84()                             */
- * Fetch TOWGS84 parameters, if available. 
- * 
- * @param padfCoeff array into which up to 7 coefficients are placed.
- * @param nCoeffCount size of padfCoeff - defaults to 7.
- * 
- * @return OGRERR_NONE on success, or OGRERR_FAILURE if there is no
- * TOWGS84 node available. 
- */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::GetTOWGS84( double * padfCoeff, 
-                                        int nCoeffCount ) const
-    const OGR_SRSNode   *poNode = GetAttrNode( "TOWGS84" );
-    memset( padfCoeff, 0, sizeof(double) * nCoeffCount );
-    if( poNode == NULL )
-        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
-    for( int i = 0; i < nCoeffCount && i < poNode->GetChildCount(); i++ )
-    {
-        padfCoeff[i] = atof(poNode->GetChild(i)->GetValue());
-    }
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                           OSRGetTOWGS84()                            */
-OGRErr OSRGetTOWGS84( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
-                      double * padfCoeff, int nCoeffCount )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->GetTOWGS84( padfCoeff, nCoeffCount);
-/*                         IsAngularParameter()                         */
-/*                                                                      */
-/*      Is the passed projection parameter an angular one?              */
-int OGRSpatialReference::IsAngularParameter( const char *pszParameterName )
-    if( EQUALN(pszParameterName,"long",4)
-        || EQUALN(pszParameterName,"lati",4)
-        || EQUAL(pszParameterName,SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN)
-        || EQUALN(pszParameterName,"standard_parallel",17)
-        || EQUAL(pszParameterName,SRS_PP_AZIMUTH)
-        || EQUAL(pszParameterName,SRS_PP_RECTIFIED_GRID_ANGLE) )
-        return TRUE;
-    else
-        return FALSE;
-/*                        IsLongitudeParameter()                        */
-/*                                                                      */
-/*      Is the passed projection parameter an angular longitude         */
-/*      (relative to a prime meridian)?                                 */
-int OGRSpatialReference::IsLongitudeParameter( const char *pszParameterName )
-    if( EQUALN(pszParameterName,"long",4)
-        || EQUAL(pszParameterName,SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN) )
-        return TRUE;
-    else
-        return FALSE;
-/*                         IsLinearParameter()                          */
-/*                                                                      */
-/*      Is the passed projection parameter an linear one measured in    */
-/*      meters or some similar linear measure.                          */
-int OGRSpatialReference::IsLinearParameter( const char *pszParameterName )
-    if( EQUALN(pszParameterName,"false_",6) 
-        || EQUAL(pszParameterName,SRS_PP_SATELLITE_HEIGHT) )
-        return TRUE;
-    else
-        return FALSE;
-/*                            GetNormInfo()                             */
-/*                                                                      */
-/*      Set the internal information for normalizing linear, and        */
-/*      angular values.                                                 */
-void OGRSpatialReference::GetNormInfo(void) const
-    if( bNormInfoSet )
-        return;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Initialize values.                                              */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    OGRSpatialReference *poThis = (OGRSpatialReference *) this;
-    poThis->bNormInfoSet = TRUE;
-    poThis->dfFromGreenwich = GetPrimeMeridian(NULL);
-    poThis->dfToMeter = GetLinearUnits(NULL);
-    poThis->dfToDegrees = GetAngularUnits(NULL) / atof(SRS_UA_DEGREE_CONV);
-    if( fabs(poThis->dfToDegrees-1.0) < 0.000000001 )
-        poThis->dfToDegrees = 1.0;
-/*                           FixupOrdering()                            */
- * Correct parameter ordering to match CT Specification.
- *
- * Some mechanisms to create WKT using OGRSpatialReference, and some
- * imported WKT fail to maintain the order of parameters required according
- * to the BNF definitions in the OpenGIS SF-SQL and CT Specifications.  This
- * method attempts to massage things back into the required order.
- *
- * This method is the same as the C function OSRFixupOrdering().
- *
- * @return OGRERR_NONE on success or an error code if something goes 
- * wrong.  
- */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::FixupOrdering()
-    if( GetRoot() != NULL )
-        return GetRoot()->FixupOrdering();
-    else
-        return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                          OSRFixupOrdering()                          */
-OGRErr OSRFixupOrdering( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->FixupOrdering();
-/*                               Fixup()                                */
- * Fixup as needed.
- *
- * Some mechanisms to create WKT using OGRSpatialReference, and some
- * imported WKT, are not valid according to the OGC CT specification.  This
- * method attempts to fill in any missing defaults that are required, and
- * fixup ordering problems (using OSRFixupOrdering()) so that the resulting
- * WKT is valid. 
- *
- * This method should be expected to evolve over time to as problems are
- * discovered.  The following are amoung the fixup actions this method will
- * take:
- *
- * - Fixup the ordering of nodes to match the BNF WKT ordering, using
- * the FixupOrdering() method. 
- *
- * - Add missing linear or angular units nodes.  
- *
- * This method is the same as the C function OSRFixup().
- *
- * @return OGRERR_NONE on success or an error code if something goes 
- * wrong.  
- */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::Fixup()
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Ensure linear units defaulted to METER if missing for PROJCS    */
-/*      or LOCAL_CS.                                                    */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    const OGR_SRSNode *poCS = GetAttrNode( "PROJCS" );
-    if( poCS == NULL )
-        poCS = GetAttrNode( "LOCAL_CS" );
-    if( poCS != NULL && poCS->FindChild( "UNIT" ) == -1 )
-        SetLinearUnits( SRS_UL_METER, 1.0 );
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Ensure angular units defaulted to degrees on the GEOGCS.        */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    poCS = GetAttrNode( "GEOGCS" );
-    if( poCS != NULL && poCS->FindChild( "UNIT" ) == -1 )
-        SetAngularUnits( SRS_UA_DEGREE, atof(SRS_UA_DEGREE_CONV) );
-    return FixupOrdering();
-/*                              OSRFixup()                              */
-OGRErr OSRFixup( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS )
-    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->Fixup();
-/*                            GetExtension()                            */
- * Fetch extension value.
- *
- * Fetch the value of the named EXTENSION item for the identified
- * target node.
- *
- * @param pszTargetKey the name or path to the parent node of the EXTENSION.
- * @param pszName the name of the extension being fetched.
- * @param pszDefault the value to return if the extension is not found.
- *
- * @return node value if successful or pszDefault on failure.
- */
-const char *OGRSpatialReference::GetExtension( const char *pszTargetKey, 
-                                               const char *pszName, 
-                                               const char *pszDefault ) const
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Find the target node.                                           */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    const OGR_SRSNode  *poNode;
-    if( pszTargetKey == NULL )
-        poNode = poRoot;
-    else
-        poNode= ((OGRSpatialReference *) this)->GetAttrNode( pszTargetKey );
-    if( poNode == NULL )
-        return NULL;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Fetch matching EXTENSION if there is one.                       */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    for( int i = poNode->GetChildCount()-1; i >= 0; i-- )
-    {
-        const OGR_SRSNode *poChild = poNode->GetChild(i);
-        if( EQUAL(poChild->GetValue(),"EXTENSION") 
-            && poChild->GetChildCount() >= 2 )
-        {
-            if( EQUAL(poChild->GetChild(0)->GetValue(),pszName) )
-                return poChild->GetChild(1)->GetValue();
-        }
-    }
-    return pszDefault;
-/*                            SetExtension()                            */
-OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetExtension( const char *pszTargetKey, 
-                                          const char *pszName, 
-                                          const char *pszValue )
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Find the target node.                                           */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    OGR_SRSNode  *poNode;
-    if( pszTargetKey == NULL )
-        poNode = poRoot;
-    else
-        poNode= ((OGRSpatialReference *) this)->GetAttrNode( pszTargetKey );
-    if( poNode == NULL )
-        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Fetch matching EXTENSION if there is one.                       */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    for( int i = poNode->GetChildCount()-1; i >= 0; i-- )
-    {
-        OGR_SRSNode *poChild = poNode->GetChild(i);
-        if( EQUAL(poChild->GetValue(),"EXTENSION") 
-            && poChild->GetChildCount() >= 2 )
-        {
-            if( EQUAL(poChild->GetChild(0)->GetValue(),pszName) )
-            {
-                poChild->GetChild(1)->SetValue( pszValue );
-                return OGRERR_NONE;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/*      Create a new EXTENSION node.                                    */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    OGR_SRSNode *poAuthNode;
-    poAuthNode = new OGR_SRSNode( "EXTENSION" );
-    poAuthNode->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( pszName ) );
-    poAuthNode->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( pszValue ) );
-    poNode->AddChild( poAuthNode );
-    return OGRERR_NONE;
-/*                             OSRCleanup()                             */
- * Cleanup cached SRS related memory.
- *
- * This function will attempt to cleanup any cache spatial reference
- * related information, such as cached tables of coordinate systems. 
- */
-void CleanupESRIDatumMappingTable();
-void OSRCleanup( void )
-    CleanupESRIDatumMappingTable();
-    CSVDeaccess( NULL );
+ * $Id: ogrspatialreference.cpp,v 1.104 2006/12/18 16:22:51 fwarmerdam Exp $
+ *
+ * Project:  OpenGIS Simple Features Reference Implementation
+ * Purpose:  The OGRSpatialReference class.
+ * Author:   Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (c) 1999,  Les Technologies SoftMap Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+ * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+ * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+ * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * $Log: ogrspatialreference.cpp,v $
+ * Revision 1.104  2006/12/18 16:22:51  fwarmerdam
+ * added support for x-ogc as well as ogc namespace
+ *
+ * Revision 1.103  2006/11/30 17:48:32  fwarmerdam
+ * Avoid uninitialized variable warning.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.102  2006/11/24 17:58:15  fwarmerdam
+ * added extension management methods
+ *
+ * Revision 1.101  2006/11/21 21:25:27  fwarmerdam
+ * Applied ESRI:: modifier to dictionary lookups if requested.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.100  2006/11/07 18:55:07  fwarmerdam
+ * added OGC importFromURN()
+ *
+ * Revision 1.99  2006/10/14 01:31:14  fwarmerdam
+ * NULL target for GetAuthorityName/Code now returns for the root node.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.98  2005/12/20 02:08:07  fwarmerdam
+ * UTM should default to a linear units of meter.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.97  2005/12/01 04:59:46  fwarmerdam
+ * added two point equidistant support
+ *
+ * Revision 1.96  2005/10/16 01:32:41  fwarmerdam
+ * Apply epsilon testing to UTM zone false easting and northing.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.95  2005/09/21 03:00:42  fwarmerdam
+ * fixed return for Release
+ *
+ * Revision 1.94  2005/09/21 00:51:27  fwarmerdam
+ * added Release
+ *
+ * Revision 1.93  2005/04/06 00:02:05  fwarmerdam
+ * various osr and oct functions now stdcall
+ *
+ * Revision 1.92  2005/03/03 04:55:42  fwarmerdam
+ * make exportToWkt() const
+ *
+ * Revision 1.91  2005/02/11 14:21:28  fwarmerdam
+ * added GEOS projection support
+ *
+ * Revision 1.90  2005/01/13 05:17:37  fwarmerdam
+ * added SetLinearUnitsAndUpdateParameters
+ *
+ * Revision 1.89  2005/01/05 21:02:33  fwarmerdam
+ * added Goode Homolosine
+ *
+ * Revision 1.88  2004/11/11 18:28:45  fwarmerdam
+ * added Bonne projection support
+ *
+ * Revision 1.87  2004/09/23 16:20:13  fwarmerdam
+ * added OSRCleanup
+ *
+ * Revision 1.86  2004/09/10 20:59:06  fwarmerdam
+ * Added note on SetSOC() being deprecated.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.85  2004/05/06 19:26:04  dron
+ * Added OSRSetProjection() function.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.84  2004/05/04 17:54:45  warmerda
+ * internal longitude format is greenwich relative - no adjustments needed
+ *
+ * Revision 1.83  2004/03/04 18:04:45  warmerda
+ * added importFromDict() support
+ *
+ * Revision 1.82  2004/02/05 17:07:59  dron
+ * Support for HOM projection, specified by two points on centerline.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.81  2003/12/05 16:22:49  warmerda
+ * optimized IsProjected
+ *
+ * Revision 1.80  2003/10/07 04:20:50  warmerda
+ * added WMS AUTO: support
+ *
+ * Revision 1.79  2003/09/18 14:43:40  warmerda
+ * Ensure that SetAuthority() clears old nodes.
+ * Don't crash on NULL root in exportToPrettyWkt().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.78  2003/08/18 13:26:01  warmerda
+ * added SetTMVariant() and related definitions
+ *
+ * Revision 1.77  2003/06/19 17:10:26  warmerda
+ * a couple fixes in last commit
+ *
+ * Revision 1.76  2003/06/18 18:24:17  warmerda
+ * added projection specific set methods to C API
+ *
+ * Revision 1.75  2003/05/30 18:34:41  warmerda
+ * clear existing authority node in SetLinearUnits if one exists
+ *
+ * Revision 1.74  2003/05/28 19:16:43  warmerda
+ * fixed up argument names and stuff for docs
+ *
+ * Revision 1.73  2003/04/01 14:34:45  warmerda
+ * Clarify SetUTM() documentation.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.72  2003/03/28 17:42:05  warmerda
+ * fixed reference/dereference problem
+ *
+ * Revision 1.71  2003/02/25 04:55:41  warmerda
+ * Added SetGeogCSFrom() method. Modified SetWellKnownGeogCS() to use it.
+ * Modfied SetGeogCS() to replace an existing GEOGCS node if there is one.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.70  2003/02/14 22:15:04  warmerda
+ * expand tabs
+ *
+ * Revision 1.69  2003/02/08 00:37:15  warmerda
+ * try to improve documentation
+ *
+ * Revision 1.68  2003/02/06 04:53:12  warmerda
+ * added Fixup() method
+ *
+ * Revision 1.67  2003/01/31 02:27:08  warmerda
+ * modified SetFromUserInput() to avoid large buffer on stack
+ *
+ * Revision 1.66  2003/01/08 18:14:28  warmerda
+ * added FixupOrdering()
+ */
+#include "ogr_spatialref.h"
+#include "ogr_p.h"
+#include "cpl_csv.h"
+CPL_CVSID("$Id: ogrspatialreference.cpp,v 1.104 2006/12/18 16:22:51 fwarmerdam Exp $");
+// The current opinion is that WKT longitudes like central meridian
+// should be relative to greenwich, not the prime meridian in use. 
+// Define the following if they should be relative to the prime meridian
+// of then geogcs.
+/*                           OGRPrintDouble()                           */
+static void OGRPrintDouble( char * pszStrBuf, double dfValue )
+    sprintf( pszStrBuf, "%.16g", dfValue );
+    int nLen = strlen(pszStrBuf);
+    // The following hack is intended to truncate some "precision" in cases
+    // that appear to be roundoff error. 
+    if( nLen > 15 
+        && (strcmp(pszStrBuf+nLen-6,"999999") == 0
+            || strcmp(pszStrBuf+nLen-6,"000001") == 0) )
+    {
+        sprintf( pszStrBuf, "%.15g", dfValue );
+    }
+/*                        OGRSpatialReference()                         */
+ * Constructor.
+ *
+ * This constructor takes an optional string argument which if passed
+ * should be a WKT representation of an SRS.  Passing this is equivelent
+ * to not passing it, and then calling importFromWkt() with the WKT string.
+ *
+ * Note that newly created objects are given a reference count of one. 
+ *
+ * The C function OSRNewSpatialReference() does the same thing as this
+ * constructor. 
+ *
+ * @param pszWKT well known text definition to which the object should
+ * be initialized, or NULL (the default). 
+ */
+OGRSpatialReference::OGRSpatialReference( const char * pszWKT )
+    bNormInfoSet = FALSE;
+    nRefCount = 1;
+    poRoot = NULL;
+    if( pszWKT != NULL )
+        importFromWkt( (char **) &pszWKT );
+/*                       OSRNewSpatialReference()                       */
+OGRSpatialReferenceH CPL_STDCALL OSRNewSpatialReference( const char *pszWKT )
+    OGRSpatialReference * poSRS;
+    poSRS = new OGRSpatialReference();
+    if( pszWKT != NULL && strlen(pszWKT) > 0 )
+    {
+        if( poSRS->importFromWkt( (char **) (&pszWKT) ) != OGRERR_NONE )
+        {
+            delete poSRS;
+            poSRS = NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    return poSRS;
+/*                        OGRSpatialReference()                         */
+/*                                                                      */
+/*      Simple copy constructor.  See also Clone().                     */
+OGRSpatialReference::OGRSpatialReference(const OGRSpatialReference &oOther)
+    bNormInfoSet = FALSE;
+    nRefCount = 1;
+    poRoot = NULL;
+    if( oOther.poRoot != NULL )
+        poRoot = oOther.poRoot->Clone();
+/*                        ~OGRSpatialReference()                        */
+ * OGRSpatialReference destructor. 
+ *
+ * The C function OSRDestroySpatialReference() does the same thing as this
+ * method. 
+ */
+    if( poRoot != NULL )
+        delete poRoot;
+/*                     OSRDestroySpatialReference()                     */
+void CPL_STDCALL OSRDestroySpatialReference( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS )
+    delete ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS);
+/*                               Clear()                                */
+ * Wipe current definition.
+ *
+ * Returns OGRSpatialReference to a state with no definition, as it 
+ * exists when first created.  It does not affect reference counts.
+ */
+void OGRSpatialReference::Clear()
+    if( poRoot )
+        delete poRoot;
+    poRoot = NULL;
+/*                             operator=()                              */
+OGRSpatialReference &
+OGRSpatialReference::operator=(const OGRSpatialReference &oSource)
+    if( poRoot != NULL )
+    {
+        delete poRoot;
+        poRoot = NULL;
+    }
+    if( oSource.poRoot != NULL )
+        poRoot = oSource.poRoot->Clone();
+    return *this;
+/*                             Reference()                              */
+ * Increments the reference count by one.
+ *
+ * The reference count is used keep track of the number of OGRGeometry objects
+ * referencing this SRS.
+ *
+ * The method does the same thing as the C function OSRReference(). 
+ *
+ * @return the updated reference count.
+ */
+int OGRSpatialReference::Reference()
+    return ++nRefCount;
+/*                            OSRReference()                            */
+int OSRReference( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->Reference();
+/*                            Dereference()                             */
+ * Decrements the reference count by one.
+ *
+ * The method does the same thing as the C function OSRDereference(). 
+ *
+ * @return the updated reference count.
+ */
+int OGRSpatialReference::Dereference()
+    return --nRefCount;
+/*                           OSRDereference()                           */
+int OSRDereference( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->Dereference();
+/*                         GetReferenceCount()                          */
+ * \fn int OGRSpatialReference::GetReferenceCount() const;
+ *
+ * Fetch current reference count.
+ *
+ * @return the current reference count.
+ */
+/*                              Release()                               */
+ * Decrements the reference count by one, and destroy if zero.
+ *
+ * The method does the same thing as the C function OSRRelease(). 
+ */
+void OGRSpatialReference::Release()
+    if( this && Dereference() == 0 )
+        delete this;
+/*                             OSRRelease()                             */
+void OSRRelease( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS )
+    ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->Release();
+/*                              SetRoot()                               */
+ * Set the root SRS node.
+ *
+ * If the object has an existing tree of OGR_SRSNodes, they are destroyed
+ * as part of assigning the new root.  Ownership of the passed OGR_SRSNode is
+ * is assumed by the OGRSpatialReference.
+ *
+ * @param poNewRoot object to assign as root.
+ */
+void OGRSpatialReference::SetRoot( OGR_SRSNode * poNewRoot )
+    if( poRoot != NULL )
+        delete poRoot;
+    poRoot = poNewRoot;
+/*                            GetAttrNode()                             */
+ * Find named node in tree.
+ *
+ * This method does a pre-order traversal of the node tree searching for
+ * a node with this exact value (case insensitive), and returns it.  Leaf
+ * nodes are not considered, under the assumption that they are just
+ * attribute value nodes.
+ *
+ * If a node appears more than once in the tree (such as UNIT for instance),
+ * the first encountered will be returned.  Use GetNode() on a subtree to be
+ * more specific. 
+ *
+ * @param pszNodePath the name of the node to search for.  May contain multiple
+ * components such as "GEOGCS|UNITS".
+ *
+ * @return a pointer to the node found, or NULL if none.
+ */
+OGR_SRSNode *OGRSpatialReference::GetAttrNode( const char * pszNodePath )
+    char        **papszPathTokens;
+    OGR_SRSNode *poNode;
+    papszPathTokens = CSLTokenizeStringComplex(pszNodePath, "|", TRUE, FALSE);
+    if( CSLCount( papszPathTokens ) < 1 )
+        return NULL;
+    poNode = GetRoot();
+    for( int i = 0; poNode != NULL && papszPathTokens[i] != NULL; i++ )
+    {
+        poNode = poNode->GetNode( papszPathTokens[i] );
+    }
+    CSLDestroy( papszPathTokens );
+    return poNode;
+const OGR_SRSNode *
+OGRSpatialReference::GetAttrNode( const char * pszNodePath ) const
+    OGR_SRSNode *poNode;
+    poNode = ((OGRSpatialReference *) this)->GetAttrNode(pszNodePath);
+    return poNode;
+/*                            GetAttrValue()                            */
+ * Fetch indicated attribute of named node.
+ *
+ * This method uses GetAttrNode() to find the named node, and then extracts
+ * the value of the indicated child.  Thus a call to GetAttrValue("UNIT",1)
+ * would return the second child of the UNIT node, which is normally the
+ * length of the linear unit in meters.
+ *
+ * This method does the same thing as the C function OSRGetAttrValue().
+ *
+ * @param pszNodeName the tree node to look for (case insensitive).
+ * @param iAttr the child of the node to fetch (zero based).
+ *
+ * @return the requested value, or NULL if it fails for any reason. 
+ */
+const char *OGRSpatialReference::GetAttrValue( const char * pszNodeName,
+                                               int iAttr ) const
+    const OGR_SRSNode *poNode;
+    poNode = GetAttrNode( pszNodeName );
+    if( poNode == NULL )
+        return NULL;
+    if( iAttr < 0 || iAttr >= poNode->GetChildCount() )
+        return NULL;
+    return poNode->GetChild(iAttr)->GetValue();
+/*                          OSRGetAttrValue()                           */
+const char * CPL_STDCALL OSRGetAttrValue( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
+                             const char * pszKey, int iChild )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->GetAttrValue( pszKey, iChild );
+/*                               Clone()                                */
+ * Make a duplicate of this OGRSpatialReference.
+ *
+ * This method is the same as the C function OSRClone().
+ *
+ * @return a new SRS, which becomes the responsibility of the caller.
+ */
+OGRSpatialReference *OGRSpatialReference::Clone() const
+    OGRSpatialReference *poNewRef;
+    poNewRef = new OGRSpatialReference();
+    if( poRoot != NULL )
+        poNewRef->poRoot = poRoot->Clone();
+    return poNewRef;
+/*                              OSRClone()                              */
+OGRSpatialReferenceH CPL_STDCALL OSRClone( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS )
+    return (OGRSpatialReferenceH) ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->Clone();
+/*                         exportToPrettyWkt()                          */
+/*                                                                      */
+/*      Translate into a nicely formatted string for display to a       */
+/*      person.                                                         */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::exportToPrettyWkt( char ** ppszResult, 
+                                               int bSimplify ) const
+    if( poRoot == NULL )
+    {
+        *ppszResult = CPLStrdup("");
+        return OGRERR_NONE;
+    }
+    if( bSimplify )
+    {
+        OGRSpatialReference *poSimpleClone = Clone();
+        OGRErr eErr;
+        poSimpleClone->GetRoot()->StripNodes( "AXIS" );
+        poSimpleClone->GetRoot()->StripNodes( "AUTHORITY" );
+        poSimpleClone->GetRoot()->StripNodes( "EXTENSION" );
+        eErr = poSimpleClone->GetRoot()->exportToPrettyWkt( ppszResult, 1 );
+        delete poSimpleClone;
+        return eErr;
+    }
+    else
+        return poRoot->exportToPrettyWkt( ppszResult, 1 );
+/*                        OSRExportToPrettyWkt()                        */
+OGRErr CPL_STDCALL OSRExportToPrettyWkt( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, char ** ppszReturn,
+                             int bSimplify)
+    *ppszReturn = NULL;
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->exportToPrettyWkt( ppszReturn,
+                                                              bSimplify );
+/*                            exportToWkt()                             */
+ * Convert this SRS into WKT format.
+ *
+ * Note that the returned WKT string should be freed with OGRFree() or
+ * CPLFree() when no longer needed.  It is the responsibility of the caller.
+ *
+ * This method is the same as the C function OSRExportToWkt().
+ *
+ * @param ppszResult the resulting string is returned in this pointer.
+ *
+ * @return currently OGRERR_NONE is always returned, but the future it
+ * is possible error conditions will develop. 
+ */
+OGRErr  OGRSpatialReference::exportToWkt( char ** ppszResult ) const
+    if( poRoot == NULL )
+    {
+        *ppszResult = CPLStrdup("");
+        return OGRERR_NONE;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return poRoot->exportToWkt(ppszResult);
+    }
+/*                           OSRExportToWkt()                           */
+OGRErr CPL_STDCALL OSRExportToWkt( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, char ** ppszReturn )
+    *ppszReturn = NULL;
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->exportToWkt( ppszReturn );
+/*                           importFromWkt()                            */
+ * Import from WKT string.
+ *
+ * This method will wipe the existing SRS definition, and
+ * reassign it based on the contents of the passed WKT string.  Only as
+ * much of the input string as needed to construct this SRS is consumed from
+ * the input string, and the input string pointer
+ * is then updated to point to the remaining (unused) input.
+ *
+ * This method is the same as the C function OSRImportFromWkt().
+ *
+ * @param ppszInput Pointer to pointer to input.  The pointer is updated to
+ * point to remaining unused input text.
+ *
+ * @return OGRERR_NONE if import succeeds, or OGRERR_CORRUPT_DATA if it
+ * fails for any reason.
+ */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::importFromWkt( char ** ppszInput )
+    if( poRoot != NULL )
+        delete poRoot;
+    bNormInfoSet = FALSE;
+    poRoot = new OGR_SRSNode();
+    return poRoot->importFromWkt( ppszInput );
+/*                          OSRImportFromWkt()                          */
+OGRErr OSRImportFromWkt( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, char **ppszInput )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->importFromWkt( ppszInput );
+/*                              SetNode()                               */
+ * Set attribute value in spatial reference.
+ *
+ * Missing intermediate nodes in the path will be created if not already
+ * in existance.  If the attribute has no children one will be created and
+ * assigned the value otherwise the zeroth child will be assigned the value.
+ *
+ * This method does the same as the C function OSRSetAttrValue(). 
+ *
+ * @param pszNodePath full path to attribute to be set.  For instance
+ * 
+ * @param pszNewNodeValue value to be assigned to node, such as "meter". 
+ * This may be NULL if you just want to force creation of the intermediate
+ * path.
+ *
+ * @return OGRERR_NONE on success. 
+ */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetNode( const char * pszNodePath,
+                                     const char * pszNewNodeValue )
+    char        **papszPathTokens;
+    int         i;
+    OGR_SRSNode *poNode;
+    papszPathTokens = CSLTokenizeStringComplex(pszNodePath, "|", TRUE, FALSE);
+    if( CSLCount( papszPathTokens ) < 1 )
+        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
+    if( GetRoot() == NULL || !EQUAL(papszPathTokens[0],GetRoot()->GetValue()) )
+    {
+        SetRoot( new OGR_SRSNode( papszPathTokens[0] ) );
+    }
+    poNode = GetRoot();
+    for( i = 1; papszPathTokens[i] != NULL; i++ )
+    {
+        int     j;
+        for( j = 0; j < poNode->GetChildCount(); j++ )
+        {
+            if( EQUAL(poNode->GetChild( j )->GetValue(),papszPathTokens[i]) )
+            {
+                poNode = poNode->GetChild(j);
+                j = -1;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if( j != -1 )
+        {
+            OGR_SRSNode *poNewNode = new OGR_SRSNode( papszPathTokens[i] );
+            poNode->AddChild( poNewNode );
+            poNode = poNewNode;
+        }
+    }
+    CSLDestroy( papszPathTokens );
+    if( pszNewNodeValue != NULL )
+    {
+        if( poNode->GetChildCount() > 0 )
+            poNode->GetChild(0)->SetValue( pszNewNodeValue );
+        else
+            poNode->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( pszNewNodeValue ) );
+    }
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                          OSRSetAttrValue()                           */
+OGRErr CPL_STDCALL OSRSetAttrValue( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                        const char * pszPath, const char * pszValue )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetNode( pszPath, pszValue );
+/*                              SetNode()                               */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetNode( const char *pszNodePath,
+                                     double dfValue )
+    char        szValue[64];
+    if( ABS(dfValue - (int) dfValue) == 0.0 )
+        sprintf( szValue, "%d", (int) dfValue );
+    else
+        // notdef: sprintf( szValue, "%.16g", dfValue );
+        OGRPrintDouble( szValue, dfValue );
+    return SetNode( pszNodePath, szValue );
+/*                          SetAngularUnits()                           */
+ * Set the angular units for the geographic coordinate system.
+ *
+ * This method creates a UNITS subnode with the specified values as a
+ * child of the GEOGCS node. 
+ *
+ * This method does the same as the C function OSRSetAngularUnits(). 
+ *
+ * @param pszUnitsName the units name to be used.  Some preferred units
+ * names can be found in ogr_srs_api.h such as SRS_UA_DEGREE. 
+ *
+ * @param dfInRadians the value to multiple by an angle in the indicated
+ * units to transform to radians.  Some standard conversion factors can
+ * be found in ogr_srs_api.h. 
+ *
+ * @return OGRERR_NONE on success.
+ */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetAngularUnits( const char * pszUnitsName,
+                                             double dfInRadians )
+    OGR_SRSNode *poCS;
+    OGR_SRSNode *poUnits;
+    char        szValue[128];
+    bNormInfoSet = FALSE;
+    poCS = GetAttrNode( "GEOGCS" );
+    if( poCS == NULL )
+        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
+    OGRPrintDouble( szValue, dfInRadians );
+    if( poCS->FindChild( "UNIT" ) >= 0 )
+    {
+        poUnits = poCS->GetChild( poCS->FindChild( "UNIT" ) );
+        poUnits->GetChild(0)->SetValue( pszUnitsName );
+        poUnits->GetChild(1)->SetValue( szValue );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        poUnits = new OGR_SRSNode( "UNIT" );
+        poUnits->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( pszUnitsName ) );
+        poUnits->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( szValue ) );
+        poCS->AddChild( poUnits );
+    }
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                         OSRSetAngularUnits()                         */
+OGRErr OSRSetAngularUnits( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                           const char * pszUnits, double dfInRadians )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetAngularUnits( pszUnits, 
+                                                            dfInRadians );
+/*                          GetAngularUnits()                           */
+ * Fetch angular geographic coordinate system units.
+ *
+ * If no units are available, a value of "degree" and SRS_UA_DEGREE_CONV 
+ * will be assumed.  This method only checks directly under the GEOGCS node
+ * for units.
+ *
+ * This method does the same thing as the C function OSRGetAngularUnits().
+ *
+ * @param ppszName a pointer to be updated with the pointer to the 
+ * units name.  The returned value remains internal to the OGRSpatialReference
+ * and shouldn't be freed, or modified.  It may be invalidated on the next
+ * OGRSpatialReference call. 
+ *
+ * @return the value to multiply by angular distances to transform them to 
+ * radians.
+ */
+double OGRSpatialReference::GetAngularUnits( char ** ppszName ) const
+    const OGR_SRSNode *poCS = GetAttrNode( "GEOGCS" );
+    if( ppszName != NULL )
+        *ppszName = "degree";
+    if( poCS == NULL )
+        return atof(SRS_UA_DEGREE_CONV);
+    for( int iChild = 0; iChild < poCS->GetChildCount(); iChild++ )
+    {
+        const OGR_SRSNode     *poChild = poCS->GetChild(iChild);
+        if( EQUAL(poChild->GetValue(),"UNIT")
+            && poChild->GetChildCount() >= 2 )
+        {
+            if( ppszName != NULL )
+                *ppszName = (char *) poChild->GetChild(0)->GetValue();
+            return atof( poChild->GetChild(1)->GetValue() );
+        }
+    }
+    return 1.0;
+/*                         OSRGetAngularUnits()                         */
+double OSRGetAngularUnits( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, char ** ppszName )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->GetAngularUnits( ppszName );
+/*                 SetLinearUnitsAndUpdateParameters()                  */
+ * Set the linear units for the projection.
+ *
+ * This method creates a UNITS subnode with the specified values as a
+ * child of the PROJCS or LOCAL_CS node.   It works the same as the
+ * SetLinearUnits() method, but it also updates all existing linear
+ * projection parameter values from the old units to the new units. 
+ *
+ * @param pszUnitsName the units name to be used.  Some preferred units
+ * names can be found in ogr_srs_api.h such as SRS_UL_METER, SRS_UL_FOOT 
+ * and SRS_UL_US_FOOT. 
+ *
+ * @param dfInMeters the value to multiple by a length in the indicated
+ * units to transform to meters.  Some standard conversion factors can
+ * be found in ogr_srs_api.h. 
+ *
+ * @return OGRERR_NONE on success.
+ */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetLinearUnitsAndUpdateParameters(
+    const char *pszName, double dfInMeters )
+    double dfOldInMeters = GetLinearUnits();
+    OGR_SRSNode *poPROJCS = GetAttrNode( "PROJCS" );
+    if( dfInMeters == 0.0 )
+        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
+    if( dfInMeters == dfOldInMeters || poPROJCS == NULL )
+        return SetLinearUnits( pszName, dfInMeters );
+    for( int iChild = 0; iChild < poPROJCS->GetChildCount(); iChild++ )
+    {
+        const OGR_SRSNode     *poChild = poPROJCS->GetChild(iChild);
+        if( EQUAL(poChild->GetValue(),"PARAMETER")
+            && poChild->GetChildCount() > 1 )
+        {
+            char *pszParmName = CPLStrdup(poChild->GetChild(0)->GetValue());
+            if( IsLinearParameter( pszParmName ) )
+            {
+                double dfOldValue = GetProjParm( pszParmName );
+                SetProjParm( pszParmName, 
+                             dfOldValue * dfOldInMeters / dfInMeters );
+            }
+            CPLFree( pszParmName );
+        }
+    }
+    return SetLinearUnits( pszName, dfInMeters );
+/*                           SetLinearUnits()                           */
+ * Set the linear units for the projection.
+ *
+ * This method creates a UNITS subnode with the specified values as a
+ * child of the PROJCS or LOCAL_CS node. 
+ *
+ * This method does the same as the C function OSRSetLinearUnits(). 
+ *
+ * @param pszUnitsName the units name to be used.  Some preferred units
+ * names can be found in ogr_srs_api.h such as SRS_UL_METER, SRS_UL_FOOT 
+ * and SRS_UL_US_FOOT. 
+ *
+ * @param dfInMeters the value to multiple by a length in the indicated
+ * units to transform to meters.  Some standard conversion factors can
+ * be found in ogr_srs_api.h. 
+ *
+ * @return OGRERR_NONE on success.
+ */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetLinearUnits( const char * pszUnitsName,
+                                            double dfInMeters )
+    OGR_SRSNode *poCS;
+    OGR_SRSNode *poUnits;
+    char        szValue[128];
+    bNormInfoSet = FALSE;
+    poCS = GetAttrNode( "PROJCS" );
+    if( poCS == NULL )
+        poCS = GetAttrNode( "LOCAL_CS" );
+    if( poCS == NULL )
+        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
+    if( dfInMeters == (int) dfInMeters )
+        sprintf( szValue, "%d", (int) dfInMeters );
+    else
+        //notdef: sprintf( szValue, "%.16g", dfInMeters );
+        OGRPrintDouble( szValue, dfInMeters );
+    if( poCS->FindChild( "UNIT" ) >= 0 )
+    {
+        poUnits = poCS->GetChild( poCS->FindChild( "UNIT" ) );
+        poUnits->GetChild(0)->SetValue( pszUnitsName );
+        poUnits->GetChild(1)->SetValue( szValue );
+        if( poUnits->FindChild( "AUTHORITY" ) != -1 )
+            poUnits->DestroyChild( poUnits->FindChild( "AUTHORITY" ) );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        poUnits = new OGR_SRSNode( "UNIT" );
+        poUnits->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( pszUnitsName ) );
+        poUnits->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( szValue ) );
+        poCS->AddChild( poUnits );
+    }
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                         OSRSetLinearUnits()                          */
+OGRErr OSRSetLinearUnits( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                          const char * pszUnits, double dfInMeters )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetLinearUnits( pszUnits, 
+                                                           dfInMeters );
+/*                           GetLinearUnits()                           */
+ * Fetch linear projection units. 
+ *
+ * If no units are available, a value of "Meters" and 1.0 will be assumed.
+ * This method only checks directly under the PROJCS or LOCAL_CS node for 
+ * units.
+ *
+ * This method does the same thing as the C function OSRGetLinearUnits()/
+ *
+ * @param ppszName a pointer to be updated with the pointer to the 
+ * units name.  The returned value remains internal to the OGRSpatialReference
+ * and shouldn't be freed, or modified.  It may be invalidated on the next
+ * OGRSpatialReference call. 
+ *
+ * @return the value to multiply by linear distances to transform them to 
+ * meters.
+ */
+double OGRSpatialReference::GetLinearUnits( char ** ppszName ) const
+    const OGR_SRSNode *poCS = GetAttrNode( "PROJCS" );
+    if( poCS == NULL )
+        poCS = GetAttrNode( "LOCAL_CS" );
+    if( ppszName != NULL )
+        *ppszName = "unknown";
+    if( poCS == NULL )
+        return 1.0;
+    for( int iChild = 0; iChild < poCS->GetChildCount(); iChild++ )
+    {
+        const OGR_SRSNode     *poChild = poCS->GetChild(iChild);
+        if( EQUAL(poChild->GetValue(),"UNIT")
+            && poChild->GetChildCount() >= 2 )
+        {
+            if( ppszName != NULL )
+                *ppszName = (char *) poChild->GetChild(0)->GetValue();
+            return atof( poChild->GetChild(1)->GetValue() );
+        }
+    }
+    return 1.0;
+/*                         OSRGetLinearUnits()                          */
+double OSRGetLinearUnits( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, char ** ppszName )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->GetLinearUnits( ppszName );
+/*                          GetPrimeMeridian()                          */
+ * Fetch prime meridian info.
+ *
+ * Returns the offset of the prime meridian from greenwich in degrees,
+ * and the prime meridian name (if requested).   If no PRIMEM value exists
+ * in the coordinate system definition a value of "Greenwich" and an
+ * offset of 0.0 is assumed.
+ *
+ * If the prime meridian name is returned, the pointer is to an internal
+ * copy of the name. It should not be freed, altered or depended on after
+ * the next OGR call.
+ *
+ * This method is the same as the C function OSRGetPrimeMeridian().
+ *
+ * @param ppszName return location for prime meridian name.  If NULL, name
+ * is not returned.
+ *
+ * @return the offset to the GEOGCS prime meridian from greenwich in decimal
+ * degrees.
+ */
+double OGRSpatialReference::GetPrimeMeridian( char **ppszName ) const 
+    const OGR_SRSNode *poPRIMEM = GetAttrNode( "PRIMEM" );
+    if( poPRIMEM != NULL && poPRIMEM->GetChildCount() >= 2 
+        && atof(poPRIMEM->GetChild(1)->GetValue()) != 0.0 )
+    {
+        if( ppszName != NULL )
+            *ppszName = (char *) poPRIMEM->GetChild(0)->GetValue();
+        return atof(poPRIMEM->GetChild(1)->GetValue());
+    }
+    if( ppszName != NULL )
+        *ppszName = SRS_PM_GREENWICH;
+    return 0.0;
+/*                        OSRGetPrimeMeridian()                         */
+double OSRGetPrimeMeridian( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, char **ppszName )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->GetPrimeMeridian( ppszName );
+/*                             SetGeogCS()                              */
+ * Set geographic coordinate system. 
+ *
+ * This method is used to set the datum, ellipsoid, prime meridian and
+ * angular units for a geographic coordinate system.  It can be used on it's
+ * own to establish a geographic spatial reference, or applied to a 
+ * projected coordinate system to establish the underlying geographic 
+ * coordinate system. 
+ *
+ * This method does the same as the C function OSRSetGeogCS(). 
+ *
+ * @param pszGeogName user visible name for the geographic coordinate system
+ * (not to serve as a key).
+ * 
+ * @param pszDatumName key name for this datum.  The OpenGIS specification 
+ * lists some known values, and otherwise EPSG datum names with a standard
+ * transformation are considered legal keys. 
+ * 
+ * @param pszSpheroidName user visible spheroid name (not to serve as a key)
+ *
+ * @param dfSemiMajor the semi major axis of the spheroid.
+ * 
+ * @param dfInvFlattening the inverse flattening for the spheroid.
+ * This can be computed from the semi minor axis as 
+ * 1/f = 1.0 / (1.0 - semiminor/semimajor).
+ *
+ * @param pszPMName the name of the prime merdidian (not to serve as a key)
+ * If this is NULL a default value of "Greenwich" will be used. 
+ * 
+ * @param dfPMOffset the longitude of greenwich relative to this prime
+ * meridian.
+ *
+ * @param pszAngularUnits the angular units name (see ogr_srs_api.h for some
+ * standard names).  If NULL a value of "degrees" will be assumed. 
+ * 
+ * @param dfConvertToRadians value to multiply angular units by to transform
+ * them to radians.  A value of SRS_UL_DEGREE_CONV will be used if
+ * pszAngularUnits is NULL.
+ *
+ * @return OGRERR_NONE on success.
+ */
+OGRSpatialReference::SetGeogCS( const char * pszGeogName,
+                                const char * pszDatumName,
+                                const char * pszSpheroidName,
+                                double dfSemiMajor, double dfInvFlattening,
+                                const char * pszPMName, double dfPMOffset,
+                                const char * pszAngularUnits,
+                                double dfConvertToRadians )
+    bNormInfoSet = FALSE;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Do we already have a GEOGCS?  If so, blow it away so it can     */
+/*      be properly replaced.                                           */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    if( GetAttrNode( "GEOGCS" ) != NULL )
+    {
+        OGR_SRSNode *poPROJCS;
+        if( EQUAL(GetRoot()->GetValue(),"GEOGCS") )
+            Clear();
+        else if( (poPROJCS = GetAttrNode( "PROJCS" )) != NULL
+                 && poPROJCS->FindChild( "GEOGCS" ) != -1 )
+            poPROJCS->DestroyChild( poPROJCS->FindChild( "GEOGCS" ) );
+        else
+            return OGRERR_FAILURE;
+    }
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Set defaults for various parameters.                            */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    if( pszGeogName == NULL )
+        pszGeogName = "unnamed";
+    if( pszPMName == NULL )
+        pszPMName = SRS_PM_GREENWICH;
+    if( pszDatumName == NULL )
+        pszDatumName = "unknown";
+    if( pszSpheroidName == NULL )
+        pszSpheroidName = "unnamed";
+    if( pszAngularUnits == NULL )
+    {
+        pszAngularUnits = SRS_UA_DEGREE;
+        dfConvertToRadians = atof(SRS_UA_DEGREE_CONV);
+    }
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Build the GEOGCS object.                                        */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    char                szValue[128];
+    OGR_SRSNode         *poGeogCS, *poSpheroid, *poDatum, *poPM, *poUnits;
+    poGeogCS = new OGR_SRSNode( "GEOGCS" );
+    poGeogCS->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( pszGeogName ) );
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Setup the spheroid.                                             */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    poSpheroid = new OGR_SRSNode( "SPHEROID" );
+    poSpheroid->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( pszSpheroidName ) );
+    OGRPrintDouble( szValue, dfSemiMajor );
+    poSpheroid->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode(szValue) );
+    OGRPrintDouble( szValue, dfInvFlattening );
+    poSpheroid->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode(szValue) );
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Setup the Datum.                                                */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    poDatum = new OGR_SRSNode( "DATUM" );
+    poDatum->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode(pszDatumName) );
+    poDatum->AddChild( poSpheroid );
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Setup the prime meridian.                                       */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    if( dfPMOffset == 0.0 )
+        strcpy( szValue, "0" );
+    else
+        OGRPrintDouble( szValue, dfPMOffset );
+    poPM = new OGR_SRSNode( "PRIMEM" );
+    poPM->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( pszPMName ) );
+    poPM->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( szValue ) );
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Setup the rotational units.                                     */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    OGRPrintDouble( szValue, dfConvertToRadians );
+    poUnits = new OGR_SRSNode( "UNIT" );
+    poUnits->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode(pszAngularUnits) );
+    poUnits->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode(szValue) );
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Complete the GeogCS                                             */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    poGeogCS->AddChild( poDatum );
+    poGeogCS->AddChild( poPM );
+    poGeogCS->AddChild( poUnits );
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Attach below the PROJCS if there is one, or make this the root. */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    if( GetRoot() != NULL && EQUAL(GetRoot()->GetValue(),"PROJCS") )
+        poRoot->InsertChild( poGeogCS, 1 );
+    else
+        SetRoot( poGeogCS );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                            OSRSetGeogCS()                            */
+OGRErr OSRSetGeogCS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
+                     const char * pszGeogName,
+                     const char * pszDatumName,
+                     const char * pszSpheroidName,
+                     double dfSemiMajor, double dfInvFlattening,
+                     const char * pszPMName, double dfPMOffset,
+                     const char * pszAngularUnits,
+                     double dfConvertToRadians )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetGeogCS( 
+        pszGeogName, pszDatumName, 
+        pszSpheroidName, dfSemiMajor, dfInvFlattening, 
+        pszPMName, dfPMOffset, pszAngularUnits, dfConvertToRadians );
+/*                         SetWellKnownGeogCS()                         */
+ * Set a GeogCS based on well known name.
+ *
+ * This may be called on an empty OGRSpatialReference to make a geographic
+ * coordinate system, or on something with an existing PROJCS node to 
+ * set the underlying geographic coordinate system of a projected coordinate
+ * system. 
+ *
+ * The following well known text values are currently supported:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li> "WGS84": same as "EPSG:4326" but has no dependence on EPSG data files.
+ * <li> "WGS72": same as "EPSG:4322" but has no dependence on EPSG data files.
+ * <li> "NAD27": same as "EPSG:4267" but has no dependence on EPSG data files.
+ * <li> "NAD83": same as "EPSG:4269" but has no dependence on EPSG data files.
+ * <li> "EPSG:n": same as doing an ImportFromEPSG(n).
+ * </ul>
+ * 
+ * @param pszName name of well known geographic coordinate system.
+ * @return OGRERR_NONE on success, or OGRERR_FAILURE if the name isn't
+ * recognised, the target object is already initialized, or an EPSG value
+ * can't be successfully looked up.
+ */ 
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetWellKnownGeogCS( const char * pszName )
+    OGRSpatialReference   oSRS2;
+    OGRErr eErr;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Check for EPSG authority numbers.                               */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    if( EQUALN(pszName, "EPSG:",5) )
+    {
+        eErr = oSRS2.importFromEPSG( atoi(pszName+5) );
+        if( eErr != OGRERR_NONE )
+            return eErr;
+        if( !oSRS2.IsGeographic() )
+            return OGRERR_FAILURE;
+        return CopyGeogCSFrom( &oSRS2 );
+    }
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Check for simple names.                                         */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    char         *pszWKT = NULL;
+    if( EQUAL(pszName, "WGS84") || EQUAL(pszName,"CRS84") )
+        pszWKT = "GEOGCS[\"WGS 84\",DATUM[\"WGS_1984\",SPHEROID[\"WGS 84\",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"7030\"]],TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"6326\"]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"8901\"]],UNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"9108\"]],AXIS[\"Lat\",NORTH],AXIS[\"Long\",EAST],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"4326\"]]";
+    else if( EQUAL(pszName, "WGS72") )
+        pszWKT = "GEOGCS[\"WGS 72\",DATUM[\"WGS_1972\",SPHEROID[\"WGS 72\",6378135,298.26,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"7043\"]],TOWGS84[0,0,4.5,0,0,0.554,0.2263],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"6322\"]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"8901\"]],UNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"9108\"]],AXIS[\"Lat\",NORTH],AXIS[\"Long\",EAST],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"4322\"]]";
+    else if( EQUAL(pszName, "NAD27") || EQUAL(pszName, "CRS27") )
+        pszWKT = "GEOGCS[\"NAD27\",DATUM[\"North_American_Datum_1927\",SPHEROID[\"Clarke 1866\",6378206.4,294.978698213898,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"7008\"]],TOWGS84[-3,142,183,0,0,0,0],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"6267\"]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"8901\"]],UNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"9108\"]],AXIS[\"Lat\",NORTH],AXIS[\"Long\",EAST],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"4267\"]]";
+    else if( EQUAL(pszName, "NAD83") || EQUAL(pszName,"CRS83") )
+        pszWKT = "GEOGCS[\"NAD83\",DATUM[\"North_American_Datum_1983\",SPHEROID[\"GRS 1980\",6378137,298.257222101,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"7019\"]],TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"6269\"]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"8901\"]],UNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"9108\"]],AXIS[\"Lat\",NORTH],AXIS[\"Long\",EAST],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"4269\"]]";
+    else
+        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Import the WKT                                                  */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    eErr = oSRS2.importFromWkt( &pszWKT );
+    if( eErr != OGRERR_NONE )
+        return eErr;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Copy over.                                                      */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    return CopyGeogCSFrom( &oSRS2 );
+/*                       OSRSetWellKnownGeogCS()                        */
+OGRErr OSRSetWellKnownGeogCS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, const char *pszName )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetWellKnownGeogCS( pszName );
+/*                           CopyGeogCSFrom()                           */
+ * Copy GEOGCS from another OGRSpatialReference.
+ *
+ * The GEOGCS information is copied into this OGRSpatialReference from another.
+ * If this object has a PROJCS root already, the GEOGCS is installed within
+ * it, otherwise it is installed as the root.
+ * 
+ * @param poSrcSRS the spatial reference to copy the GEOGCS information from.
+ * 
+ * @return OGRERR_NONE on success or an error code.
+ */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::CopyGeogCSFrom( 
+    const OGRSpatialReference * poSrcSRS )
+    const OGR_SRSNode  *poGeogCS = NULL;
+    bNormInfoSet = FALSE;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Do we already have a GEOGCS?  If so, blow it away so it can     */
+/*      be properly replaced.                                           */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    if( GetAttrNode( "GEOGCS" ) != NULL )
+    {
+        OGR_SRSNode *poPROJCS;
+        if( EQUAL(GetRoot()->GetValue(),"GEOGCS") )
+            Clear();
+        else if( (poPROJCS = GetAttrNode( "PROJCS" )) != NULL
+                 && poPROJCS->FindChild( "GEOGCS" ) != -1 )
+            poPROJCS->DestroyChild( poPROJCS->FindChild( "GEOGCS" ) );
+        else
+            return OGRERR_FAILURE;
+    }
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Find the GEOGCS node on the source.                             */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    poGeogCS = poSrcSRS->GetAttrNode( "GEOGCS" );
+    if( poGeogCS == NULL )
+        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Attach below the PROJCS if there is one, or make this the root. */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    if( GetRoot() != NULL && EQUAL(GetRoot()->GetValue(),"PROJCS") )
+        poRoot->InsertChild( poGeogCS->Clone(), 1 );
+    else
+        SetRoot( poGeogCS->Clone() );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                         OSRCopyGeogCSFrom()                          */
+OGRErr OSRCopyGeogCSFrom( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                          OGRSpatialReferenceH hSrcSRS )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->CopyGeogCSFrom( 
+        (const OGRSpatialReference *) hSrcSRS );
+/*                          SetFromUserInput()                          */
+ * Set spatial reference from various text formats.
+ *
+ * This method will examine the provided input, and try to deduce the
+ * format, and then use it to initialize the spatial reference system.  It
+ * may take the following forms:
+ *
+ * <ol>
+ * <li> Well Known Text definition - passed on to importFromWkt().
+ * <li> "EPSG:n" - number passed on to importFromEPSG(). 
+ * <li> "AUTO:proj_id,unit_id,lon0,lat0" - WMS auto projections.
+ * <li> "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::n" - ogc urns
+ * <li> PROJ.4 definitions - passed on to importFromProj4().
+ * <li> filename - file read for WKT, XML or PROJ.4 definition.
+ * <li> well known name accepted by SetWellKnownGeogCS(), such as NAD27, NAD83,
+ * WGS84 or WGS72. 
+ * </ol>
+ *
+ * It is expected that this method will be extended in the future to support
+ * XML and perhaps a simplified "minilanguage" for indicating common UTM and
+ * State Plane definitions. 
+ *
+ * This method is intended to be flexible, but by it's nature it is 
+ * imprecise as it must guess information about the format intended.  When
+ * possible applications should call the specific method appropriate if the
+ * input is known to be in a particular format. 
+ *
+ * This method does the same thing as the OSRSetFromUserInput() function.
+ * 
+ * @param pszDefinition text definition to try to deduce SRS from.
+ *
+ * @return OGRERR_NONE on success, or an error code if the name isn't
+ * recognised, the definition is corrupt, or an EPSG value can't be 
+ * successfully looked up.
+ */ 
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetFromUserInput( const char * pszDefinition )
+    int     bESRI = FALSE;
+    OGRErr  err;
+    if( EQUALN(pszDefinition,"ESRI::",6) )
+    {
+        bESRI = TRUE;
+        pszDefinition += 6;
+    }
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Is it a recognised syntax?                                      */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    if( EQUALN(pszDefinition,"PROJCS",6)
+        || EQUALN(pszDefinition,"GEOGCS",6)
+        || EQUALN(pszDefinition,"LOCAL_CS",8) )
+    {
+        err = importFromWkt( (char **) &pszDefinition );
+        if( err == OGRERR_NONE && bESRI )
+            err = morphFromESRI();
+        return err;
+    }
+    if( EQUALN(pszDefinition,"EPSG:",5) )
+        return importFromEPSG( atoi(pszDefinition+5) );
+    if( EQUALN(pszDefinition,"urn:ogc:def:crs:",16) 
+        || EQUALN(pszDefinition,"urn:x-ogc:def:crs:",18) )
+        return importFromURN( pszDefinition );
+    if( EQUALN(pszDefinition,"AUTO:",5) )
+        return importFromWMSAUTO( pszDefinition );
+    if( EQUALN(pszDefinition,"DICT:",5) 
+        && strstr(pszDefinition,",") )
+    {
+        char *pszFile = CPLStrdup(pszDefinition+5);
+        char *pszCode = strstr(pszFile,",") + 1;
+        pszCode[-1] = '\0';
+        err = importFromDict( pszFile, pszCode );
+        CPLFree( pszFile );
+        if( err == OGRERR_NONE && bESRI )
+            err = morphFromESRI();
+        return err;
+    }
+    if( EQUAL(pszDefinition,"NAD27") 
+        || EQUAL(pszDefinition,"NAD83") 
+        || EQUAL(pszDefinition,"WGS84") 
+        || EQUAL(pszDefinition,"WGS72") )
+    {
+        Clear();
+        return SetWellKnownGeogCS( pszDefinition );
+    }
+    if( strstr(pszDefinition,"+proj") != NULL 
+             || strstr(pszDefinition,"+init") != NULL )
+        return importFromProj4( pszDefinition );
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Try to open it as a file.                                       */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    FILE        *fp;
+    int         nBufMax = 100000;
+    char        *pszBufPtr, *pszBuffer;
+    int         nBytes;
+    fp = VSIFOpen( pszDefinition, "rt" );
+    if( fp == NULL )
+        return OGRERR_CORRUPT_DATA;
+    pszBuffer = (char *) CPLMalloc(nBufMax);
+    nBytes = VSIFRead( pszBuffer, 1, nBufMax-1, fp );
+    VSIFClose( fp );
+    if( nBytes == nBufMax-1 )
+    {
+        CPLDebug( "OGR", 
+                  "OGRSpatialReference::SetFromUserInput(%s), opened file\n"
+                  "but it is to large for our generous buffer.  Is it really\n"
+                  "just a WKT definition?" );
+        CPLFree( pszBuffer );
+        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
+    }
+    pszBuffer[nBytes] = '\0';
+    pszBufPtr = pszBuffer;
+    while( pszBufPtr[0] == ' ' || pszBufPtr[0] == '\n' )
+        pszBufPtr++;
+    if( pszBufPtr[0] == '<' )
+        err = importFromXML( pszBufPtr );
+    else if( strstr(pszBuffer,"+proj") != NULL 
+             || strstr(pszBuffer,"+init") != NULL )
+        err = importFromProj4( pszBufPtr );
+    else
+    {
+        err = importFromWkt( &pszBufPtr );
+        if( err == OGRERR_NONE && bESRI )
+            err = morphFromESRI();
+    }
+    CPLFree( pszBuffer );
+    return err;
+/*                        OSRSetFromUserInput()                         */
+OGRErr CPL_STDCALL OSRSetFromUserInput( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                                        const char *pszDef )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetFromUserInput( pszDef );
+/*                           importFromURN()                            */
+/*                                                                      */
+/*      See OGC recommendation paper 06-023r1 or later for details.     */
+ * Initialize from OGC URN. 
+ *
+ * Initializes this spatial reference from a coordinate system defined
+ * by an OGC URN prefixed with "urn:ogc:def:crs:" per recommendation 
+ * paper 06-023r1.  Currently EPSG and OGC authority values are supported, 
+ * including OGC auto codes, but not including CRS1 or CRS88 (NAVD88). 
+ *
+ * This method is also support through SetFromUserInput() which can
+ * normally be used for URNs.
+ * 
+ * @param pszURN the urn string. 
+ *
+ * @return OGRERR_NONE on success or an error code.
+ */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::importFromURN( const char *pszURN )
+    const char *pszCur = pszURN + 16;
+    if( EQUALN(pszURN,"urn:ogc:def:crs:",16) )
+        pszCur = pszURN + 16;
+    else if( EQUALN(pszURN,"urn:x-ogc:def:crs:",18) )
+        pszCur = pszURN + 18;
+    else
+    {
+        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, 
+                  "URN %s not a supported format.", pszURN );
+        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
+    }
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Find code (ignoring version) out of string like:                */
+/*                                                                      */
+/*      authority:version:code                                          */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    const char *pszAuthority = pszCur;
+    // skip authority
+    while( *pszCur != ':' && *pszCur )
+        pszCur++;
+    if( *pszCur == ':' )
+        pszCur++;
+    // skip version
+    while( *pszCur != ':' && *pszCur )
+        pszCur++;
+    if( *pszCur == ':' )
+        pszCur++;
+    const char *pszCode = pszCur;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Is this an EPSG code?                                           */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    if( EQUALN(pszAuthority,"EPSG:",5) )
+        return importFromEPSG( atoi(pszCode) );
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Is this an OGC code?                                            */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    if( !EQUALN(pszAuthority,"OGC:",4) )
+    {
+        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, 
+                  "URN %s has unrecognised authority.", 
+                  pszURN );
+        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
+    }
+    if( EQUALN(pszCode,"CRS84",5) )
+        return SetWellKnownGeogCS( pszCode );
+    else if( EQUALN(pszCode,"CRS83",5) )
+        return SetWellKnownGeogCS( pszCode );
+    else if( EQUALN(pszCode,"CRS27",5) )
+        return SetWellKnownGeogCS( pszCode );
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Handle auto codes.  We need to convert from format              */
+/*      AUTO42001:99:8888 to format AUTO:42001,99,8888.                 */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    else if( EQUALN(pszCode,"AUTO",4) )
+    {
+        char szWMSAuto[100];
+        int i;
+        if( strlen(pszCode) > sizeof(szWMSAuto)-2 )
+            return OGRERR_FAILURE;
+        strcpy( szWMSAuto, "AUTO:" );
+        strcpy( szWMSAuto + 5, pszCode + 4 );
+        for( i = 5; szWMSAuto[i] != '\0'; i++ )
+        {
+            if( szWMSAuto[i] == ':' )
+                szWMSAuto[i] = ',';
+        }
+        return importFromWMSAUTO( szWMSAuto );
+    }
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Not a recognise OGC item.                                       */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, 
+              "URN %s value not supported.", 
+              pszURN );
+    return OGRERR_FAILURE;
+/*                         importFromWMSAUTO()                          */
+/*                                                                      */
+/*      Note that the WMS 1.3 specification does not include the        */
+/*      units code, while apparently earlier specs do.  We try to       */
+/*      guess around this.                                              */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::importFromWMSAUTO( const char * pszDefinition )
+    char **papszTokens;
+    int nProjId, nUnitsId;
+    double dfRefLong, dfRefLat = 0.0;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Tokenize                                                        */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    if( EQUALN(pszDefinition,"AUTO:",5) )
+        pszDefinition += 5;
+    papszTokens = CSLTokenizeStringComplex( pszDefinition, ",", FALSE, TRUE );
+    if( CSLCount(papszTokens) == 4 )
+    {
+        nProjId = atoi(papszTokens[0]);
+        nUnitsId = atoi(papszTokens[1]);
+        dfRefLong = atof(papszTokens[2]);
+        dfRefLat = atof(papszTokens[3]);
+    }
+    else if( CSLCount(papszTokens) == 3 && atoi(papszTokens[0]) == 42005 )
+    {
+        nProjId = atoi(papszTokens[0]);
+        nUnitsId = atoi(papszTokens[1]);
+        dfRefLong = atof(papszTokens[2]);
+        dfRefLat = 0.0;
+    }
+    else if( CSLCount(papszTokens) == 3 )
+    {
+        nProjId = atoi(papszTokens[0]);
+        nUnitsId = 9001;
+        dfRefLong = atof(papszTokens[1]);
+        dfRefLat = atof(papszTokens[2]);
+    }
+    else if( CSLCount(papszTokens) == 2 && atoi(papszTokens[0]) == 42005 ) 
+    {
+        nProjId = atoi(papszTokens[0]);
+        nUnitsId = 9001;
+        dfRefLong = atof(papszTokens[1]);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        CSLDestroy( papszTokens );
+        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, 
+                  "AUTO projection has wrong number of arguments, expected\n"
+                  "AUTO:proj_id,units_id,ref_long,ref_lat or"
+                  "AUTO:proj_id,ref_long,ref_lat" );
+        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
+    }
+    CSLDestroy( papszTokens );
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Build coordsys.                                                 */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    Clear();
+    switch( nProjId )
+    {
+      case 42001: // Auto UTM
+        SetUTM( (int) floor( (dfRefLong + 180.0) / 6.0 ) + 1, 
+                dfRefLat >= 0.0 );
+        break;
+      case 42002: // Auto TM (strangely very UTM-like).
+        SetTM( 0, dfRefLong, 0.9996, 
+               500000.0, (dfRefLat >= 0.0) ? 0.0 : 10000000.0 );
+        break;
+      case 42003: // Auto Orthographic.
+        SetOrthographic( dfRefLat, dfRefLong, 0.0, 0.0 );
+        break;
+      case 42004: // Auto Equirectangular
+        SetEquirectangular( dfRefLat, dfRefLong, 0.0, 0.0 );
+        break;
+      case 42005:
+        SetMollweide( dfRefLong, 0.0, 0.0 );
+        break;
+      default:
+        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
+                  "Unsupported projection id in importFromWMSAUTO(): %d", 
+                  nProjId );
+        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
+    }
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Set units.                                                      */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    switch( nUnitsId )
+    {
+      case 9001:
+        SetLinearUnits( SRS_UL_METER, 1.0 );
+        break;
+      case 9002:
+        SetLinearUnits( "Foot", 0.3048 );
+        break;
+      case 9003:
+        SetLinearUnits( "US survey foot", 0.304800609601 );
+        break;
+      default:
+        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, 
+                  "Unsupported units code (%d).", 
+                  nUnitsId );
+        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
+        break;
+    }
+    SetAuthority( "PROJCS|UNIT", "EPSG", nUnitsId );
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Set WGS84.                                                      */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    SetWellKnownGeogCS( "WGS84" );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                            GetSemiMajor()                            */
+ * Get spheroid semi major axis.
+ *
+ * This method does the same thing as the C function OSRGetSemiMajor().
+ *
+ * @param pnErr if non-NULL set to OGRERR_FAILURE if semi major axis
+ * can be found. 
+ *
+ * @return semi-major axis, or SRS_WGS84_SEMIMAJOR if it can't be found.
+ */
+double OGRSpatialReference::GetSemiMajor( OGRErr * pnErr ) const
+    const OGR_SRSNode *poSpheroid = GetAttrNode( "SPHEROID" );
+    if( pnErr != NULL )
+        *pnErr = OGRERR_NONE;
+    if( poSpheroid != NULL && poSpheroid->GetChildCount() >= 3 )
+    {
+        return atof( poSpheroid->GetChild(1)->GetValue() );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if( pnErr != NULL )
+            *pnErr = OGRERR_FAILURE;
+        return SRS_WGS84_SEMIMAJOR;
+    }
+/*                          OSRGetSemiMajor()                           */
+double OSRGetSemiMajor( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, OGRErr *pnErr )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->GetSemiMajor( pnErr );
+/*                          GetInvFlattening()                          */
+ * Get spheroid inverse flattening.
+ *
+ * This method does the same thing as the C function OSRGetInvFlattening().
+ *
+ * @param pnErr if non-NULL set to OGRERR_FAILURE if no inverse flattening 
+ * can be found. 
+ *
+ * @return inverse flattening, or SRS_WGS84_INVFLATTENING if it can't be found.
+ */
+double OGRSpatialReference::GetInvFlattening( OGRErr * pnErr ) const
+    const OGR_SRSNode *poSpheroid = GetAttrNode( "SPHEROID" );
+    if( pnErr != NULL )
+        *pnErr = OGRERR_NONE;
+    if( poSpheroid != NULL && poSpheroid->GetChildCount() >= 3 )
+    {
+        return atof( poSpheroid->GetChild(2)->GetValue() );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if( pnErr != NULL )
+            *pnErr = OGRERR_FAILURE;
+        return SRS_WGS84_INVFLATTENING;
+    }
+/*                        OSRGetInvFlattening()                         */
+double OSRGetInvFlattening( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, OGRErr *pnErr )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->GetInvFlattening( pnErr );
+/*                            GetSemiMinor()                            */
+ * Get spheroid semi minor axis.
+ *
+ * This method does the same thing as the C function OSRGetSemiMinor().
+ *
+ * @param pnErr if non-NULL set to OGRERR_FAILURE if semi minor axis
+ * can be found. 
+ *
+ * @return semi-minor axis, or WGS84 semi minor if it can't be found.
+ */
+double OGRSpatialReference::GetSemiMinor( OGRErr * pnErr ) const
+    double      dfInvFlattening, dfSemiMajor;
+    dfSemiMajor = GetSemiMajor( pnErr );
+    dfInvFlattening = GetInvFlattening( pnErr );
+    if( ABS(dfInvFlattening) < 0.000000000001 )
+        return dfSemiMajor;
+    else
+        return dfSemiMajor * (1.0 - 1.0/dfInvFlattening);
+/*                          OSRGetSemiMinor()                           */
+double OSRGetSemiMinor( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, OGRErr *pnErr )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->GetSemiMinor( pnErr );
+/*                             SetLocalCS()                             */
+ * Set the user visible LOCAL_CS name.
+ *
+ * This method is the same as the C function OSRSetLocalCS(). 
+ *
+ * This method is will ensure a LOCAL_CS node is created as the root, 
+ * and set the provided name on it.  It must be used before SetLinearUnits().
+ *
+ * @param pszName the user visible name to assign.  Not used as a key.
+ * 
+ * @return OGRERR_NONE on success.
+ */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetLocalCS( const char * pszName )
+    OGR_SRSNode *poCS = GetAttrNode( "LOCAL_CS" );
+    if( poCS == NULL && GetRoot() != NULL )
+    {
+        CPLDebug( "OGR", 
+                  "OGRSpatialReference::SetLocalCS(%s) failed.\n"
+               "It appears an incompatible root node (%s) already exists.\n",
+                  GetRoot()->GetValue() );
+        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        SetNode( "LOCAL_CS", pszName );
+        return OGRERR_NONE;
+    }
+/*                           OSRSetLocalCS()                            */
+OGRErr OSRSetLocalCS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, const char * pszName )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetLocalCS( pszName );
+/*                             SetProjCS()                              */
+ * Set the user visible PROJCS name.
+ *
+ * This method is the same as the C function OSRSetProjCS(). 
+ *
+ * This method is will ensure a PROJCS node is created as the root, 
+ * and set the provided name on it.  If used on a GEOGCS coordinate system, 
+ * the GEOGCS node will be demoted to be a child of the new PROJCS root.
+ *
+ * @param pszName the user visible name to assign.  Not used as a key.
+ * 
+ * @return OGRERR_NONE on success.
+ */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetProjCS( const char * pszName )
+    OGR_SRSNode *poGeogCS = NULL;
+    OGR_SRSNode *poProjCS = GetAttrNode( "PROJCS" );
+    if( poRoot != NULL && EQUAL(poRoot->GetValue(),"GEOGCS") )
+    {
+        poGeogCS = poRoot;
+        poRoot = NULL;
+    }
+    if( poProjCS == NULL && GetRoot() != NULL )
+    {
+        CPLDebug( "OGR", 
+                  "OGRSpatialReference::SetProjCS(%s) failed.\n"
+               "It appears an incompatible root node (%s) already exists.\n",
+                  GetRoot()->GetValue() );
+        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
+    }
+    SetNode( "PROJCS", pszName );
+    if( poGeogCS != NULL )
+        poRoot->InsertChild( poGeogCS, 1 );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                            OSRSetProjCS()                            */
+OGRErr OSRSetProjCS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, const char * pszName )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetProjCS( pszName );
+/*                           SetProjection()                            */
+ * Set a projection name.
+ *
+ * This method is the same as the C function OSRSetProjection().
+ *
+ * @param pszProjection the projection name, which should be selected from
+ * the macros in ogr_srs_api.h, such as SRS_PT_TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR. 
+ *
+ * @return OGRERR_NONE on success.
+ */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetProjection( const char * pszProjection )
+    OGR_SRSNode *poGeogCS = NULL;
+    OGRErr eErr;
+    if( poRoot != NULL && EQUAL(poRoot->GetValue(),"GEOGCS") )
+    {
+        poGeogCS = poRoot;
+        poRoot = NULL;
+    }
+    if( !GetAttrNode( "PROJCS" ) )
+    {
+        SetNode( "PROJCS", "unnamed" );
+    }
+    eErr = SetNode( "PROJCS|PROJECTION", pszProjection );
+    if( eErr != OGRERR_NONE )
+        return eErr;
+    if( poGeogCS != NULL )
+        poRoot->InsertChild( poGeogCS, 1 );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                            OSRSetProjection()                        */
+OGRErr OSRSetProjection( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
+                         const char * pszProjection )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetProjection( pszProjection );
+/*                            SetProjParm()                             */
+ * Set a projection parameter value.
+ *
+ * Adds a new PARAMETER under the PROJCS with the indicated name and value.
+ *
+ * This method is the same as the C function OSRSetProjParm().
+ *
+ * Please check http://www.remotesensing.org/geotiff/proj_list pages for
+ * legal parameter names for specific projections.
+ *
+ * 
+ * @param pszParmName the parameter name, which should be selected from
+ * the macros in ogr_srs_api.h, such as SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN. 
+ *
+ * @param dfValue value to assign. 
+ * 
+ * @return OGRERR_NONE on success.
+ */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetProjParm( const char * pszParmName,
+                                         double dfValue )
+    OGR_SRSNode *poPROJCS = GetAttrNode( "PROJCS" );
+    OGR_SRSNode *poParm;
+    char        szValue[64];
+    if( poPROJCS == NULL )
+        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
+    OGRPrintDouble( szValue, dfValue );
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Try to find existing parameter with this name.                  */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    for( int iChild = 0; iChild < poPROJCS->GetChildCount(); iChild++ )
+    {
+        poParm = poPROJCS->GetChild( iChild );
+        if( EQUAL(poParm->GetValue(),"PARAMETER")
+            && poParm->GetChildCount() == 2 
+            && EQUAL(poParm->GetChild(0)->GetValue(),pszParmName) )
+        {
+            poParm->GetChild(1)->SetValue( szValue );
+            return OGRERR_NONE;
+        }
+    }
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Otherwise create a new parameter and append.                    */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    poParm = new OGR_SRSNode( "PARAMETER" );
+    poParm->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( pszParmName ) );
+    poParm->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( szValue ) );
+    poPROJCS->AddChild( poParm );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                           OSRSetProjParm()                           */
+OGRErr OSRSetProjParm( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                       const char * pszParmName, double dfValue )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetProjParm( pszParmName, dfValue );
+/*                            GetProjParm()                             */
+ * Fetch a projection parameter value.
+ *
+ * NOTE: This code should be modified to translate non degree angles into
+ * degrees based on the GEOGCS unit.  This has not yet been done.
+ *
+ * This method is the same as the C function OSRGetProjParm().
+ *
+ * @param pszName the name of the parameter to fetch, from the set of 
+ * SRS_PP codes in ogr_srs_api.h.
+ *
+ * @param dfDefaultValue the value to return if this parameter doesn't exist.
+ *
+ * @param pnErr place to put error code on failure.  Ignored if NULL.
+ *
+ * @return value of parameter.
+ */
+double OGRSpatialReference::GetProjParm( const char * pszName,
+                                         double dfDefaultValue,
+                                         OGRErr *pnErr ) const
+    const OGR_SRSNode *poPROJCS = GetAttrNode( "PROJCS" );
+    const OGR_SRSNode *poParameter = NULL;
+    if( pnErr != NULL )
+        *pnErr = OGRERR_NONE;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Search for requested parameter.                                 */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    if( poPROJCS != NULL )
+    {
+        for( int iChild = 0; iChild < poPROJCS->GetChildCount(); iChild++ )
+        {
+            poParameter = poPROJCS->GetChild(iChild);
+            if( EQUAL(poParameter->GetValue(),"PARAMETER")
+                && poParameter->GetChildCount() == 2 
+                && EQUAL(poPROJCS->GetChild(iChild)->GetChild(0)->GetValue(),
+                         pszName) )
+            {
+                return atof(poParameter->GetChild(1)->GetValue());
+            }
+        }
+    }
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Try similar names, for selected parameters.                     */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    double      dfValue;
+    OGRErr      nSubErr;
+    {
+        dfValue = GetProjParm(SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_CENTER,0.0,&nSubErr);
+        if( nSubErr == OGRERR_NONE )
+            return dfValue;
+    }
+    else if( EQUAL(pszName,SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN) )
+    {
+        dfValue = GetProjParm(SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_CENTER,0.0,&nSubErr);
+        if( nSubErr != OGRERR_NONE )
+            dfValue = GetProjParm(SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_ORIGIN,0.0,&nSubErr);
+        if( nSubErr == OGRERR_NONE )
+            return dfValue;
+    }
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Return default value on failure.                                */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    if( pnErr != NULL )
+        *pnErr = OGRERR_FAILURE;
+    return dfDefaultValue;
+/*                           OSRGetProjParm()                           */
+double OSRGetProjParm( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, const char *pszName,
+                       double dfDefaultValue, OGRErr *pnErr )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->
+        GetProjParm(pszName, dfDefaultValue, pnErr);
+/*                          GetNormProjParm()                           */
+ * Fetch a normalized projection parameter value.                      
+ *
+ * This method is the same as GetProjParm() except that the value of
+ * the parameter is "normalized" into degrees or meters depending on 
+ * whether it is linear or angular.
+ *
+ * This method is the same as the C function OSRGetNormProjParm().
+ *
+ * @param pszName the name of the parameter to fetch, from the set of 
+ * SRS_PP codes in ogr_srs_api.h.
+ *
+ * @param dfDefaultValue the value to return if this parameter doesn't exist.
+ *
+ * @param pnErr place to put error code on failure.  Ignored if NULL.
+ *
+ * @return value of parameter.
+ */
+double OGRSpatialReference::GetNormProjParm( const char * pszName,
+                                             double dfDefaultValue,
+                                             OGRErr *pnErr ) const
+    double dfRawResult;
+    OGRErr nError;
+    if( pnErr == NULL )
+        pnErr = &nError;
+    GetNormInfo();
+    dfRawResult = GetProjParm( pszName, dfDefaultValue, pnErr );
+    // If we got the default just return it unadjusted.
+    if( *pnErr != OGRERR_NONE )
+        return dfRawResult;
+    if( dfToDegrees != 1.0 && IsAngularParameter(pszName) )
+        dfRawResult *= dfToDegrees;
+    if( dfToMeter != 1.0 && IsLinearParameter( pszName ) )
+        return dfRawResult * dfToMeter;
+    else if( dfFromGreenwich != 0.0 && IsLongitudeParameter( pszName ) )
+        return dfRawResult + dfFromGreenwich;
+    else
+        return dfRawResult;
+/*                         OSRGetNormProjParm()                         */
+double OSRGetNormProjParm( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, const char *pszName,
+                           double dfDefaultValue, OGRErr *pnErr )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->
+        GetNormProjParm(pszName, dfDefaultValue, pnErr);
+/*                          SetNormProjParm()                           */
+ * Set a projection parameter with a normalized value.
+ *
+ * This method is the same as SetProjParm() except that the value of
+ * the parameter passed in is assumed to be in "normalized" form (decimal
+ * degrees for angular values, meters for linear values.  The values are 
+ * converted in a form suitable for the GEOGCS and linear units in effect.
+ *
+ * This method is the same as the C function OSRSetNormProjParm().
+ *
+ * @param pszName the parameter name, which should be selected from
+ * the macros in ogr_srs_api.h, such as SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN. 
+ *
+ * @param dfValue value to assign. 
+ * 
+ * @return OGRERR_NONE on success.
+ */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetNormProjParm( const char * pszName,
+                                             double dfValue )
+    GetNormInfo();
+    if( (dfToDegrees != 1.0 || dfFromGreenwich != 0.0) 
+        && IsAngularParameter(pszName) )
+    {
+        if( dfFromGreenwich != 0.0 && IsLongitudeParameter( pszName ) )
+            dfValue -= dfFromGreenwich;
+        dfValue /= dfToDegrees;
+    }
+    else if( dfToMeter != 1.0 && IsLinearParameter( pszName ) )
+        dfValue /= dfToMeter;
+    return SetProjParm( pszName, dfValue );
+/*                         OSRSetNormProjParm()                         */
+OGRErr OSRSetNormProjParm( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                           const char * pszParmName, double dfValue )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->
+        SetNormProjParm( pszParmName, dfValue );
+/*                               SetTM()                                */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetTM( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                                   double dfScale,
+                                   double dfFalseEasting,
+                                   double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfCenterLat );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCenterLong );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR, dfScale );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                              OSRSetTM()                              */
+OGRErr OSRSetTM( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                 double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                 double dfScale,
+                 double dfFalseEasting,
+                 double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetTM( 
+        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
+        dfScale, 
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                            SetTMVariant()                            */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetTMVariant( 
+    const char *pszVariantName,
+    double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+    double dfScale,
+    double dfFalseEasting,
+    double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetProjection( pszVariantName );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfCenterLat );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCenterLong );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR, dfScale );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                          OSRSetTMVariant()                           */
+OGRErr OSRSetTMVariant( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                        const char *pszVariantName,
+                        double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                        double dfScale,
+                        double dfFalseEasting,
+                        double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetTMVariant( 
+        pszVariantName,
+        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
+        dfScale, 
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                              SetTMSO()                               */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetTMSO( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                                     double dfScale,
+                                     double dfFalseEasting,
+                                     double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfCenterLat );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCenterLong );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR, dfScale );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                              SetTPED()                               */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetTPED( double dfLat1, double dfLong1, 
+                                     double dfLat2, double dfLong2,
+                                     double dfFalseEasting,
+                                     double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_1ST_POINT, dfLat1 );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_1ST_POINT, dfLong1 );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_2ND_POINT, dfLat2 );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_2ND_POINT, dfLong2 );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                             OSRSetTMSO()                             */
+OGRErr OSRSetTMSO( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                 double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                 double dfScale,
+                 double dfFalseEasting,
+                 double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetTMSO( 
+        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
+        dfScale, 
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                               SetTMG()                               */
+OGRSpatialReference::SetTMG( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                             double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetProjection( SRS_PT_TUNISIA_MINING_GRID );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfCenterLat );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCenterLong );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                             OSRSetTMG()                              */
+OGRErr OSRSetTMG( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                 double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                 double dfFalseEasting,
+                 double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetTMG( 
+        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                              SetACEA()                               */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetACEA( double dfStdP1, double dfStdP2,
+                                     double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                                     double dfFalseEasting,
+                                     double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1, dfStdP1 );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_2, dfStdP2 );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfCenterLat );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfCenterLong );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                             OSRSetACEA()                             */
+OGRErr OSRSetACEA( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                   double dfStdP1, double dfStdP2,
+                   double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                   double dfFalseEasting,
+                   double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetACEA( 
+        dfStdP1, dfStdP2, 
+        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                               SetAE()                                */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetAE( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                                   double dfFalseEasting,
+                                   double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfCenterLat );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfCenterLong );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                              OSRSetAE()                              */
+OGRErr OSRSetAE( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                 double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                 double dfFalseEasting,
+                 double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetAE( 
+        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                              SetBonne()                              */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetBonne( 
+    double dfStdP1, double dfCentralMeridian,
+    double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetProjection( SRS_PT_BONNE );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1, dfStdP1 );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCentralMeridian );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                            OSRSetBonne()                             */
+OGRErr OSRSetBonne( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                    double dfStandardParallel, double dfCentralMeridian,
+                    double dfFalseEasting,
+                    double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetAE( 
+        dfStandardParallel, dfCentralMeridian,
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                               SetCEA()                               */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetCEA( double dfStdP1, double dfCentralMeridian,
+                                    double dfFalseEasting,
+                                    double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1, dfStdP1 );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCentralMeridian );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                             OSRSetCEA()                              */
+OGRErr OSRSetCEA( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                  double dfStdP1, double dfCentralMeridian,
+                  double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetCEA( 
+        dfStdP1, dfCentralMeridian,
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                               SetCS()                                */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetCS( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                                   double dfFalseEasting,
+                                   double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetProjection( SRS_PT_CASSINI_SOLDNER );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfCenterLat );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCenterLong );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                              OSRSetCS()                              */
+OGRErr OSRSetCS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                 double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                 double dfFalseEasting,
+                 double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetCS( 
+        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                               SetEC()                                */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetEC( double dfStdP1, double dfStdP2,
+                                   double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                                   double dfFalseEasting,
+                                   double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetProjection( SRS_PT_EQUIDISTANT_CONIC );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1, dfStdP1 );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_2, dfStdP2 );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfCenterLat );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfCenterLong );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                              OSRSetEC()                              */
+OGRErr OSRSetEC( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                 double dfStdP1, double dfStdP2,
+                 double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                 double dfFalseEasting,
+                 double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetEC( 
+        dfStdP1, dfStdP2, 
+        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                            SetEckertIV()                             */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetEckertIV( double dfCentralMeridian,
+                                         double dfFalseEasting,
+                                         double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetProjection( SRS_PT_ECKERT_IV );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCentralMeridian );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                           OSRSetEckertIV()                           */
+OGRErr OSRSetEckertIV( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                       double dfCentralMeridian,
+                       double dfFalseEasting,
+                       double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetEckertIV( 
+        dfCentralMeridian,
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                            SetEckertVI()                             */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetEckertVI( double dfCentralMeridian,
+                                         double dfFalseEasting,
+                                         double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetProjection( SRS_PT_ECKERT_VI );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCentralMeridian );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                           OSRSetEckertVI()                           */
+OGRErr OSRSetEckertVI( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                       double dfCentralMeridian,
+                       double dfFalseEasting,
+                       double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetEckertVI( 
+        dfCentralMeridian,
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                         SetEquirectangular()                         */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetEquirectangular(
+                                   double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                                   double dfFalseEasting,
+                                   double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetProjection( SRS_PT_EQUIRECTANGULAR );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfCenterLat );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCenterLong );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                       OSRSetEquirectangular()                        */
+OGRErr OSRSetEquirectangular( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                              double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                              double dfFalseEasting,
+                              double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetEquirectangular( 
+        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                               SetGS()                                */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetGS( double dfCentralMeridian,
+                                   double dfFalseEasting,
+                                   double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetProjection( SRS_PT_GALL_STEREOGRAPHIC );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCentralMeridian );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                              OSRSetGS()                              */
+OGRErr OSRSetGS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                 double dfCentralMeridian,
+                 double dfFalseEasting,
+                 double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetGS( 
+        dfCentralMeridian,
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                               SetGH()                                */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetGH( double dfCentralMeridian,
+                                   double dfFalseEasting,
+                                   double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetProjection( SRS_PT_GOODE_HOMOLOSINE );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCentralMeridian );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                              OSRSetGH()                              */
+OGRErr OSRSetGH( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                 double dfCentralMeridian,
+                 double dfFalseEasting,
+                 double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetGH( 
+        dfCentralMeridian,
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                              SetGEOS()                               */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetGEOS( double dfCentralMeridian,
+                                     double dfSatelliteHeight,
+                                     double dfFalseEasting,
+                                     double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCentralMeridian );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_SATELLITE_HEIGHT, dfSatelliteHeight );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                              OSRSetGEOS()                             */
+OGRErr OSRSetGEOS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                   double dfCentralMeridian,
+                   double dfSatelliteHeight,
+                   double dfFalseEasting,
+                   double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetGEOS( 
+        dfCentralMeridian, dfSatelliteHeight,
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                            SetGnomonic()                             */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetGnomonic(
+                                   double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                                   double dfFalseEasting,
+                                   double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetProjection( SRS_PT_GNOMONIC );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfCenterLat );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCenterLong );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                           OSRSetGnomonic()                           */
+OGRErr OSRSetGnomonic( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                       double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                       double dfFalseEasting,
+                       double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetGnomonic( 
+        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                               SetHOM()                               */
+ * Set a Hotine Oblique Mercator projection using azimuth angle.
+ *
+ * This method does the same thing as the C function OSRSetHOM().
+ *
+ * @param dfCenterLat Latitude of the projection origin.
+ * @param dfCenterLong Longitude of the projection origin.
+ * @param dfAzimuth Azimuth, measured clockwise from North, of the projection
+ * centerline.
+ * @param dfRectToSkew ?.
+ * @param dfScale Scale factor applies to the projection origin.
+ * @param dfFalseEasting False easting.
+ * @param dfFalseNorthing False northing.
+ *
+ * @return OGRERR_NONE on success.
+ */ 
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetHOM( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                                    double dfAzimuth, double dfRectToSkew,
+                                    double dfScale,
+                                    double dfFalseEasting,
+                                    double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfCenterLat );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfCenterLong );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_AZIMUTH, dfAzimuth );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_RECTIFIED_GRID_ANGLE, dfRectToSkew );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR, dfScale );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                             OSRSetHOM()                              */
+OGRErr OSRSetHOM( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                  double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                  double dfAzimuth, double dfRectToSkew, 
+                  double dfScale,
+                  double dfFalseEasting,
+                  double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetHOM( 
+        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
+        dfAzimuth, dfRectToSkew, 
+        dfScale,
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                             SetHOM2PNO()                             */
+ * Set a Hotine Oblique Mercator projection using two points on projection
+ * centerline.
+ *
+ * This method does the same thing as the C function OSRSetHOM2PNO().
+ *
+ * @param dfCenterLat Latitude of the projection origin.
+ * @param dfLat1 Latitude of the first point on center line.
+ * @param dfLong1 Longitude of the first point on center line.
+ * @param dfLat2 Latitude of the second point on center line.
+ * @param dfLong2 Longitude of the second point on center line.
+ * @param dfScale Scale factor applies to the projection origin.
+ * @param dfFalseEasting False easting.
+ * @param dfFalseNorthing False northing.
+ *
+ * @return OGRERR_NONE on success.
+ */ 
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetHOM2PNO( double dfCenterLat,
+                                        double dfLat1, double dfLong1,
+                                        double dfLat2, double dfLong2,
+                                        double dfScale,
+                                        double dfFalseEasting,
+                                        double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfCenterLat );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_POINT_1, dfLat1 );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_POINT_1, dfLong1 );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_POINT_2, dfLat2 );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_POINT_2, dfLong2 );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR, dfScale );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                           OSRSetHOM2PNO()                            */
+OGRErr OSRSetHOM2PNO( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                      double dfCenterLat,
+                      double dfLat1, double dfLong1,
+                      double dfLat2, double dfLong2,
+                      double dfScale,
+                      double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetHOM2PNO( 
+        dfCenterLat,
+        dfLat1, dfLong1,
+        dfLat2, dfLong2,
+        dfScale,
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                             SetKrovak()                              */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetKrovak( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                                       double dfAzimuth, 
+                                       double dfPseudoStdParallel1,
+                                       double dfScale,
+                                       double dfFalseEasting,
+                                       double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetProjection( SRS_PT_KROVAK );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfCenterLat );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfCenterLong );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_AZIMUTH, dfAzimuth );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_PSEUDO_STD_PARALLEL_1, dfPseudoStdParallel1 );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR, dfScale );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                            OSRSetKrovak()                            */
+OGRErr OSRSetKrovak( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                     double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                     double dfAzimuth, double dfPseudoStdParallel1,
+                     double dfScale,
+                     double dfFalseEasting,
+                     double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetKrovak( 
+        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
+        dfAzimuth, dfPseudoStdParallel1,
+        dfScale,
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                              SetLAEA()                               */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetLAEA( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                                   double dfFalseEasting,
+                                   double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfCenterLat );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfCenterLong );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                             OSRSetLAEA()                             */
+OGRErr OSRSetLAEA( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                   double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                   double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetLAEA( 
+        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                               SetLCC()                               */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetLCC( double dfStdP1, double dfStdP2,
+                                    double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                                    double dfFalseEasting,
+                                    double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1, dfStdP1 );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_2, dfStdP2 );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfCenterLat );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCenterLong );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                             OSRSetLCC()                              */
+OGRErr OSRSetLCC( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                  double dfStdP1, double dfStdP2, 
+                  double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                  double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetLCC( 
+        dfStdP1, dfStdP2, 
+        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                             SetLCC1SP()                              */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetLCC1SP( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                                       double dfScale,
+                                       double dfFalseEasting,
+                                       double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfCenterLat );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCenterLong );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR, dfScale );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                            OSRSetLCC1SP()                            */
+OGRErr OSRSetLCC1SP( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                     double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                     double dfScale,
+                     double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetLCC1SP( 
+        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
+        dfScale,
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                              SetLCCB()                               */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetLCCB( double dfStdP1, double dfStdP2,
+                                     double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                                     double dfFalseEasting,
+                                     double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1, dfStdP1 );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_2, dfStdP2 );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfCenterLat );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCenterLong );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                             OSRSetLCCB()                             */
+OGRErr OSRSetLCCB( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                   double dfStdP1, double dfStdP2, 
+                   double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                   double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetLCCB( 
+        dfStdP1, dfStdP2, 
+        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                               SetMC()                                */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetMC( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                                   double dfFalseEasting,
+                                   double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetProjection( SRS_PT_MILLER_CYLINDRICAL );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfCenterLat );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfCenterLong );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                              OSRSetMC()                              */
+OGRErr OSRSetMC( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                 double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                 double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetMC( 
+        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                            SetMercator()                             */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetMercator( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                                         double dfScale,
+                                         double dfFalseEasting,
+                                         double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetProjection( SRS_PT_MERCATOR_1SP );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfCenterLat );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCenterLong );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR, dfScale );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                           OSRSetMercator()                           */
+OGRErr OSRSetMercator( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                       double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                       double dfScale,
+                       double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetMercator( 
+        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
+        dfScale,
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                           SetMercator2SP()                           */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetMercator2SP( 
+    double dfStdP1, 
+    double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+    double dfFalseEasting,
+    double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetProjection( SRS_PT_MERCATOR_2SP );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_STANDARD_PARALLEL_1, dfStdP1 );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfCenterLat );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCenterLong );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                         OSRSetMercator2SP()                          */
+OGRErr OSRSetMercator2SP( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                          double dfStdP1,
+                          double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                          double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetMercator2SP( 
+        dfStdP1, 
+        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                            SetMollweide()                            */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetMollweide( double dfCentralMeridian,
+                                          double dfFalseEasting,
+                                          double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetProjection( SRS_PT_MOLLWEIDE );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCentralMeridian );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                          OSRSetMollweide()                           */
+OGRErr OSRSetMollweide( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                        double dfCentralMeridian,
+                        double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetMollweide( 
+        dfCentralMeridian,
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                              SetNZMG()                               */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetNZMG( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                                     double dfFalseEasting,
+                                     double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetProjection( SRS_PT_NEW_ZEALAND_MAP_GRID );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfCenterLat );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCenterLong );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                             OSRSetNZMG()                             */
+OGRErr OSRSetNZMG( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                   double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                   double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetNZMG( 
+        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                               SetOS()                                */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetOS( double dfOriginLat, double dfCMeridian,
+                                   double dfScale,
+                                   double dfFalseEasting,
+                                   double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfOriginLat );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCMeridian );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR, dfScale );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                              OSRSetOS()                              */
+OGRErr OSRSetOS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                 double dfOriginLat, double dfCMeridian,
+                 double dfScale,
+                 double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetOS( 
+        dfOriginLat, dfCMeridian,
+        dfScale,
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                          SetOrthographic()                           */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetOrthographic(
+                                double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                                double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetProjection( SRS_PT_ORTHOGRAPHIC );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfCenterLat );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCenterLong );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                         OSRSetOrthographic()                         */
+OGRErr OSRSetOrthographic( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                           double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                           double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetOrthographic( 
+        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                            SetPolyconic()                            */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetPolyconic(
+                                double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                                double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
+    // note: it seems that by some definitions this should include a
+    //       scale_factor parameter.
+    SetProjection( SRS_PT_POLYCONIC );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfCenterLat );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCenterLong );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                          OSRSetPolyconic()                           */
+OGRErr OSRSetPolyconic( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                        double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                        double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetPolyconic( 
+        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                               SetPS()                                */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetPS(
+                                double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                                double dfScale,
+                                double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfCenterLat );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCenterLong );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR, dfScale );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                              OSRSetPS()                              */
+OGRErr OSRSetPS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                 double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong,
+                 double dfScale,
+                 double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetPS( 
+        dfCenterLat, dfCenterLong, 
+        dfScale,
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                            SetRobinson()                             */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetRobinson( double dfCenterLong,
+                                         double dfFalseEasting,
+                                         double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetProjection( SRS_PT_ROBINSON );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfCenterLong );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                           OSRSetRobinson()                           */
+OGRErr OSRSetRobinson( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                        double dfCenterLong,
+                        double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetRobinson( 
+        dfCenterLong, 
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                           SetSinusoidal()                            */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetSinusoidal( double dfCenterLong,
+                                           double dfFalseEasting,
+                                           double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetProjection( SRS_PT_SINUSOIDAL );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LONGITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfCenterLong );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                          OSRSetSinusoidal()                          */
+OGRErr OSRSetSinusoidal( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                         double dfCenterLong,
+                         double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetSinusoidal( 
+        dfCenterLong, 
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                          SetStereographic()                          */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetStereographic(
+                            double dfOriginLat, double dfCMeridian,
+                            double dfScale,
+                            double dfFalseEasting,
+                            double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetProjection( SRS_PT_STEREOGRAPHIC );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, dfOriginLat );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCMeridian );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR, dfScale );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                        OSRSetStereographic()                         */
+OGRErr OSRSetStereographic( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                            double dfOriginLat, double dfCMeridian,
+                            double dfScale,
+                            double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetStereographic( 
+        dfOriginLat, dfCMeridian,
+        dfScale,
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                               SetSOC()                               */
+/*                                                                      */
+/*      NOTE: This definition isn't really used in practice any more    */
+/*      and should be considered deprecated.  It seems that swiss       */
+/*      oblique mercator is now define as Hotine_Oblique_Mercator       */
+/*      with an azimuth of 90 and a rectified_grid_angle of 90.  See    */
+/*      EPSG:2056 and Bug 423.                                          */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetSOC( double dfLatitudeOfOrigin, 
+                                    double dfCentralMeridian,
+                                    double dfFalseEasting,
+                                    double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_CENTER, dfLatitudeOfOrigin );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCentralMeridian );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                             OSRSetSOC()                              */
+OGRErr OSRSetSOC( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                  double dfLatitudeOfOrigin, double dfCentralMeridian,
+                  double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetSOC( 
+        dfLatitudeOfOrigin, dfCentralMeridian,
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                               SetVDG()                               */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetVDG( double dfCMeridian,
+                                    double dfFalseEasting,
+                                    double dfFalseNorthing )
+    SetProjection( SRS_PT_VANDERGRINTEN );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, dfCMeridian );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, dfFalseEasting );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, dfFalseNorthing );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                             OSRSetVDG()                              */
+OGRErr OSRSetVDG( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                  double dfCentralMeridian,
+                  double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetVDG( 
+        dfCentralMeridian,
+        dfFalseEasting, dfFalseNorthing );
+/*                               SetUTM()                               */
+ * Set UTM projection definition.
+ *
+ * This will generate a projection definition with the full set of 
+ * transverse mercator projection parameters for the given UTM zone.
+ * If no PROJCS[] description is set yet, one will be set to look
+ * like "UTM Zone %d, {Northern, Southern} Hemisphere". 
+ *
+ * This method is the same as the C function OSRSetUTM().
+ *
+ * @param nZone UTM zone.
+ *
+ * @param bNorth TRUE for northern hemisphere, or FALSE for southern 
+ * hemisphere. 
+ * 
+ * @return OGRERR_NONE on success. 
+ */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetUTM( int nZone, int bNorth )
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, 0 );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, nZone * 6 - 183 );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR, 0.9996 );
+    SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, 500000.0 );
+    if( bNorth )
+        SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, 0 );
+    else
+        SetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, 10000000 );
+    if( EQUAL(GetAttrValue("PROJCS"),"unnamed") )
+    {
+        char    szUTMName[128];
+        if( bNorth )
+            sprintf( szUTMName, "UTM Zone %d, Northern Hemisphere", nZone );
+        else
+            sprintf( szUTMName, "UTM Zone %d, Southern Hemisphere", nZone );
+        SetNode( "PROJCS", szUTMName );
+    }
+    SetLinearUnits( SRS_UL_METER, 1.0 );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                             OSRSetUTM()                              */
+OGRErr OSRSetUTM( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, int nZone, int bNorth )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetUTM( nZone, bNorth );
+/*                             GetUTMZone()                             */
+/*                                                                      */
+/*      Returns zero if it isn't UTM.                                   */
+ * Get utm zone information.
+ *
+ * This is the same as the C function OSRGetUTMZone().
+ *
+ * @param pbNorth pointer to in to set to TRUE if northern hemisphere, or
+ * FALSE if southern. 
+ * 
+ * @return UTM zone number or zero if this isn't a UTM definition. 
+ */
+int OGRSpatialReference::GetUTMZone( int * pbNorth ) const
+    const char  *pszProjection = GetAttrValue( "PROJECTION" );
+    if( pszProjection == NULL )
+        return 0;
+    if( !EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR) &&
+        !EQUAL(pszProjection,SRS_PT_TM) )
+        return 0;
+    if( GetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN, 0.0 ) != 0.0 )
+        return 0;
+    if( GetProjParm( SRS_PP_SCALE_FACTOR, 1.0 ) != 0.9996 )
+        return 0;
+    if( fabs(GetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_EASTING, 0.0 )-500000.0) > 0.001 )
+        return 0;
+    double      dfFalseNorthing = GetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_FALSE_NORTHING, 0.0);
+    if( dfFalseNorthing != 0.0 
+        && fabs(dfFalseNorthing-10000000.0) > 0.001 )
+        return 0;
+    if( pbNorth != NULL )
+        *pbNorth = (dfFalseNorthing == 0);
+    double      dfCentralMeridian = GetNormProjParm( SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, 
+                                                     0.0);
+    double      dfZone = (dfCentralMeridian+183) / 6.0 + 0.000000001;
+    if( ABS(dfZone - (int) dfZone) > 0.00001
+        || dfCentralMeridian < -177.00001
+        || dfCentralMeridian > 177.000001 )
+        return 0;
+    else
+        return (int) dfZone;
+/*                           OSRGetUTMZone()                            */
+int OSRGetUTMZone( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, int *pbNorth )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->GetUTMZone( pbNorth );
+/*                            SetAuthority()                            */
+ * Set the authority for a node.
+ *
+ * This method is the same as the C function OSRSetAuthority().
+ *
+ * @param pszTargetKey the partial or complete path to the node to 
+ * set an authority on.  ie. "PROJCS", "GEOGCS" or "GEOGCS|UNIT".
+ *
+ * @param pszAuthority authority name, such as "EPSG".
+ *
+ * @param nCode code for value with this authority.
+ *
+ * @return OGRERR_NONE on success.
+ */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetAuthority( const char *pszTargetKey,
+                                          const char * pszAuthority, 
+                                          int nCode )
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Find the node below which the authority should be put.          */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    OGR_SRSNode  *poNode = GetAttrNode( pszTargetKey );
+    if( poNode == NULL )
+        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      If there is an existing AUTHORITY child blow it away before     */
+/*      trying to set a new one.                                        */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    int iOldChild = poNode->FindChild( "AUTHORITY" );
+    if( iOldChild != -1 )
+        poNode->DestroyChild( iOldChild );
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Create a new authority node.                                    */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    char   szCode[32];
+    OGR_SRSNode *poAuthNode;
+    sprintf( szCode, "%d", nCode );
+    poAuthNode = new OGR_SRSNode( "AUTHORITY" );
+    poAuthNode->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( pszAuthority ) );
+    poAuthNode->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( szCode ) );
+    poNode->AddChild( poAuthNode );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                          OSRSetAuthority()                           */
+OGRErr OSRSetAuthority( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                        const char *pszTargetKey,
+                        const char * pszAuthority, 
+                        int nCode )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetAuthority( pszTargetKey, 
+                                                         pszAuthority,
+                                                         nCode );
+/*                          GetAuthorityCode()                          */
+ * Get the authority code for a node.
+ *
+ * This method is used to query an AUTHORITY[] node from within the 
+ * WKT tree, and fetch the code value.  
+ *
+ * While in theory values may be non-numeric, for the EPSG authority all
+ * code values should be integral.
+ *
+ * This method is the same as the C function OSRGetAuthorityCode().
+ *
+ * @param pszTargetKey the partial or complete path to the node to 
+ * get an authority from.  ie. "PROJCS", "GEOGCS", "GEOGCS|UNIT" or NULL to 
+ * search for an authority node on the root element.
+ *
+ * @return value code from authority node, or NULL on failure.  The value
+ * returned is internal and should not be freed or modified.
+ */
+const char *
+OGRSpatialReference::GetAuthorityCode( const char *pszTargetKey ) const
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Find the node below which the authority should be put.          */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    const OGR_SRSNode  *poNode;
+    if( pszTargetKey == NULL )
+        poNode = poRoot;
+    else
+        poNode= ((OGRSpatialReference *) this)->GetAttrNode( pszTargetKey );
+    if( poNode == NULL )
+        return NULL;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Fetch AUTHORITY child if there is one.                          */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    if( poNode->FindChild("AUTHORITY") == -1 )
+        return NULL;
+    poNode = poNode->GetChild(poNode->FindChild("AUTHORITY"));
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Create a new authority node.                                    */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    if( poNode->GetChildCount() < 2 )
+        return NULL;
+    return poNode->GetChild(1)->GetValue();
+/*                          OSRGetAuthorityCode()                       */
+const char *OSRGetAuthorityCode( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                                 const char *pszTargetKey )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->GetAuthorityCode( pszTargetKey );
+/*                          GetAuthorityName()                          */
+ * Get the authority name for a node.
+ *
+ * This method is used to query an AUTHORITY[] node from within the 
+ * WKT tree, and fetch the authority name value.  
+ *
+ * The most common authority is "EPSG".
+ *
+ * This method is the same as the C function OSRGetAuthorityName().
+ *
+ * @param pszTargetKey the partial or complete path to the node to 
+ * get an authority from.  ie. "PROJCS", "GEOGCS", "GEOGCS|UNIT" or NULL to 
+ * search for an authority node on the root element.
+ *
+ * @return value code from authority node, or NULL on failure. The value
+ * returned is internal and should not be freed or modified.
+ */
+const char *
+OGRSpatialReference::GetAuthorityName( const char *pszTargetKey ) const
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Find the node below which the authority should be put.          */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    const OGR_SRSNode  *poNode;
+    if( pszTargetKey == NULL )
+        poNode = poRoot;
+    else
+        poNode= ((OGRSpatialReference *) this)->GetAttrNode( pszTargetKey );
+    if( poNode == NULL )
+        return NULL;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Fetch AUTHORITY child if there is one.                          */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    if( poNode->FindChild("AUTHORITY") == -1 )
+        return NULL;
+    poNode = poNode->GetChild(poNode->FindChild("AUTHORITY"));
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Create a new authority node.                                    */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    if( poNode->GetChildCount() < 2 )
+        return NULL;
+    return poNode->GetChild(0)->GetValue();
+/*                        OSRGetAuthorityName()                         */
+const char *OSRGetAuthorityName( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                                 const char *pszTargetKey )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->GetAuthorityName( pszTargetKey );
+/*                            StripCTParms()                            */
+ * Strip OGC CT Parameters.
+ *
+ * This method will remove all components of the coordinate system
+ * that are specific to the OGC CT Specification.  That is it will attempt
+ * to strip it down to being compatible with the Simple Features 1.0 
+ * specification.
+ *
+ * This method is the same as the C function OSRStripCTParms().
+ *
+ * @param poCurrent node to operate on.  NULL to operate on whole tree.
+ *
+ * @return OGRERR_NONE on success or an error code.
+ */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::StripCTParms( OGR_SRSNode * poCurrent )
+    if( poCurrent == NULL )
+        poCurrent = GetRoot();
+    if( poCurrent == NULL )
+        return OGRERR_NONE;
+    if( poCurrent == GetRoot() && EQUAL(poCurrent->GetValue(),"LOCAL_CS") )
+    {
+        delete poCurrent;
+        poRoot = NULL;
+        return OGRERR_NONE;
+    }
+    if( poCurrent == NULL )
+        return OGRERR_NONE;
+    poCurrent->StripNodes( "AUTHORITY" );
+    poCurrent->StripNodes( "TOWGS84" );
+    poCurrent->StripNodes( "AXIS" );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                          OSRStripCTParms()                           */
+OGRErr OSRStripCTParms( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->StripCTParms( NULL );
+/*                            IsProjected()                             */
+ * Check if projected coordinate system.
+ *
+ * This method is the same as the C function OSRIsProjected().
+ *
+ * @return TRUE if this contains a PROJCS node indicating a it is a 
+ * projected coordinate system. 
+ */
+int OGRSpatialReference::IsProjected() const
+    if( poRoot == NULL )
+        return FALSE;
+    // If we eventually support composite coordinate systems this will
+    // need to improve. 
+    return EQUAL(poRoot->GetValue(),"PROJCS");
+/*                           OSRIsProjected()                           */
+int OSRIsProjected( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS ) 
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->IsProjected();
+/*                            IsGeographic()                            */
+ * Check if geographic coordinate system.
+ *
+ * This method is the same as the C function OSRIsGeographic().
+ *
+ * @return TRUE if this spatial reference is geographic ... that is the 
+ * root is a GEOGCS node. 
+ */
+int OGRSpatialReference::IsGeographic() const
+    if( GetRoot() == NULL )
+        return FALSE;
+    return EQUAL(GetRoot()->GetValue(),"GEOGCS");
+/*                          OSRIsGeographic()                           */
+int OSRIsGeographic( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->IsGeographic();
+/*                              IsLocal()                               */
+ * Check if local coordinate system.
+ *
+ * This method is the same as the C function OSRIsLocal().
+ *
+ * @return TRUE if this spatial reference is local ... that is the 
+ * root is a LOCAL_CS node. 
+ */
+int OGRSpatialReference::IsLocal() const
+    if( GetRoot() == NULL )
+        return FALSE;
+    return EQUAL(GetRoot()->GetValue(),"LOCAL_CS");
+/*                          OSRIsLocal()                                */
+int OSRIsLocal( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->IsLocal();
+/*                            CloneGeogCS()                             */
+OGRSpatialReference *OGRSpatialReference::CloneGeogCS() const
+    const OGR_SRSNode *poGeogCS;
+    OGRSpatialReference * poNewSRS;
+    poGeogCS = GetAttrNode( "GEOGCS" );
+    if( poGeogCS == NULL )
+        return NULL;
+    poNewSRS = new OGRSpatialReference();
+    poNewSRS->SetRoot( poGeogCS->Clone() );
+    return poNewSRS;
+/*                           OSRCloneGeogCS()                           */
+OGRSpatialReferenceH CPL_STDCALL OSRCloneGeogCS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSource )
+    return (OGRSpatialReferenceH) 
+        ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSource)->CloneGeogCS();
+/*                            IsSameGeogCS()                            */
+ * Do the GeogCS'es match?
+ *
+ * This method is the same as the C function OSRIsSameGeogCS().
+ *
+ * @param poOther the SRS being compared against. 
+ *
+ * @return TRUE if they are the same or FALSE otherwise. 
+ */
+int OGRSpatialReference::IsSameGeogCS( const OGRSpatialReference *poOther ) const
+    const char *pszThisValue, *pszOtherValue;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Does the datum name match?  Note that we assume                 */
+/*      compatibility if either is missing a datum.                     */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    pszThisValue = this->GetAttrValue( "DATUM" );
+    pszOtherValue = poOther->GetAttrValue( "DATUM" );
+    if( pszThisValue != NULL && pszOtherValue != NULL 
+        && !EQUAL(pszThisValue,pszOtherValue) )
+        return FALSE;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Do the prime meridians match?  If missing assume a value of zero.*/
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    pszThisValue = this->GetAttrValue( "PRIMEM", 1 );
+    if( pszThisValue == NULL )
+        pszThisValue = "0.0";
+    pszOtherValue = poOther->GetAttrValue( "PRIMEM", 1 );
+    if( pszOtherValue == NULL )
+        pszOtherValue = "0.0";
+    if( atof(pszOtherValue) != atof(pszThisValue) )
+        return FALSE;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Do the units match?                                             */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    pszThisValue = this->GetAttrValue( "GEOGCS|UNITS", 1 );
+    if( pszThisValue == NULL )
+        pszThisValue = SRS_UA_DEGREE_CONV;
+    pszOtherValue = poOther->GetAttrValue( "GEOGCS|UNITS", 1 );
+    if( pszOtherValue == NULL )
+        pszOtherValue = SRS_UA_DEGREE_CONV;
+    if( ABS(atof(pszOtherValue) - atof(pszThisValue)) > 0.00000001 )
+        return FALSE;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Does the spheroid match.  Check semi major, and inverse         */
+/*      flattening.                                                     */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    pszThisValue = this->GetAttrValue( "SPHEROID", 1 );
+    pszOtherValue = poOther->GetAttrValue( "SPHEROID", 1 );
+    if( pszThisValue != NULL && pszOtherValue != NULL 
+        && ABS(atof(pszThisValue) - atof(pszOtherValue)) > 0.01 )
+        return FALSE;
+    pszThisValue = this->GetAttrValue( "SPHEROID", 2 );
+    pszOtherValue = poOther->GetAttrValue( "SPHEROID", 2 );
+    if( pszThisValue != NULL && pszOtherValue != NULL 
+        && ABS(atof(pszThisValue) - atof(pszOtherValue)) > 0.0001 )
+        return FALSE;
+    return TRUE;
+/*                          OSRIsSameGeogCS()                           */
+int OSRIsSameGeogCS( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS1, OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS2 )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS1)->IsSameGeogCS( 
+        (OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS2 );
+/*                               IsSame()                               */
+ * These two spatial references describe the same system.
+ *
+ * @param poOtherSRS the SRS being compared to.
+ *
+ * @return TRUE if equivelent or FALSE otherwise. 
+ */
+int OGRSpatialReference::IsSame( const OGRSpatialReference * poOtherSRS ) const
+    if( GetRoot() == NULL && poOtherSRS->GetRoot() == NULL )
+        return TRUE;
+    else if( GetRoot() == NULL || poOtherSRS->GetRoot() == NULL )
+        return FALSE;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Compare geographic coordinate system.                           */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    if( !IsSameGeogCS( poOtherSRS ) )
+        return FALSE;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Do the have the same root types?  Ie. is one PROJCS and one     */
+/*      GEOGCS or perhaps LOCALCS?                                      */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    if( !EQUAL(GetRoot()->GetValue(),poOtherSRS->GetRoot()->GetValue()) )
+        return FALSE;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Compare projected coordinate system.                            */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    if( IsProjected() )
+    {
+        const char *pszValue1, *pszValue2;
+        const OGR_SRSNode *poPROJCS = GetAttrNode( "PROJCS" );
+        pszValue1 = this->GetAttrValue( "PROJECTION" );
+        pszValue2 = poOtherSRS->GetAttrValue( "PROJECTION" );
+        if( pszValue1 == NULL || pszValue2 == NULL
+            || !EQUAL(pszValue1,pszValue2) )
+            return FALSE;
+        for( int iChild = 0; iChild < poPROJCS->GetChildCount(); iChild++ )
+        {
+            const OGR_SRSNode    *poNode;
+            poNode = poPROJCS->GetChild( iChild );
+            if( !EQUAL(poNode->GetValue(),"PARAMETER") 
+                || poNode->GetChildCount() != 2 )
+                continue;
+            /* this this eventually test within some epsilon? */
+            if( this->GetProjParm( poNode->GetChild(0)->GetValue() )
+                != poOtherSRS->GetProjParm( poNode->GetChild(0)->GetValue() ) )
+                return FALSE;
+        }
+    }
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      If they are LOCALCS/PROJCS, do they have the same units?        */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    if( EQUAL(GetRoot()->GetValue(),"LOCALCS") || IsProjected() )
+    {
+        if( GetLinearUnits() != 0.0 )
+        {
+            double      dfRatio;
+            dfRatio = poOtherSRS->GetLinearUnits() / GetLinearUnits();
+            if( dfRatio < 0.9999999999 || dfRatio > 1.000000001 )
+                return FALSE;
+        }
+    }
+    return TRUE;
+/*                             OSRIsSame()                              */
+int OSRIsSame( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS1, OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS2 )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS1)->IsSame( 
+        (OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS2 );
+/*                             SetTOWGS84()                             */
+ * Set the Bursa-Wolf conversion to WGS84. 
+ * 
+ * This will create the TOWGS84 node as a child of the DATUM.  It will fail
+ * if there is no existing DATUM node.  Unlike most OGRSpatialReference
+ * methods it will insert itself in the appropriate order, and will replace
+ * an existing TOWGS84 node if there is one. 
+ *
+ * The parameters have the same meaning as EPSG transformation 9606
+ * (Position Vector 7-param. transformation). 
+ * 
+ * This method is the same as the C function OSRSetTOWGS84().
+ * 
+ * @param dfDX X child in meters.
+ * @param dfDY Y child in meters.
+ * @param dfDZ Z child in meters.
+ * @param dfEX X rotation in arc seconds (optional, defaults to zero).
+ * @param dfEY Y rotation in arc seconds (optional, defaults to zero).
+ * @param dfEZ Z rotation in arc seconds (optional, defaults to zero).
+ * @param dfPPM scaling factor (parts per million).
+ * 
+ * @return OGRERR_NONE on success. 
+ */ 
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetTOWGS84( double dfDX, double dfDY, double dfDZ,
+                                        double dfEX, double dfEY, double dfEZ, 
+                                        double dfPPM )
+    OGR_SRSNode     *poDatum, *poTOWGS84;
+    int             iPosition;
+    char            szValue[64];
+    poDatum = GetAttrNode( "DATUM" );
+    if( poDatum == NULL )
+        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
+    if( poDatum->FindChild( "TOWGS84" ) != -1 )
+        poDatum->DestroyChild( poDatum->FindChild( "TOWGS84" ) );
+    iPosition = poDatum->GetChildCount();
+    if( poDatum->FindChild("AUTHORITY") != -1 )
+    {
+        iPosition = poDatum->FindChild("AUTHORITY");
+    }
+    poTOWGS84 = new OGR_SRSNode("TOWGS84");
+    OGRPrintDouble( szValue, dfDX );
+    poTOWGS84->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( szValue ) );
+    OGRPrintDouble( szValue, dfDY );
+    poTOWGS84->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( szValue ) );
+    OGRPrintDouble( szValue, dfDZ );
+    poTOWGS84->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( szValue ) );
+    OGRPrintDouble( szValue, dfEX );
+    poTOWGS84->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( szValue ) );
+    OGRPrintDouble( szValue, dfEY );
+    poTOWGS84->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( szValue ) );
+    OGRPrintDouble( szValue, dfEZ );
+    poTOWGS84->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( szValue ) );
+    OGRPrintDouble( szValue, dfPPM );
+    poTOWGS84->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( szValue ) );
+    poDatum->InsertChild( poTOWGS84, iPosition );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                           OSRSetTOWGS84()                            */
+OGRErr OSRSetTOWGS84( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                      double dfDX, double dfDY, double dfDZ, 
+                      double dfEX, double dfEY, double dfEZ, 
+                      double dfPPM )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->SetTOWGS84( dfDX, dfDY, dfDZ, 
+                                                       dfEX, dfEY, dfEZ, 
+                                                       dfPPM );
+/*                             GetTOWGS84()                             */
+ * Fetch TOWGS84 parameters, if available. 
+ * 
+ * @param padfCoeff array into which up to 7 coefficients are placed.
+ * @param nCoeffCount size of padfCoeff - defaults to 7.
+ * 
+ * @return OGRERR_NONE on success, or OGRERR_FAILURE if there is no
+ * TOWGS84 node available. 
+ */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::GetTOWGS84( double * padfCoeff, 
+                                        int nCoeffCount ) const
+    const OGR_SRSNode   *poNode = GetAttrNode( "TOWGS84" );
+    memset( padfCoeff, 0, sizeof(double) * nCoeffCount );
+    if( poNode == NULL )
+        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
+    for( int i = 0; i < nCoeffCount && i < poNode->GetChildCount(); i++ )
+    {
+        padfCoeff[i] = atof(poNode->GetChild(i)->GetValue());
+    }
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                           OSRGetTOWGS84()                            */
+OGRErr OSRGetTOWGS84( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS, 
+                      double * padfCoeff, int nCoeffCount )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->GetTOWGS84( padfCoeff, nCoeffCount);
+/*                         IsAngularParameter()                         */
+/*                                                                      */
+/*      Is the passed projection parameter an angular one?              */
+int OGRSpatialReference::IsAngularParameter( const char *pszParameterName )
+    if( EQUALN(pszParameterName,"long",4)
+        || EQUALN(pszParameterName,"lati",4)
+        || EQUAL(pszParameterName,SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN)
+        || EQUALN(pszParameterName,"standard_parallel",17)
+        || EQUAL(pszParameterName,SRS_PP_AZIMUTH)
+        || EQUAL(pszParameterName,SRS_PP_RECTIFIED_GRID_ANGLE) )
+        return TRUE;
+    else
+        return FALSE;
+/*                        IsLongitudeParameter()                        */
+/*                                                                      */
+/*      Is the passed projection parameter an angular longitude         */
+/*      (relative to a prime meridian)?                                 */
+int OGRSpatialReference::IsLongitudeParameter( const char *pszParameterName )
+    if( EQUALN(pszParameterName,"long",4)
+        || EQUAL(pszParameterName,SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN) )
+        return TRUE;
+    else
+        return FALSE;
+/*                         IsLinearParameter()                          */
+/*                                                                      */
+/*      Is the passed projection parameter an linear one measured in    */
+/*      meters or some similar linear measure.                          */
+int OGRSpatialReference::IsLinearParameter( const char *pszParameterName )
+    if( EQUALN(pszParameterName,"false_",6) 
+        || EQUAL(pszParameterName,SRS_PP_SATELLITE_HEIGHT) )
+        return TRUE;
+    else
+        return FALSE;
+/*                            GetNormInfo()                             */
+/*                                                                      */
+/*      Set the internal information for normalizing linear, and        */
+/*      angular values.                                                 */
+void OGRSpatialReference::GetNormInfo(void) const
+    if( bNormInfoSet )
+        return;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Initialize values.                                              */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    OGRSpatialReference *poThis = (OGRSpatialReference *) this;
+    poThis->bNormInfoSet = TRUE;
+    poThis->dfFromGreenwich = GetPrimeMeridian(NULL);
+    poThis->dfToMeter = GetLinearUnits(NULL);
+    poThis->dfToDegrees = GetAngularUnits(NULL) / atof(SRS_UA_DEGREE_CONV);
+    if( fabs(poThis->dfToDegrees-1.0) < 0.000000001 )
+        poThis->dfToDegrees = 1.0;
+/*                           FixupOrdering()                            */
+ * Correct parameter ordering to match CT Specification.
+ *
+ * Some mechanisms to create WKT using OGRSpatialReference, and some
+ * imported WKT fail to maintain the order of parameters required according
+ * to the BNF definitions in the OpenGIS SF-SQL and CT Specifications.  This
+ * method attempts to massage things back into the required order.
+ *
+ * This method is the same as the C function OSRFixupOrdering().
+ *
+ * @return OGRERR_NONE on success or an error code if something goes 
+ * wrong.  
+ */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::FixupOrdering()
+    if( GetRoot() != NULL )
+        return GetRoot()->FixupOrdering();
+    else
+        return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                          OSRFixupOrdering()                          */
+OGRErr OSRFixupOrdering( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->FixupOrdering();
+/*                               Fixup()                                */
+ * Fixup as needed.
+ *
+ * Some mechanisms to create WKT using OGRSpatialReference, and some
+ * imported WKT, are not valid according to the OGC CT specification.  This
+ * method attempts to fill in any missing defaults that are required, and
+ * fixup ordering problems (using OSRFixupOrdering()) so that the resulting
+ * WKT is valid. 
+ *
+ * This method should be expected to evolve over time to as problems are
+ * discovered.  The following are amoung the fixup actions this method will
+ * take:
+ *
+ * - Fixup the ordering of nodes to match the BNF WKT ordering, using
+ * the FixupOrdering() method. 
+ *
+ * - Add missing linear or angular units nodes.  
+ *
+ * This method is the same as the C function OSRFixup().
+ *
+ * @return OGRERR_NONE on success or an error code if something goes 
+ * wrong.  
+ */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::Fixup()
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Ensure linear units defaulted to METER if missing for PROJCS    */
+/*      or LOCAL_CS.                                                    */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    const OGR_SRSNode *poCS = GetAttrNode( "PROJCS" );
+    if( poCS == NULL )
+        poCS = GetAttrNode( "LOCAL_CS" );
+    if( poCS != NULL && poCS->FindChild( "UNIT" ) == -1 )
+        SetLinearUnits( SRS_UL_METER, 1.0 );
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Ensure angular units defaulted to degrees on the GEOGCS.        */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    poCS = GetAttrNode( "GEOGCS" );
+    if( poCS != NULL && poCS->FindChild( "UNIT" ) == -1 )
+        SetAngularUnits( SRS_UA_DEGREE, atof(SRS_UA_DEGREE_CONV) );
+    return FixupOrdering();
+/*                              OSRFixup()                              */
+OGRErr OSRFixup( OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS )
+    return ((OGRSpatialReference *) hSRS)->Fixup();
+/*                            GetExtension()                            */
+ * Fetch extension value.
+ *
+ * Fetch the value of the named EXTENSION item for the identified
+ * target node.
+ *
+ * @param pszTargetKey the name or path to the parent node of the EXTENSION.
+ * @param pszName the name of the extension being fetched.
+ * @param pszDefault the value to return if the extension is not found.
+ *
+ * @return node value if successful or pszDefault on failure.
+ */
+const char *OGRSpatialReference::GetExtension( const char *pszTargetKey, 
+                                               const char *pszName, 
+                                               const char *pszDefault ) const
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Find the target node.                                           */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    const OGR_SRSNode  *poNode;
+    if( pszTargetKey == NULL )
+        poNode = poRoot;
+    else
+        poNode= ((OGRSpatialReference *) this)->GetAttrNode( pszTargetKey );
+    if( poNode == NULL )
+        return NULL;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Fetch matching EXTENSION if there is one.                       */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    for( int i = poNode->GetChildCount()-1; i >= 0; i-- )
+    {
+        const OGR_SRSNode *poChild = poNode->GetChild(i);
+        if( EQUAL(poChild->GetValue(),"EXTENSION") 
+            && poChild->GetChildCount() >= 2 )
+        {
+            if( EQUAL(poChild->GetChild(0)->GetValue(),pszName) )
+                return poChild->GetChild(1)->GetValue();
+        }
+    }
+    return pszDefault;
+/*                            SetExtension()                            */
+OGRErr OGRSpatialReference::SetExtension( const char *pszTargetKey, 
+                                          const char *pszName, 
+                                          const char *pszValue )
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Find the target node.                                           */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    OGR_SRSNode  *poNode;
+    if( pszTargetKey == NULL )
+        poNode = poRoot;
+    else
+        poNode= ((OGRSpatialReference *) this)->GetAttrNode( pszTargetKey );
+    if( poNode == NULL )
+        return OGRERR_FAILURE;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Fetch matching EXTENSION if there is one.                       */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    for( int i = poNode->GetChildCount()-1; i >= 0; i-- )
+    {
+        OGR_SRSNode *poChild = poNode->GetChild(i);
+        if( EQUAL(poChild->GetValue(),"EXTENSION") 
+            && poChild->GetChildCount() >= 2 )
+        {
+            if( EQUAL(poChild->GetChild(0)->GetValue(),pszName) )
+            {
+                poChild->GetChild(1)->SetValue( pszValue );
+                return OGRERR_NONE;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*      Create a new EXTENSION node.                                    */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+    OGR_SRSNode *poAuthNode;
+    poAuthNode = new OGR_SRSNode( "EXTENSION" );
+    poAuthNode->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( pszName ) );
+    poAuthNode->AddChild( new OGR_SRSNode( pszValue ) );
+    poNode->AddChild( poAuthNode );
+    return OGRERR_NONE;
+/*                             OSRCleanup()                             */
+ * Cleanup cached SRS related memory.
+ *
+ * This function will attempt to cleanup any cache spatial reference
+ * related information, such as cached tables of coordinate systems. 
+ */
+void CleanupESRIDatumMappingTable();
+void OSRCleanup( void )
+    CleanupESRIDatumMappingTable();
+    CSVDeaccess( NULL );

Added: trunk/MgDev/Oem/gdal-1.4.0/port/cpl.vcproj
--- trunk/MgDev/Oem/gdal-1.4.0/port/cpl.vcproj	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/MgDev/Oem/gdal-1.4.0/port/cpl.vcproj	2007-03-21 00:50:25 UTC (rev 1309)
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
+	ProjectType="Visual C++"
+	Version="8.00"
+	Name="CPL"
+	ProjectGUID="{E8F6DBAE-C078-4826-D996-01EFA74219F6}"
+	RootNamespace="CPL"
+	Keyword="MakeFileProj"
+	>
+	<Platforms>
+		<Platform
+			Name="Win32"
+		/>
+	</Platforms>
+	<ToolFiles>
+	</ToolFiles>
+	<Configurations>
+		<Configuration
+			Name="Debug|Win32"
+			OutputDirectory="Debug"
+			IntermediateDirectory="Debug"
+			ConfigurationType="0"
+			InheritedPropertySheets="$(VCInstallDir)VCProjectDefaults\UpgradeFromVC71.vsprops"
+			>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCNMakeTool"
+				BuildCommandLine="nmake /f makefile.vc"
+				ReBuildCommandLine="nmake /f makefile.vc clean default"
+				CleanCommandLine="nmake /f makefile.vc clean"
+				Output=""
+				PreprocessorDefinitions=""
+				IncludeSearchPath=""
+				ForcedIncludes=""
+				AssemblySearchPath=""
+				ForcedUsingAssemblies=""
+				CompileAsManaged=""
+			/>
+		</Configuration>
+		<Configuration
+			Name="Release|Win32"
+			OutputDirectory="Release"
+			IntermediateDirectory="Release"
+			ConfigurationType="0"
+			InheritedPropertySheets="$(VCInstallDir)VCProjectDefaults\UpgradeFromVC71.vsprops"
+			>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCNMakeTool"
+				BuildCommandLine="nmake /f makefile.vc"
+				ReBuildCommandLine="nmake /f makefile.vc clean default"
+				CleanCommandLine="nmake /f makefile.vc clean"
+				Output=""
+				PreprocessorDefinitions=""
+				IncludeSearchPath=""
+				ForcedIncludes=""
+				AssemblySearchPath=""
+				ForcedUsingAssemblies=""
+				CompileAsManaged=""
+			/>
+		</Configuration>
+	</Configurations>
+	<References>
+	</References>
+	<Files>
+		<File
+			RelativePath=".\makefile.vc"
+			>
+		</File>
+	</Files>
+	<Globals>
+	</Globals>

Property changes on: trunk/MgDev/Oem/gdal-1.4.0/port/cpl.vcproj
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Modified: trunk/MgDev/Oem/gdal-1.4.0/port/cpl_findfile.cpp
--- trunk/MgDev/Oem/gdal-1.4.0/port/cpl_findfile.cpp	2007-03-21 00:47:37 UTC (rev 1308)
+++ trunk/MgDev/Oem/gdal-1.4.0/port/cpl_findfile.cpp	2007-03-21 00:50:25 UTC (rev 1309)
@@ -1,258 +1,261 @@
- * $Id: cpl_findfile.cpp,v 1.13 2006/11/05 19:43:18 hobu Exp $
- *
- * Project:  CPL - Common Portability Library
- * Purpose:  Generic data file location finder, with application hooking.
- * Author:   Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
- *
- ******************************************************************************
- * Copyright (c) 2000, Frank Warmerdam
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
- * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
- * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
- * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
- * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
- * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
- * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- ******************************************************************************
- *
- * $Log: cpl_findfile.cpp,v $
- * Revision 1.13  2006/11/05 19:43:18  hobu
- * OSX Framework location
- *
- * Revision 1.12  2006/09/23 23:05:22  fwarmerdam
- * Honour GDAL_DATA when initializing finder.
- *
- * Revision 1.11  2006/03/21 20:11:54  fwarmerdam
- * fixup headers a bit
- *
- * Revision 1.10  2005/09/13 23:56:06  fwarmerdam
- * improved cleanup logic
- *
- * Revision 1.9  2005/05/23 03:59:07  fwarmerdam
- * make finder stuff threadlocal
- *
- * Revision 1.8  2005/01/15 07:46:20  fwarmerdam
- * make cplpopfinderlocation safer for final cleanup
- *
- * Revision 1.7  2004/11/22 16:01:05  fwarmerdam
- * added GDAL_PREFIX
- *
- * Revision 1.6  2003/10/24 16:41:16  warmerda
- * Added /usr/local/share/gdal (not /usr/local/share) to default locations.
- *
- * Revision 1.5  2003/10/24 16:30:10  warmerda
- * fixed serious bug in default finder ... only last location used
- *
- * Revision 1.4  2002/12/03 04:42:02  warmerda
- * improved finder cleanup support
- *
- * Revision 1.3  2001/07/18 04:00:49  warmerda
- * added CPL_CVSID
- *
- * Revision 1.2  2001/01/19 21:16:41  warmerda
- * expanded tabs
- *
- * Revision 1.1  2000/08/29 21:06:25  warmerda
- * New
- *
- */
-#include "cpl_conv.h"
-#include "cpl_string.h"
-CPL_CVSID("$Id: cpl_findfile.cpp,v 1.13 2006/11/05 19:43:18 hobu Exp $");
-static CPL_THREADLOCAL int bFinderInitialized = FALSE;
-static CPL_THREADLOCAL int nFileFinders = 0;
-static CPL_THREADLOCAL CPLFileFinder *papfnFinders = NULL;
-static CPL_THREADLOCAL char **papszFinderLocations = NULL;
-/*                           CPLFinderInit()                            */
-static void CPLFinderInit()
-    if( !bFinderInitialized )
-    {
-        bFinderInitialized = TRUE;
-        CPLPushFileFinder( CPLDefaultFindFile );
-        CPLPushFinderLocation( "." );
-        if( CPLGetConfigOption( "GDAL_DATA", NULL ) != NULL )
-        {
-            CPLPushFinderLocation( CPLGetConfigOption( "GDAL_DATA", NULL ) );
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            CPLPushFinderLocation( GDAL_PREFIX "/Resources/gdal" );
-  #else
-            CPLPushFinderLocation( GDAL_PREFIX "/share/gdal" );
-  #endif
-            CPLPushFinderLocation( "/usr/local/share/gdal" );
-        }
-    }
-/*                           CPLFinderClean()                           */
-void CPLFinderClean()
-    while( papszFinderLocations != NULL )
-        CPLPopFinderLocation();
-    while( CPLPopFileFinder() != NULL ) {}
-    bFinderInitialized = FALSE;
-/*                         CPLDefaultFileFind()                         */
-const char *CPLDefaultFindFile( const char *pszClass, 
-                                const char *pszBasename )
-    int         i, nLocations = CSLCount( papszFinderLocations );
-    (void) pszClass;
-    for( i = nLocations-1; i >= 0; i-- )
-    {
-        const char  *pszResult;
-        VSIStatBuf  sStat;
-        pszResult = CPLFormFilename( papszFinderLocations[i], pszBasename, 
-                                     NULL );
-        if( VSIStat( pszResult, &sStat ) == 0 )
-            return pszResult;
-    }
-    return NULL;
-/*                            CPLFindFile()                             */
-const char *CPLFindFile( const char *pszClass, const char *pszBasename )
-    int         i;
-    CPLFinderInit();
-    for( i = nFileFinders-1; i >= 0; i-- )
-    {
-        const char * pszResult;
-        pszResult = (papfnFinders[i])( pszClass, pszBasename );
-        if( pszResult != NULL )
-            return pszResult;
-    }
-    return NULL;
-/*                         CPLPushFileFinder()                          */
-void CPLPushFileFinder( CPLFileFinder pfnFinder )
-    CPLFinderInit();
-    papfnFinders = (CPLFileFinder *) 
-        CPLRealloc(papfnFinders,  sizeof(void*) * ++nFileFinders);
-    papfnFinders[nFileFinders-1] = pfnFinder;
-/*                          CPLPopFileFinder()                          */
-CPLFileFinder CPLPopFileFinder()
-    CPLFileFinder pfnReturn;
-//    CPLFinderInit();
-    if( nFileFinders == 0 )
-        return NULL;
-    pfnReturn = papfnFinders[--nFileFinders];
-    if( nFileFinders == 0)
-    {
-        CPLFree( papfnFinders );
-        papfnFinders = NULL;
-    }
-    return pfnReturn;
-/*                       CPLPushFinderLocation()                        */
-void CPLPushFinderLocation( const char *pszLocation )
-    CPLFinderInit();
-    papszFinderLocations  = CSLAddString( papszFinderLocations, 
-                                          pszLocation );
-/*                       CPLPopFinderLocation()                         */
-void CPLPopFinderLocation()
-    int      nCount;
-    if( papszFinderLocations == NULL )
-        return;
-    CPLFinderInit();
-    nCount = CSLCount(papszFinderLocations);
-    if( nCount == 0 )
-        return;
-    CPLFree( papszFinderLocations[nCount-1] );
-    papszFinderLocations[nCount-1] = NULL;
-    if( nCount == 1 )
-    {
-        CPLFree( papszFinderLocations );
-        papszFinderLocations = NULL;
-    }
+ * $Id: cpl_findfile.cpp,v 1.13 2006/11/05 19:43:18 hobu Exp $
+ *
+ * Project:  CPL - Common Portability Library
+ * Purpose:  Generic data file location finder, with application hooking.
+ * Author:   Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, Frank Warmerdam
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+ * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+ * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+ * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * $Log: cpl_findfile.cpp,v $
+ * Revision 1.13  2006/11/05 19:43:18  hobu
+ * OSX Framework location
+ *
+ * Revision 1.12  2006/09/23 23:05:22  fwarmerdam
+ * Honour GDAL_DATA when initializing finder.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.11  2006/03/21 20:11:54  fwarmerdam
+ * fixup headers a bit
+ *
+ * Revision 1.10  2005/09/13 23:56:06  fwarmerdam
+ * improved cleanup logic
+ *
+ * Revision 1.9  2005/05/23 03:59:07  fwarmerdam
+ * make finder stuff threadlocal
+ *
+ * Revision 1.8  2005/01/15 07:46:20  fwarmerdam
+ * make cplpopfinderlocation safer for final cleanup
+ *
+ * Revision 1.7  2004/11/22 16:01:05  fwarmerdam
+ * added GDAL_PREFIX
+ *
+ * Revision 1.6  2003/10/24 16:41:16  warmerda
+ * Added /usr/local/share/gdal (not /usr/local/share) to default locations.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.5  2003/10/24 16:30:10  warmerda
+ * fixed serious bug in default finder ... only last location used
+ *
+ * Revision 1.4  2002/12/03 04:42:02  warmerda
+ * improved finder cleanup support
+ *
+ * Revision 1.3  2001/07/18 04:00:49  warmerda
+ * added CPL_CVSID
+ *
+ * Revision 1.2  2001/01/19 21:16:41  warmerda
+ * expanded tabs
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  2000/08/29 21:06:25  warmerda
+ * New
+ *
+ */
+#include "cpl_conv.h"
+#include "cpl_string.h"
+CPL_CVSID("$Id: cpl_findfile.cpp,v 1.13 2006/11/05 19:43:18 hobu Exp $");
+static CPL_THREADLOCAL int bFinderInitialized = FALSE;
+static CPL_THREADLOCAL int nFileFinders = 0;
+static CPL_THREADLOCAL CPLFileFinder *papfnFinders = NULL;
+static CPL_THREADLOCAL char **papszFinderLocations = NULL;
+/*                           CPLFinderInit()                            */
+static void CPLFinderInit()
+    if( !bFinderInitialized )
+    {
+        bFinderInitialized = TRUE;
+        CPLPushFileFinder( CPLDefaultFindFile );
+        CPLPushFinderLocation( "." );
+        if( CPLGetConfigOption( "GDAL_DATA", NULL ) != NULL )
+        {
+            CPLPushFinderLocation( CPLGetConfigOption( "GDAL_DATA", NULL ) );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            CPLPushFinderLocation( GDAL_PREFIX "/Resources/gdal" );
+  #else
+            CPLPushFinderLocation( GDAL_PREFIX "/share/gdal" );
+  #endif
+            CPLPushFinderLocation( "/usr/local/share/gdal" );
+        }
+    }
+/*                           CPLFinderClean()                           */
+void CPLFinderClean()
+    if( bFinderInitialized )
+    {
+        while( papszFinderLocations != NULL )
+            CPLPopFinderLocation();
+        while( CPLPopFileFinder() != NULL ) {}
+        bFinderInitialized = FALSE;
+    }
+/*                         CPLDefaultFileFind()                         */
+const char *CPLDefaultFindFile( const char *pszClass, 
+                                const char *pszBasename )
+    int         i, nLocations = CSLCount( papszFinderLocations );
+    (void) pszClass;
+    for( i = nLocations-1; i >= 0; i-- )
+    {
+        const char  *pszResult;
+        VSIStatBuf  sStat;
+        pszResult = CPLFormFilename( papszFinderLocations[i], pszBasename, 
+                                     NULL );
+        if( VSIStat( pszResult, &sStat ) == 0 )
+            return pszResult;
+    }
+    return NULL;
+/*                            CPLFindFile()                             */
+const char *CPLFindFile( const char *pszClass, const char *pszBasename )
+    int         i;
+    CPLFinderInit();
+    for( i = nFileFinders-1; i >= 0; i-- )
+    {
+        const char * pszResult;
+        pszResult = (papfnFinders[i])( pszClass, pszBasename );
+        if( pszResult != NULL )
+            return pszResult;
+    }
+    return NULL;
+/*                         CPLPushFileFinder()                          */
+void CPLPushFileFinder( CPLFileFinder pfnFinder )
+    CPLFinderInit();
+    papfnFinders = (CPLFileFinder *) 
+        CPLRealloc(papfnFinders,  sizeof(void*) * ++nFileFinders);
+    papfnFinders[nFileFinders-1] = pfnFinder;
+/*                          CPLPopFileFinder()                          */
+CPLFileFinder CPLPopFileFinder()
+    CPLFileFinder pfnReturn;
+//    CPLFinderInit();
+    if( nFileFinders == 0 )
+        return NULL;
+    pfnReturn = papfnFinders[--nFileFinders];
+    if( nFileFinders == 0)
+    {
+        CPLFree( papfnFinders );
+        papfnFinders = NULL;
+    }
+    return pfnReturn;
+/*                       CPLPushFinderLocation()                        */
+void CPLPushFinderLocation( const char *pszLocation )
+    CPLFinderInit();
+    papszFinderLocations  = CSLAddString( papszFinderLocations, 
+                                          pszLocation );
+/*                       CPLPopFinderLocation()                         */
+void CPLPopFinderLocation()
+    int      nCount;
+    if( papszFinderLocations == NULL )
+        return;
+    CPLFinderInit();
+    nCount = CSLCount(papszFinderLocations);
+    if( nCount == 0 )
+        return;
+    CPLFree( papszFinderLocations[nCount-1] );
+    papszFinderLocations[nCount-1] = NULL;
+    if( nCount == 1 )
+    {
+        CPLFree( papszFinderLocations );
+        papszFinderLocations = NULL;
+    }

Modified: trunk/MgDev/Oem/gdal-1.4.0/port/makefile.vc
--- trunk/MgDev/Oem/gdal-1.4.0/port/makefile.vc	2007-03-21 00:47:37 UTC (rev 1308)
+++ trunk/MgDev/Oem/gdal-1.4.0/port/makefile.vc	2007-03-21 00:50:25 UTC (rev 1309)
@@ -1,46 +1,47 @@
-# CPL (Common Portability Library) makefile
-OBJ	=	cpl_conv.obj \
-		cpl_error.obj \
-		cpl_string.obj \
-		cplstring.obj \
-		cpl_strtod.obj \
-		cpl_vsisimple.obj \
-		cplgetsymbol.obj \
-		cpl_dir.obj \
-		cpl_path.obj \
-		cpl_csv.obj \
-		cpl_findfile.obj \
-		cpl_vsil_win32.obj \
-		cpl_minixml.obj \
-		cpl_multiproc.obj \
-		cpl_list.obj \
-		cpl_getexecpath.obj \
-		cpl_vsil.obj \
-		cpl_vsi_mem.obj \
-		$(ODBC_OBJ)
-LIB	=	cpl.lib
-!INCLUDE ..\nmake.opt
-ODBC_OBJ = 	cpl_odbc.obj
-default:	cpl_config.h $(LIB)
-$(LIB):	$(OBJ)
-	lib /out:cpl.lib *.obj
-	-del *.obj *.lib
-cpl_config.h:	cpl_config.h.vc
-	copy cpl_config.h.vc cpl_config.h
+# CPL (Common Portability Library) makefile
+OBJ	=	cpl_conv.obj \
+		cpl_error.obj \
+		cpl_string.obj \
+		cplstring.obj \
+		cpl_strtod.obj \
+		cpl_vsisimple.obj \
+		cplgetsymbol.obj \
+		cpl_dir.obj \
+		cpl_path.obj \
+		cpl_csv.obj \
+		cpl_findfile.obj \
+		cpl_vsil_win32.obj \
+		cpl_minixml.obj \
+		cpl_multiproc.obj \
+		cpl_list.obj \
+		cpl_getexecpath.obj \
+		cpl_vsil.obj \
+		cpl_vsi_mem.obj \
+		$(ODBC_OBJ)
+LIB	=	cpl.lib
+PDB_NAME = cpl.pdb
+!INCLUDE ..\nmake.opt
+ODBC_OBJ = 	cpl_odbc.obj
+default:	cpl_config.h $(LIB)
+$(LIB):	$(OBJ)
+	lib /out:cpl.lib *.obj
+	-del *.obj *.lib
+cpl_config.h:	cpl_config.h.vc
+	copy cpl_config.h.vc cpl_config.h

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