[mapguide-commits] r6954 - in branches/2.4/MgDev: Common/Geometry/CoordinateSystem Common/MapGuideCommon/MapLayer Common/MapGuideCommon/Services Common/MapGuideCommon/System Common/PlatformBase/MapLayer Common/PlatformBase/Services Doc Doc/PostProcessor Doc/group_and_page_definitions

svn_mapguide at osgeo.org svn_mapguide at osgeo.org
Mon Aug 27 09:37:07 PDT 2012

Author: jng
Date: 2012-08-27 09:37:07 -0700 (Mon, 27 Aug 2012)
New Revision: 6954

#2097: Clean up the API documentation
 - Update the doxygen config file to work with doxygen 1.8.0
 - Disable use of our custom headers and footers (for now) as they are incompatible with doxygen 1.8.0
 - Update overview page with links to Feature Schema classes and Profiling Service classes.
 - Fix doxygen commentary of assorted MapGuide API classes
   - Fully document MgCoordinateSystemFactory
   - Include WebApp class headers to also be documented by doxygen.
   - Fix associated doxygen warnings relating to invalid directives and non-existent parameters
   - Convert .net XML documentation on some methods to its doxygen form
   - Use \deprecated instead of \remarks for MgMap deprecated APIs
   - Hide structs and classes that were not meant to be made public
   - Filter out Print Layout Service classes from PlatformBase (these are presumably used by AutoCAD Map and not MapGuide as SWIG recipe files do not expose these classes)

Modified: branches/2.4/MgDev/Common/Geometry/CoordinateSystem/CoordinateSystemFactory.h
--- branches/2.4/MgDev/Common/Geometry/CoordinateSystem/CoordinateSystemFactory.h	2012-08-27 02:55:21 UTC (rev 6953)
+++ branches/2.4/MgDev/Common/Geometry/CoordinateSystem/CoordinateSystemFactory.h	2012-08-27 16:37:07 UTC (rev 6954)
@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@
 /// \brief
 /// Supports the creation of MgCoordinateSystem objects based on
 /// a OpenGIS Well-Known Text (WKT) definition of the coordinate
-/// system.
+/// system. This class is the main entry point for accessing assorted classes
+/// and functionalities of the Coordinate System API
 class MG_GEOMETRY_API MgCoordinateSystemFactory : public MgGuardDisposable
@@ -54,6 +55,18 @@
     /// $coordSysFactory = new MgCoordinateSystemFactory();
     /// \endcode
     /// \htmlinclude ExampleBottom.html
+    /// <!-- Example (C#) -->
+    /// \htmlinclude CSharpExampleTop.html
+    /// \code
+    /// MgCoordinateSystemFactory csFactory = new MgCoordinateSystemFactory();
+    /// \endcode
+    /// \htmlinclude ExampleBottom.html
+    /// <!-- Example (Java) -->
+    /// \htmlinclude JavaExampleTop.html
+    /// \code
+    /// MgCoordinateSystemFactory csFactory = new MgCoordinateSystemFactory();
+    /// \endcode
+    /// \htmlinclude ExampleBottom.html
@@ -137,38 +150,132 @@
     virtual MgCoordinateSystem* Create(CREFSTRING wkt);
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    /// \brief
+    /// Gets the coordinate system catalog
+    /// \return
+    /// Returns the MgCoordinateSystemCatalog
     virtual MgCoordinateSystemCatalog* GetCatalog();
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    /// \brief
+    /// Constructs a MgCoordinateSystemTransform that can be used to transform
+    /// coordinates from the source coordinate system to the target coordinate
+    /// system.
+    /// \param pSource (MgCoordinateSystem)
+    /// The source coordinate system
+    /// \param pTarget (MgCoordinateSystem)
+    /// The target coordinate system
+    /// \return
+    /// The coordinate system transform that can be used to transform coordinates
     virtual MgCoordinateSystemTransform* GetTransform(MgCoordinateSystem* pSource,
                                                       MgCoordinateSystem* pTarget);
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    /// \brief
+    /// Creates a MgCoordinateSystem object from the specified CS-Map coordinate
+    /// system code
+    /// \param code (String/string)
+    /// The CS-Map coordinate system code
+    /// \return
+    /// The coordinate system
     virtual MgCoordinateSystem* CreateFromCode(CREFSTRING code);
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    /// \brief
+    /// Gets the matching CS-Map coordinate system code based on the specified
+    /// coordinate system WKT text. See \link WKTofSRS WKT of Spatial Reference System \endlink
+    /// \param wkt (String/string)
+    /// The coordinate system WKT string
+    /// \return
+    /// The CS-Map coordinate system code that corresponds to the specified WKT
     virtual STRING ConvertWktToCoordinateSystemCode(CREFSTRING wkt);
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    /// \brief
+    /// Gets the matching coordinate system WKT based on the specified CS-Map
+    /// coordinate system code
+    /// \param code (String/string)
+    /// The CS-Map coordinate system code
+    /// \return
+    /// The coordinate system WKT string that corresponds to the specified CS-Map
+    /// coordinate system code.\n
+    /// See \link WKTofSRS WKT of Spatial Reference System \endlink
     virtual STRING ConvertCoordinateSystemCodeToWkt(CREFSTRING code);
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    /// \brief
+    /// Returns a list of the available coordinate system categories
+    /// \return
+    /// A MgStringCollection containing the names of the available coordinate 
+    /// system categories
     virtual MgStringCollection* EnumerateCategories();
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    /// \brief
+    /// Returns a MgBatchPropertyCollection containing the properties of each
+    /// coordinate system under the specified category
+    /// \param category (String/string)
+    /// The coordinate system category to enumerate
+    /// \return
+    /// A MgBatchPropertyCollection containing the properties of each coordinate system
+    /// under the specified category
     virtual MgBatchPropertyCollection* EnumerateCoordinateSystems(CREFSTRING category);
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    /// \brief
+    /// Gets the matching coordinate system WKT based on the specified EPSG code
+    /// \param code
+    /// The EPSG code
+    /// \return
+    /// The coordinate system WKT string that corresponds to the specified EPSG code
+    /// See \link WKTofSRS WKT of Spatial Reference System \endlink
     virtual STRING ConvertEpsgCodeToWkt(INT32 code);
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    /// \brief
+    /// Gets the matching EPSG code based on the specified coordinate system WKT
+    /// \param wkt (String/string)
+    /// The coordinate system WKT string. See \link WKTofSRS WKT of Spatial Reference System \endlink
+    /// \return
+    /// The EPSG code that corresponds to the specified coordinate system WKT string
     virtual INT32 ConvertWktToEpsgCode(CREFSTRING wkt);
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    /// \brief
+    /// Gets name of the underlying coordinate system library
+    /// \return
+    /// Returns the name of the underlying coordinate system library
     virtual STRING GetBaseLibrary();
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    /// \brief
+    /// Gets whether the specified coordinate system WKT string is a valid one
+    /// \param wkt (String/string)
+    /// The coordinate system WKT string. See \link WKTofSRS WKT of Spatial Reference System \endlink
+    /// \return
+    /// Returns <b>true</b> if the specified WKT is valid. Returns <b>false</b> otherwise
     virtual bool IsValid(CREFSTRING wkt);
     // Grids and Graticules -- General
-    /// /brief
+    /// \brief
     /// Constructs a grid boundary object.
-    /// /param southwest
+    /// \param southwest
     /// The coordinates of the the southwest corner of a rectangular region
     /// which represents the grid region.  This point <b>MUST</b> indeed be
     /// southwest of the coordinate provided by the <c>northeast</c> parameter.
-    /// /param northeast
+    /// \param northeast
     /// The coordinates of the the northeast corner of a rectangular region
     /// which represents the grid region.  This point <b>MUST</b> indeed be
     /// northeast of the coordinate provided by the <c>southwest</c> parameter.
-    /// /return
-    /// Returns the grid boundary in the ofrm used by the grid/graticule
+    /// \return
+    /// Returns the grid boundary in the form used by the grid/graticule
     /// sub-system.
     /// \exception MgOutOfMemoryException
     /// Thrown in the event of heap memory allocation failure.
-    /// /remarks
+    /// \remarks
     /// Externally, grid bundary objects are in viewport coordinates and
     /// define the extents of the region within which a grid is to be drawn.
     /// Such objects are often simple rectangles, but his is not a
@@ -177,111 +284,89 @@
                                                          MgCoordinate* northeast);
-    /// <summary>
+    /// \brief
     /// Constructs a grid boundary object.  Externally, grid objects are in
     /// viewport coordinates and define the extents of the region within
     /// which a grid is to be drawn.  Such objects are often simple
     /// rectangles, but his is not a requirement.
-    /// </summary>
-    /// <param name="boundary">
+    /// \param boundary
     /// The grid boundary in the form of a MgPolygon with no interior rings.
-    /// </param>
-    /// <returns>
+    /// \return
     /// Returns the boundary in the form used by the grid/graticule sub-system.
-    /// </returns>
-    /// <exception cref="MgOutOfMemoryException">
+    /// \exception MgOutOfMemoryException
     /// Thrown in the event of heap memory allocation failure.
-    /// </exception>
-    /// <remarks>
-    /// The <c>boundary</c> argument need not be a rectangle, but is assumed
+    /// \remarks
+    /// The boundary argument need not be a rectangle, but is assumed
     /// to be closed.
-    /// </remarks>
     virtual MgCoordinateSystemGridBoundary* GridBoundary(MgPolygon* boundary);
-    /// <summary>
+    /// \brief
     /// Constructs a grid specification object with all specifications set to
     /// <b>invalid</b> values.
-    /// </summary>
-    /// <returns>
+    /// \return
     /// An object which carries all of the several parameter which determine
     /// nature of a grid or graticule and any sub-feature thereof.
-    /// </returns>
-    /// <exception cref="std::bad_alloc">
+    /// \exception std::bad_alloc
     /// Thrown in the event of a heap memory allocation failure.
-    /// </exception>
-    /// <remarks>
+    /// \remarks
     /// When manufactured by this overload, the consuming application must
     /// set all values to valid values before using the returned object
     /// in any way.
-    /// </remarks>
     virtual MgCoordinateSystemGridSpecification* GridSpecification (void);
-    /// <summary>
+    /// \brief
     /// Constructs a grid specification object with all specifications set to
     /// the values indicated by the supplied parameters.
-    /// </summary>
-    /// <param name="increment">
+    /// \param increment
     /// The distance between grid lines of a grid or graticule.  This value is
     /// used for both the easting and northing grid lines; and the value must
     /// be in the units specified by the <c>unitCode</c> parameter.
-    /// </param>
-    /// <param name="tickIncrement">
+    /// \param tickIncrement
     /// The distance between tick marks of a grid or graticule.  This value is
     /// used for both the easting and northing tick marks; and the value must
     /// be in the units specified by the <c>unitCode</c> parameter.
-    /// </param>
-    /// <param name="unitCode">
+    /// \param unitCode
     /// One of the values defined by the MgCoordinateSystemUnitCode object
     /// which indicates the units in which the <c>increment</c>,
     /// <c>tickIncrement</c>, and <c>curvePrecision</c> parameters are
     /// specified.
-    /// </param>
-    /// <param name="curvePrecision">
+    /// \param curvePrecision
     /// In the units indicated by the <c>unitCode</c> parameter, the
     /// <b>desired</b> maximum distance between the true complex curve and
     /// the multi-segment approximation of the complex curve of any grid or
     /// graticule line generated using this specification.
-    /// </param>
-    /// <returns>
+    /// \return
     /// A fully initialized grid specification object.
-    /// </returns>
-    /// <exception cref="std::bad_alloc">
+    /// \exception std::bad_alloc
     /// Thrown in the event of a heap memory allocation failure.
-    /// </exception>
-    /// <remarks>
+    /// \remarks
     /// This particular overload is designed for the most common situations.
     /// It presumes the units used are of thelinear type, and thus this
     /// particular overload cannot be used to generate a specification
     /// object for use in graticule generation.
-    /// </remarks>
     virtual MgCoordinateSystemGridSpecification* GridSpecification (double increment,
                                                                     double tickIncrement,
                                                                     INT32 unitCode,
                                                                     double curvePrecision);
-    /// <summary>
+    /// \brief
     /// Constructs a grid specification object with all specifications set to
     /// the values indicated by the supplied parameters.
-    /// </summary>
-    /// <param name="gridType">
+    /// \param gridType
     /// A value defined by the MgCoordinateSystemGridSpecializationType object
     /// which indicates the Type of specialized grid desired.
-    /// </param>
-    /// <param name="gridLevel">
+    /// \param gridLevel
     /// A value which indicates the density of the grid desired.  The exact
     /// value of this parameter is dependent upon the value of the
     /// <c>gridType</c> argument.  See Remarks below.
-    /// </param>
-    /// <returns>
+    /// \return
     /// Returns a fully initialized grid specification structure.
-    /// </returns>
-    /// <exception cref="std::bad_alloc">
+    /// \exception std::bad_alloc
     /// Thrown in the event of a heap memory allocation failure.
-    /// </exception>
-    /// <remarks>
+    /// \remarks
     /// The value of the <c>gridLevel</c> parameter is depenent upon the
     /// <c>gridType</c> argument.  For each type of grid, there exists
     /// a different set legal values for the <c>gridLevel</c> parameter.
@@ -290,248 +375,196 @@
     /// and therefore the value of the <c>gridLevel</c> argument would
     /// need to be a value defined by the MgCoordinateSystemMgrsGridLevel
     /// object.
-    /// </remarks>
     virtual MgCoordinateSystemGridSpecification* GridSpecification (INT32 gridType,
                                                                     INT32 gridLevel);
     // Grids and Graticules -- Generic
-    /// <summary>
+    /// \brief
     /// Manufactures generic grid object.  A generic grid is one which simply
     /// draws isolines of one coordinate system (the Grid coordinate system)
     /// into the drawing space of another (the frame system).
-    /// </summary>
-    /// <param name="sGridCs">
+    /// \param sGridCs
     /// The coordinate system code name of the grid coordinate system.
-    /// </param>
-    /// <param name="sFrameCs">
+    /// \param sFrameCs
     /// The coordinate system code name of the frame coordinate system.
-    /// </param>
-    /// <param name="bSetExceptionsOn">
+    /// \param bSetExceptionsOn
     /// <c>true</c> indicates that exceptions are to be thrown on all
     /// exceptional conditions.
-    /// </param>
-    /// <returns>
+    /// \return
     /// Returns a disposable pointer to the abstract interface class from which the
     /// generic grid object (and all other grid objects) derive.
     /// object derive.
-    /// </returns>
-    /// <exception cref="MgOutOfMemoryException">
+    /// \exception MgOutOfMemoryException
     /// Thrown on heap memory allocation failure.
-    /// </exception>
-    /// <remarks>
-    /// Refer to <see cref="MgCoordinateSystemFactory::CreateFromCode"> for
+    /// \remarks
+    /// Refer to MgCoordinateSystemFactory::CreateFromCode for
     /// additional exception information.
-    /// </remarks>
     virtual MgCoordinateSystemGridBase* GenericGrid (CREFSTRING sGridCs,
                                                      CREFSTRING sFrameCs,
                                                      bool bSetExceptionsOn);
-    /// <summary>
+    /// \brief
     /// Manufactures generic grid object.  A generic grid is one which simply
     /// draws isolines of one coordinate system (the Grid coordinate system)
     /// into the drawing space of another (the frame system).
-    /// </summary>
-    /// <param name="pGridCs">
+    /// \param pGridCs
     /// The grid coordinate system.
-    /// </param>
-    /// <param name="pFrameCs">
+    /// \param pFrameCs
     /// The frame coordinate system.
-    /// </param>
-    /// <param name="bSetExceptionsOn">
+    /// \param bSetExceptionsOn
     /// <c>true</c> indicates that exceptions are to be thrown on all
     /// exceptional conditions.
-    /// </param>
-    /// <returns>
+    /// \return
     /// Returns a disposable pointer to the abstract interface class from which the
     /// generic grid object (and all other grid objects) derive.
     /// object derive.
-    /// </returns>
-    /// <exception cref="MgOutOfMemoryException">
+    /// \exception MgOutOfMemoryException
     /// Thrown on heap memory allocation failure.
-    /// </exception>
-    /// <remarks>
-    /// Refer to <see cref="MgCoordinateSystemFactory::CreateFromCode"> for
+    /// \remarks
+    /// Refer to MgCoordinateSystemFactory::CreateFromCode for
     /// additional exception information.
-    /// </remarks>
     virtual MgCoordinateSystemGridBase* GenericGrid (MgCoordinateSystem* pGridCs,
                                                      MgCoordinateSystem* pFrameCs,
                                                      bool bSetExceptionsOn);
     // Grids and Graticules -- MGRS
-    /// <summary>
+    /// \brief
     /// Manufactures an MGRS grid object.  The returned object is suitable only
     /// for use in simple coordinate <-> MGRS string calculations.
-    /// </summary>
-    /// <param name="dEquatorialRadius">
+    /// \param dEquatorialRadius
     /// Equatorial radius of the ellipsod upon which conversions to and from
     /// MGRS strings are to be based.
-    /// </param>
-    /// <param name="dEccentricy">
+    /// \param dEccentricity
     /// Eccentricity of the ellipsod upon which conversions to and from
     /// MGRS strings are to be based.
-    /// </param>
-    /// <param name="nLetteringScheme">
-    /// A value as defined in the <c>MgCoordinateSystemMgrsLetteringScheme</c>
+    /// \param nLetteringScheme
+    /// A value as defined in the MgCoordinateSystemMgrsLetteringScheme
     /// object which specifies the lettering scheme to be used on MGRS
     /// string conversions.
-    /// </param>
-    /// <param name="bSetExceptionsOn">
+    /// \param bSetExceptionsOn
     /// <c>true</c> indicates that exceptions are to be thrown on coordinate
     /// conversions which fail for any reason.
-    /// </param>
-    /// </param>
-    /// <returns>
-    /// Returns a disposable pointer to an <c>MgCoordinateSystemMgrs</c>
+    /// \return
+    /// Returns a disposable pointer to an MgCoordinateSystemMgrs
     /// object which is suitable <b>only</b> for MGRS string conversions.
-    /// </returns>
-    /// <exception cref="MgOutOfMemoryException">
+    /// \exception MgOutOfMemoryException
     /// Thrown on heap memory allocation failure.
-    /// </exception>
     virtual MgCoordinateSystemMgrs* GetMgrs(double dEquatorialRadius,double dEccentricity,
                                                                      INT8 nLetteringScheme,
                                                                      bool bSetExceptionsOn);
-    /// <summary>
+    /// \brief
     /// Manufactures an MGRS grid object.  The returned object is suitable only
     /// for use in simple coordinate <-> MGRS string calculations.
-    /// </summary>
-    /// <param name="sEllispoidCode">
+    /// \param sEllipsoidCode
     /// Dictionary code name of the ellipsoid upon which conversions to and from
     /// MGRS strings are to be based.
-    /// </param>
-    /// <param name="nLetteringScheme">
-    /// A value as defined in the <c>MgCoordinateSystemMgrsLetteringScheme</c>
+    /// \param nLetteringScheme
+    /// A value as defined in the MgCoordinateSystemMgrsLetteringScheme
     /// object which specifies the lettering scheme to be used on MGRS
     /// string conversions.
-    /// </param>
-    /// <param name="bSetExceptionsOn">
+    /// \param bSetExceptionsOn
     /// <c>true</c> indicates that exceptions are to be thrown on coordinate
     /// conversions which fail for any reason.
-    /// </param>
-    /// <returns>
-    /// Returns a disposable pointer to an <c>MgCoordinateSystemMgrs</c>
+    /// \return
+    /// Returns a disposable pointer to an MgCoordinateSystemMgrs
     /// object which is suitable <b>only</b> for MGRS string conversions.
-    /// </returns>
-    /// <exception cref="MgOutOfMemoryException">
+    /// \exception MgOutOfMemoryException
     /// Thrown on heap memory allocation failure.
-    /// </exception>
     virtual MgCoordinateSystemMgrs* GetMgrsEllipsoid(CREFSTRING sEllipsoidCode,
                                                      INT8 nLetteringScheme,
                                                      bool bSetExceptionsOn);
-    /// <summary>
+    /// \brief
     /// Manufactures an MGRS grid object.  The returned object is suitable only
     /// for use in simple coordinate <-> MGRS string calculations.
-    /// </summary>
-    /// <param name="sDatumCode">
+    /// \param sDatumCode
     /// Dictionary code name of the datum whose referenced ellipsoid is to be
     /// used for all conversions to and from MGRS strings.
-    /// </param>
-    /// <param name="nLetteringScheme">
-    /// A value as defined in the <c>MgCoordinateSystemMgrsLetteringScheme</c>
+    /// \param nLetteringScheme
+    /// A value as defined in the MgCoordinateSystemMgrsLetteringScheme
     /// object which specifies the lettering scheme to be used on MGRS
     /// string conversions.
-    /// </param>
-    /// <param name="bSetExceptionsOn">
+    /// \param bSetExceptionsOn
     /// <c>true</c> indicates that exceptions are to be thrown on coordinate
     /// conversions which fail for any reason.
-    /// </param>
-    /// <returns>
-    /// Returns a disposable pointer to an <c>MgCoordinateSystemMgrs</c>
+    /// \return
+    /// Returns a disposable pointer to an MgCoordinateSystemMgrs
     /// object which is suitable <b>only</b> for MGRS string conversions.
-    /// </returns>
-    /// <exception cref="MgOutOfMemoryException">
+    /// \exception MgOutOfMemoryException
     /// Thrown on heap memory allocation failure.
-    /// </exception>
-    /// <remarks>
+    /// \remarks
     /// The datum specification is simply a means of specifying the ellipsoid
     /// upon which the calculations are to be based.  It does <b>not</b> mean
     /// that any datum shift calculations will be performed.
-    /// </remarks>
     virtual MgCoordinateSystemMgrs* GetMgrsDatum(CREFSTRING sDatumCode,
                                                  INT8 nLetteringScheme,
                                                  bool bSetExceptionsOn);
-    /// <summary>
+    /// \brief
     /// Manufactures an MGRS grid object which is suitable for generating an
     /// actual MGRS grid.
-    /// </summary>
-    /// <param name="pFrameCs">
+    /// \param pFrameCs
     /// The frame coordinate system.
-    /// </param>
-    /// <param name="bUseFrameDatum">
+    /// \param bUseFrameDatum
     /// <c>true</c> causes the frame datum to be used for all geodetic calculations
     /// neccessary to generate the grid; otherwise WGS84 is assumed.
-    /// <param name="nLetteringScheme">
-    /// A value as defined in the <c>MgCoordinateSystemMgrsLetteringScheme</c>
+    /// \param nLetteringScheme
+    /// A value as defined in the MgCoordinateSystemMgrsLetteringScheme
     /// object which specifies the lettering scheme to be used on MGRS
     /// string conversions.
-    /// </param>
-    /// <param name="bSetExceptionsOn">
+    /// \param bSetExceptionsOn
     /// <c>true</c> indicates that exceptions are to be thrown on coordinate
     /// conversions which fail for any reason. This applies only to MGRS string
     /// conversions.
-    /// </param>
-    /// <returns>
+    /// \return
     /// Returns a disposable pointer to the abstract interface class from which the
     /// MGRS grid object (and all other grid objects) derive.
-    /// object derive.
-    /// </returns>
-    /// <exception cref="MgOutOfMemoryException">
+    /// \exception MgOutOfMemoryException
     /// Thrown on heap memory allocation failure.
-    /// </exception>
-    /// <remarks>
-    /// Refer to <see cref="MgCoordinateSystemFactory::CreateFromCode"> for
-    /// additional exception information.<para>
+    /// \remarks
+    /// Refer to MgCoordinateSystemFactory::CreateFromCode for
+    /// additional exception information.\n
     /// Coordinate system transformation exceptions are always suppressed during
     /// grid generation.
-    /// </remarks>
     virtual MgCoordinateSystemGridBase* MgrsGrid (MgCoordinateSystem* pFrameCs,
                                                   bool bUseFrameDatum,
                                                   INT8 nLetteringScheme,
                                                   bool bSetExceptionsOn);
-    /// <summary>
+    /// \brief
     /// Manufactures an MGRS grid object which is suitable for generating an
     /// actual MGRS grid.
-    /// </summary>
-    /// <param name="sFrameCs">
+    /// \param sFrameCs
     /// The dictionary code name of the frame coordinate system.
-    /// </param>
-    /// <param name="bUseFrameDatum">
+    /// \param bUseFrameDatum
     /// <c>true</c> causes the frame datum to be used for all geodetic calculations
     /// neccessary to generate the grid; otherwise WGS84 is assumed.
-    /// <param name="nLetteringScheme">
-    /// A value as defined in the <c>MgCoordinateSystemMgrsLetteringScheme</c>
+    /// \param nLetteringScheme
+    /// A value as defined in the MgCoordinateSystemMgrsLetteringScheme
     /// object which specifies the lettering scheme to be used on MGRS
     /// string conversions.
-    /// </param>
-    /// <param name="bSetExceptionsOn">
+    /// \param bSetExceptionsOn
     /// <c>true</c> indicates that exceptions are to be thrown on coordinate
     /// conversions which fail for any reason. This applies only to MGRS string
     /// conversions.
-    /// </param>
-    /// <returns>
+    /// \return
     /// Returns a disposable pointer to the abstract interface class from which the
     /// MGRS grid object (and all other grid objects) derive.
-    /// object derive.
-    /// </returns>
-    /// <exception cref="MgOutOfMemoryException">
+    /// \exception MgOutOfMemoryException
     /// Thrown on heap memory allocation failure.
-    /// </exception>
-    /// <remarks>
-    /// Refer to <see cref="MgCoordinateSystemFactory::CreateFromCode"> for
-    /// additional exception information.<para>
+    /// \remarks
+    /// Refer to MgCoordinateSystemFactory::CreateFromCode for
+    /// additional exception information.\n
     /// Coordinate system transformation exceptions are always suppressed during
     /// grid generation.
-    /// </remarks>
     virtual MgCoordinateSystemGridBase* MgrsGrid (CREFSTRING sFrameCs,
                                                   bool bUseFrameDatum,
                                                   INT8 nLetteringScheme,

Modified: branches/2.4/MgDev/Common/Geometry/CoordinateSystem/CoordinateSystemGrids.h
--- branches/2.4/MgDev/Common/Geometry/CoordinateSystem/CoordinateSystemGrids.h	2012-08-27 02:55:21 UTC (rev 6953)
+++ branches/2.4/MgDev/Common/Geometry/CoordinateSystem/CoordinateSystemGrids.h	2012-08-27 16:37:07 UTC (rev 6954)
@@ -54,24 +54,23 @@
 /// \{
-/// <summary>
-/// <c>MgCoordinateSystemGridSpecification</c> is an object that is used to
+/// \brief
+/// MgCoordinateSystemGridSpecification is an object that is used to
 /// convey all the parameters necessary for the generation of a grid/graticule
 /// lumped into a single object for convenience.  Thus, adding a parameter
 /// determined to be necessary at a later time does not alter a lot of calling
-/// sequences.<p>
+/// sequences.\n
 /// Note that this interface is an abstract interface.  There is code
 /// associated with the implementation of this interface which is used to
 /// handle the conversion of parameters between the various unit systems.
-/// Thus, one obtains a <c>MgCoordinateSystemGridSpecification</c> from the
-/// <c>MgCoordinateSystemFactory</c> object.<p>
+/// Thus, one obtains a MgCoordinateSystemGridSpecification from the
+/// MgCoordinateSystemFactory object.\n
 /// Note that all values are provided in the units specified within the object.
 /// The units used in this object do <b>not</b> need to be the same as any
 /// coordinate system involved in the generation of a grid, although the
 /// <b>type</b> of unit must be consistent with the type of grid being drawn.
 /// That is, specifying a Angular unit type when drawing a UTM grid will cause
 /// an exception at the time the request for (say) grid lines is issued.
-/// </summary>
 class MG_GEOMETRY_API MgCoordinateSystemGridSpecification : public MgGuardDisposable
@@ -365,7 +364,7 @@
     /// specific northing value; the resulting lines usually being horizontal
     /// (i.e. west to east).
-    /// \bugs
+    /// \bug
     /// This function should be named SetGridIncrements to be consistent with the
     /// rest of the interface.
@@ -456,7 +455,7 @@
     /// less than that requested.  This provision is implemented to reduce the
     /// probability of a runaway grid which consumes the entire machine.
-    /// \bugs
+    /// \bug
     /// The maximum curve point variable should be a part of this object.
     virtual void SetCurvePrecision (double curvePrecision) = 0;
@@ -678,17 +677,16 @@
 // External to this interface, boundary objects are always in the viewport
 // (i.e. target) coordinate system.
-/// <summary>
+/// \brief
 /// This object is used to maintain the definition of the boundary of a
 /// specific grid or graticule.  Externally, a
-/// <c>MgCoordinateSystemGridBoundary</c> object will be in viewport
+/// MgCoordinateSystemGridBoundary object will be in viewport
 /// coordinates.  Internally, objects of this type are often used to the
 /// carry grid boundaries in grid coordinates, and also greographic
-/// coordinates.<p>
+/// coordinates.\n
 /// Grid boundaries iusually start out as rectangles, but are often converted
 /// to a series of complex curves approximated by multi-segment lines (i.e.
 /// line strings).
-/// </summsry>
 class MG_GEOMETRY_API MgCoordinateSystemGridBoundary : public MgGuardDisposable

Modified: branches/2.4/MgDev/Common/Geometry/CoordinateSystem/CoordinateSystemMathComparator.h
--- branches/2.4/MgDev/Common/Geometry/CoordinateSystem/CoordinateSystemMathComparator.h	2012-08-27 02:55:21 UTC (rev 6953)
+++ branches/2.4/MgDev/Common/Geometry/CoordinateSystem/CoordinateSystemMathComparator.h	2012-08-27 16:37:07 UTC (rev 6954)
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
     /// \brief
     /// Disables or enables the comparison of any integral geodetic transformation information
     /// when comparing datums. By default, this class compares any geodetic transformation
-    /// information it finds. If set to false, the \link SameDatum method 
+    /// information it finds. If set to false, the MgCoordinateSystemMathComparator::SameDatum method 
     /// only compares ellipsoid information and any other, non-transformation related, properties.
     virtual void SetCompareInternalDatumOldParameters(bool) = 0;

Modified: branches/2.4/MgDev/Common/Geometry/CoordinateSystem/CoordinateSystemTransform.h
--- branches/2.4/MgDev/Common/Geometry/CoordinateSystem/CoordinateSystemTransform.h	2012-08-27 02:55:21 UTC (rev 6953)
+++ branches/2.4/MgDev/Common/Geometry/CoordinateSystem/CoordinateSystemTransform.h	2012-08-27 16:37:07 UTC (rev 6954)
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@
     /// The starting point of the linear segment in source system coordinates.
     /// \param toPnt
     /// The end point of the linear segment in source system coordinates.
-    /// \param chordValue
+    /// \param curvePrecision
     /// The returned line string is segmented to the degree necessary such
     /// that the distance between the LineString approximation of the true
     /// curve and the true curve istself is never more than this value.  Units
@@ -433,11 +433,10 @@
     /// which is to be returned.
     /// \return
     /// Returns a disposable pointer to the geodetic transformation definition
-    /// indicated by the index parameter. The \link MgCoordinateSystemGeodeticTransformDef
+    /// indicated by the index parameter. The MgCoordinateSystemGeodeticTransformDef
     /// instance is guaranteed to exist in the geodetic transformation definition
     /// dictionary.
-    /// \exception  MgIndexOutOfRangeException if index is out of range. See \link
-    ///             GetGeodeticTransformationCount.
+    /// \exception  MgIndexOutOfRangeException if index is out of range. See MgCoordinateSystemTransform::GetGeodeticTransformationCount.
     /// \exception  MgCoordinateSystemLoadFailedException if the geodetic transformation
     ///             denoted by the index is not contained in the dictionries
     ///             but has been created in-memory only. Note though, that this will only
@@ -459,10 +458,10 @@
     /// for which the direction is to be returned.
     /// \return
     /// Returns a memebr of the MgCoordinateSystemGeodeticDirection class:
-    /// * GeodeticDirectionForward for the forward direction,
-    /// * GeodeticDirectionInverse or the inverse direction,
-    /// * GeodeticDirectionNone if there is no specification (e.g. a null transformation), and
-    /// * GeodeticDirectionError if the index parameter is invalid.
+    /// * MgCoordinateSystemGeodeticDirection::GeodeticDirectionForward for the forward direction,
+    /// * MgCoordinateSystemGeodeticDirection::GeodeticDirectionInverse or the inverse direction,
+    /// * MgCoordinateSystemGeodeticDirection::GeodeticDirectionNone if there is no specification (e.g. a null transformation), and
+    /// * MgCoordinateSystemGeodeticDirection::GeodeticDirectionError if the index parameter is invalid.
     /// \remarks
     /// No exceptions are thrown.

Modified: branches/2.4/MgDev/Common/MapGuideCommon/MapLayer/Map.h
--- branches/2.4/MgDev/Common/MapGuideCommon/MapLayer/Map.h	2012-08-27 02:55:21 UTC (rev 6953)
+++ branches/2.4/MgDev/Common/MapGuideCommon/MapLayer/Map.h	2012-08-27 16:37:07 UTC (rev 6954)
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
     /// \brief
     /// Constructs an empty un-initialized MgMap object.
-    /// \remarks
+    /// \deprecated
     /// This method has been deprecated. Use the following method:
     /// \link MgMap(MgSiteConnection*) MgMap(MgSiteConnection* siteConnection) \endlink.
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@
     /// definition, and a name for the map. This method is used for
     /// MapGuide Viewers or for offline map production.
-    /// \remarks
+    /// \deprecated
     /// This method has been deprecated. Use the following method:
     /// \link MgMap::Create(MgResourceIdentifier*,CREFSTRING) Create(MgResourceIdentifier mapDefinition, string mapName) \endlink.
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@
     /// \brief
     /// Loads the map object from a session repository.
-    /// \remarks
+    /// \deprecated
     /// This method has been deprecated. Use the following method:
     /// \link MgMap::Open(CREFSTRING) Open(string mapName) \endlink.
     /// For more information, see \link Maps_and_Layers_Module Maps and Layers \endlink.
@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@
     /// \brief
     /// Saves the Map using the specified resource service.
-    /// \remarks
+    /// \deprecated
     /// This method has been deprecated. Use the following method:
     /// \link Save() Save() \endlink.
     /// This method assumes a valid resource identifier has already

Modified: branches/2.4/MgDev/Common/MapGuideCommon/Services/SiteManager.h
--- branches/2.4/MgDev/Common/MapGuideCommon/Services/SiteManager.h	2012-08-27 02:55:21 UTC (rev 6953)
+++ branches/2.4/MgDev/Common/MapGuideCommon/Services/SiteManager.h	2012-08-27 16:37:07 UTC (rev 6954)
@@ -21,12 +21,14 @@
 class MgSiteInfo;
 typedef std::vector<MgSiteInfo*> MgSiteVector;
+/// \cond INTERNAL
 // Data structure which is passed to thread
 struct SMThreadData
     ACE_thread_t threadId;
     INT32 failoverRetryTime;
+/// \endcond
 class MG_MAPGUIDE_API MgSiteManager : public MgGuardDisposable

Modified: branches/2.4/MgDev/Common/MapGuideCommon/System/CryptographyManager.h
--- branches/2.4/MgDev/Common/MapGuideCommon/System/CryptographyManager.h	2012-08-27 02:55:21 UTC (rev 6953)
+++ branches/2.4/MgDev/Common/MapGuideCommon/System/CryptographyManager.h	2012-08-27 16:37:07 UTC (rev 6954)
@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@
     {                                                                         \
     }                                                                         \
+/// \cond INTERNAL
 /// \defgroup MgCryptographyManager MgCryptographyManager
 /// \ingroup Common_Module
 /// \{
@@ -354,5 +355,6 @@
     MgCryptographyUtil m_cryptoUtil;
 /// \}
+/// \endcond

Modified: branches/2.4/MgDev/Common/PlatformBase/MapLayer/Watermark.h
--- branches/2.4/MgDev/Common/PlatformBase/MapLayer/Watermark.h	2012-08-27 02:55:21 UTC (rev 6953)
+++ branches/2.4/MgDev/Common/PlatformBase/MapLayer/Watermark.h	2012-08-27 16:37:07 UTC (rev 6954)
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 //the rendering service can get the WatermarkDefinition.
 //So it's only an internal API.
+/// \cond INTERNAL
 class MG_PLATFORMBASE_API MgWatermark
@@ -33,5 +34,6 @@
     static MdfModel::WatermarkDefinition* GetWatermarkDefinition(MgResourceService* svcResource, MgResourceIdentifier* resId);
     static MdfModel::WatermarkDefinition* GetWatermarkDefinition(CREFSTRING resourceContent);
+/// \endcond

Modified: branches/2.4/MgDev/Common/PlatformBase/Services/FeatureService.h
--- branches/2.4/MgDev/Common/PlatformBase/Services/FeatureService.h	2012-08-27 02:55:21 UTC (rev 6953)
+++ branches/2.4/MgDev/Common/PlatformBase/Services/FeatureService.h	2012-08-27 16:37:07 UTC (rev 6954)
@@ -904,8 +904,8 @@
     /// \remarks
     /// The XML returned by MgFeatureService::GetCapabilities says
     /// whether a provider supports SQL commands. See \link ProviderCapabilities Provider Capabilities \endlink.
-    /// This API has to be used along with new APIs of BeginTransaction(...).
-    /// If passing NULL for transaction, it will work the same as UpdateFeatures(resource, commands, false).
+    /// This API has to be used along with new APIs of MgFeatureService::BeginTransaction.
+    /// If passing NULL for transaction, it will work the same as MgFeatureService::UpdateFeatures(resource, commands, false).
     /// <!-- Syntax in .Net, Java, and PHP -->
     /// \htmlinclude DotNetSyntaxTop.html
@@ -924,11 +924,6 @@
     /// \param commands (MgFeatureCommandCollection)
     /// A collection of feature commands to be
     /// executed.
-    /// \param useTransaction (boolean/bool)
-    /// If true and transactions are supported
-    /// by the Fdo provider, execute all
-    /// commands inside a transaction. If false,
-    /// do not use a transaction.
     /// \param transaction (MgTransaction)
     /// The MgTransaction instance on which the commands
     /// will be executed.
@@ -1021,6 +1016,8 @@
     /// Starts a transaction on the specified feature source
     /// \remarks
+    /// The XML returned by MgFeatureService::GetCapabilities says
+    /// whether a provider supports transactions. See \link ProviderCapabilities Provider Capabilities \endlink.
     /// <!-- Syntax in .Net, Java, and PHP -->
     /// \htmlinclude DotNetSyntaxTop.html

Modified: branches/2.4/MgDev/Common/PlatformBase/Services/Parameter.h
--- branches/2.4/MgDev/Common/PlatformBase/Services/Parameter.h	2012-08-27 02:55:21 UTC (rev 6953)
+++ branches/2.4/MgDev/Common/PlatformBase/Services/Parameter.h	2012-08-27 16:37:07 UTC (rev 6954)
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
     /// MgParameter(MgNullableProperty prop);
     /// \htmlinclude SyntaxBottom.html
-    /// \param name (MgNullableProperty)
+    /// \param prop (MgNullableProperty)
     /// An MgNullableProperty instance which contains
     /// the name and value of the parameter.
@@ -73,10 +73,10 @@
     /// MgParameter(MgNullableProperty prop, int direction);
     /// \htmlinclude SyntaxBottom.html
-    /// \param name (MgNullableProperty)
+    /// \param prop (MgNullableProperty)
     /// An MgNullableProperty instance which contains
     /// the name and value of the parameter.
-    /// \param value (int)
+    /// \param direction (int)
     /// The function direction of the parameter value.
     MgParameter(MgNullableProperty* prop, INT32 direction);
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
     /// void SetProperty(MgNullableProperty prop);
     /// \htmlinclude SyntaxBottom.html
-    /// \param value
+    /// \param prop (MgNullableProperty)
     /// Input an MgNullableProperty instance which contains
     /// the name and value of the parameter.

Modified: branches/2.4/MgDev/Common/PlatformBase/Services/Reader.h
--- branches/2.4/MgDev/Common/PlatformBase/Services/Reader.h	2012-08-27 02:55:21 UTC (rev 6953)
+++ branches/2.4/MgDev/Common/PlatformBase/Services/Reader.h	2012-08-27 16:37:07 UTC (rev 6954)
@@ -603,7 +603,7 @@
     /// virtual int GetPropertyIndex(string propertyName);
     /// \htmlinclude SyntaxBottom.html
-    /// \param propertyName(string)
+    /// \param propertyName (String/string)
     /// The name of the property in the list of
     /// properties belonging to the feature currently
     /// being read.

Modified: branches/2.4/MgDev/Doc/MgOpenSource_Doxyfile
--- branches/2.4/MgDev/Doc/MgOpenSource_Doxyfile	2012-08-27 02:55:21 UTC (rev 6953)
+++ branches/2.4/MgDev/Doc/MgOpenSource_Doxyfile	2012-08-27 16:37:07 UTC (rev 6954)
@@ -1,27 +1,28 @@
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@@ -29,19 +30,30 @@
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@@ -54,19 +66,27 @@
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@@ -75,7 +95,7 @@
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 # configuration options related to the input files
@@ -85,7 +105,8 @@
                          ../Common/Foundation \
                          ../Common/Geometry \
                          ../Common/PlatformBase \
-                         ../Common/MapGuideCommon
+                         ../Common/MapGuideCommon \
+                         ../Web/src/WebApp
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@@ -96,6 +117,7 @@
                          */Buffer/bufraloc.h \
                          */Buffer/bufrsort.h \
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+                         */Buffer/DumpFFGF.h \
                          */Buffer/eventarr.h \
                          */Buffer/eventint.h \
                          */Buffer/FloatTransform.h \
@@ -136,19 +158,30 @@
                          */Geometry/Parse/yyAwkt.h \
                          */Geometry/Parse/Array.h \
                          */Geometry/Parse/ParseAwkt.h \
+                         */Geometry/GeometryConsoleTest/* \
+                         */Geometry/Spatial/* \
+                         */MapLayer/Watermark.h \
                          */System/CommonDefs.h \
-                         */Service/System/Ptr.h \
-                         */Service/Util/FileUtil.h \
-                         */Service/Util/Util.h \
+                         */System/Ptr.h \
+                         */System/FileUtil.h \
+                         */System/Util.h \
+                         */System/CryptographyManager.h \
+                         */PrintLayoutService/* \
+                         */Data/Point3D.h \
+                         */Data/Size2D.h \
+                         */Data/Vector3D.h \
+                         */Data/Margin.h \
+                         */Data/SerializableCollection.h \
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@@ -165,28 +198,57 @@
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@@ -209,8 +274,8 @@
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@@ -223,8 +288,8 @@
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@@ -236,41 +301,46 @@
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+# Configuration options related to the preprocessor
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                          EXTERNAL_API=private \
                          PUBLISHED_API=public \
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+# Configuration::additions related to external references
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+# Configuration options related to the dot tool
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@@ -279,15 +349,13 @@
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Modified: branches/2.4/MgDev/Doc/PostProcessor/post_process.MgOpenSource.pl
--- branches/2.4/MgDev/Doc/PostProcessor/post_process.MgOpenSource.pl	2012-08-27 02:55:21 UTC (rev 6953)
+++ branches/2.4/MgDev/Doc/PostProcessor/post_process.MgOpenSource.pl	2012-08-27 16:37:07 UTC (rev 6954)
@@ -99,12 +99,12 @@
 # Do it
 show_global_variables(); # (for debugging)
 # All done
 print "\nPost processing is complete. (Time taken = ", convert_seconds_to_hms_string((time() - $start_time)) , ".)\n"; 

Modified: branches/2.4/MgDev/Doc/group_and_page_definitions/define_groups.h
--- branches/2.4/MgDev/Doc/group_and_page_definitions/define_groups.h	2012-08-27 02:55:21 UTC (rev 6953)
+++ branches/2.4/MgDev/Doc/group_and_page_definitions/define_groups.h	2012-08-27 16:37:07 UTC (rev 6954)
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@
 	<!-- ------------ MAPPING SERVICE --------------- -->
 	\defgroup Mapping_Service_Module Mapping Service
+	<!-- ------------ PROFILING SERVICE ------------- -->
+	\defgroup Profiling_Service_Module Profiling Service
 	<!-- ------------ RENDERING SERVICE ------------- -->
 	\defgroup Rendering_Service_Module Rendering Service
 		The Rendering Service renders a map into a bitmapped image

Modified: branches/2.4/MgDev/Doc/group_and_page_definitions/define_pages.h
--- branches/2.4/MgDev/Doc/group_and_page_definitions/define_pages.h	2012-08-27 02:55:21 UTC (rev 6953)
+++ branches/2.4/MgDev/Doc/group_and_page_definitions/define_pages.h	2012-08-27 16:37:07 UTC (rev 6954)
@@ -11,21 +11,23 @@
 Much of the work with this API is done through the following services:
- - \ref Resource_Service_Module "Resource Service": manipulates resources and repositories.
- - \ref Feature_Service_Module "Feature Service": provides access to FDO providers.
- - \ref Rendering_Service_Module "Rendering Service": renders a map into a bitmapped image.
- - \ref Drawing_Service_Module "Drawing Service": allows low level access to drawing sources (DWF data).
- - \ref Mapping_Service_Module "Mapping Service": generates eMaps and ePlots for viewing with the DWF Viewer.
- - \ref Site_Service_Module "Site Service": configures users, groups, and user sessions.
- - \ref Tile_Service_Module "Tile Service": supports smooth pans and zooms in the AJAX Viewer.
+ \li \ref Resource_Service_Module "Resource Service": manipulates resources and repositories.
+ \li \ref Feature_Service_Module "Feature Service": provides access to FDO providers.
+ \li \ref Rendering_Service_Module "Rendering Service": renders a map into a bitmapped image.
+ \li \ref Drawing_Service_Module "Drawing Service": allows low level access to drawing sources (DWF data).
+ \li \ref Mapping_Service_Module "Mapping Service": generates eMaps and ePlots for viewing with the DWF Viewer.
+ \li \ref Profiling_Service_Module "Profiling Service": Profiles map and layer rendering for performance data.
+ \li \ref Site_Service_Module "Site Service": configures users, groups, and user sessions.
+ \li \ref Tile_Service_Module "Tile Service": supports smooth pans and zooms in the AJAX Viewer.
 Some other important areas of the API are:
- - \ref Coordinate_System_Module "Coordinate System": supports coordinate system transformations.
- - \ref Geometry_Module "Geometry": manipulates geometric objects.
- - \ref Collections_Module "Collections": classes to hold collections of objects.
- - \ref Common_Module "Common": common utility classes.
- - \ref Exceptions_Module "Exceptions"
+ \li \ref Feature_Schema_Module "Feature Schema": defines the structure of data contained in a Feature Source
+ \li \ref Coordinate_System_Module "Coordinate System": supports coordinate system transformations.
+ \li \ref Geometry_Module "Geometry": manipulates geometric objects.
+ \li \ref Collections_Module "Collections": classes to hold collections of objects.
+ \li \ref Common_Module "Common": common utility classes.
+ \li \ref Exceptions_Module "Exceptions"
 The API uses XML data extensively. The schemas are documented in \ref XML_Schemas_Module "XML Schemas".

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