[mapguide-commits] r8390 - in trunk/MgDev/UnitTest/WebTier/Java: . src/org/osgeo/mapguide/test

svn_mapguide at osgeo.org svn_mapguide at osgeo.org
Mon Oct 6 09:10:23 PDT 2014

Author: jng
Date: 2014-10-06 09:10:23 -0700 (Mon, 06 Oct 2014)
New Revision: 8390

 - Turn off namespace awareness in DocumentBuilderFactory
 - Add platform-specific targets

Modified: trunk/MgDev/UnitTest/WebTier/Java/build.xml
--- trunk/MgDev/UnitTest/WebTier/Java/build.xml	2014-10-06 12:24:36 UTC (rev 8389)
+++ trunk/MgDev/UnitTest/WebTier/Java/build.xml	2014-10-06 16:10:23 UTC (rev 8390)
@@ -1,17 +1,20 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
 <project name="MgUnitTest" default="dist" basedir=".">
   <description>MgUnitTest project file</description>
   <!-- Must install ant-contrib 1.0b2 or higher -->
   <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties"/>
+  <condition property="unix">
+    <os family="unix" />
+  </condition>
+  <condition property="windows">
+    <os family="windows" />
+  </condition>
   <!-- set global properties for this build -->
   <property name="src" location="src" />
   <property name="build" location="build" />
   <property name="dist"  location="../java_dist" />
   <property name="classpath" location="lib" />
   <property name="extlib" location="extlib" />
   <property name="build.target" location="64" />
   <property name="binsrc.web" location="../../../Web/bin/release64" />
   <property name="jarsrc.web" location="../../../Web/src/WEB-INF/lib" />
@@ -21,14 +24,15 @@
   <property name="mapguide.config" location="${dist}/webconfig.ini" />
   <property name="mapguide.dictpath" location="../../../Oem/CsMap/Dictionaries" />
   <property name="unittest.logpath" location="${dist}/unittest.log" />
+  <!-- Linux-specific -->
+  <property name="mapguide.ldpath" location="/usr/local/mapguideopensource-3.0.0/lib:/usr/local/mapguideopensource-3.0.0/webserverextensions/lib" />
   <path id="master-classpath">
     <fileset dir="${classpath}">
       <include name="*.jar" />
-  <target name="init">
+  <target name="initwin" if="windows">
+    <echo message="Init build environment for Windows" />
     <!-- Create the time stamp -->
     <!-- Create the build directory structure used by compile -->
@@ -62,8 +66,25 @@
-  <target name="compile" depends="init"
+  <target name="initunix" if="unix">
+    <echo message="Init build environment for Unix" />
+    <!-- Create the time stamp -->
+    <tstamp/>
+    <!-- Create the build directory structure used by compile -->
+    <mkdir dir="${build}"/>
+    <!-- Copy required jars and dlls -->
+    <copy todir="${classpath}">
+      <fileset dir="${jarsrc.web}">
+        <include name="**/MapGuideApiEx.jar" />
+      </fileset>
+    </copy>
+    <copy todir="${classpath}">
+      <fileset dir="${extlib}">
+        <include name="**/sqlite4java.jar" />
+      </fileset>
+    </copy>
+  </target>
+  <target name="compile" depends="initwin,initunix"
         description="compile the source " >
     <!-- Compile the java code from ${src} into ${build} referencing our MapGuide API jar -->
     <javac srcdir="${src}" destdir="${build}" includeantruntime="false" debug="true" debuglevel="lines,vars,source">
@@ -76,12 +97,10 @@
   <target name="dist" depends="compile"
         description="generate the distribution" >
     <!-- Create the distribution directory -->
     <mkdir dir="${dist}"/>
     <!-- Make the unit test jar ensuring the MapGuide API jar reference is intact -->
     <jar jarfile="${dist}/MgUnitTest.jar">
       <fileset dir="${build}" />
@@ -90,7 +109,6 @@
         <attribute name="Class-Path" value="MapGuideApiEx.jar sqlite4java.jar" />
     <copy todir="${dist}">
       <fileset dir="${classpath}">
         <include name="**/*" />
@@ -102,9 +120,7 @@
         <include name="**/*.so" />
     <copy file="${mapguide.res.src}" tofile="${mapguide.res}" />
     <!-- write webconfig.ini -->
     <inifile dest="${mapguide.config}">
       <set section="GeneralProperties" property="DefaultMessageLocale" value="en" />
@@ -114,17 +130,13 @@
       <set section="GeneralProperties" property="TcpIpMtu" value="1460" />
       <set section="GeneralProperties" property="TempPath" value="${dist}/Temp" />
       <set section="GeneralProperties" property="FailoverRetryTime" value="1" />
       <set section="AdministrativeConnectionProperties" property="MaxConnections" value="2" />
       <set section="AdministrativeConnectionProperties" property="Port" value="2810" />
       <set section="ClientConnectionProperties" property="MaxConnections" value="12" />
       <set section="ClientConnectionProperties" property="Port" value="2811" />
       <set section="SiteConnectionProperties" property="IpAddress" value="" />
       <set section="SiteConnectionProperties" property="MaxConnections" value="6" />
       <set section="SiteConnectionProperties" property="Port" value="2812" />
       <set section="AgentProperties" property="DebugPause" value="0" />
       <set section="AgentProperties" property="DisableAuthoring" value="0" />
       <set section="AgentProperties" property="DisableWfs" value="0" />
@@ -133,26 +145,55 @@
       <set section="AgentProperties" property="ErrorLogFilename" value="Error.log" />
       <set section="AgentProperties" property="RequestLogEnabled" value="0" />
       <set section="AgentProperties" property="RequestLogFilename" value="Request.log" />
       <set section="OgcProperties" property="WfsPassword" value="wfs" />
       <set section="OgcProperties" property="WmsPassword" value="wms" />
       <set section="OgcProperties" property="CITEWfsEnabled" value="0" />
       <set section="OgcProperties" property="CITEWmsEnabled" value="0" />
-  <target name="check" depends="dist">
+  <target name="checkwin" depends="dist">
+    <echo message="Run Java tests for Windows" />
     <!-- Remove any log files and dumped binary files from previous run -->
       <fileset dir="${dist}" includes="**/*.bin"/>
       <fileset dir="${dist}" includes="**/*.log"/>
+    <!--
     <exec executable="java" dir="${dist}">
       <arg line="-jar MgUnitTest.jar ${mapguide.config} ${unittest.logpath}" />
       <env key="MENTOR_DICTIONARY_PATH" value="${mapguide.dictpath}" />
+    -->
+    <java jar="${dist}/MgUnitTest.jar" fork="true" dir="${dist}">
+      <arg value="${mapguide.config}" />
+      <arg value="${unittest.logpath}" />
+      <env key="MENTOR_DICTIONARY_PATH" value="${mapguide.dictpath}" />
+    </java>
+  <target name="checkunix" depends="dist">
+    <echo message="Run Java tests for Unix" />
+    <!-- Remove any log files and dumped binary files from previous run -->
+    <delete>
+      <fileset dir="${dist}" includes="**/*.bin"/>
+      <fileset dir="${dist}" includes="**/*.log"/>
+    </delete>
+    <java jar="${dist}/MgUnitTest.jar" fork="true" dir="${dist}">
+      <arg value="${mapguide.config}" />
+      <arg value="${unittest.logpath}" />
+      <env key="MENTOR_DICTIONARY_PATH" value="${mapguide.dictpath}" />
+      <sysproperty key="java.library.path" value="${mapguide.ldpath}" />
+    </java>
+    <!--
+    <exec executable="java" dir="${dist}">
+      <arg value="-Djava.library.path=${mapguide.ldpath}" />
+      <arg value="-jar MgUnitTest.jar" />   
+      <arg value="${mapguide.config}" />
+      <arg value="${unittest.logpath}" />
+      <env key="LD_LIBRARY_PATH" value="${mapguide.ldpath}" />
+      <env key="MENTOR_DICTIONARY_PATH" value="${mapguide.dictpath}" />
+    </exec>
+    -->
+  </target>
   <target name="clean"
         description="clean up" >
     <!-- Delete the ${build} and ${dist} directory trees -->

Modified: trunk/MgDev/UnitTest/WebTier/Java/src/org/osgeo/mapguide/test/MapGuideTestExecutorCollection.java
--- trunk/MgDev/UnitTest/WebTier/Java/src/org/osgeo/mapguide/test/MapGuideTestExecutorCollection.java	2014-10-06 12:24:36 UTC (rev 8389)
+++ trunk/MgDev/UnitTest/WebTier/Java/src/org/osgeo/mapguide/test/MapGuideTestExecutorCollection.java	2014-10-06 16:10:23 UTC (rev 8390)
@@ -731,7 +731,7 @@
         XmlCompareResult result = null;
         try {
             DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
-            dbf.setNamespaceAware(true);
+            //dbf.setNamespaceAware(true);

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