[mapguide-commits] r9494 - in sandbox/jng/tiling_v2/Server/src: Services/Rendering UnitTesting

svn_mapguide at osgeo.org svn_mapguide at osgeo.org
Tue Apr 23 20:20:39 PDT 2019

Author: jng
Date: 2019-04-23 20:20:38 -0700 (Tue, 23 Apr 2019)
New Revision: 9494

Consolidate the scaled dimension computation into a utility method

Modified: sandbox/jng/tiling_v2/Server/src/Services/Rendering/ServerRenderingService.cpp
--- sandbox/jng/tiling_v2/Server/src/Services/Rendering/ServerRenderingService.cpp	2019-04-23 04:05:11 UTC (rev 9493)
+++ sandbox/jng/tiling_v2/Server/src/Services/Rendering/ServerRenderingService.cpp	2019-04-24 03:20:38 UTC (rev 9494)
@@ -341,48 +341,11 @@
     if (tileExtentOffset < 0.0)
         tileExtentOffset = MgConfigProperties::DefaultRenderingServicePropertyTileExtentOffset;
-    // Image scaling logic ripped verbatim from RenderMap() overload that takes MgEnvelope
-    //
-    // If we need to scale the image (because of request for non-square
-    // pixels) we will need to draw at one image size and then save at
-    // another scaled size.  Here we will compute the correct map scale
-    // and render size for a requested extent and image size.
-    double screenAR = (double)width / (double)height;
-    double mapAR = extent.width() / extent.height();
-    int drawWidth = width;
-    int drawHeight = height;
+    INT32 drawWidth = width;
+    INT32 drawHeight = height;
     double scale = 0.0;
+    ComputeScaledDimensions(extent, width, height, dpi, map->GetMetersPerUnit(), drawWidth, drawHeight, scale);
-    if (mapAR >= screenAR)
-    {
-        scale = extent.width() * map->GetMetersPerUnit() / METERS_PER_INCH * (double)dpi / (double)width;
-        // we based map scale on the image width, so adjust rendering
-        // height to match the map aspect ratio
-        drawHeight = (int)(width / mapAR);
-        // ignore small perturbations in order to avoid rescaling the
-        // end image in cases where the rescaling of width is less than
-        // a pixel or so
-        if (abs(drawHeight - height) <= 1)
-            drawHeight = height;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        scale = extent.height() * map->GetMetersPerUnit() / METERS_PER_INCH * (double)dpi / (double)height;
-        // we based map scale on the image height, so adjust rendering
-        // height to match the map aspect ratio
-        drawWidth = (int)(height * mapAR);
-        // ignore small perturbations, in order to avoid rescaling the
-        // end image in cases where the rescaling of width is less than
-        // a pixel or so
-        if (abs(drawWidth - width) <= 1)
-            drawWidth = width;
-    }
     //printf("XYZ(%d, %d, %d) -> [%f, %f] [%f, %f] at %f -- (w: %d, h: %d, mpu: %f)\n", x, y, z, mcsMinX, mcsMinY, mcsMaxX, mcsMaxY, scale, width, height, map->GetMetersPerUnit());
     // sanity check - number of image pixels cannot exceed MAX_PIXELS
@@ -865,46 +828,11 @@
     RS_Bounds b(ll->GetX(), ll->GetY(), ur->GetX(), ur->GetY());
-    // If we need to scale the image (because of request for non-square
-    // pixels) we will need to draw at one image size and then save at
-    // another scaled size.  Here we will compute the correct map scale
-    // and render size for a requested extent and image size.
-    double screenAR = (double)width / (double)height;
-    double mapAR = b.width() / b.height();
-    int drawWidth = width;
-    int drawHeight = height;
+    INT32 drawWidth = width;
+    INT32 drawHeight = height;
     double scale = 0.0;
+    ComputeScaledDimensions(b, width, height, dpi, metersPerUnit, drawWidth, drawHeight, scale);
-    if (mapAR >= screenAR)
-    {
-        scale = b.width() * metersPerUnit / METERS_PER_INCH * (double)dpi / (double)width;
-        // we based map scale on the image width, so adjust rendering
-        // height to match the map aspect ratio
-        drawHeight = (int)(width / mapAR);
-        // ignore small perturbations in order to avoid rescaling the
-        // end image in cases where the rescaling of width is less than
-        // a pixel or so
-        if (abs(drawHeight - height) <= 1)
-            drawHeight = height;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        scale = b.height() * metersPerUnit / METERS_PER_INCH * (double)dpi / (double)height;
-        // we based map scale on the image height, so adjust rendering
-        // height to match the map aspect ratio
-        drawWidth = (int)(height * mapAR);
-        // ignore small perturbations, in order to avoid rescaling the
-        // end image in cases where the rescaling of width is less than
-        // a pixel or so
-        if (abs(drawWidth - width) <= 1)
-            drawWidth = width;
-    }
     // sanity check - number of image pixels cannot exceed MAX_PIXELS
     if (drawWidth * drawHeight > MAX_PIXELS)
         throw new MgOutOfRangeException(L"MgServerRenderingService.RenderMap", __LINE__, __WFILE__, NULL, L"MgInvalidImageSizeTooBig", NULL);
@@ -2573,48 +2501,11 @@
     StylizationUtil::ParseColor(map->GetBackgroundColor(), bgColor);
     bgColor.alpha() = 0;
-    // Image scaling logic ripped verbatim from RenderMap() overload that takes MgEnvelope
-    //
-    // If we need to scale the image (because of request for non-square
-    // pixels) we will need to draw at one image size and then save at
-    // another scaled size.  Here we will compute the correct map scale
-    // and render size for a requested extent and image size.
-    double screenAR = (double)width / (double)height;
-    double mapAR = extent.width() / extent.height();
-    int drawWidth = width;
-    int drawHeight = height;
+    INT32 drawWidth = width;
+    INT32 drawHeight = height;
     double scale = 0.0;
+    ComputeScaledDimensions(extent, width, height, dpi, map->GetMetersPerUnit(), drawWidth, drawHeight, scale);
-    if (mapAR >= screenAR)
-    {
-        scale = extent.width() * map->GetMetersPerUnit() / METERS_PER_INCH * (double)dpi / (double)width;
-        // we based map scale on the image width, so adjust rendering
-        // height to match the map aspect ratio
-        drawHeight = (int)(width / mapAR);
-        // ignore small perturbations in order to avoid rescaling the
-        // end image in cases where the rescaling of width is less than
-        // a pixel or so
-        if (abs(drawHeight - height) <= 1)
-            drawHeight = height;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        scale = extent.height() * map->GetMetersPerUnit() / METERS_PER_INCH * (double)dpi / (double)height;
-        // we based map scale on the image height, so adjust rendering
-        // height to match the map aspect ratio
-        drawWidth = (int)(height * mapAR);
-        // ignore small perturbations, in order to avoid rescaling the
-        // end image in cases where the rescaling of width is less than
-        // a pixel or so
-        if (abs(drawWidth - width) <= 1)
-            drawWidth = width;
-    }
     //printf("XYZ(%d, %d, %d) -> [%f, %f] [%f, %f] at %f -- (w: %d, h: %d, mpu: %f)\n", x, y, z, mcsMinX, mcsMinY, mcsMaxX, mcsMaxY, scale, width, height, map->GetMetersPerUnit());
     // sanity check - number of image pixels cannot exceed MAX_PIXELS
@@ -2649,4 +2540,49 @@
     return ret.Detach();
+void MgServerRenderingService::ComputeScaledDimensions(RS_Bounds& extent, INT32 width, INT32 height, INT32 dpi,
+                                                       double metersPerUnit, INT32& drawWidth, INT32& drawHeight, 
+                                                       double& scale)
+    // If we need to scale the image (because of request for non-square
+    // pixels) we will need to draw at one image size and then save at
+    // another scaled size.  Here we will compute the correct map scale
+    // and render size for a requested extent and image size.
+    double screenAR = (double)width / (double)height;
+    double mapAR = extent.width() / extent.height();
+    drawWidth = width;
+    drawHeight = height;
+    scale = 0.0;
+    if (mapAR >= screenAR)
+    {
+        scale = extent.width() * metersPerUnit / METERS_PER_INCH * (double)dpi / (double)width;
+        // we based map scale on the image width, so adjust rendering
+        // height to match the map aspect ratio
+        drawHeight = (int)(width / mapAR);
+        // ignore small perturbations in order to avoid rescaling the
+        // end image in cases where the rescaling of width is less than
+        // a pixel or so
+        if (abs(drawHeight - height) <= 1)
+            drawHeight = height;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        scale = extent.height() * metersPerUnit / METERS_PER_INCH * (double)dpi / (double)height;
+        // we based map scale on the image height, so adjust rendering
+        // height to match the map aspect ratio
+        drawWidth = (int)(height * mapAR);
+        // ignore small perturbations, in order to avoid rescaling the
+        // end image in cases where the rescaling of width is less than
+        // a pixel or so
+        if (abs(drawWidth - width) <= 1)
+            drawWidth = width;
+    }
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: sandbox/jng/tiling_v2/Server/src/Services/Rendering/ServerRenderingService.h
--- sandbox/jng/tiling_v2/Server/src/Services/Rendering/ServerRenderingService.h	2019-04-23 04:05:11 UTC (rev 9493)
+++ sandbox/jng/tiling_v2/Server/src/Services/Rendering/ServerRenderingService.h	2019-04-24 03:20:38 UTC (rev 9494)
@@ -268,6 +268,9 @@
                                          INT32 metaTileFactor, INT32 subTileX, INT32 subTileY);
+    static void ComputeScaledDimensions(RS_Bounds& extent, INT32 width, INT32 height, INT32 dpi,
+                                        double metersPerUnit, INT32& drawWidth, INT32& drawHeight, double& scale);
     static void ComputeXYZTileExtents(MgMap* map, INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 z, RS_Bounds& extent);
     // used for tile generation
     MgByteReader* RenderTileInternal(MgMap* map,

Modified: sandbox/jng/tiling_v2/Server/src/UnitTesting/TestRenderingService.cpp
--- sandbox/jng/tiling_v2/Server/src/UnitTesting/TestRenderingService.cpp	2019-04-23 04:05:11 UTC (rev 9493)
+++ sandbox/jng/tiling_v2/Server/src/UnitTesting/TestRenderingService.cpp	2019-04-24 03:20:38 UTC (rev 9494)
@@ -1716,37 +1716,22 @@
-void TestRenderingService::TestCase_RenderTileBaseline()
+void TestRenderingService::TestCase_RenderMetatile(CREFSTRING imageFormat, CREFSTRING extension)
         Ptr<MgMap> map = CreateTestTiledMap();
-        Ptr<MgByteReader> tile4_6 = m_svcRendering->RenderTile(map, L"BaseLayers", 4, 6);
-        Ptr<MgByteReader> tile4_7 = m_svcRendering->RenderTile(map, L"BaseLayers", 4, 7);
-        Ptr<MgByteReader> tile5_6 = m_svcRendering->RenderTile(map, L"BaseLayers", 5, 6);
-        Ptr<MgByteReader> tile5_7 = m_svcRendering->RenderTile(map, L"BaseLayers", 5, 7);
+        Ptr<MgByteReader> tile4_6_baseline = m_svcRendering->RenderTile(map, L"BaseLayers", 4, 6, MgTileParameters::tileWidth, MgTileParameters::tileHeight, MgTileParameters::tileDPI, imageFormat);
+        Ptr<MgByteReader> tile4_7_baseline = m_svcRendering->RenderTile(map, L"BaseLayers", 4, 7, MgTileParameters::tileWidth, MgTileParameters::tileHeight, MgTileParameters::tileDPI, imageFormat);
+        Ptr<MgByteReader> tile5_6_baseline = m_svcRendering->RenderTile(map, L"BaseLayers", 5, 6, MgTileParameters::tileWidth, MgTileParameters::tileHeight, MgTileParameters::tileDPI, imageFormat);
+        Ptr<MgByteReader> tile5_7_baseline = m_svcRendering->RenderTile(map, L"BaseLayers", 5, 7, MgTileParameters::tileWidth, MgTileParameters::tileHeight, MgTileParameters::tileDPI, imageFormat);
-        tile4_6->ToFile(L"../UnitTestFiles/RenderTile_4_6_Baseline.png");
-        tile4_7->ToFile(L"../UnitTestFiles/RenderTile_4_7_Baseline.png");
-        tile5_6->ToFile(L"../UnitTestFiles/RenderTile_5_6_Baseline.png");
-        tile5_7->ToFile(L"../UnitTestFiles/RenderTile_5_7_Baseline.png");
-    }
-    catch (MgException* e)
-    {
-        STRING message = e->GetDetails(TEST_LOCALE);
-        SAFE_RELEASE(e);
-        CPPUNIT_FAIL(MG_WCHAR_TO_CHAR(message.c_str()));
-    }
+        tile4_6_baseline->ToFile(GetPath(L"../UnitTestFiles/RenderTile_4_6_Baseline", imageFormat, extension));
+        tile4_7_baseline->ToFile(GetPath(L"../UnitTestFiles/RenderTile_4_7_Baseline", imageFormat, extension));
+        tile5_6_baseline->ToFile(GetPath(L"../UnitTestFiles/RenderTile_5_6_Baseline", imageFormat, extension));
+        tile5_7_baseline->ToFile(GetPath(L"../UnitTestFiles/RenderTile_5_7_Baseline", imageFormat, extension));
-void TestRenderingService::TestCase_RenderMetatile()
-    try
-    {
-        Ptr<MgMap> map = CreateTestTiledMap();
-        map->SetViewScale(12500.0);
         //This should be a server impl
         MgServerRenderingService* renderSvc = dynamic_cast<MgServerRenderingService*>(m_svcRendering.p);
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(NULL != renderSvc);
@@ -1753,21 +1738,21 @@
         // Render a 2x2 metatile which should cover the same tiles as the baseline test.
         INT32 metaTileFactor = 2;
-        Ptr<MgByteReader> metaTile = renderSvc->RenderTile(map, L"BaseLayers", 4, 6, MgTileParameters::tileWidth, MgTileParameters::tileHeight, MgTileParameters::tileDPI, MgImageFormats::Png, MgConfigProperties::DefaultRenderingServicePropertyTileExtentOffset, metaTileFactor);
+        Ptr<MgByteReader> metaTile = renderSvc->RenderTile(map, L"BaseLayers", 4, 6, MgTileParameters::tileWidth, MgTileParameters::tileHeight, MgTileParameters::tileDPI, imageFormat, MgConfigProperties::DefaultRenderingServicePropertyTileExtentOffset, metaTileFactor);
         //metaTile->ToFile(L"../UnitTestFiles/RenderTile_Metatile at 4_6.png");
-        Ptr<MgByteReader> tile4_6 = renderSvc->RenderTileFromMetaTile(map, metaTile, MgImageFormats::Png, MgTileParameters::tileWidth, MgTileParameters::tileHeight, 2, 0, 0);
-        Ptr<MgByteReader> tile4_7 = renderSvc->RenderTileFromMetaTile(map, metaTile, MgImageFormats::Png, MgTileParameters::tileWidth, MgTileParameters::tileHeight, 2, 0, 1);
-        Ptr<MgByteReader> tile5_6 = renderSvc->RenderTileFromMetaTile(map, metaTile, MgImageFormats::Png, MgTileParameters::tileWidth, MgTileParameters::tileHeight, 2, 1, 0);
-        Ptr<MgByteReader> tile5_7 = renderSvc->RenderTileFromMetaTile(map, metaTile, MgImageFormats::Png, MgTileParameters::tileWidth, MgTileParameters::tileHeight, 2, 1, 1);
+        Ptr<MgByteReader> tile4_6 = renderSvc->RenderTileFromMetaTile(map, metaTile, imageFormat, MgTileParameters::tileWidth, MgTileParameters::tileHeight, 2, 0, 0);
+        Ptr<MgByteReader> tile4_7 = renderSvc->RenderTileFromMetaTile(map, metaTile, imageFormat, MgTileParameters::tileWidth, MgTileParameters::tileHeight, 2, 0, 1);
+        Ptr<MgByteReader> tile5_6 = renderSvc->RenderTileFromMetaTile(map, metaTile, imageFormat, MgTileParameters::tileWidth, MgTileParameters::tileHeight, 2, 1, 0);
+        Ptr<MgByteReader> tile5_7 = renderSvc->RenderTileFromMetaTile(map, metaTile, imageFormat, MgTileParameters::tileWidth, MgTileParameters::tileHeight, 2, 1, 1);
-        tile4_6->ToFile(L"../UnitTestFiles/RenderTile_4_6_Metatiled.png");
-        tile4_7->ToFile(L"../UnitTestFiles/RenderTile_4_7_Metatiled.png");
-        tile5_6->ToFile(L"../UnitTestFiles/RenderTile_5_6_Metatiled.png");
-        tile5_7->ToFile(L"../UnitTestFiles/RenderTile_5_7_Metatiled.png");
+        tile4_6->ToFile(GetPath(L"../UnitTestFiles/RenderTile_4_6_Metatiled", imageFormat, extension));
+        tile4_7->ToFile(GetPath(L"../UnitTestFiles/RenderTile_4_7_Metatiled", imageFormat, extension));
+        tile5_6->ToFile(GetPath(L"../UnitTestFiles/RenderTile_5_6_Metatiled", imageFormat, extension));
+        tile5_7->ToFile(GetPath(L"../UnitTestFiles/RenderTile_5_7_Metatiled", imageFormat, extension));
     catch (MgException* e)

Modified: sandbox/jng/tiling_v2/Server/src/UnitTesting/TestRenderingService.h
--- sandbox/jng/tiling_v2/Server/src/UnitTesting/TestRenderingService.h	2019-04-23 04:05:11 UTC (rev 9493)
+++ sandbox/jng/tiling_v2/Server/src/UnitTesting/TestRenderingService.h	2019-04-24 03:20:38 UTC (rev 9494)
@@ -25,8 +25,10 @@
     CPPUNIT_TEST(TestStart); // This must be the very first unit test
-    CPPUNIT_TEST(TestCase_RenderTileBaseline);
-    CPPUNIT_TEST(TestCase_RenderMetatile);
+    CPPUNIT_TEST(TestCase_RenderMetatilePNG);
+    CPPUNIT_TEST(TestCase_RenderMetatilePNG8);
+    CPPUNIT_TEST(TestCase_RenderMetatileJPG);
+    CPPUNIT_TEST(TestCase_RenderMetatileGIF);
@@ -161,8 +163,7 @@
     void TestEnd();
     void TestCase_QueryFeatures();
-    void TestCase_RenderTileBaseline();
-    void TestCase_RenderMetatile();
+    void TestCase_RenderMetatile(CREFSTRING imageFormat, CREFSTRING extension);
     void TestCase_RenderTile(CREFSTRING imageFormat, CREFSTRING extension);
     void TestCase_RenderTileXYZ(CREFSTRING imageFormat, CREFSTRING extension);
@@ -306,6 +307,11 @@
     //void TestCase_RendererPerformance();
+    void TestCase_RenderMetatilePNG() { TestCase_RenderMetatile(L"PNG", L"png"); }
+    void TestCase_RenderMetatilePNG8() { TestCase_RenderMetatile(L"PNG8", L"png"); }
+    void TestCase_RenderMetatileJPG() { TestCase_RenderMetatile(L"JPG", L"jpg"); }
+    void TestCase_RenderMetatileGIF() { TestCase_RenderMetatile(L"GIF", L"gif"); }
     MgMap* CreateTestMap();
     MgMap* CreateTestTiledMap();

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