[mapguide-commits] r9728 - trunk/MgDev

svn_mapguide at osgeo.org svn_mapguide at osgeo.org
Thu Sep 10 11:32:14 PDT 2020

Author: jng
Date: 2020-09-10 11:32:13 -0700 (Thu, 10 Sep 2020)
New Revision: 9728

Add packaging script for CMake build. Fixes #2821

Added: trunk/MgDev/cmake_package.sh
--- trunk/MgDev/cmake_package.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/MgDev/cmake_package.sh	2020-09-10 18:32:13 UTC (rev 9728)
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+THIS_DIR=$(realpath "$(dirname $0)")
+while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do    # Until you run out of parameters...
+    case "$1" in
+        --format)
+            PKG_FORMAT=$2
+            shift
+            ;;
+        --working-dir)
+            WORKING_DIR=$2
+            shift
+            ;;
+        --output-dir)
+            PKG_OUTPUT_DIR=$2
+            shift
+            ;;
+        --tarball)
+            MG_TARBALL=$2
+            shift
+            ;;
+        --help)
+            echo "Usage: $0 (options)"
+            echo "Options:"
+            echo "  --format [deb|rpm]"
+            echo "  --tarball [Path to MapGuide tarball]"
+            echo "  --working-dir [Path to working directory]"
+            echo "  --output-dir [Path to output directory]"
+            echo "  --help [Display usage]"
+            exit
+            ;;
+    esac
+    shift   # Check next set of parameters.
+if [ ! -f "$MG_TARBALL" ]; then
+    if [ ! -d "/$DPKG_MG_RELPATH" ]; then
+        echo "MapGuide tarball not found. Please specify with the --tarball switch"
+        exit 1
+    else
+        echo "MapGuide installation directory appears to already exist. Allowing omission of --tarball"
+    fi
+if [ -z "$WORKING_DIR" ]; then
+    echo "Working directory not specified. Please specify with the --working-dir switch"
+    exit 1
+if [ -z "$PKG_OUTPUT_DIR" ]; then
+    echo "Package output directory not specified. Please specify with the --output-dir switch"
+    exit 1
+echo "Source directory: $THIS_DIR"
+echo "MapGuide tarball: $MG_TARBALL"
+echo "Package working dir: $WORKING_DIR"
+echo "Package output dir: $PKG_OUTPUT_DIR"
+if [ ! -d "$WORKING_DIR" ]; then
+    echo "Creating working dir"
+    mkdir -p "$WORKING_DIR"
+mkdir -p "$PKG_OUTPUT_DIR"
+mkdir -p "/${DPKG_MG_RELPATH}"
+if [ -f "$MG_TARBALL" ]; then
+    echo "Extracting tarball into staging area"
+    tar -zxf "$MG_TARBALL" -C "/${DPKG_MG_RELPATH}"
+    mkdir -p "$WORKING_DIR/debian"
+    cat > "$WORKING_DIR/debian/control" <<END-OF-CONTROL
+Source: mapguideopensource-src
+Maintainer: MapGuide Internals Mail List <mapguide-internals at lists.osgeo.org>
+Section: misc
+Priority: optional
+Homepage: https://mapguide.osgeo.org
+Package: mapguideopensource-common
+Architecture: ${MG_ARCH}
+Section: misc
+Priority: optional
+Depends: \${mapguidecommon:Depends}
+Description:  OSGeo MapGuide ${MG_VER} server-specific common components
+Package: mapguideopensource-coordsys
+Architecture: ${MG_ARCH}
+Section: msic
+Priority: optional
+Depends: \${mapguidecoordsys:Depends}
+Description:  CS-Map Coordinate System Dictionary data files
+Package: mapguideopensource-server
+Architecture: ${MG_ARCH}
+Section: misc
+Priority: optional
+Depends: \${mapguideserver:Depends}
+Description:  OSGeo MapGuide ${MG_VER} Server
+Package: mapguideopensource-webextensions
+Architecture: ${MG_ARCH}
+Section: misc
+Priority: optional
+Depends: \${mapguidewebextensions:Depends}
+Description:  OSGeo MapGuide ${MG_VER} Web Extensions
+Package: mapguideopensource-httpd
+Architecture: ${MG_ARCH}
+Section: misc
+Priority: optional
+Depends: \${mapguidehttpd:Depends}
+Description:  OSGeo MapGuide ${MG_VER} Apache Web Server
+    # Create changelog file
+    # TODO: pull revision history from Subversion
+    #
+    CURRTIME=`date -R`
+    cat > "$WORKING_DIR/debian/changelog" <<END-OF-CHANGELOG
+mapguideopensource-src (${MG_VER}-${MG_BUILD}) experimental; urgency=low
+  * ${MG_BUILD}
+ -- MapGuide Internals Mail List <mapguide-internals at lists.osgeo.org>  ${CURRTIME}
+    # Add license file
+    cp -f "$THIS_DIR/License.txt" "$WORKING_DIR/tmp/copyright"
+    iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 "$WORKING_DIR/tmp/copyright" > "$WORKING_DIR/debian/copyright"
+    echo "Generating deb package for: $1"
+    # Build directory structure underneath directory of this script
+    # debian/ - common build directory for all packages
+    #   control - generated all packages control file with subst params
+    #   changelog - generated changelog file
+    #   substvars - subst params created by dpkg-shlibdeps
+    #   mapguidecommon/ - packaging directory for common MapGuide components
+    #     usr/local/mapguideopensource-x.y.z/ - copied tree for common components
+    #     DEBIAN/
+    #       control - control file generated from dpkg-gencontrol
+    #       symbols - symbols file generated from dpkg-gensymbols
+    #
+    #   mapguidecoordsys/ - packaging directory for CS-Map coordinate system dictionaries
+    #     usr/local/mapguideopensource-x.y.z/ - copied tree for common components
+    #     DEBIAN/
+    #       control - control file generated from dpkg-gencontrol
+    #       symbols - symbols file generated from dpkg-gensymbols
+    #
+    #   mapguidecoordsyslite/ - packaging directory for CS-Map coordinate system dictionaries
+    #     usr/local/mapguideopensource-x.y.z/ - copied tree for common components
+    #     DEBIAN/
+    #       control - control file generated from dpkg-gencontrol
+    #       symbols - symbols file generated from dpkg-gensymbols
+    #
+    #   mapguideserver/ - packaging directory for MapGuide Server
+    #     usr/local/mapguideopensource-x.y.z/ - copied tree for Server
+    #     DEBIAN/
+    #       control - control file generated from dpkg-gencontrol
+    #       symbols - symbols file generated from dpkg-gensymbols
+    #
+    #   mapguidewebextensions/ - packaging directory for Web Extensions
+    #     usr/local/mapguideopensource-x.y.z/ - copied tree for Web Extensions
+    #     DEBIAN/
+    #       control - control file generated from dpkg-gencontrol
+    #       symbols - symbols file generated from dpkg-gensymbols
+    #
+    #   mapguidehttpd/ - packaging directory for Apache Bundle
+    #     usr/local/mapguideopensource-x.y.z/ - copied tree for Apache bundle
+    #     DEBIAN/
+    #       control - control file generated from dpkg-gencontrol
+    #       symbols - symbols file generated from dpkg-gensymbols
+    #
+    DPKG_NAME="mapguideopensource-$1"
+    DPKG_NAME_N="mapguide$1"
+    DIRLIST="$3"
+    REMOVELIST="$4"
+    STRIPLIST="$5"
+    DPKG_TREE="$WORKING_DIR/debian"
+    # Create output directory structure and ignore errors
+    #
+    if [ ! -d tmp ]; then
+        mkdir -p "$WORKING_DIR/tmp"
+        mkdir -p "$WORKING_DIR/bin"
+        mkdir -p "$WORKING_DIR/debian"
+    else
+        # clean out existing build tree
+        rm -rf "$WORKING_DIR/tmp/*"
+        rm -rf "$WORKING_DIR/bin/*"
+        rm -rf "$WORKING_DIR/debian/*"
+    fi
+    # Blow away old build directory
+    rm -rf ${DPKG_ROOT}
+    # Create and populate documentation directory for package
+    mkdir -p ${DPKG_ROOT}/usr/share/doc/${DPKG_NAME}
+    cp ${WORKING_DIR}/debian/copyright ${DPKG_ROOT}/usr/share/doc/${DPKG_NAME}
+    cp ${WORKING_DIR}/debian/changelog ${DPKG_ROOT}/usr/share/doc/${DPKG_NAME}/changelog.Debian
+    gzip -9 ${DPKG_ROOT}/usr/share/doc/${DPKG_NAME}/changelog.Debian
+    dpkg_create_control_files
+    # Create directories for binary package build and copy
+    # install image into build directory
+    for dirname in ${DIRLIST}
+    do
+        mkdir -p ${DPKG_CP_ROOT}/${dirname}
+        cp -ar /${MGINST}/${dirname} ${DPKG_CP_ROOT}
+    done
+    # Remove all files in the REMOVELIST
+    for pat in ${REMOVELIST}
+    do
+        for file in `find ${DPKG_CP_ROOT} -type f | grep "${pat}"`
+        do
+            echo "Removing ${file}"
+            rm -f ${file}
+        done
+    done
+    # Symbol strip all files in the STRIPLIST
+    for pat in ${STRIPLIST}
+    do
+        for file in `find ${DPKG_CP_ROOT} -type f | grep "${pat}"`
+        do
+            echo "Stripping ${file}"
+            strip --strip-unneeded ${file}
+            chmod a-x ${file}
+        done
+    done
+    # Call dpkg-shlibdeps to build out library dependencies
+    # This will create the substvars file
+    # LD_LIBRARY_PATH must be set to find private libs
+    mkdir -p "${DPKG_ROOT}/DEBIAN"
+    cd $WORKING_DIR || exit
+    echo "PWD is: $PWD"
+    # Shared library symlinks point back to install directory
+    # Add install directory to path to compensate
+    # Also add FDO libs to path
+    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/fdo-${FDO_VER}/${LIBDIR}:${DPKG_CP_ROOT}/${LIBDIR}:/${MGINST}/${LIBDIR}:/${MGINST}/server/${LIBDIR}:/${MGINST}/webserverextensions/${LIBDIR}
+    echo "Using LD_LIBRARY_PATH of:"
+    echo "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
+    dpkg-shlibdeps -p"$DPKG_NAME_N" --ignore-missing-info ${DPKG_CP_ROOT}/${LIBDIR}/*.so
+    dpkg-gensymbols -p"$DPKG_NAME" -P"debian/$DPKG_NAME_N"
+    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=
+    # Now generate a filled in control file for the binary package
+    # using information from control, changelog, and substvars
+    dpkg-gencontrol -p"$DPKG_NAME" -P"debian/$DPKG_NAME_N"
+    # Build binary package from ROOT
+    # And move resulting debian package and lintian results to build directory
+    dpkg-deb --build ${DPKG_ROOT}
+    lintian -i "debian/${DPKG_NAME_N}.deb" > "tmp/${DPKG_NAME_N}.lintian"
+    mv "debian/${DPKG_NAME_N}.deb" "${PKG_OUTPUT_DIR}/${DPKG_NAME}_${MG_VER}-${MG_BUILD}_${MG_ARCH}.deb"
+    arg_inst_base=""
+    arg_dir_list="${LIBDIR}"
+    arg_remove_list="\.a\$ \.la\$"
+    arg_strip_list="\.so\$ libdwf"
+    dpkg_component common "$arg_inst_base" "$arg_dir_list" "$arg_remove_list" "$arg_strip_list"
+    arg_inst_base="/server"
+    arg_dir_list="bin ${LIBDIR} Logs Packages Repositories RepositoryAdmin Resources Schema Temp Trash Wfs Wms"
+    arg_remove_list="\.a\$ \.la\$"
+    arg_strip_list="\.so\$"
+    dpkg_component server "$arg_inst_base" "$arg_dir_list" "$arg_remove_list" "$arg_strip_list"
+    arg_inst_base="/webserverextensions"
+    arg_dir_list="bin ${LIBDIR} www"
+    arg_remove_list="\.a\$ \.la\$"
+    arg_strip_list="\.so\$"
+    dpkg_component webextensions "$arg_inst_base" "$arg_dir_list" "$arg_remove_list" "$arg_strip_list"
+    arg_inst_base="/webserverextensions"
+    arg_dir_list="apache2 php tomcat"
+    arg_remove_list="\.a\$ \.la\$"
+    arg_strip_list="\.so\$"
+    dpkg_component httpd "$arg_inst_base" "$arg_dir_list" "$arg_remove_list" "$arg_strip_list"
+    arg_inst_base=""
+    arg_dir_list="share"
+    arg_remove_list="\.a\$ \.la\$ \.c\$ \.o\$ \.mak\$ \.nmk\$"
+    arg_strip_list="\.so\$"
+    dpkg_component coordsys "$arg_inst_base" "$arg_dir_list" "$arg_remove_list" "$arg_strip_list"
+    echo "RPM packaging support coming soon"
+    exit 1
+case $PKG_FORMAT in
+    deb)
+        create_deb_package
+        ;;
+    rpm)
+        create_rpm_package
+        ;;
+    *)
+        echo "Unknown or unsupported package format: $PKG_FORMAT"
+        exit 1
+        ;;
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: trunk/MgDev/cmake_package.sh
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property

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