[mapguide-commits] r10121 - in branches/4.0/MgDev: . Bindings Bindings/src/Test Bindings/src/Test/DotNet/src/TestRunner Bindings/src/Test/Java Bindings/src/Test/Java/src/org/osgeo/mapguide/test Bindings/src/Test/Java/src/org/osgeo/mapguide/test/common Bindings/src/Test/Java/src/org/osgeo/mapguide/test/mapguide Bindings/src/Test/Php UnitTest
svn_mapguide at osgeo.org
svn_mapguide at osgeo.org
Sat Feb 8 13:27:14 PST 2025
Author: jng
Date: 2025-02-08 13:27:11 -0800 (Sat, 08 Feb 2025)
New Revision: 10121
This commit improves the following:
- Fix up test runners for all 3 language targets be driven by a common set of environment variables for key configuration points
- Path to webconfig.ini
- CS-Map dictionary path
- Root directory for test data
- Remove run_tests.bat as it tries to do too much. Instead we split this functionality into run_server_tests.bat and run_web_tests.bat
- Remove various obsolete batch files
- Update root build.bat to install the 3 language test runners, test data, MgTestAdmin and helper scripts to the staging area for the "test" target
- Fix up some quirks in the PHP test runner due to the PHP 8.1 upgrade
Modified: branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/TODO.txt
--- branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/TODO.txt 2025-02-07 16:13:25 UTC (rev 10120)
+++ branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/TODO.txt 2025-02-08 21:27:11 UTC (rev 10121)
@@ -135,16 +135,16 @@
- [ ] Port over Java binding
- Prepare deployable test pack that can be run against an existing MG installation
- [x] Deploy .net test runner
- - [ ] Deploy Java test runner
- - [ ] Allow key configuration parameters to be passed in either from the commandline or read through environment variables
- - [ ] Deploy PHP test runner
- - [ ] Allow all runners to support a common set of environment variables to drive test environment/configuration
+ - [x] Deploy Java test runner
+ - [x] Allow key configuration parameters to be passed in either from the commandline or read through environment variables
+ - [x] Deploy PHP test runner
+ - [x] Allow all runners to support a common set of environment variables to drive test environment/configuration
- webconfig.ini path
- test data root directory
- log path
- admin password
- - [ ] Deploy MgTestAdmin tool into this staging area
- - [ ] Fix up run_tests.bat/run_tests.sh to work with new layout
+ - [x] Deploy MgTestAdmin tool into this staging area
+ - [x] Fix up run_tests.bat/run_tests.sh to work with new layout
- Old code cleanup/consolidation
- [x] Remove old IMake
- [x] Remove old binding projects from WebTier
Index: branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test
--- branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test 2025-02-07 16:13:25 UTC (rev 10120)
+++ branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test 2025-02-08 21:27:11 UTC (rev 10121)
Property changes on: branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test
Modified: svn:ignore
## -1 +1,2 ##
Modified: branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/DotNet/src/TestRunner/Program.cs
--- branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/DotNet/src/TestRunner/Program.cs 2025-02-07 16:13:25 UTC (rev 10120)
+++ branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/DotNet/src/TestRunner/Program.cs 2025-02-08 21:27:11 UTC (rev 10121)
@@ -8,16 +8,15 @@
namespace TestRunner
//TODO: This test runner does not support generation/update mode yet. Please use the existing PHP test runner for doing this.
- class Options
+ public class Options
- [Option("web-config-path", Required = true, HelpText = "Path to webconfig.ini")]
+ [Option("web-config-path", Required = false, HelpText = "Path to webconfig.ini")]
public string WebConfigPath { get; set; }
- [Option("dictionary-path", Required = true, HelpText = "CS-Map Dictionary Path")]
+ [Option("dictionary-path", Required = false, HelpText = "CS-Map Dictionary Path")]
public string DictionaryPath { get; set; }
- [Option("test-data-root", Required = true, HelpText = "Root path of test data files")]
+ [Option("test-data-root", Required = false, HelpText = "Root path of test data files")]
public string TestDataRoot { get; set; }
[Option("log-path", Required = false, HelpText = "Custom log path. If not set, will default to UnitTests.log on the current directory")]
@@ -30,7 +29,67 @@
public bool SkipMainSuite { get; set; }
+ public class TestEnvConfiguration
+ {
+ public string WebConfigPath { get; }
+ public string LogFilePath { get; }
+ public string TestDataRoot { get; }
+ public string AdminPass { get; }
+ public string DictionaryPath { get; }
+ public TestEnvConfiguration(Options o)
+ {
+ this.WebConfigPath = this.TryGetEnvVar("MG_TEST_WEBCONFIG_PATH", "");
+ this.LogFilePath = this.TryGetEnvVar("MG_TEST_LOG_PATH", "UnitTests.log");
+ this.TestDataRoot = this.TryGetEnvVar("MG_TEST_DATA_PATH", "../..");
+ this.AdminPass = this.TryGetEnvVar("MG_TEST_ADMIN_PASS", "admin");
+ this.DictionaryPath = this.TryGetEnvVar("MENTOR_DICTIONARY_PATH", "");
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.AdminPass))
+ this.AdminPass = o.AdminPass;
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.WebConfigPath))
+ this.WebConfigPath = o.WebConfigPath;
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.TestDataRoot))
+ this.TestDataRoot = o.TestDataRoot;
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.LogPath))
+ this.LogFilePath = o.LogPath;
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.DictionaryPath))
+ this.DictionaryPath = o.DictionaryPath;
+ }
+ public void PrintSummary(TextWriter output)
+ {
+ output.WriteLine("Test Configuration Summary:");
+ output.WriteLine("webconfig.ini path: " + this.WebConfigPath);
+ output.WriteLine("Test Data Root: " + this.TestDataRoot);
+ output.WriteLine("Log path: " + this.LogFilePath);
+ output.WriteLine("Admin pass: " + this.AdminPass);
+ output.WriteLine("CS-Map dictionary path: " + this.DictionaryPath);
+ }
+ private string TryGetEnvVar(string name, string defaultValue)
+ {
+ var value = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(name);
+ return !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value) ? value : defaultValue;
+ }
+ public bool WebConfigExists => File.Exists(this.WebConfigPath);
+ public bool DictionaryPathExists => File.Exists(Path.Combine(this.DictionaryPath, "Coordsys.CSD"));
+ public bool TestDataRootExists => File.Exists(Path.Combine(this.TestDataRoot, $"ResourceService{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}ResourceServiceTest.dump"));
+ internal void ApplyMentorDictPath()
+ {
+ if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MENTOR_DICTIONARY_PATH") != this.DictionaryPath)
+ Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("MENTOR_DICTIONARY_PATH", this.DictionaryPath, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
+ }
+ }
public class Program
static MgUserInformation userInfo;
@@ -100,30 +159,35 @@
return exitCode;
- static int Run(Options options)
+ static int Run(Options o)
- if (!File.Exists(options.WebConfigPath))
+ var conf = new TestEnvConfiguration(o);
+ conf.PrintSummary(Console.Out);
+ //if (!File.Exists(options.WebConfigPath))
+ if (!conf.WebConfigExists)
Console.WriteLine("webconfig.ini not found");
return 1;
- if (!Directory.Exists(options.DictionaryPath))
+ //if (!Directory.Exists(options.DictionaryPath))
+ if (!conf.DictionaryPathExists)
Console.WriteLine("CS-Map Dictionary Path not found");
return 1;
- if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(options.TestDataRoot, $"ResourceService{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}ResourceServiceTest.dump")))
+ //if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(options.TestDataRoot, $"ResourceService{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}ResourceServiceTest.dump")))
+ if (!conf.TestDataRootExists)
Console.WriteLine("Bad test data root path");
return 1;
- string webconfig = options.WebConfigPath;
- string logFile = options.LogPath;
+ string webconfig = conf.WebConfigPath;
+ string logFile = conf.LogFilePath;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(logFile))
logFile = "UnitTests.log";
- TestDataRoot.Path = options.TestDataRoot;
+ TestDataRoot.Path = conf.TestDataRoot;
int failures = 0;
using (var logger = new TestLoggerFile(logFile, false))
@@ -130,15 +194,15 @@
logger.Write("Run started: {0}\n\n", DateTime.Now.ToString());
- Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("MENTOR_DICTIONARY_PATH", options.DictionaryPath, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
+ conf.ApplyMentorDictPath();
var csFactory = new MgCoordinateSystemFactory();
var csCatalog = csFactory.GetCatalog();
- csCatalog.SetDictionaryDir(options.DictionaryPath);
+ csCatalog.SetDictionaryDir(conf.DictionaryPath);
Console.WriteLine($"Using CS Library: {csFactory.GetBaseLibrary()}");
- MapGuideApi.MgInitializeWebTier(options.WebConfigPath);
- userInfo = new MgUserInformation("Administrator", options.AdminPass);
+ MapGuideApi.MgInitializeWebTier(conf.WebConfigPath);
+ userInfo = new MgUserInformation("Administrator", conf.AdminPass);
siteConn = new MgSiteConnection();
@@ -146,7 +210,7 @@
int testsRun = 0;
bool isEnterprise = false;
- if (!options.SkipMainSuite)
+ if (!o.SkipMainSuite)
failures += ExecuteTest(ApiTypes.Platform, $"{TestDataRoot.Path}/ResourceService/ResourceServiceTest.dump", ref testsRun, logger, isEnterprise);
failures += ExecuteTest(ApiTypes.Platform, $"{TestDataRoot.Path}/DrawingService/DrawingServiceTest.dump", ref testsRun, logger, isEnterprise);
Modified: branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Java/build.xml
--- branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Java/build.xml 2025-02-07 16:13:25 UTC (rev 10120)
+++ branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Java/build.xml 2025-02-08 21:27:11 UTC (rev 10121)
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
<property name="classpath" location="lib" />
<property name="extlib" location="extlib" />
<property name="build.target" location="64" />
+ <property name="testdata.dir" location="../../../../UnitTest/TestData" />
<property name="binsrc.common" location="../../../../Common/bin/Release64" />
<property name="binsrc.web" location="../../../../Web/bin/Release64" />
<property name="jarsrc.web" location="../../../../packages/Java/Release/x64" />
@@ -183,16 +184,11 @@
<fileset dir="${dist}" includes="**/*.bin"/>
<fileset dir="${dist}" includes="**/*.log"/>
- <!--
- <exec executable="java" dir="${dist}">
- <arg line="-jar MgUnitTest.jar ${mapguide.config} ${unittest.logpath}" />
- <env key="MENTOR_DICTIONARY_PATH" value="${mapguide.dictpath}" />
- </exec>
- -->
<java jar="${dist}/MgUnitTest.jar" fork="true" dir="${dist}">
<arg value="${mapguide.config}" />
<arg value="${unittest.logpath}" />
<env key="MENTOR_DICTIONARY_PATH" value="${mapguide.dictpath}" />
+ <env key="MG_TEST_DATA_PATH" value="${testdata.dir}" />
<target name="checkwin" depends="dist,updatewebconfig">
@@ -202,16 +198,11 @@
<fileset dir="${dist}" includes="**/*.bin"/>
<fileset dir="${dist}" includes="**/*.log"/>
- <!--
- <exec executable="java" dir="${dist}">
- <arg line="-jar MgUnitTest.jar ${mapguide.config} ${unittest.logpath}" />
- <env key="MENTOR_DICTIONARY_PATH" value="${mapguide.dictpath}" />
- </exec>
- -->
<java jar="${dist}/MgUnitTest.jar" fork="true" dir="${dist}">
<arg value="${mapguide.config}" />
<arg value="${unittest.logpath}" />
<env key="MENTOR_DICTIONARY_PATH" value="${mapguide.dictpath}" />
+ <env key="MG_TEST_DATA_PATH" value="${testdata.dir}" />
<target name="checkunix" depends="dist,updatewebconfig">
@@ -227,18 +218,9 @@
<arg value="${mapguide.config}" />
<arg value="${unittest.logpath}" />
<env key="MENTOR_DICTIONARY_PATH" value="${mapguide.dictpath}" />
+ <env key="MG_TEST_DATA_PATH" value="${testdata.dir}" />
<sysproperty key="java.library.path" value="${mapguide.ldpath}" />
- <!--
- <exec executable="java" dir="${dist}">
- <arg value="-Djava.library.path=${mapguide.ldpath}" />
- <arg value="-jar MgUnitTest.jar" />
- <arg value="${mapguide.config}" />
- <arg value="${unittest.logpath}" />
- <env key="LD_LIBRARY_PATH" value="${mapguide.ldpath}" />
- <env key="MENTOR_DICTIONARY_PATH" value="${mapguide.dictpath}" />
- </exec>
- -->
<target name="clean"
description="clean up" >
Modified: branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Java/src/org/osgeo/mapguide/test/MapGuideTestExecutorCollection.java
--- branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Java/src/org/osgeo/mapguide/test/MapGuideTestExecutorCollection.java 2025-02-07 16:13:25 UTC (rev 10120)
+++ branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Java/src/org/osgeo/mapguide/test/MapGuideTestExecutorCollection.java 2025-02-08 21:27:11 UTC (rev 10121)
@@ -31,11 +31,13 @@
private MgUserInformation _userInfo;
private MgSiteConnection _conn;
+ private TestEnvConfiguration _conf;
- public MapGuideTestExecutorCollection(MgUserInformation userInfo, MgSiteConnection conn)
+ public MapGuideTestExecutorCollection(TestEnvConfiguration conf, MgUserInformation userInfo, MgSiteConnection conn)
_userInfo = userInfo;
_conn = conn;
+ _conf = conf;
_executors = new HashMap<String, ITestExecutor>();
@@ -327,8 +329,9 @@
//TestName is Test_[ServiceType]
String type = testName.substring(testName.indexOf("_") + 1);
- String filePath = CommonUtility.GetPath(String.format("../../TestData/{0}/DumpFiles/{0}ApiTest", type));
- String fileName = String.format("{0}_{1}.{2}", filePath, paramSetId, actualExtension);
+ String dataPath = _conf.getDataPath(String.format("%s/DumpFiles/%sApiTest", type, type), false);
+ String filePath = CommonUtility.GetPath(dataPath);
+ String fileName = String.format("%s_%s.%s", filePath, paramSetId, actualExtension);
if (this.TestExecutionMode == "dump")
Modified: branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Java/src/org/osgeo/mapguide/test/MapGuideTests.java
--- branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Java/src/org/osgeo/mapguide/test/MapGuideTests.java 2025-02-07 16:13:25 UTC (rev 10120)
+++ branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Java/src/org/osgeo/mapguide/test/MapGuideTests.java 2025-02-08 21:27:11 UTC (rev 10121)
@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@
public class MapGuideTests
- public static int Execute(IPlatformFactory factory, ITestLogger logger, MutableInteger testsRun) {
+ public static int Execute(TestEnvConfiguration conf, IPlatformFactory factory, ITestLogger logger, MutableInteger testsRun) {
int failures = 0;
Vector<IExternalTest> tests = new Vector<IExternalTest>();
//--------------- BEGIN Test Registration -----------------//
tests.add(new ReadOnlyLayerCollectionTest());
- tests.add(new RenderingServiceTest());
+ tests.add(new RenderingServiceTest(conf));
//--------------- END Test Registration -------------------//
for (IExternalTest test : tests)
Modified: branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Java/src/org/osgeo/mapguide/test/Program.java
--- branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Java/src/org/osgeo/mapguide/test/Program.java 2025-02-07 16:13:25 UTC (rev 10120)
+++ branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Java/src/org/osgeo/mapguide/test/Program.java 2025-02-08 21:27:11 UTC (rev 10121)
@@ -18,55 +18,48 @@
System.out.println("Working Directory is: " + System.getProperty("user.dir"));
LogManager.getLogManager().reset(); //Needed for Linux
- if (args.length >= 1 && args.length <= 2) {
- String webConfigPath = args[0];
- String logFile = "UnitTests.log";
- if (args.length == 2)
- logFile = args[1];
- int failures = 0;
- try (ITestLogger logger = new TestLoggerFile(logFile)) {
- logger.WriteLine(String.format("Run started: %s", new Date().toString()));
- MapGuideJavaApi.mgInitializeWebTier(webConfigPath);
+ TestEnvConfiguration conf = new TestEnvConfiguration(args);
+ conf.printSummary(System.out);
+ int failures = 0;
+ try (ITestLogger logger = new TestLoggerFile(conf.getLogFilePath())) {
+ logger.WriteLine(String.format("Run started: %s", new Date().toString()));
+ MapGuideJavaApi.mgInitializeWebTier(conf.getWebConfigPath());
- userInfo = new MgUserInformation("Administrator", "admin");
- siteConn = new MgSiteConnection();
- siteConn.open(userInfo);
+ userInfo = new MgUserInformation("Administrator", conf.getAdminPass());
+ siteConn = new MgSiteConnection();
+ siteConn.open(userInfo);
- //Load the Sheboygan sample data set required by some tests
- Console.WriteLine("Loading Sheboygan sample data package");
- MgByteSource bs = new MgByteSource("../../TestData/Samples/Sheboygan/Sheboygan.mgp");
- MgByteReader rdr = bs.getReader();
- MgResourceService resSvc = (MgResourceService)siteConn.createService(MgServiceType.ResourceService);
- resSvc.applyResourcePackage(rdr);
+ //Load the Sheboygan sample data set required by some tests
+ Console.WriteLine("Loading Sheboygan sample data package");
+ MgByteSource bs = new MgByteSource(conf.getDataPath("Samples/Sheboygan/Sheboygan.mgp", true));
+ MgByteReader rdr = bs.getReader();
+ MgResourceService resSvc = (MgResourceService)siteConn.createService(MgServiceType.ResourceService);
+ resSvc.applyResourcePackage(rdr);
- Console.WriteLine("MapGuide Initialized. Running tests");
+ Console.WriteLine("MapGuide Initialized. Running tests");
- IPlatformFactory factory = new PlatformFactory(siteConn);
+ IPlatformFactory factory = new PlatformFactory(siteConn);
- MutableInteger testsRun = new MutableInteger(0);
- boolean isEnterprise = false;
- failures += ExecuteTest(ApiTypes.Platform, "../../TestData/ResourceService/ResourceServiceTest.dump", testsRun, logger, isEnterprise);
- failures += ExecuteTest(ApiTypes.Platform, "../../TestData/DrawingService/DrawingServiceTest.dump", testsRun, logger, isEnterprise);
- failures += ExecuteTest(ApiTypes.Platform, "../../TestData/FeatureService/FeatureServiceTest.dump", testsRun, logger, isEnterprise);
- failures += ExecuteTest(ApiTypes.Platform, "../../TestData/SiteService/SiteServiceTest.dump", testsRun, logger, isEnterprise);
- failures += ExecuteTest(ApiTypes.Platform, "../../TestData/MappingService/MappingServiceTest.dump", testsRun, logger, isEnterprise);
- failures += ExecuteTest(ApiTypes.Platform, "../../TestData/ServerAdmin/ServerAdminTest.dump", testsRun, logger, isEnterprise);
- failures += ExecuteTest(ApiTypes.Platform, "../../TestData/MapLayer/MapLayerTest.dump", testsRun, logger, isEnterprise);
- failures += ExecuteTest(ApiTypes.Platform, "../../TestData/WebLayout/WebLayoutTest.dump", testsRun, logger, isEnterprise);
- failures += ExecuteTest(ApiTypes.Platform, "../../TestData/Unicode/UnicodeTest.dump", testsRun, logger, isEnterprise);
- //Run auxillary tests not part of the SQLite-defined suite
- failures += CommonTests.Execute(factory, logger, testsRun);
- failures += MapGuideTests.Execute(factory, logger, testsRun);
- logger.WriteLine("\n\nTests failed/run: %d/%d", failures, testsRun.getValue());
- Console.Write("\n\nTests failed/run: %d/%d\n", failures, testsRun.getValue());
- logger.WriteLine(String.format("Run ended: %s", new Date().toString()));
- }
- System.exit(failures);
- } else {
- System.out.println("Usage: java -jar MgUnitTest.jar <webconfig.ini path> [test log path]");
- System.exit(1);
+ MutableInteger testsRun = new MutableInteger(0);
+ boolean isEnterprise = false;
+ failures += ExecuteTest(conf, ApiTypes.Platform, conf.getDataPath("ResourceService/ResourceServiceTest.dump", true), testsRun, logger, isEnterprise);
+ failures += ExecuteTest(conf, ApiTypes.Platform, conf.getDataPath("DrawingService/DrawingServiceTest.dump", true), testsRun, logger, isEnterprise);
+ failures += ExecuteTest(conf, ApiTypes.Platform, conf.getDataPath("FeatureService/FeatureServiceTest.dump", true), testsRun, logger, isEnterprise);
+ failures += ExecuteTest(conf, ApiTypes.Platform, conf.getDataPath("SiteService/SiteServiceTest.dump", true), testsRun, logger, isEnterprise);
+ failures += ExecuteTest(conf, ApiTypes.Platform, conf.getDataPath("MappingService/MappingServiceTest.dump", true), testsRun, logger, isEnterprise);
+ failures += ExecuteTest(conf, ApiTypes.Platform, conf.getDataPath("ServerAdmin/ServerAdminTest.dump", true), testsRun, logger, isEnterprise);
+ failures += ExecuteTest(conf, ApiTypes.Platform, conf.getDataPath("MapLayer/MapLayerTest.dump", true), testsRun, logger, isEnterprise);
+ failures += ExecuteTest(conf, ApiTypes.Platform, conf.getDataPath("WebLayout/WebLayoutTest.dump", true), testsRun, logger, isEnterprise);
+ failures += ExecuteTest(conf, ApiTypes.Platform, conf.getDataPath("Unicode/UnicodeTest.dump", true), testsRun, logger, isEnterprise);
+ //Run auxillary tests not part of the SQLite-defined suite
+ failures += CommonTests.Execute(factory, logger, testsRun);
+ failures += MapGuideTests.Execute(conf, factory, logger, testsRun);
+ logger.WriteLine("\n\nTests failed/run: %d/%d", failures, testsRun.getValue());
+ Console.Write("\n\nTests failed/run: %d/%d\n", failures, testsRun.getValue());
+ logger.WriteLine(String.format("Run ended: %s", new Date().toString()));
+ System.exit(failures);
+ //System.out.println("Usage: java -jar MgUnitTest.jar <webconfig.ini path> [test log path]");
} catch (Exception ex) {
@@ -73,10 +66,10 @@
- private static int ExecuteTest(String apiType, String dumpFile, MutableInteger testsRun, ITestLogger logger, boolean isEnterprise) {
+ private static int ExecuteTest(TestEnvConfiguration conf, String apiType, String dumpFile, MutableInteger testsRun, ITestLogger logger, boolean isEnterprise) {
ITestExecutorCollection exec = null;
if (apiType.equals(ApiTypes.Platform))
- exec = new MapGuideTestExecutorCollection(userInfo, siteConn);
+ exec = new MapGuideTestExecutorCollection(conf, userInfo, siteConn);
int ret = 0;
if (exec != null)
Added: branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Java/src/org/osgeo/mapguide/test/TestEnvConfiguration.java
--- branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Java/src/org/osgeo/mapguide/test/TestEnvConfiguration.java (rev 0)
+++ branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Java/src/org/osgeo/mapguide/test/TestEnvConfiguration.java 2025-02-08 21:27:11 UTC (rev 10121)
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+package org.osgeo.mapguide.test;
+import java.io.*;
+import java.nio.file.*;
+public class TestEnvConfiguration
+ private String _webConfigPath;
+ private String _logFilePath;
+ private String _testDataRoot;
+ private String _adminPass;
+ public TestEnvConfiguration(String[] args) {
+ _webConfigPath = this.getEnvironmentVariable("MG_TEST_WEBCONFIG_PATH", "");
+ _logFilePath = this.getEnvironmentVariable("MG_TEST_LOG_PATH", "UnitTests.log");
+ _testDataRoot = this.getEnvironmentVariable("MG_TEST_DATA_PATH", "../..");
+ _adminPass = this.getEnvironmentVariable("MG_TEST_ADMIN_PASS", "admin");
+ if (args.length >= 1 && args.length <= 2) {
+ _webConfigPath = args[0];
+ if (args.length == 2) {
+ _logFilePath = args[1];
+ }
+ }
+ File w = new File(_webConfigPath);
+ File td = new File(_testDataRoot);
+ if (!w.exists()) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("webconfig.ini path is not valid");
+ }
+ if (td.isDirectory() && !td.exists()) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Test data root directory does not exist");
+ }
+ smTestDataRoot = _testDataRoot;
+ }
+ private String getEnvironmentVariable(String name, String defaultValue) {
+ String value = System.getenv(name);
+ if (value == null || value == "") {
+ return defaultValue;
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
+ public void printSummary(java.io.PrintStream output) {
+ output.println("Test Configuration Summary:");
+ output.println("webconfig.ini path: " + _webConfigPath);
+ output.println("Test Data Root: " + _testDataRoot);
+ output.println("Log path: " + _logFilePath);
+ output.println("Admin pass: " + _adminPass);
+ }
+ public String getDataPath(String relPath, boolean throwIfNotExists) {
+ Path path = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(_testDataRoot, relPath);
+ Path absPath = path.toAbsolutePath();
+ File f = absPath.toFile();
+ if (!f.exists() && throwIfNotExists)
+ throw new RuntimeException("File not found: " + absPath.toString());
+ return absPath.toString();
+ }
+ public String getWebConfigPath() { return _webConfigPath; }
+ public String getLogFilePath() { return _logFilePath; }
+ public String getTestDataRoot() { return _testDataRoot; }
+ public String getAdminPass() { return _adminPass; }
+ private static String smTestDataRoot;
+ public static String resolveTestDataPath(String relPath, boolean nullIfNotFound) {
+ Path path = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(smTestDataRoot, relPath);
+ Path absPath = path.toAbsolutePath();
+ File f = absPath.toFile();
+ if (!f.exists() && nullIfNotFound)
+ return null;
+ return absPath.toString();
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Java/src/org/osgeo/mapguide/test/common/CommonUtility.java
--- branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Java/src/org/osgeo/mapguide/test/common/CommonUtility.java 2025-02-07 16:13:25 UTC (rev 10120)
+++ branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Java/src/org/osgeo/mapguide/test/common/CommonUtility.java 2025-02-08 21:27:11 UTC (rev 10121)
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
public class CommonUtility
- public static boolean IsWindows()
- {
- return System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().contains("win");
- }
+ public static boolean IsWindows()
+ {
+ return System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().contains("win");
+ }
public static String DoubleToString(double d)
@@ -699,7 +699,15 @@
if (DebugSettings.Enabled)
Console.WriteLine("Read path from current directory");
- str = CommonUtility.GetPath(str);
+ //System.out.println("Param (" + paramName+ "): " + str);
+ String relPath = str.replaceAll("../../TestData", "").replaceAll("..\\\\..\\\\TestData", "");
+ String resolved = TestEnvConfiguration.resolveTestDataPath(relPath, true);
+ //System.out.println("Resolves to: " + resolved);
+ if (resolved != null)
+ str = resolved;
+ else
+ str = "";
result.put(paramName, str);
return true;
@@ -706,6 +714,7 @@
return false;
} catch(Exception ex) {
+ System.out.println("ERR: " + ex);
return false;
@@ -753,4 +762,4 @@
throw new UnitTestException(String.format("Exception from MapGuide:\n%s", ex.getDetails()));
Modified: branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Java/src/org/osgeo/mapguide/test/mapguide/RenderingServiceTest.java
--- branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Java/src/org/osgeo/mapguide/test/mapguide/RenderingServiceTest.java 2025-02-07 16:13:25 UTC (rev 10120)
+++ branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Java/src/org/osgeo/mapguide/test/mapguide/RenderingServiceTest.java 2025-02-08 21:27:11 UTC (rev 10121)
@@ -4,10 +4,17 @@
import java.nio.file.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.osgeo.mapguide.*;
+import org.osgeo.mapguide.test.*;
import org.osgeo.mapguide.test.common.*;
public class RenderingServiceTest implements IExternalTest
+ private TestEnvConfiguration _conf;
+ public RenderingServiceTest(TestEnvConfiguration conf) {
+ _conf = conf;
+ }
private static void LoadResource(MgResourceService resSvc, String resIdStr, String path)
MgResourceIdentifier resId = new MgResourceIdentifier(resIdStr);
@@ -28,21 +35,20 @@
MgResourceService resSvc = (MgResourceService)factory.createService(MgServiceType.ResourceService);
MgRenderingService renderSvc = (MgRenderingService)factory.createService(MgServiceType.RenderingService);
- String root = "../../TestData/TileService/";
- LoadResource(resSvc, "Library://UnitTests/Data/RoadCenterLines.FeatureSource", root + "UT_RoadCenterLines.fs");
- LoadResourceData(resSvc, "Library://UnitTests/Data/RoadCenterLines.FeatureSource", "UT_RoadCenterLines.sdf", MgResourceDataType.File, root + "UT_RoadCenterLines.sdf");
- LoadResource(resSvc, "Library://UnitTests/Layers/RoadCenterLines.LayerDefinition", root + "UT_RoadCenterLines.ldf");
+ LoadResource(resSvc, "Library://UnitTests/Data/RoadCenterLines.FeatureSource", _conf.getDataPath("TileService/UT_RoadCenterLines.fs", true));
+ LoadResourceData(resSvc, "Library://UnitTests/Data/RoadCenterLines.FeatureSource", "UT_RoadCenterLines.sdf", MgResourceDataType.File, _conf.getDataPath("TileService/UT_RoadCenterLines.sdf", true));
+ LoadResource(resSvc, "Library://UnitTests/Layers/RoadCenterLines.LayerDefinition", _conf.getDataPath("TileService/UT_RoadCenterLines.ldf", true));
- LoadResource(resSvc, "Library://UnitTests/Data/VotingDistricts.FeatureSource", root + "UT_VotingDistricts.fs");
- LoadResourceData(resSvc, "Library://UnitTests/Data/VotingDistricts.FeatureSource", "UT_VotingDistricts.sdf", MgResourceDataType.File, root + "UT_VotingDistricts.sdf");
- LoadResource(resSvc, "Library://UnitTests/Layers/VotingDistricts.LayerDefinition", root + "UT_VotingDistricts.ldf");
+ LoadResource(resSvc, "Library://UnitTests/Data/VotingDistricts.FeatureSource", _conf.getDataPath("TileService/UT_VotingDistricts.fs", true));
+ LoadResourceData(resSvc, "Library://UnitTests/Data/VotingDistricts.FeatureSource", "UT_VotingDistricts.sdf", MgResourceDataType.File, _conf.getDataPath("TileService/UT_VotingDistricts.sdf", true));
+ LoadResource(resSvc, "Library://UnitTests/Layers/VotingDistricts.LayerDefinition", _conf.getDataPath("TileService/UT_VotingDistricts.ldf", true));
- LoadResource(resSvc, "Library://UnitTests/Data/Parcels.FeatureSource", root + "UT_Parcels.fs");
- LoadResourceData(resSvc, "Library://UnitTests/Data/Parcels.FeatureSource", "UT_Parcels.sdf", MgResourceDataType.File, root + "UT_Parcels.sdf");
- LoadResource(resSvc, "Library://UnitTests/Layers/Parcels.LayerDefinition", root + "UT_Parcels.ldf");
+ LoadResource(resSvc, "Library://UnitTests/Data/Parcels.FeatureSource", _conf.getDataPath("TileService/UT_Parcels.fs", true));
+ LoadResourceData(resSvc, "Library://UnitTests/Data/Parcels.FeatureSource", "UT_Parcels.sdf", MgResourceDataType.File, _conf.getDataPath("TileService/UT_Parcels.sdf", true));
+ LoadResource(resSvc, "Library://UnitTests/Layers/Parcels.LayerDefinition", _conf.getDataPath("TileService/UT_Parcels.ldf", true));
- LoadResource(resSvc, "Library://UnitTests/Maps/BaseMap.MapDefinition", root + "UT_BaseMap.mdf");
+ LoadResource(resSvc, "Library://UnitTests/Maps/BaseMap.MapDefinition", _conf.getDataPath("TileService/UT_BaseMap.mdf", true));
MgMap map = (MgMap)factory.createMap();
map.create(new MgResourceIdentifier("Library://UnitTests/Maps/BaseMap.MapDefinition"), "BaseMap");
Index: branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Php
--- branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Php 2025-02-07 16:13:25 UTC (rev 10120)
+++ branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Php 2025-02-08 21:27:11 UTC (rev 10121)
Property changes on: branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Php
Added: svn:ignore
## -0,0 +1 ##
Modified: branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Php/ExecuteOperation.php
--- branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Php/ExecuteOperation.php 2025-02-07 16:13:25 UTC (rev 10120)
+++ branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Php/ExecuteOperation.php 2025-02-08 21:27:11 UTC (rev 10121)
@@ -52,13 +52,15 @@
private $webLayoutOperation;
private $wfsOperation;
private $wmsOperation;
+ private $testContext;
- public function __construct($requestType, $db, $Url)
+ public function __construct($requestType, $db, $Url, $testContext)
+ $this->testContext = $testContext;
if (substr_count($requestType, "Http"))
- $this->resourceServiceOperation = new ResourceServiceHttpRequests($db, $Url);
+ $this->resourceServiceOperation = new ResourceServiceHttpRequests($db, $Url, $this->testContext);
$this->drawingServiceOperation = new DrawingServiceHttpRequests($db, $Url);
$this->featureServiceOperation = new FeatureServiceHttpRequests($db, $Url);
$this->siteServiceOperation = new SiteServiceHttpRequests($db, $Url);
@@ -68,7 +70,7 @@
elseif (substr_count($requestType,"Api"))
- $this->resourceServiceOperation = new ResourceServiceAPI($db);
+ $this->resourceServiceOperation = new ResourceServiceAPI($db, $this->testContext);
$this->drawingServiceOperation = new DrawingServiceAPI($db);
$this->featureServiceOperation = new FeatureServiceAPI($db);
$this->siteServiceOperation = new SiteServiceAPI($db);
Modified: branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Php/ResourceServiceAPI.php
--- branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Php/ResourceServiceAPI.php 2025-02-07 16:13:25 UTC (rev 10120)
+++ branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Php/ResourceServiceAPI.php 2025-02-08 21:27:11 UTC (rev 10121)
@@ -33,10 +33,12 @@
private $site;
private $resourceSrvc;
private $mimeType;
+ private $testContext;
- function __construct($db)
+ function __construct($db, $testContext)
+ $this->testContext = $testContext;
$this->cred = new MgUserInformation();
@@ -74,14 +76,19 @@
$this->unitTestParamVm->Execute("Select ParamValue from Params WHERE ParamSet=$paramSet AND ParamName=\"DEPTH\"");
- if (is_numeric($arrayParam["DEPTH"]))
- {
- $arrayParam["DEPTH"] = intval($arrayParam["DEPTH"]);
+ // Interpret empty string as DEPTH = 0
+ if ($arrayParam["DEPTH"] == "") {
+ $arrayParam["DEPTH"] = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (is_numeric($arrayParam["DEPTH"]))
+ {
+ $arrayParam["DEPTH"] = intval($arrayParam["DEPTH"]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $arrayParam["DEPTH"] = -1;
+ }
- else
- {
- $arrayParam["DEPTH"] = -1;
- }
if (array_key_exists("RESOURCEID", $arrayParam))
@@ -124,8 +131,8 @@
$this->unitTestParamVm->Execute("Select ParamValue from Params WHERE ParamSet=$paramSet AND ParamName=\"CONTENT\"");
if ($this->unitTestParamVm->GetString("ParamValue") != "")
- $arrayParam['CONTENT']=$this->unitTestParamVm->GetString("ParamValue");
- $arrayParam['CONTENT']=Utils::GetPath($arrayParam['CONTENT']);
+ $contentParam = $this->unitTestParamVm->GetString("ParamValue");
+ $arrayParam['CONTENT']=$this->testContext->resolveDataFilePath($contentParam);
if (file_exists($arrayParam['CONTENT']))
//TODO add mime type
@@ -137,8 +144,8 @@
$this->unitTestParamVm->Execute("Select ParamValue from Params WHERE ParamSet=$paramSet AND ParamName=\"HEADER\"");
if ($this->unitTestParamVm->GetString("ParamValue") != "")
- $arrayParam['HEADER']=$this->unitTestParamVm->GetString("ParamValue");
- $arrayParam['HEADER']=Utils::GetPath($arrayParam['HEADER']);
+ $headerParam = $this->unitTestParamVm->GetString("ParamValue");
+ $arrayParam['HEADER']=$this->testContext->resolveDataFilePath($headerParam);
if (file_exists($arrayParam['HEADER']))
$headerSource = new MgByteSource($arrayParam['HEADER']);
@@ -350,9 +357,10 @@
$this->unitTestParamVm->Execute("Select ParamValue from Params WHERE ParamSet=$paramSet AND ParamName=\"DATA\"");
- $arrayParam["DATA"]=$this->unitTestParamVm->GetString("ParamValue");
- $arrayParam["DATA"]=Utils::GetPath($arrayParam["DATA"]);
+ $dataParam = $this->unitTestParamVm->GetString("ParamValue");
+ $arrayParam['DATA']=$this->testContext->resolveDataFilePath($dataParam);
$extension = self::GetExtension($arrayParam["DATANAME"]);
$mimeType = self::GetMimeType($extension);
$dataSource = new MgByteSource($arrayParam["DATA"]);
@@ -546,8 +554,8 @@
$this->unitTestParamVm->Execute("Select ParamValue from Params WHERE ParamSet=$paramSet AND ParamName=\"CONTENT\"");
if ($this->unitTestParamVm->GetString("ParamValue") != "")
- $arrayParam['CONTENT']=$this->unitTestParamVm->GetString("ParamValue");
- $arrayParam['CONTENT']=Utils::GetPath($arrayParam['CONTENT']);
+ $contentParam = $this->unitTestParamVm->GetString("ParamValue");
+ $arrayParam['CONTENT']=$this->testContext->resolveDataFilePath($contentParam);
if (file_exists($arrayParam['CONTENT']))
//TODO add mime type
@@ -559,8 +567,8 @@
$this->unitTestParamVm->Execute("Select ParamValue from Params WHERE ParamSet=$paramSet AND ParamName=\"HEADER\"");
if ($this->unitTestParamVm->GetString("ParamValue") != "")
- $arrayParam['HEADER']=$this->unitTestParamVm->GetString("ParamValue");
- $arrayParam['HEADER']=Utils::GetPath($arrayParam['HEADER']);
+ $headerParam = $this->unitTestParamVm->GetString("ParamValue");
+ $arrayParam['HEADER']=$this->testContext->resolveDataFilePath($headerParam);
if (file_exists($arrayParam['HEADER']))
$headerSource = new MgByteSource($arrayParam['HEADER']);
@@ -778,7 +786,8 @@
$packageSource = null;
$this->unitTestParamVm->Execute("Select ParamValue from Params WHERE ParamSet=$paramSet AND ParamName=\"PACKAGE\"");
- $arrayParam["PACKAGE"]=Utils::GetPath($this->unitTestParamVm->GetString("ParamValue"));
+ $packageParam = $this->unitTestParamVm->GetString("ParamValue");
+ $arrayParam['PACKAGE']=$this->testContext->resolveDataFilePath($packageParam);
if (Utils::IsWindows()) {
$packageSource = new MgByteSource($arrayParam["PACKAGE"]);
Modified: branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Php/ResourceServiceHttpRequests.php
--- branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Php/ResourceServiceHttpRequests.php 2025-02-07 16:13:25 UTC (rev 10120)
+++ branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Php/ResourceServiceHttpRequests.php 2025-02-08 21:27:11 UTC (rev 10121)
@@ -33,13 +33,15 @@
private $httpRequest;
private $URL;
private $db;
+ private $testContext;
- function __construct($db, $newURL)
+ function __construct($db, $newURL, $testContext)
$this->db = $db;
$this->unitTestParamVm = new SqliteVM($db, true);
$this->httpRequest = new HttpRequest();
$this->URL = $newURL;
+ $this->testContext = $testContext;
function __destruct()
@@ -86,7 +88,8 @@
$this->unitTestParamVm->Execute("Select ParamValue from Params WHERE ParamSet=$paramSet AND ParamName=\"CONTENT\"");
if ($this->unitTestParamVm->GetString("ParamValue") != "")
- $arrayParam['CONTENT']=$this->unitTestParamVm->GetString("ParamValue");
+ $contentParam = $this->unitTestParamVm->GetString("ParamValue");
+ $arrayParam['CONTENT']=$this->testContext->resolveDataFilePath($contentParam);
$arrayParam['CONTENT']=new CURLFile(Utils::GetPath($arrayParam['CONTENT']));
@@ -346,7 +349,8 @@
$this->unitTestParamVm->Execute("Select ParamValue from Params WHERE ParamSet=$paramSet AND ParamName=\"CONTENT\"");
if ($this->unitTestParamVm->GetString("ParamValue") != "")
- $arrayParam['CONTENT']=$this->unitTestParamVm->GetString("ParamValue");
+ $contentParam = $this->unitTestParamVm->GetString("ParamValue");
+ $arrayParam['CONTENT']=$this->testContext->resolveDataFilePath($contentParam);
$arrayParam['CONTENT']=new CURLFile(Utils::GetPath($arrayParam['CONTENT']));
Modified: branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Php/Run.php
--- branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Php/Run.php 2025-02-07 16:13:25 UTC (rev 10120)
+++ branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Php/Run.php 2025-02-08 21:27:11 UTC (rev 10121)
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
private $validate;
private $operation;
- public function main(&$testsRun, $file=null)
+ public function main(&$testsRun, $file=null, $testContext)
//Print HTML tags for the result page
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
$file=fopen("UnitTests.log", "w");
//If initialization is successful then run the test and clean up
- if (self::Initialize())
+ if (self::Initialize($testContext))
$status = self::RunTest($testsRun, $file);
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
- function Initialize()
+ function Initialize($testContext)
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
$this->unitTestVm = new SqliteVM($this->unitTestDb);
$this->unitTestResultVm = new SqliteVM($this->unitTestDb);
- $this->operation = new ExecuteOperation($_POST['requestType'], $this->unitTestDb, $url);
+ $this->operation = new ExecuteOperation($_POST['requestType'], $this->unitTestDb, $url, $testContext);
$this->validate = new Validate($this->unitTestDb);
Modified: branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Php/RunTests.php
--- branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Php/RunTests.php 2025-02-07 16:13:25 UTC (rev 10120)
+++ branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Php/RunTests.php 2025-02-08 21:27:11 UTC (rev 10121)
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
//Command line script that executes all tests in the given database files
define('Run_MAIN_METHOD', true);
@@ -30,7 +31,6 @@
$testsFailed = 0;
$testsRun = 0;
$isEnterprise = false;
- $runApiTestsOnly = false;
$file = fopen("UnitTests.log", "w");
@@ -51,59 +51,46 @@
$isEnterprise = true;
- if (($argc>1))
- {
- for ($i = 0; $i < count($argv); $i++)
- {
- if ($argv[$i] == "-apionly")
- {
- $runApiTestsOnly = true;
- }
- else if ($argv[$i] == "-config" && $i < count($argv) - 1)
- {
- define("WEBCONFIGINI", $argv[$i+1]);
- }
- }
- }
+ $context = new TestContext($argc, $argv);
if (!$file)
echo "Unable to create log file UnitTests.log";
- $testsFailed += ExecuteTest("Api", "../../TestData/ResourceService/ResourceServiceTest.dump", $testsRun, $file, $isEnterprise);
- if (!$runApiTestsOnly)
- $testsFailed += ExecuteTest("Http", "../../TestData/ResourceService/ResourceServiceTest.dump", $testsRun, $file, $isEnterprise);
+ $testsFailed += ExecuteTest("Api", $context, "ResourceService/ResourceServiceTest.dump", $testsRun, $file, $isEnterprise);
+ if (!$context->runApiTestsOnly)
+ $testsFailed += ExecuteTest("Http", $context, "ResourceService/ResourceServiceTest.dump", $testsRun, $file, $isEnterprise);
- $testsFailed += ExecuteTest("Api", "../../TestData/DrawingService/DrawingServiceTest.dump", $testsRun, $file, $isEnterprise);
- if (!$runApiTestsOnly)
- $testsFailed += ExecuteTest("Http", "../../TestData/DrawingService/DrawingServiceTest.dump", $testsRun, $file, $isEnterprise);
+ $testsFailed += ExecuteTest("Api", $context, "DrawingService/DrawingServiceTest.dump", $testsRun, $file, $isEnterprise);
+ if (!$context->runApiTestsOnly)
+ $testsFailed += ExecuteTest("Http", $context, "DrawingService/DrawingServiceTest.dump", $testsRun, $file, $isEnterprise);
- $testsFailed += ExecuteTest("Api", "../../TestData/FeatureService/FeatureServiceTest.dump", $testsRun, $file, $isEnterprise);
- if (!$runApiTestsOnly)
- $testsFailed += ExecuteTest("Http", "../../TestData/FeatureService/FeatureServiceTest.dump", $testsRun, $file, $isEnterprise);
+ $testsFailed += ExecuteTest("Api", $context, "FeatureService/FeatureServiceTest.dump", $testsRun, $file, $isEnterprise);
+ if (!$context->runApiTestsOnly)
+ $testsFailed += ExecuteTest("Http", $context, "FeatureService/FeatureServiceTest.dump", $testsRun, $file, $isEnterprise);
- $testsFailed += ExecuteTest("Api", "../../TestData/SiteService/SiteServiceTest.dump", $testsRun, $file, $isEnterprise);
- if (!$runApiTestsOnly)
- $testsFailed += ExecuteTest("Http", "../../TestData/SiteService/SiteServiceTest.dump", $testsRun, $file, $isEnterprise);
+ $testsFailed += ExecuteTest("Api", $context, "SiteService/SiteServiceTest.dump", $testsRun, $file, $isEnterprise);
+ if (!$context->runApiTestsOnly)
+ $testsFailed += ExecuteTest("Http", $context, "SiteService/SiteServiceTest.dump", $testsRun, $file, $isEnterprise);
- $testsFailed += ExecuteTest("Api", "../../TestData/MappingService/MappingServiceTest.dump", $testsRun, $file, $isEnterprise);
- if (!$runApiTestsOnly)
- $testsFailed += ExecuteTest("Http", "../../TestData/MappingService/MappingServiceTest.dump", $testsRun, $file, $isEnterprise);
+ $testsFailed += ExecuteTest("Api", $context, "MappingService/MappingServiceTest.dump", $testsRun, $file, $isEnterprise);
+ if (!$context->runApiTestsOnly)
+ $testsFailed += ExecuteTest("Http", $context, "MappingService/MappingServiceTest.dump", $testsRun, $file, $isEnterprise);
- $testsFailed += ExecuteTest("Api", "../../TestData/ServerAdmin/ServerAdminTest.dump", $testsRun, $file, $isEnterprise);
+ $testsFailed += ExecuteTest("Api", $context, "ServerAdmin/ServerAdminTest.dump", $testsRun, $file, $isEnterprise);
- $testsFailed += ExecuteTest("Api", "../../TestData/MapLayer/MapLayerTest.dump", $testsRun, $file, $isEnterprise);
+ $testsFailed += ExecuteTest("Api", $context, "MapLayer/MapLayerTest.dump", $testsRun, $file, $isEnterprise);
- $testsFailed += ExecuteTest("Api", "../../TestData/WebLayout/WebLayoutTest.dump", $testsRun, $file, $isEnterprise);
+ $testsFailed += ExecuteTest("Api", $context, "WebLayout/WebLayoutTest.dump", $testsRun, $file, $isEnterprise);
- if (!$runApiTestsOnly)
+ if (!$context->runApiTestsOnly)
- $testsFailed += ExecuteTest("Http", "../../TestData/Wfs/WfsTest.dump", $testsRun, $file, $isEnterprise);
- $testsFailed += ExecuteTest("Http", "../../TestData/Wms/WmsTest.dump", $testsRun, $file, $isEnterprise);
+ $testsFailed += ExecuteTest("Http", $context, "Wfs/WfsTest.dump", $testsRun, $file, $isEnterprise);
+ $testsFailed += ExecuteTest("Http", $context, "Wms/WmsTest.dump", $testsRun, $file, $isEnterprise);
- $testsFailed += ExecuteTest("Api", "../../TestData/Unicode/UnicodeTest.dump", $testsRun, $file, $isEnterprise);
+ $testsFailed += ExecuteTest("Api", $context, "Unicode/UnicodeTest.dump", $testsRun, $file, $isEnterprise);
$str = sprintf("\n\nTests failed/run: %d/%d\n", $testsFailed, $testsRun);
$str .=sprintf("Run ended: %s\n\n",date("D M j G:i:s T Y"));
@@ -118,12 +105,13 @@
-function ExecuteTest($requestType, $dumpFileName, &$testsRun, $file, $ent)
+function ExecuteTest($requestType, $context, $dumpFileRelPath, &$testsRun, $file, $ent)
//Create database objects
+ $dumpFileName = $context->getDataFilePath($dumpFileRelPath);
$dbPath = Utils::GetDbPath($dumpFileName);
$dbName = Utils::GetPath($dbPath);
@@ -155,7 +143,7 @@
$result = new Run($testsRun);
- $exitStatus += $result->main($testsRun, $file);
+ $exitStatus += $result->main($testsRun, $file, $context);
$status = $vm->NextRow();
Added: branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Php/TestContext.php
--- branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Php/TestContext.php (rev 0)
+++ branches/4.0/MgDev/Bindings/src/Test/Php/TestContext.php 2025-02-08 21:27:11 UTC (rev 10121)
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+class TestContext {
+ private $webConfigPath;
+ private $testDataRootPath;
+ public $runApiTestsOnly;
+ public function __construct($argc, $argv) {
+ $this->runApiTestsOnly = true; // false
+ if (($argc>1))
+ {
+ for ($i = 0; $i < count($argv); $i++)
+ {
+ if ($argv[$i] == "-apionly")
+ {
+ $this->runApiTestsOnly = true;
+ }
+ else if ($argv[$i] == "-config" && $i < count($argv) - 1)
+ {
+ $this->webConfigPath = $argv[$i+1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $this->testDataRootPath = "../../../../UnitTest/TestData";
+ $wp = getenv("MG_TEST_WEBCONFIG_PATH");
+ $td = getenv("MG_TEST_DATA_PATH");
+ if ($wp != null && strlen($wp) > 0) {
+ $this->webConfigPath = $wp;
+ }
+ if ($td != null && strlen($td) > 0) {
+ $this->testDataRootPath = $td;
+ }
+ if (!file_exists($this->webConfigPath)) {
+ throw new Exception("webconfig.ini path not found: " . $this->webConfigPath);
+ }
+ // Normalize
+ $this->testDataRootPath = self::EnsureEndingSlash(str_replace("\\", "/", $this->testDataRootPath));
+ define('WEBCONFIGINI', $this->webConfigPath);
+ }
+ static function EnsureEndingSlash(/*php_string*/ $str) {
+ return self::StringEndsWith($str, "/") ? $str : ($str . "/");
+ }
+ static function StringEndsWith(/*php_string*/ $haystack, /*php_string*/ $needle) {
+ return $needle === "" || substr($haystack, -strlen($needle)) === $needle;
+ }
+ public function resolveDataFilePath($relPath) {
+ if (strlen($relPath) === 0) {
+ return Utils::GetPath($relPath);
+ }
+ $relPathFixed = str_replace("../../TestData", $this->testDataRootPath, $relPath);
+ $relPathFixed = str_replace("..\\..\\TestData", $this->testDataRootPath, $relPathFixed);
+ return $relPathFixed;
+ }
+ public function getDataFilePath($relPath, $throwIfNotFound = true) {
+ $absPath = $this->testDataRootPath;
+ $absPath .= $relPath;
+ if (!file_exists($absPath) && $throwIfNotFound) {
+ throw new Exception("Test data file not found: " . $absPath);
+ }
+ return $absPath;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Deleted: branches/4.0/MgDev/UnitTest/prepare.php
--- branches/4.0/MgDev/UnitTest/prepare.php 2025-02-07 16:13:25 UTC (rev 10120)
+++ branches/4.0/MgDev/UnitTest/prepare.php 2025-02-08 21:27:11 UTC (rev 10121)
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-require_once dirname(__FILE__)."/../Web/src/PhpApi/constants.php";
-$file = dirname(__FILE__)."/webconfig.ini";
-if (array_key_exists("MG_WEBCONFIG_INI", $_SERVER))
-$mgp = dirname(__FILE__)."/TestData/Samples/Sheboygan/Sheboygan.mgp";
-if (array_key_exists("MG_SHEBOYGAN_MGP", $_SERVER))
-if (!file_exists($mgp)) {
- echo "Sheboygan.mgp not found. Please put this file in this directory before running this script\n";
- exit(255);
-if (!file_exists($file)) {
- $src = dirname(__FILE__)."/../Web/src/webconfig.ini";
- $csMapDir = dirname(__FILE__)."/../Oem/CsMap/Dictionaries";
- $resDir = dirname(__FILE__)."/../Common/MapGuideCommon/Resources";
- $ini = file($src);
- $newlines = array();
- foreach ($ini as $lineNum => $line) {
- $write = "";
- $mdp = strpos($line, 'MentorDictionaryPath');
- $rp = strpos($line, 'ResourcesPath');
- if ($mdp !== FALSE && $mdp == 0)
- $write = "MentorDictionaryPath = $csMapDir";
- else if ($rp !== FALSE && $rp == 0)
- $write = "ResourcesPath = $resDir";
- else
- $write = trim($line);
- if ($write != "")
- array_push($newlines, $write);
- }
- file_put_contents($file, implode("\n", $newlines));
- echo "Saved: $file\n";
-try {
- MgInitializeWebTier($file);
- $siteConn = new MgSiteConnection();
- $userInfo = new MgUserInformation("Administrator", "admin");
- $siteConn->Open($userInfo);
- $src = new MgByteSource($mgp);
- $rdr = $src->GetReader();
- $resSvc = $siteConn->CreateService(MgServiceType::ResourceService);
- echo "Loading Sheboygan.mgp\n";
- $resSvc->ApplyResourcePackage($rdr);
- echo "Sheboygan.mgp loaded\n";
- exit(0);
-} catch (MgException $ex) {
- echo $ex->GetDetails();
- exit(255);
\ No newline at end of file
Deleted: branches/4.0/MgDev/UnitTest/run_php_tests.bat
--- branches/4.0/MgDev/UnitTest/run_php_tests.bat 2025-02-07 16:13:25 UTC (rev 10120)
+++ branches/4.0/MgDev/UnitTest/run_php_tests.bat 2025-02-08 21:27:11 UTC (rev 10121)
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
- at echo off
-REM Web Tier Test Suite runner script
-REM Author: Jackie Ng (jumpinjackie at gmail.com)
-REM About this script:
-REM This batch script will automatically start the mgserver.exe with a customizable wait period.
-REM Once the wait period has elapsed the Web Tier test suite will be run via the PHP CLI interpreter.
-REM This script harnesses everything that's available from the MapGuide source tree (under MgDev) to avoid
-REM minimal external setup.
-REM The only setup required is to copy a 32-bit ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll to Oem\php\Release_TS.
-REM If you have the Installer checked out, you can extract a copy of these files from the
-REM binary 32-bit PHP zip under Installer\Support\Web\x86
-REM By default, http unit tests are skipped because of this. See remarks.
-REM Instructions:
-REM 1. Build the Oem, Server and WebTier in release mode
-REM 2. Run set_test_params.bat. You can change the values in this file beforehand.
-REM 3. Run run_php_tests.bat
-REM Remarks:
-REM 1. mapagent http tests are not run by default as this requires one to be already set up under
-REM (http://localhost:<port>/mapguide/mapagent/mapagent.fcgi). If you have already set one up
-REM you can set API_ONLY=0 in set_test_params.bat
-REM We really need to automate setting up the mapagent in a web server in a zero-configuration manner. Only then can we
-REM remove the API_ONLY variable
-SET WEB_BIN=%CD%\..\Web\bin\release
-SET SERVER_BIN=%CD%\..\Server\bin\release
-SET OEM_PHP=%OEM_PATH%\php\Release_TS
-REM MENTOR_DICTIONARY_PATH fallback for MgCoordinateSystem still exists, so use it so we don't have to mess around with webconfig.ini
-SET OEM_SQLITE=%OEM_PATH%\SQLite\bin\release
-SET MAPAGENT=%CD%\..\Web\src\mapagent
-IF "%PLATFORM%" == "64" (
- SET OEM_PHP=%OEM_PATH%\php\x64\Release_TS
- SET WEB_BIN=%CD%\..\Web\bin\release64
- SET SERVER_BIN=%CD%\..\Server\bin\release64
- SET OEM_SQLITE=%OEM_PATH%\SQLite\bin\release64
- SET MAPAGENT=%CD%\..\Web\src\mapagent64
-echo ******************************************************************************
-echo Platform: %PLATFORM%
-echo Auto-start mgserver.exe: %START_MGSERVER%
-echo Time to wait for mgserver.exe: %MGSERVER_WAIT%
-echo Running Web API only: %API_ONLY%
-echo PHP dir: %OEM_PHP%
-echo ******************************************************************************
-REM Sanity checks
- echo Could not find required directory %WEB_BIN%
- goto quit
- echo Could not find required directory %OEM_SQLITE%
- goto quit
-REM Copy required php extensions. Copy everything from %WEB_BIN% as PHP MapGuide API requires these
-echo [check]: PHP MapGuide dlls
-IF NOT EXIST "%OEM_PHP%\php_MapGuideApi.dll" copy /Y "%WEB_BIN%\*.dll" "%OEM_PHP%" > NUL
-echo [check]: Checking PHP SQLite dlls
-IF NOT EXIST "%OEM_PHP%\php_SQLitePhpApi.dll" copy /Y "%OEM_SQLITE%\php_SQLitePhpApi.dll" "%OEM_PHP%" > NUL
-REM Copy resource files to satisfy new relative path of webconfig.ini
-echo [check]: MapGuide messages (en)
-xcopy /S /Y /I "%MAPAGENT%\Resources" WebTier\php\Resources > NUL
-IF "%START_MGSERVER%" == "1" (
- echo Starting mgserver.exe
- pushd "%SERVER_BIN%"
- start mgserver run
- REM An elegant hack to pause this script allowing mgserver to start up
- echo Waiting %MGSERVER_WAIT%s for mgserver.exe to start up
- ping -n %MGSERVER_WAIT% > NUL
- popd
-REM We're ready now. Dive in
-echo Starting unit tests
-pushd WebTier\php
-IF "%API_ONLY%" == "1" (
- php.exe -n -d display_errors=Off -d extension_dir=%OEM_PHP% -d extension=php_mbstring.dll -d extension=php_curl.dll -d extension=php_MapGuideApi.dll -d extension=php_SQLitePhpApi.dll RunTests.php -apionly
-) ELSE (
- php.exe -n -d display_errors=Off -d extension_dir=%OEM_PHP% -d extension=php_mbstring.dll -d extension=php_curl.dll -d extension=php_MapGuideApi.dll -d extension=php_SQLitePhpApi.dll RunTests.php
-IF "%START_MGSERVER%" == "1" (
- REM We're naturally assuming the only mgserver.exe that is running is the one this script started
- echo Terminating mgserver.exe
- taskkill /im mgserver.exe
\ No newline at end of file
Added: branches/4.0/MgDev/UnitTest/run_server_tests.bat
--- branches/4.0/MgDev/UnitTest/run_server_tests.bat (rev 0)
+++ branches/4.0/MgDev/UnitTest/run_server_tests.bat 2025-02-08 21:27:11 UTC (rev 10121)
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ at echo off
+REM run_server_tests.bat
+REM This batch file helps to execute the MapGuide Server test suite against a given
+REM installation of MapGuide. The mgserver executable must not be running beforehand
+if (%1)==() goto pre_flight_check
+if "%1"=="-help" goto help_show
+if "%1"=="-h" goto help_show
+if "%1"=="-sts" goto get_servertestscope
+if "%1"=="-s" goto get_serverpath
+if "%1"=="-serverpath" goto get_serverpath
+goto custom_error
+goto study_params
+goto next_param
+goto next_param
+echo ******** Test Run Summary **********************
+echo Test Suite to run: %TEST_SUITE%
+echo Server Path: %SERVER_PATH%
+echo Server Test Scope: %SERVER_TEST_SCOPE%
+echo ************************************************
+if not exist "%SERVER_PATH%\mgserver.exe" (
+ set ERRORMSG=Could not find the mgserver.exe based on the given server path
+ goto error_check
+echo [prepare]: Test Data Files for Server Test Suite
+if not exist "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles" mkdir "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles"
+copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\CoordinateSystems\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles" >NUL
+copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\DrawingService\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles" >NUL
+copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\FeatureService\SDF\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles" >NUL
+copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\FeatureService\SHP\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles" >NUL
+copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\FeatureService\SQLite\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles" >NUL
+copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\KmlService\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles" >NUL
+copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\MapLayer\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles" >NUL
+copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\MappingService\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles" >NUL
+copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\MdfModel\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles" >NUL
+copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\PrintLayout\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles" >NUL
+copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\ResourceService\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles" >NUL
+copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\ResourceService\Shuttle.zip" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles\World.mgp" >NUL
+copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\ServerAdmin\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles" >NUL
+copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\SiteService\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles" >NUL
+copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\Symbology\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles" >NUL
+copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\TileService\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles" >NUL
+copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\Unicode\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles" >NUL
+copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\WebLayout\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles" >NUL
+copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\Wfs\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles" >NUL
+copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\Wms\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles" >NUL
+echo [test]: MapGuide Server
+pushd "%SERVER_PATH%"
+mgserver test %SERVER_TEST_SCOPE%
+goto quit
+exit /B 1
+echo Please use the format:
+echo ************************************************************************
+echo run_tests.bat [-h]
+echo [-s=ServerBinPath]
+echo [-sts=ServerTestScope]
+echo ServerPath: -s[erverpath]=path to your server bin directory
+echo ServerTestScope: -sts=The server test suite to run
+echo ************************************************************************
\ No newline at end of file
Added: branches/4.0/MgDev/UnitTest/run_web_tests.bat
--- branches/4.0/MgDev/UnitTest/run_web_tests.bat (rev 0)
+++ branches/4.0/MgDev/UnitTest/run_web_tests.bat 2025-02-08 21:27:11 UTC (rev 10121)
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+ at echo off
+REM run_web_tests.bat
+REM This batch file helps to execute the MapGuide web tier test suite against a given
+REM installation of MapGuide.
+REM The mgserver.exe must already be running. If running the mapagent test suite, the
+REM http server hosting the mapagent must also be running.
+REM Example usage:
+REM run_web_tests.bat -td=C:\mg-install\Test\UnitTest\TestData -w=C:\mg-install\Web\www\webconfig.ini -d=C:\mg-install\CS-Map\Dictionaries -php=C:\mg-install\Web\Php
+SET MAPAGENT_BASE=localhost:8018
+if (%1)==() goto pre_flight_check
+if "%1"=="-help" goto help_show
+if "%1"=="-h" goto help_show
+if "%1"=="-t" goto get_test_suite
+if "%1"=="-td" goto get_test_data
+if "%1"=="-m" goto get_mapagent
+if "%1"=="-w" goto get_webconfig
+if "%1"=="-d" goto get_dictionary_path
+if "%1"=="-php" goto get_php_dir
+goto custom_error
+goto study_params
+goto next_param
+goto next_param
+goto next_param
+goto next_param
+goto next_param
+goto next_param
+echo ******** Test Run Summary **********************
+echo Test Suite to run: %TEST_SUITE%
+echo MapAgent base: %MAPAGENT_BASE%
+echo Test data path: %MG_TEST_DATA_PATH%
+echo *** Required paths for non-mapagent tests ******
+echo webconfig.ini path: %MG_TEST_WEBCONFIG_PATH%
+echo CS dictionary path: %MENTOR_DICTIONARY_PATH%
+echo *** Required paths for PHP tests ***************
+echo PHP dir: %PHP_DIR%
+echo ************************************************
+if not exist "%MG_TEST_DATA_PATH%\ResourceService\ResourceServiceTest.dump" (
+ set ERRORMSG=Test data path not found or invalid
+ goto error_check
+if "%TEST_SUITE%" == "mapagent" goto test_mapagent
+if not exist "%MENTOR_DICTIONARY_PATH%" (
+ set ERRORMSG=CS dictionary path not found
+ goto error_check
+if not exist "%MG_TEST_WEBCONFIG_PATH%" (
+ set ERRORMSG=webconfig.ini not found
+ goto error_check
+if "%TEST_SUITE%" == "all" goto test_php
+if "%TEST_SUITE%" == "php" goto test_php
+if "%TEST_SUITE%" == "java" goto test_java
+if "%TEST_SUITE%" == "dotnet" goto test_dotnet
+set ERRORMSG=Unknown test suite: %TEST_SUITE%
+goto error_check
+echo [test]: PHP API
+if not exist "%PHP_DIR%\php.exe" (
+ set ERRORMSG=PHP interpeter not found
+ goto error_check
+echo [prepare]: Delete intermediate test dbs if present
+if exist Unicode\UnicodeTest.db del /F Unicode\UnicodeTest.db >NUL
+if exist WmsTest\WmsTest.db del /F WmsTest\WmsTest.db >NUL
+if exist WebLayout\WebLayoutTest.db del /F WebLayout\WebLayoutTest.db >NUL
+if exist WfsTest\WfsTest.db del /F WfsTest\WfsTest.db >NUL
+if exist MapLayer\MapLayerTest.db del /F MapLayer\MapLayerTest.db >NUL
+if exist ServerAdmin\ServerAdminTest.db del /F ServerAdmin\ServerAdminTest.db >NUL
+if exist MappingService\MappingServiceTest.db del /F MappingService\MappingServiceTest.db >NUL
+if exist SiteService\SiteServiceTest.db del /F SiteService\SiteServiceTest.db >NUL
+if exist FeatureService\FeatureServiceTest.db del /F FeatureService\FeatureServiceTest.db >NUL
+if exist DrawingService\DrawingServiceTest.db del /F DrawingService\DrawingServiceTest.db >NUL
+if exist ResourceService\ResourceServiceTest.db del /F ResourceService\ResourceServiceTest.db >NUL
+pushd UnitTest\Php
+"%PHP_DIR%\php.exe" RunTests.php
+if "%TEST_SUITE%" == "all" goto test_java
+if "%TEST_SUITE%" == "php" goto quit
+echo [test]: Java API
+echo [prepare]: Delete intermediate test dbs if present
+if exist Unicode\UnicodeTest.db del /F Unicode\UnicodeTest.db >NUL
+if exist WmsTest\WmsTest.db del /F WmsTest\WmsTest.db >NUL
+if exist WebLayout\WebLayoutTest.db del /F WebLayout\WebLayoutTest.db >NUL
+if exist WfsTest\WfsTest.db del /F WfsTest\WfsTest.db >NUL
+if exist MapLayer\MapLayerTest.db del /F MapLayer\MapLayerTest.db >NUL
+if exist ServerAdmin\ServerAdminTest.db del /F ServerAdmin\ServerAdminTest.db >NUL
+if exist MappingService\MappingServiceTest.db del /F MappingService\MappingServiceTest.db >NUL
+if exist SiteService\SiteServiceTest.db del /F SiteService\SiteServiceTest.db >NUL
+if exist FeatureService\FeatureServiceTest.db del /F FeatureService\FeatureServiceTest.db >NUL
+if exist DrawingService\DrawingServiceTest.db del /F DrawingService\DrawingServiceTest.db >NUL
+if exist ResourceService\ResourceServiceTest.db del /F ResourceService\ResourceServiceTest.db >NUL
+pushd UnitTest\Java
+"%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe" -jar MgUnitTest.jar
+if "%TEST_SUITE%" == "all" goto test_dotnet
+if "%TEST_SUITE%" == "java" goto quit
+echo [test]: .net API
+echo [prepare]: Delete intermediate test dbs if present
+if exist Unicode\UnicodeTest.db del /F Unicode\UnicodeTest.db >NUL
+if exist WmsTest\WmsTest.db del /F WmsTest\WmsTest.db >NUL
+if exist WebLayout\WebLayoutTest.db del /F WebLayout\WebLayoutTest.db >NUL
+if exist WfsTest\WfsTest.db del /F WfsTest\WfsTest.db >NUL
+if exist MapLayer\MapLayerTest.db del /F MapLayer\MapLayerTest.db >NUL
+if exist ServerAdmin\ServerAdminTest.db del /F ServerAdmin\ServerAdminTest.db >NUL
+if exist MappingService\MappingServiceTest.db del /F MappingService\MappingServiceTest.db >NUL
+if exist SiteService\SiteServiceTest.db del /F SiteService\SiteServiceTest.db >NUL
+if exist FeatureService\FeatureServiceTest.db del /F FeatureService\FeatureServiceTest.db >NUL
+if exist DrawingService\DrawingServiceTest.db del /F DrawingService\DrawingServiceTest.db >NUL
+if exist ResourceService\ResourceServiceTest.db del /F ResourceService\ResourceServiceTest.db >NUL
+pushd UnitTest\DotNet
+if "%TEST_SUITE%" == "all" goto test_mapagent
+if "%TEST_SUITE%" == "dotnet" goto quit
+echo [test]: mapagent
+goto quit
+exit /B 1
+echo Please use the format:
+echo ************************************************************************
+echo run_web_tests.bat [-h]
+echo [-m=MapAgentBase]
+echo MapAgentBase: -m=Base domain/port of mapagent [default: localhost:8018]
+echo ************************************************************************
\ No newline at end of file
Deleted: branches/4.0/MgDev/UnitTest/set_test_params.bat
--- branches/4.0/MgDev/UnitTest/set_test_params.bat 2025-02-07 16:13:25 UTC (rev 10120)
+++ branches/4.0/MgDev/UnitTest/set_test_params.bat 2025-02-08 21:27:11 UTC (rev 10121)
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- at echo off
-REM Bitness of MapGuide we're testing with: 32|64
-REM Auto-start mgserver.exe, set to 0 if testing against a service-installed or already running mgserver.exe: 1|0
-REM Time to wait for mgserver.exe to startup in seconds
-REM Test only Web Extensions API, set to 0 to also test against the mapagent (must be already setup on a web server): 1|0
-REM Vars to inject into $_SERVER in PHP CLI
-SET SERVER_ADDR=localhost
-REM SET WEBCONFIGINI=%CD%\..\Web\src\webconfig.ini
-SET WEBCONFIGINI=D:\mg-trunk-vc10\MgDev\Release64\Web\www\webconfig.ini
Copied: branches/4.0/MgDev/UnitTest/test_readme.txt (from rev 10120, branches/4.0/MgDev/test_readme.txt)
--- branches/4.0/MgDev/UnitTest/test_readme.txt (rev 0)
+++ branches/4.0/MgDev/UnitTest/test_readme.txt 2025-02-08 21:27:11 UTC (rev 10121)
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+MapGuide Test Suite Overview
+The MapGuide Test Suite contains the test data and applications that can be used to validate and verify a given installation of MapGuide
+The test data in this suite is required for the MapGuide Server tests to run properly
+To run the test suite on Windows, run the command as follows:
+run_tests.bat [-p=Platform]
+ [-t=TestSuite]
+ [-m=MapAgent]
+ [-w=WebRoot]
+ [-s=ServerPath]
+ [-ws=WebServerName]
+ [-wp=WebServerPort]
+ [-iw]
+To run the test suite on Linux, run the command as follows:
+run_tests.sh [-p=Platform]
+ [-t=TestSuite]
+ [-m=MapAgent]
+ [-w=WebRoot]
+ [-s=ServerPath]
+Where the parameters are:
+Use Integrated PHP Web Server: -iw
+Platform: -p[latform]=x86 (default)
+ x64
+TestSuite: -t[est]=server (default)
+ php
+ phpagent
+ dotnet
+ java
+ all
+MapAgent: -m[apagent]=<your mapagent url>
+WebRoot: -w[ebroot]=<path to your web root www>
+ServerPath: -s[erverpath]=<path to your server bin directory>
+WebServerName: -ws=Host name of web server
+WebServerPort: -wp=Port number of web server
+ - An installed/pre-configured copy of MapGuide Open Source, this could be installed by the Windows installer, or configured via the InstantSetup utility
+ - Java SDK (if running the Java test suite). It must be the same bitness as your MapGuide Server. If you have a 32-bit MapGuide installed, you must use a 32-bit JDK
+ - Apache Ant (if running the Java test suite)
+ - .net Framework 4.5 (if running the .net test suite)
+General Notes (Windows):
+If your MapGuide Server is running as a service, it has to be stopped when running any test suite, as they will start the mgserver executable before
+running their tests, and tear it down when finished.
+You must have the following environment variables set:
+ - JAVA_HOME points to an installation of the Java SDK of the same bitness as the installation of MapGuide you are testing against
+ - PATH contains the path to your installation of Apache Ant
+You must have a copy of the Sheboygan dataset in the UnitTest/TestData/Samples/Sheboygan directory. You can either download a copy and put it in this
+directory, or if you have 7-zip in the PATH environment variable, you can run the build.bat file in this direcotry to build Sheboygan.mgp from the existing
+data files.
+If running on an installation of MapGuide installed with the Windows installer, you will need elevated privileges to run this batch file in order
+to run the server test suite as part of preparation the batch file will have to copy all the required test data to a location under Program Files, an
+area that needs elevated privileges to write files to.
+Depending on your installation configuration you may not be able to run certain test suites. For example, if you did not enable Java for your MapGuide
+installation, don't expect the Java test suite to run or pass. As a general rule, the following test suites can be run under the given conditions:
+ * server: always (provided you have elevated privileges for a non-InstantSetup installation)
+ * php: always (provided you supply the correct WebRoot path)
+ * dotnet: You must supply the correct WebRoot path and mapviewernet\bin is assumed to exist under this path and contains the required .net assemblies and dlls
+ * java: You must supply the correct WebRoot path and WEB-INF\lib is assumed to exist under this path and contains the required JAR files
+ * all: All of the above conditions must be satisfied
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: branches/4.0/MgDev/build.bat
--- branches/4.0/MgDev/build.bat 2025-02-07 16:13:25 UTC (rev 10120)
+++ branches/4.0/MgDev/build.bat 2025-02-08 21:27:11 UTC (rev 10121)
@@ -463,9 +463,11 @@
rem Deploy/copy test runners into same destination
pushd Bindings\src\Test\DotNet\src\TestRunner
dotnet publish -c Release -f net6.0 -r win-x64 --self-contained true -o "%MG_OUTPUT_TEST%\UnitTest\DotNet"
+if not "%errorlevel%"=="0" goto error
pushd Bindings\src\Test\Java
call %ANT% -Ddist="%MG_OUTPUT_TEST%\UnitTest\Java" -f build.xml
+if not "%errorlevel%"=="0" goto error
rem HACK-ish but the default build targets include a prepared webconfig.ini and resource files. We don't need this
pushd "%MG_OUTPUT_TEST%\UnitTest\Java"
@@ -472,6 +474,12 @@
rd /S /Q Resources
del /F webconfig.ini
+%XCOPY% Bindings\src\Test\Php "%MG_OUTPUT_TEST%\UnitTest\Php"
+pushd Bindings\src\Tools\MgTestAdmin
+dotnet publish -c Release -f net6.0-windows -r win-x64 --self-contained true -o "%MG_OUTPUT_TEST%\UnitTest\Admin"
+REM We copy to this level so that test data relative path references don't need changing
+%XCOPY% "%MG_UNIT_TEST%\WebTier\MapAgentIntegration" "%MG_OUTPUT_TEST%\UnitTest\MapAgent\Integration"
rem copy /Y test_readme.txt "%MG_OUTPUT_TEST%"
rem copy /Y run_tests.bat "%MG_OUTPUT_TEST%"
rem copy /Y run_tests.sh "%MG_OUTPUT_TEST%"
@@ -479,6 +487,7 @@
echo [ERROR]: There was an error building the component
exit /B 1
@@ -506,6 +515,7 @@
echo web,
echo doc,
echo bindings,
-echo portable
+echo portable,
+echo test
echo ************************************************************************
Deleted: branches/4.0/MgDev/run_tests.bat
--- branches/4.0/MgDev/run_tests.bat 2025-02-07 16:13:25 UTC (rev 10120)
+++ branches/4.0/MgDev/run_tests.bat 2025-02-08 21:27:11 UTC (rev 10121)
@@ -1,409 +0,0 @@
- at echo off
-REM run_tests.bat
-REM This batch file helps to execute the MapGuide test suite against a given
-REM installation of MapGuide
-SET SERVER_ADDR=localhost
-SET WEB_ROOT=%CD%\Release\Web\www
-SET PHP_EXT_DIR=%CD%\Release\Web\Php\ext
-SET SERVER_PATH=%CD%\Server\bin
-SET CS_MAP_PATH=%WEB_ROOT%\..\..\CS-Map\Dictionaries
-SET MAPAGENT=http://localhost:8008/mapguide/mapagent/mapagent.fcgi
-SET TEST_DATA_SRC=%CD%\UnitTest\TestData
-SET PATH=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319;%PATH%
-if (%1)==() goto pre_flight_check
-if "%1"=="-help" goto help_show
-if "%1"=="-h" goto help_show
-if "%1"=="-iw" goto get_phpwebserver
-if "%1"=="-ws" goto get_webservername
-if "%1"=="-wp" goto get_webserverport
-if "%1"=="-sts" goto get_servertestscope
-if "%1"=="-p" goto get_platform
-if "%1"=="-platform" goto get_platform
-if "%1"=="-t" goto get_test
-if "%1"=="-test" goto get_test
-if "%1"=="-m" goto get_mapagent
-if "%1"=="-mapagent" goto get_mapagent
-if "%1"=="-w" goto get_webroot
-if "%1"=="-webroot" goto get_webroot
-if "%1"=="-s" goto get_serverpath
-if "%1"=="-serverpath" goto get_serverpath
-goto custom_error
-goto study_params
-if "%2" == "x86" goto next_param
-if "%2" == "x64" goto next_param
-SET ERRORMSG=Unrecognised value: %2
-goto custom_error
-if "%2" == "1" goto next_param
-if "%2" == "0" goto next_param
-SET ERRORMSG=Unrecognised value: %2
-goto custom_error
-goto next_param
-goto next_param
-goto next_param
-if "%2"=="server" goto next_param
-if "%2"=="php" goto next_param
-if "%2"=="dotnet" goto next_param
-if "%2"=="java" goto next_param
-if "%2"=="all" goto next_param
-SET ERRORMSG=Unrecognised action: %2
-goto custom_error
-goto next_param
-SET CS_MAP_PATH=%WEB_ROOT%\..\..\CS-Map\Dictionaries
-goto next_param
-goto next_param
-echo ******** Test Run Summary **********************
-echo Platform: %PLATFORM%
-echo Use PHP Web Server: %PHP_WEB_SERVER%
-echo Test Suite to run: %TEST_SUITE%
-echo Map Agent URL: %MAPAGENT%
-echo Server Path: %SERVER_PATH%
-echo Web Root Path: %WEB_ROOT%
-echo CS-Map Path: %CS_MAP_PATH%
-echo Web Server Name: %SERVER_ADDR%
-echo Web Server Port: %SERVER_PORT%
-echo Server Test Scope: %SERVER_TEST_SCOPE%
-echo ********* Paths to check ***********************
-echo PHP executable %WEB_ROOT%\..\Php\php.exe
-echo .net Assemblies %WEB_ROOT%\mapviewernet\bin
-echo Java jars %WEB_ROOT%\WEB-INF\lib
-echo ************************************************
-if "%PHP_WEB_SERVER%" == "1" (
- echo [prepare]: Starting PHP web server. Waiting %MGSERVER_WAIT%s
- start php -n -d display_errors=Off -d upload_max_filesize=20M -d extension_dir="%PHP_EXT_DIR%" -d extension=php_mbstring.dll -d extension=php_curl.dll -d extension=php_MapGuideApi.dll -S %SERVER_ADDR%:%SERVER_PORT% -t "%CURRENT_DIR%\UnitTest\WebTier\MapAgent\MapAgentForms" "%CURRENT_DIR%\UnitTest\WebTier\Php\MapAgentShim\index.php"
- ping -n %MGSERVER_WAIT% > NUL
-echo [check]: .net
-if not exist "%WEB_ROOT%\mapviewernet\bin\*.dll" goto no_dotnet
-goto check_java
-if "%TEST_SUITE%" == "dotnet" (
- SET ERRORMSG=Could not find .net MapGuide assemblies and unmanaged dlls in this MapGuide installation
- goto error_check
-if "%TEST_SUITE%" == "all" (
- SET ERRORMSG=Could not find .net MapGuide assemblies and unmanaged dlls in this MapGuide installation
- goto error_check
-echo [check]: Java
-if not exist "%WEB_ROOT%\WEB-INF\lib\*.jar" goto no_java
-goto check_php
-if "%TEST_SUITE%" == "java" (
- SET ERRORMSG=Could not find required jars and unmanaged dlls in this MapGuide installation
- goto error_check
-if "%TEST_SUITE%" == "all" (
- SET ERRORMSG=Could not find required jars and unmanaged dlls in this MapGuide installation
- goto error_check
-echo [check]: PHP
-if not exist "%WEB_ROOT%\..\Php\php.exe" goto no_php
-goto check_server
-if "%TEST_SUITE%" == "php" (
- SET ERRORMSG=Could not find required PHP executable in this MapGuide installation
- goto error_check
-if "%TEST_SUITE%" == "all" (
- SET ERRORMSG=Could not find required PHP executable in this MapGuide installation
- goto error_check
-if "%TEST_SUITE%" == "server" goto prepare_server_files
-if "%TEST_SUITE%" == "all" goto prepare_server_files
-if "%TEST_SUITE%" == "php" goto test_php
-if "%TEST_SUITE%" == "dotnet" goto test_dotnet
-if "%TEST_SUITE%" == "java" goto test_java
-goto test_php
-echo [prepare]: Test Data Files for Server Test Suite
-if not exist "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles" mkdir "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles"
-copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\CoordinateSystems\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles"
-copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\DrawingService\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles"
-copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\FeatureService\SDF\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles"
-copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\FeatureService\SHP\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles"
-copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\FeatureService\SQLite\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles"
-copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\KmlService\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles"
-copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\MapLayer\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles"
-copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\MappingService\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles"
-copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\MdfModel\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles"
-copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\PrintLayout\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles"
-copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\ResourceService\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles"
-copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\ResourceService\Shuttle.zip" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles\World.mgp"
-copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\ServerAdmin\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles"
-copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\SiteService\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles"
-copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\Symbology\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles"
-copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\TileService\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles"
-copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\Unicode\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles"
-copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\WebLayout\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles"
-copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\Wfs\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles"
-copy /Y "%TEST_DATA_SRC%\Wms\*.*" "%SERVER_PATH%\..\UnitTestFiles"
-echo [test]: MapGuide Server
-pushd "%SERVER_PATH%"
-mgserver test %SERVER_TEST_SCOPE% UnitTestResults.xml
-move /Y UnitTestResults.xml "%CURRENT_DIR%"
-if "%TEST_SUITE%" == "server" goto quit
-if "%TEST_SUITE%" == "all" goto test_php
-echo [test]: PHP Binding
-pushd "%CURRENT_DIR%\UnitTest\TestData"
-if exist Unicode\UnicodeTest.db del /F Unicode\UnicodeTest.db
-if exist WmsTest\WmsTest.db del /F WmsTest\WmsTest.db
-if exist WebLayout\WebLayoutTest.db del /F WebLayout\WebLayoutTest.db
-if exist WfsTest\WfsTest.db del /F WfsTest\WfsTest.db
-if exist MapLayer\MapLayerTest.db del /F MapLayer\MapLayerTest.db
-if exist ServerAdmin\ServerAdminTest.db del /F ServerAdmin\ServerAdminTest.db
-if exist MappingService\MappingServiceTest.db del /F MappingService\MappingServiceTest.db
-if exist SiteService\SiteServiceTest.db del /F SiteService\SiteServiceTest.db
-if exist FeatureService\FeatureServiceTest.db del /F FeatureService\FeatureServiceTest.db
-if exist DrawingService\DrawingServiceTest.db del /F DrawingService\DrawingServiceTest.db
-if exist ResourceService\ResourceServiceTest.db del /F ResourceService\ResourceServiceTest.db
-if exist "%SERVER_PATH%" (
- REM start mgserver for test
- pushd "%SERVER_PATH%"
- start mgserver run
- REM An elegant hack to pause this script allowing mgserver to start up
- echo Waiting %MGSERVER_WAIT%s for mgserver.exe to start up
- ping -n %MGSERVER_WAIT% > NUL
- popd
-REM Ensure constants.php exists
-if not exist "%CURRENT_DIR%\Web\src\PhpApi" mkdir "%CURRENT_DIR%\Web\src\PhpApi"
-copy /Y "%WEB_ROOT%\mapadmin\constants.php" "%CURRENT_DIR%\Web\src\PhpApi"
-REM Ensure we have the Sheboygan.mgp loaded first
-pushd "%CURRENT_DIR%\UnitTest"
-if exist "%WEB_ROOT%\webconfig.ini" SET MG_WEBCONFIG_INI=%WEB_ROOT%\webconfig.ini
-php -n -d display_errors=Off -d extension_dir="%PHP_EXT_DIR%" -d extension=php_mbstring.dll -d extension=php_curl.dll -d extension=php_MapGuideApi.dll prepare.php
-REM Now run the test suite
-pushd "%CURRENT_DIR%\UnitTest\WebTier\Php"
-php.exe -n -d display_errors=On -d extension_dir="%PHP_EXT_DIR%" -d extension=php_mbstring.dll -d extension=php_curl.dll -d extension=php_MapGuideApi.dll -d extension=php_pdo_sqlite.dll RunTests.php -config "%WEB_ROOT%\webconfig.ini"
-move /Y UnitTests.log "%CURRENT_DIR%\UnitTests_Php.log"
-if exist "%SERVER_PATH%" (
- echo [test]: Terminating mgserver.exe
- REM We're naturally assuming the only mgserver.exe that is running is the one this script started
- taskkill /f /im mgserver.exe
-if "%TEST_SUITE%" == "php" goto quit
-echo [test]: .net Binding
-echo [build]: DotNet test runner
-SET TEST_COMPONENT=Build DotNet test runner
-if exist "%CURRENT_DIR%\UnitTest\WebTier\DotNet_x64" rd /S /Q "%CURRENT_DIR%\UnitTest\WebTier\DotNet_x64"
-if exist "%CURRENT_DIR%\UnitTest\WebTier\DotNet_x86" rd /S /Q "%CURRENT_DIR%\UnitTest\WebTier\DotNet_x86"
-pushd "%CURRENT_DIR%\UnitTest\WebTier\DotNet"
-if exist Libs rd /S /Q Libs
-if not exist "%CURRENT_DIR%\Web\bin\release" mkdir "%CURRENT_DIR%\Web\bin\release"
-if not exist "%CURRENT_DIR%\Web\bin\release64" mkdir "%CURRENT_DIR%\Web\bin\release64"
-if "%PLATFORM%" == "x86" copy /y "%WEB_ROOT%\mapviewernet\bin\*.dll" "%CURRENT_DIR%\Web\bin\release"
-if "%PLATFORM%" == "x64" copy /y "%WEB_ROOT%\mapviewernet\bin\*.dll" "%CURRENT_DIR%\Web\bin\release64"
-if not exist "%CURRENT_DIR%\Common\MapGuideCommon\Resources" mkdir "%CURRENT_DIR%\Common\MapGuideCommon\Resources"
-copy /y "%WEB_ROOT%\mapagent\Resources\mapguide_en.res" "%CURRENT_DIR%\Common\MapGuideCommon\Resources"
-msbuild /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=%PLATFORM% /fl /flp:logfile=build.log DotNet.sln
-if "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "1" (
- goto error_msbuild
-pushd "%CURRENT_DIR%\UnitTest\TestData"
-if exist Unicode\UnicodeTest.db del /F Unicode\UnicodeTest.db
-if exist WmsTest\WmsTest.db del /F WmsTest\WmsTest.db
-if exist WebLayout\WebLayoutTest.db del /F WebLayout\WebLayoutTest.db
-if exist WfsTest\WfsTest.db del /F WfsTest\WfsTest.db
-if exist MapLayer\MapLayerTest.db del /F MapLayer\MapLayerTest.db
-if exist ServerAdmin\ServerAdminTest.db del /F ServerAdmin\ServerAdminTest.db
-if exist MappingService\MappingServiceTest.db del /F MappingService\MappingServiceTest.db
-if exist SiteService\SiteServiceTest.db del /F SiteService\SiteServiceTest.db
-if exist FeatureService\FeatureServiceTest.db del /F FeatureService\FeatureServiceTest.db
-if exist DrawingService\DrawingServiceTest.db del /F DrawingService\DrawingServiceTest.db
-if exist ResourceService\ResourceServiceTest.db del /F ResourceService\ResourceServiceTest.db
-if exist "%SERVER_PATH%" (
- REM start mgserver for test
- pushd "%SERVER_PATH%"
- start mgserver run
- REM An elegant hack to pause this script allowing mgserver to start up
- echo Waiting %MGSERVER_WAIT%s for mgserver.exe to start up
- ping -n %MGSERVER_WAIT% > NUL
- popd
-pushd "%CURRENT_DIR%\UnitTest\WebTier\DotNet_%PLATFORM%"
-MgTestRunner.exe "%WEB_ROOT%\webconfig.ini" "%CS_MAP_PATH%"
-if %ERRORLEVEL% neq 0 echo [test]: .net test runner had one or more test failures. Check log files for more information
-move /Y UnitTests.log "%CURRENT_DIR%\UnitTests_DotNet.log"
-if exist "%SERVER_PATH%" (
- echo [test]: Terminating mgserver.exe
- REM We're naturally assuming the only mgserver.exe that is running is the one this script started
- taskkill /f /im mgserver.exe
-if "%TEST_SUITE%" == "dotnet" goto quit
-echo [test]: Java Binding
-pushd "%CURRENT_DIR%\UnitTest\TestData"
-if exist Unicode\UnicodeTest.db del /F Unicode\UnicodeTest.db
-if exist WmsTest\WmsTest.db del /F WmsTest\WmsTest.db
-if exist WebLayout\WebLayoutTest.db del /F WebLayout\WebLayoutTest.db
-if exist WfsTest\WfsTest.db del /F WfsTest\WfsTest.db
-if exist MapLayer\MapLayerTest.db del /F MapLayer\MapLayerTest.db
-if exist ServerAdmin\ServerAdminTest.db del /F ServerAdmin\ServerAdminTest.db
-if exist MappingService\MappingServiceTest.db del /F MappingService\MappingServiceTest.db
-if exist SiteService\SiteServiceTest.db del /F SiteService\SiteServiceTest.db
-if exist FeatureService\FeatureServiceTest.db del /F FeatureService\FeatureServiceTest.db
-if exist DrawingService\DrawingServiceTest.db del /F DrawingService\DrawingServiceTest.db
-if exist ResourceService\ResourceServiceTest.db del /F ResourceService\ResourceServiceTest.db
-if exist "%SERVER_PATH%" (
- REM start mgserver for test
- pushd "%SERVER_PATH%"
- start mgserver run
- REM An elegant hack to pause this script allowing mgserver to start up
- echo Waiting %MGSERVER_WAIT%s for mgserver.exe to start up
- ping -n %MGSERVER_WAIT% > NUL
- popd
-if not exist "%CURRENT_DIR%\Web\src" mkdir "%CURRENT_DIR%\Web\src"
-xcopy /E /Y /I /Q /H "%WEB_ROOT%\WEB-INF" "%CURRENT_DIR%\Web\src\WEB-INF"
-pushd "%CURRENT_DIR%\UnitTest\WebTier\Java"
-call ant checkwin_external -Dmapguide.dictpath="%CS_MAP_PATH%" -Dbinsrc.web="%WEB_ROOT%\..\Tomcat\bin" -Dmapguide.config.src="%WEB_ROOT%\webconfig.ini"
-if %ERRORLEVEL% neq 0 echo [test]: Java test runner had one or more test failures. Check log files for more information
-pushd "%CURRENT_DIR%\UnitTest\WebTier\java_dist"
-move /Y unittest.log "%CURRENT_DIR%\UnitTests_Java.log"
-if exist "%SERVER_PATH%" (
- echo [test]: Terminating mgserver.exe
- REM We're naturally assuming the only mgserver.exe that is running is the one this script started
- taskkill /f /im mgserver.exe
-if "%TEST_SUITE%" == "all" goto quit
-if "%TEST_SUITE%" == "java" goto quit
-echo [error]: An error occured with %TEST_COMPONENT% (exit code: %RETURN_CODE%)
-goto quit
-if "%PHP_WEB_SERVER%" == "1" (
- echo [cleanup]: Terminating PHP web server
- REM We're naturally assuming the only php.exe that is running is the one this script started
- taskkill /f /im php.exe
-exit /B 1
-echo Please use the format:
-echo ************************************************************************
-echo run_tests.bat [-h]
-echo [-p=Platform]
-echo [-t=TestSuite]
-echo [-m=MapAgent]
-echo [-w=WebRoot]
-echo [-s=ServerPath]
-echo [-sts=ServerTestScope]
-echo [-ws=WebServerName]
-echo [-wp=WebServerPort]
-echo [-iw=UsePHPWebServer]
-echo UsePHPWebServer: -iw=1 (default),0
-echo Platform: -p[latform]=x86 (default)
-echo x64
-echo TestSuite: -t[est]=server (default)
-echo php
-echo dotnet
-echo java
-echo all
-echo MapAgent: -m[apagent]=your mapagent url
-echo WebRoot: -w[ebroot]=path to your web root www
-echo ServerPath: -s[erverpath]=path to your server bin directory
-echo WebServerName: -ws=your web server name
-echo WebServerPort: -wp=your web server port
-echo ************************************************************************
-if "%PHP_WEB_SERVER%" == "1" (
- echo [cleanup]: Terminating PHP web server
- REM We're naturally assuming the only php.exe that is running is the one this script started
- taskkill /f /im php.exe
\ No newline at end of file
Deleted: branches/4.0/MgDev/test_readme.txt
--- branches/4.0/MgDev/test_readme.txt 2025-02-07 16:13:25 UTC (rev 10120)
+++ branches/4.0/MgDev/test_readme.txt 2025-02-08 21:27:11 UTC (rev 10121)
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-MapGuide Test Suite Overview
-The MapGuide Test Suite contains the test data and applications that can be used to validate and verify a given installation of MapGuide
-The test data in this suite is required for the MapGuide Server tests to run properly
-To run the test suite on Windows, run the command as follows:
-run_tests.bat [-p=Platform]
- [-t=TestSuite]
- [-m=MapAgent]
- [-w=WebRoot]
- [-s=ServerPath]
- [-ws=WebServerName]
- [-wp=WebServerPort]
- [-iw]
-To run the test suite on Linux, run the command as follows:
-run_tests.sh [-p=Platform]
- [-t=TestSuite]
- [-m=MapAgent]
- [-w=WebRoot]
- [-s=ServerPath]
-Where the parameters are:
-Use Integrated PHP Web Server: -iw
-Platform: -p[latform]=x86 (default)
- x64
-TestSuite: -t[est]=server (default)
- php
- phpagent
- dotnet
- java
- all
-MapAgent: -m[apagent]=<your mapagent url>
-WebRoot: -w[ebroot]=<path to your web root www>
-ServerPath: -s[erverpath]=<path to your server bin directory>
-WebServerName: -ws=Host name of web server
-WebServerPort: -wp=Port number of web server
- - An installed/pre-configured copy of MapGuide Open Source, this could be installed by the Windows installer, or configured via the InstantSetup utility
- - Java SDK (if running the Java test suite). It must be the same bitness as your MapGuide Server. If you have a 32-bit MapGuide installed, you must use a 32-bit JDK
- - Apache Ant (if running the Java test suite)
- - .net Framework 4.5 (if running the .net test suite)
-General Notes (Windows):
-If your MapGuide Server is running as a service, it has to be stopped when running any test suite, as they will start the mgserver executable before
-running their tests, and tear it down when finished.
-You must have the following environment variables set:
- - JAVA_HOME points to an installation of the Java SDK of the same bitness as the installation of MapGuide you are testing against
- - PATH contains the path to your installation of Apache Ant
-You must have a copy of the Sheboygan dataset in the UnitTest/TestData/Samples/Sheboygan directory. You can either download a copy and put it in this
-directory, or if you have 7-zip in the PATH environment variable, you can run the build.bat file in this direcotry to build Sheboygan.mgp from the existing
-data files.
-If running on an installation of MapGuide installed with the Windows installer, you will need elevated privileges to run this batch file in order
-to run the server test suite as part of preparation the batch file will have to copy all the required test data to a location under Program Files, an
-area that needs elevated privileges to write files to.
-Depending on your installation configuration you may not be able to run certain test suites. For example, if you did not enable Java for your MapGuide
-installation, don't expect the Java test suite to run or pass. As a general rule, the following test suites can be run under the given conditions:
- * server: always (provided you have elevated privileges for a non-InstantSetup installation)
- * php: always (provided you supply the correct WebRoot path)
- * dotnet: You must supply the correct WebRoot path and mapviewernet\bin is assumed to exist under this path and contains the required .net assemblies and dlls
- * java: You must supply the correct WebRoot path and WEB-INF\lib is assumed to exist under this path and contains the required JAR files
- * all: All of the above conditions must be satisfied
\ No newline at end of file
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