[mapguide-internals] OGR Provider and infinite loop

Kenneth, GEOGRAF A/S ks at geograf.dk
Thu Nov 8 14:10:51 EST 2007

I wrote a while back asking for some pointer to a problem with the OGR 

The problem is this:
Query the layer with an attribute query, gives expected results.
Query the layer with a geometry query, gives expected results, UNLESS 
there is exactly one feature in the result set. In this case the server 
goes into a nearly infinite loop.
Investigating the issue by debugging, I found out that the query 
completes perfectly, and then the client sends an infinite stream of 
GetFeature packages.
Breaking the run in the debugger, gave me the same feature in the result 
multiple times.
Quering an SDF feature source gave no such problems.
Changing the columns returned gave the same result.

The new thing that I have found out, is that the QUERYMAPFEATURES does 
not exhibit this problem.
I find that very weird, as it should do exactly the same: query by geometry.
I can now simulate a SELECTFEATURES by making a dummy runtime map, with 
a dummy layer visible.
With the resultset, I can query the featuresource with the ID's.
It works, but it is cumbersome and very slow.

With this new info, can anyone give a guess as to what the problem might be?

Regards, Kenneth, GEOGRAF A/S

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