[mapguide-internals] Question about new application schema

Paul Spencer pspencer at dmsolutions.ca
Thu Sep 6 14:39:41 EDT 2007


the schema is not quite final, but its close.  We are just tweaking a  
few parts of it as we proceed with implementation.

The basic widget tag structure is:


Name: links to an HTML DOM element of the same id
Type: the widget type (same as the .js file that implements the  
widget, and the class name)
Description: should be used in the browser status bar when hovering  
over the widget - TBD
Location: (optional) relative path to the widget.  If not set, this  
defaults to widgets/.  By convention, other widgets should go in the  
ext directory and Location would be set to 'ext/nanaimo' with the  
widget js files being inside nanaimo folder
Extension: (optional) this can have any content, and is used for all  
extra parameters that a widget uses, except the UI widget items below.

The remaining tags are associated with a UiWidgetType - buttons  
essentially - and do what you would expect.

Each widget is supposed to have a small XML file that describes the  
widget in terms that can be used to generate some kind of UI for  
editing/configuring the widget.  The details of this have yet to be  

However, you can add any widget-specific parameters to the widget in  
the Extension tag.



On 6-Sep-07, at 2:07 PM, Jason Birch wrote:

> Hey,
> If the schema for fusion application layout is fixed, how can I add a
> new widget that introduces new parameters?  Will each widget have to
> have its own xsd?  Is there any info available on how this is going to
> work yet?
> Jason
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|Paul Spencer                          pspencer at dmsolutions.ca    |
|Chief Technology Officer                                         |
|DM Solutions Group Inc                http://www.dmsolutions.ca/ |

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