[mapguide-internals] For Review :MapguideRFC31-SymbolDefinitionSupport for EditControlsandRichTextSupport (Markup)

Jason Birch Jason.Birch at nanaimo.ca
Thu Sep 20 11:49:09 EDT 2007

Carsten wrote:
>The industry though thought we need a better, descriptive and parsable way
> of describing this content as a road. Redundant? Yes ... needed? Yes ...
Do you have the same user-demand for the style metadata?  What are the real-world use cases for this?  I can't pretend to understand the style definition language, but I haven't typically seen this requirement for visualization elements.
MapGuide is fast and powerful software, but it is also getting a reputation for being large and complex.  I don't think that we want to go the way of GML; massive functionality with relatively few users.  I'd also hate to think that MapGuide would require someone to hire a consultant in order to generate nice maps.

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