[mapguide-internals] Oracle Berkeley DB XML 2.3 Upgrade

Steve Dang steve.dang at autodesk.com
Fri Sep 21 19:32:46 EDT 2007

Hi List,

Oracle Berkeley DB XML 2.3 has been integrated into MG code base.

Here are the manual steps on how to upgrade:

1. Shut down the existing MG Server (MG Enterprise 2008 or MG OS 1.2.x)
if it is running.
2. Change to the RepositoryAdmin directory (e.g. "C:\Program
Files\Autodesk\MapGuideEnterprise2008\Server\RepositoryAdmin" or
"/usr/local/mapguide/server/RepositoryAdmin", etc.).
3. Run BackUpOnlineRepositories.bat (or BackUpOnlineRepositories.sh for
4. Run RestoreRepositories.bat (or RestoreRepositories.sh for Linux).
5. If you wish, you can un-install the existing MG Server. Note that the
existing repositories will not get removed.
6. Install the new MG Server (MG Enterprise 2009 or MG OS 2.0.0). Note
that the Server will fail to start if it tries to open old repositories.
7. Shut down the newly installed Server if it started successfully
(because it created new repositories at a different install location).
8. If the new MG Server is installed on a different location than the
old one, delete the Repositories directory (e.g. "C:\Program
Files\Autodesk\MapGuideEnterprise2009\Server\Repositories"), then
copy/move the old Repositories to the new location (e.g. "C:\Program
Files\Autodesk\MapGuideEnterprise2008\Server\Repositories" -->
"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\MapGuideEnterprise2009\Server\Repositories").
9. Change to the RepositoryAdmin directory (e.g. "C:\Program
Files\Autodesk\MapGuideEnterprise2009\Server\RepositoryAdmin" or
"/usr/local/mapguide/server/RepositoryAdmin", etc.).
10. Run UpgradeRepositories.bat (or UpgradeRepositories.sh for Linux).
11. Run SetupRepositoryIndices.bat (or SetupRepositoryIndices.sh for

Note that these steps could take longer time if you have large
repositories. Please let me know if you encountered any problem.


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