[mapguide-internals] FOSS4G 2008 Call for paper and workshops extended!

Robert Bray rbray at robertbray.net
Thu May 15 09:56:29 EDT 2008



Due to demand, the Where 2.0 conference starting on our previous deadline and a website glitch with the original cut-off date, we are pleased to announce the EXTENSION of the deadline for Paper, Presentation and Poster abstracts AND the deadline for Workshop proposals to the *** 23 MAY ***. Go to http://www.foss4g2008.org and click on 'Call for Papers'.


You can also view the Call for Papers at: http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G2008_Call_for_papers 

and the Call for Workshop proposals at: http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G2008_Call_for_workshops 


Thanks to those of you who have submitted so far. As of 14 May we already have an exciting selection of Workshops and Labs (32), Academic Papers (50), Presentations (85) and Posters (10). The previous Announcement gave you a taste of the Workshops. As far as papers and presentations go, a small sampling gives us 'An Integrated Water Resource Decision Support System built from OSS tools', 'Characterisation of tsunami affected areas using remote sensing and GIS', 'Modus Operandi of a FOSS GIS project in India', 'Challenges in GIS education and training', 'Using Python and wxWidgets to build custom GIS applications', 'Using KML and Google Earth to interact with SA water resource data', 'Easing Transition to Open Source Geo-Spatial Data Manipulation in GML', 'A Free GIS Book', 'Open-source based market information systems - one option for Developing Nations',' A year of full-speed FOSS- winning the hearts, minds, and business case', 'Senegalese land register modernization through OpenSource software', 'BeeGis: digital field mapping that just works',' The use of FOSS GIS in Integrated GIS in Local Government in South Africa',' GIS in the Geography Curriculum: Teacher Training'.' Topology support in FOSS4G solutions', 'TerraLib as an Open Source Platform for Public Health Applications',' Google Earth Powered by MapGuide Open Source',' GDAL/OGR Project Status Report' and this list goes on.


Remember: Early-bird registration now closes on 20th June and hotel specials will be released soon after, so register soon!


Submit your abstract or proposal soon. Come and have a bash in Cape Town.

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