[mapguide-internals] RE: Project Sponsorship

Tom Fukushima tom.fukushima at autodesk.com
Tue Nov 25 18:29:58 EST 2008

If all of the discussion was done on the mailing list then what you say makes sense, however, some of it goes on in the ticket, some on IRC, etc.  Also, there is the ramp up time of a new developer, so I'm still going to say that in the general interest of the group, we should try to enlist developers who are available for more than a single bug fix.

Not having commit rights is not a reason to do MapGuide development. See http://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/wiki/SubmitPatch.

If there are several developers working on something like fixing the Linux build, we could probably set up a sandbox for this. Someone should create an RFC for what is being planned here.

This is great! I'm looking forward to seeing the Linux build becoming a real Linux build.


-----Original Message-----
From: mapguide-internals-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:mapguide-internals-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Zac Spitzer
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 2:22 PM
To: MapGuide Internals Mail List
Subject: Re: [mapguide-internals] RE: Project Sponsorship


With the example of getting a developer up to speed, even if we lose
them or they only work on the
project for a short time, as long as the discussion occurs on the
list, the valuable lessons learnt
are captured and that provides a great resource for other developers
embarking down the same path.

At least mapguide-internals is not being flooded with some of the
rather lazy simple questions which
mapguide-users has been deluged with of as of late.

With regards to the build process on linux, a couple of things which
come to mind,

1. Can we Embrace Helio's efforts with Cmake and give him commit
rights, even if we create a new branch for
wrangling the linux build into shape?

2. A big hurdle seems to be getting all the required packages
installed which are required to build, this is something
which Helio mentioned he was prepared to incorporate into the Cmake
build process

3. That said, currently most people attempting the linux build are
predominately only interested in using mapguide rather than
developing at the moment. This is a catch-22 as their experiences tend
to cloud the general impression of the linux build process

4. Nirvana here is having a debian respository for apt-get install
mapguide-2.0.2, as Debian rather than Redhat seems to be
the preferred variety of linux these days (thinking mainly ubuntu here
and I adding support for both)

Stefan Hansen from LisaSoft contacted me yesterday asking for advice
with regards to getting mapguide on their free live cd
and mentioned their longer term goal is to get a debian rep up and running

So I think there are some skilled people out there prepared to improve
the linux build process, but this is something which really
needs to be done with subversion on a branch


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