[mapguide-internals] mapguide 2 trunk cmake patches and instructions

Helio Chissini de Castro helio at kde.org
Sun Oct 19 22:07:08 EDT 2008


As people requested last few days, here's the cmake patch to test in linux 
against mapguide trunk

Two patches:

cmake.diff - The Cmake build itself
cmake-code.dif - Patch to use xalan 2.8 and geos 3.0.0, and comment agg 
triangle for now

- This use most of the Oem depends external, what i'm using EXTERNAL:
geos 3.0.0
xerces-c 2.8
xalan 1.10
db 4.6
xqilla 1.0.2 ( from xilla10 package )
apache 2.2.9
agg 2.5
php 5.2.6
Ace 5.6
sqlite 3.6.1
FDO 3.3.1
cmake 2.6

- What i still use INTERNAL:

- What i not compiling right now: UnitTest
Reason: Need a specific version of cppunit, and not compiled from Oem one

You can find all my external packages oriented to Mandriva in 
http://websvn.geolinux.com.br/viewvc.cgi/packages/, but my reference is Fedora 
9, packages mostly taken from here:

The only packages that aren't in Fedora repos is dwftoolkit and mkcatdefs


- Apply both patches in a full MgDev checkout ( trunk )
- Enter in the MgDev dir
- Create any subdir, i prefer "build" and enter on it
- do "cmake .."
At this point all tests should be done, and if you are missing any external 
dependency, cmake will warn you and fail. All environment and build files are 
created under this build dir, keeping the main src dir clean
64 bits test are done, but i not tested current compilation with x86_64
- If all went well, just do make

- As end mapguide installation is a big series of auto*hell*tools and scripts 
on LinuxApt, i'm not sure if i'm installing whole original layout, and some 
people with deeper knowledge of this install can help. I attached my mapguide 
specfile for standard package if someone want to take a look and see if there's 
something missing in the process.

- Server build in trunk is failing for me in some Fdo SetClassName functions, 
mos specific Server/src/Services/Feature/. Log attached

- cmake build works very well, but sometimes, the dbxml database creation 
fails on mgserver and i was unable to track down this specific issue. The 
segmentation fault happens in xerces-c code, but i doubt that this is the real 
point. I really think that for some reason xerces is trying to use a null 
database, because was preciously not properly created ( non check pointer ).
Hard one

Goold luck and i'm open for all answers

Helio Chissini de Castro
KDE Developer
Brasil/South America Primary Contact

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