[mapguide-internals] Area stylization

Jason Birch jason at jasonbirch.com
Mon Dec 14 18:08:55 EST 2009

Cool, thanks!

Setting the ClippingControl to Inside gave me exactly what I wanted for the
interior fill.

Few questions:

- I just get black blobs when I try to set SizeContext to MappingUnits set
in the LayerDefinition.  Is this unsupported, or do I just have to scale the
symbol smaller or something?

- Is the ampersand at the beginning of the DisplayName for accessibility
(keyboard shortcut) in GUI clients or something?

- I'm at a bit of a loss how to symbolize the polygon border.  Do I create
this as a composite symbol with a separate symbol and LineUsage?

I hate that I feel so clueless when working with this, thanks again for the


2009/12/14 Walt Welton-Lair <walt.welton-lair at autodesk.com>

> Area style support was initially available in MGOS 2.0.0, while a preview
> of line style support was available in 1.2.0.  But it wasn't until 2.0.1
> until both were reasonably stable.  I've updated RFC 14 to indicate this.
> Here's a simple swamp symbol I hacked together:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <SimpleSymbolDefinition xmlns:xsi="
> http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
> xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="SymbolDefinition-1.1.0.xsd" version="1.1.0">
>  <Name>SWAMP</Name>
>  <Graphics>
>  <Path>
>   <Geometry>M -1.0,0.0 h 2.0 M -1.3,0.3 h 2.6 M 0.0,0.3 v 1.5 M -0.2,0.3 l
> -1.0,1.0 M 0.2,0.3 l 1.0,1.0</Geometry>
>   <LineColor>%HATCHCOLOR%</LineColor>
>  </Path>
>  <Path>
>   <Geometry>M 3.0,2.5 h 2.0 M 2.7,2.8 h 2.6 M 4.0,2.8 v 1.5 M 3.8,2.8 l
> -1.0,1.0 M 4.2,2.8 l 1.0,1.0</Geometry>
>   <LineColor>%HATCHCOLOR%</LineColor>
>  </Path>
>  </Graphics>
>  <AreaUsage>
>  <Angle>0.0</Angle>
>  <RepeatX>8.0</RepeatX>
>  <RepeatY>5.0</RepeatY>
>  </AreaUsage>
>  <ParameterDefinition>
>  <Parameter>
>   <Identifier>HATCHCOLOR</Identifier>
>   <DefaultValue>0xff000000</DefaultValue>
>   <DisplayName>&amp;Hatch Color</DisplayName>
>   <Description>Color for the hatch style</Description>
>   <DataType>FillColor</DataType>
>  </Parameter>
>  </ParameterDefinition>
> </SimpleSymbolDefinition>
> Walt
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mapguide-internals-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:
> mapguide-internals-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Jason Birch
> Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 3:06 PM
> To: MapGuide Internals Mail List
> Subject: [mapguide-internals] Area stylization
> I'm not clear on whether there is any area stylization support in the new
> advanced stuff or not.  The schema has an AreaUsage section, but the RFCs
> show that support would be deferred.
> I'm trying to create a classic "Wetlands" area fill which has a stylized
> bush ( *\|/* )  at an even/odd offset (or random) grid pattern fixed to
> mapping units.  If anyone has any pointers on this, or even a "can't do
> that, just use the stock Swamp symbol" I'd appreciate it. :)
> Thanks,
> Jason
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