[mapguide-internals] MapGuide open source builds - Linux & Cmake

Jackie Ng jumpinjackie at gmail.com
Wed Jul 29 08:57:05 EDT 2009

Now that its open season on MapGuide sandboxes, we should get a cmake-based
MapGuide sandbox up and going.

- Jackie

zspitzer wrote:
> Just breaking the Cmake stuff out into a seperate thread
> Based on the feedback from the AD developers about sticking with the VS
> build system on Windows, what do people think about the Cmake option on
> linux
>>From the sound of things if we go ahead with this, we are going to
> keep the existing
> build system for windows and adopt cmake for any other platforms
> Can we add Helio's stuff to the tree and run with two build systems?
> Helio, the existing full build with all the embedded thirdparty stuff
> works currently?
> If it does and we don't have to worry about the issues like the db 4.2
> you mentioned
> the 2.1 release could be a good opportunity to test this out as I
> assume quite a
> few people are going to be trying to compile 2.1 on linux
> I am prepared to be a crash test dummy on this...
> z
> On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 3:58 AM, Helio Chissini de Castro <helio at kde.org>
> wrote:
>> On Quarta 08 Outubro 2008 13:22:26 Traian Stanev wrote:
>>> Yes, I did a 64 bit FDO build using externally installed dependent third
>>> party libraries last week on Ubuntu, and it worked out pretty well. I
>>> did
>>> not compile all providers though, so I can't speak for all the
>>> dependencies, just xerces/xalan and the like.
>>> Traian
>> Hi guys, i'm on a quick trio on US and Zac ping me about the discussion.
>> For 64 bits, i already have cake build working with most of the third
>> party
>> dependencies sorted.
>> I have mapguide too, with some small issue, which is DB 4.2
>> Maptguide relies in DB 4.2, most of distros have DB 4.5 or 4.6 apache
>> build (
>> apr things ), which lead me to try compile mapguide with a recent Db
>> The problem is even been API compatible, db segfaults everytime in the
>> database creation, and i had no time to solve the issue.
>> To fix my problem i recompiled my apache rpm with exactly same db
>> mapguide
>> have.
>> As Jason commented about the frustration of the whole RFC, to not kept
>> too
>> much out of sync, i did rpm version for current fdo, and mapguide, but
>> only 32
>> bits, as pristine as possible.
>> As soon i back from US i can answer other questions with more time
>> []'s
>> --
>> Helio Chissini de Castro
>> KDE Project
>> Brasil and South America Primary Contact
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> -- 
> Zac Spitzer -
> http://zacster.blogspot.com (My Blog)
> +61 405 847 168
> _______________________________________________
> mapguide-internals mailing list
> mapguide-internals at lists.osgeo.org
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