[mapguide-internals] Serving WFS data from MapGuide

Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S ks at geograf.dk
Sat Mar 14 08:04:24 EDT 2009

I can't find a statement in the OGC WFS specs where it states that the 
name must be prefixed with a namespace.
In the example "GETCAPABILITIES" response, they show a table with a 
namespace prefix.
That prefix is defined as a normal xml namespace.

In the "GETCAPABILITIES" response from MapGuide, there are no namespace 
definitions that match the prefixed random namespace.

I will log these as defects.
If someone can point out that I have mis-interpreted the standard, they 
can close the ticket and educate me :).

Regards, Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S

Tom Fukushima skrev:
> Hi Kenneth,
> Those look like defects to me.  I don't have the WFS spec in front of me, does it say that the name should have the namespace prefix or not for the DESCRIBEFEATURETYPE request?
> Tom
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mapguide-internals-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:mapguide-internals-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S
> Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 7:52 AM
> To: MapGuide Internals Mail List
> Subject: [mapguide-internals] Serving WFS data from MapGuide
> When issuing the "GETCAPABILITIES" call for WFS on MapGuide, the 
> following fragment is part of the response:
> <FeatureType>
> <Name>ns180401301:BuildingOutlines</Name>
> <Title>Building Outlines</Title>
> <Abstract>Building Outlines.</Abstract>
> <Keyword>Buildings, Outlines</Keyword>
> <SRS>EPSG:4326</SRS>
> <LatLongBoundingBox minx="-87.74" miny="43.68" maxx="-87.69" maxy="43.815"/>
> </FeatureType>
> The name is set to be "ns180401301:BuildingOutlines", where the prefix 
> is some random number to prevent clashes, I presume.
> When issuing the the "DESCRIBEFEATURETYPE" call for the above type, this 
> fragment is part of the response:
> <xs:schema xmlns:xs="..." xmlns:fdo="..." xmlns:gml="..." 
> xmlns:SHP_Schema="..." elementFormDefault="qualified" 
> attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
>   <xs:element name="BuildingOutlines" 
> type="SHP_Schema:BuildingOutlinesType" abstract="false" 
> substitutionGroup="gml:_Feature">
>     <xs:key name="BuildingOutlinesKey">
>       <xs:selector xpath=".//BuildingOutlines"/>
>       <xs:field xpath="Autogenerated_SDF_ID"/>
>     </xs:key>
>   </xs:element>
> and so is this fragment:
>  <xs:element name="Autogenerated_SDF_ID" fdo:readOnly="true" 
> minOccurs="0" fdo:autogenerated="true">
>     <xs:simpleType>
>       <xs:restriction base="fdo:int32"/>
>     </xs:simpleType>
>     <xs:annotation>
>       <xs:documentation>Autogenerated identity property</xs:documentation>
>     </xs:annotation>
>   </xs:element>
> My questions are:
> 1) Why is the prefix not part of the name in the response?
> 2) Is the client supposed to guess that the prefix is dispensable and 
> should be removed?
> 3) Why does the key have type "fdo:int32" instead of "xs:integer"?

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