[mapguide-internals] Re: Getting closer with 64 bit installer

Jason Birch jason at jasonbirch.com
Tue Jul 6 03:22:32 EDT 2010

Crispin, is this still a problem?

I haven't had ANY experience with IIS in Win7 yet.  Does it have the
integrated/classic pipeline mode options on the app pool?  As far as you can
tell, are all the rest of the settings applied properly to the site


On 1 July 2010 23:53, Crispin_at_1Spatial <crispin.hoult at 1spatial.com>wrote:

> On Win7 x64 I am still getting issues - this is a clean machine and I have
> .NET and ISAPI installed for IIS (ie not the default), MapGuide service is
> running and the web-tier test pages coming up OK.

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