[mapguide-internals] Re: IIS7 request limits

Jason Birch jason at jasonbirch.com
Sun Jul 11 20:58:16 EDT 2010

On 11 July 2010 17:09, Jackie Ng wrote:

> I think IIS administration should be a task separate from the installer.

I guess I agree with that.

Having such a low limit will mean that we'll likely get a fair amount of
questions about this.  The places where this will likely crop up the most

- In Maestro, when running a load procedure or attaching large shape files
to data connections
- In Maestro, when restoring an MGP
- In Web Admin, when uploading an MGP

Maybe we can keep an eye on how many users hit this, and if it's excessive
we can re-consider configuring the mapagent webapp with a higher limit in a
future release.  I'd imagine this is the kind of logic that was applied when
ADSK modified the default PHP limits with 1.x?


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