[mapguide-internals] Motion: give Ivan Milicevic commit rights to the vault

Robert Bray robert.bray at autodesk.com
Thu Jun 3 21:33:24 EDT 2010

+1 Bob

------Original Message------
From: Tom Fukushima
To: MapGuide Internals Mail List
ReplyTo: MapGuide Internals Mail List
Subject: [mapguide-internals] Motion: give Ivan Milicevic commit rights to	the vault
Sent: Jun 3, 2010 11:57 AM


I move that we give Ivan Milicevic commit rights to the MapGuide repository so that he can update the Maestro repository for localization related issues.

+1 Tom


(Ivan, unless you correct me, I'll assume that your OSGeo userid is milicevic.)
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