[mapguide-internals] Re: 32 bit installer on build machine

Jason Birch jason at jasonbirch.com
Thu Mar 25 21:35:02 EDT 2010

Mike, I don't think that will work with the ISAPI plugin.

The PHP docs for this ( http://www.php.net/manual/en/configuration.file.php )
have been stripped of reference to the ISAPI module, but basically IIS had
no setting that would allow specification of the INI path, and the ISAPI
module didn't read the ini file from its startup location.

When we move back to FastCGI for PHP (I think we were talking 2.3 for this),
we'll be able to either specify the ini file path in the FastCGI
configuration (or just ensure that the .ini file is in the same directory as
the php-cgi.exe file, but this would leave us open to other packages setting
registry keys that take precedent) , so at that point we'll be able to avoid
setting the key.

For Apache installations, it should be possible to manually remove the ini
path from the registry and set the PHPIniDir directive in the httpd.conf

I'm not sure where this leaves us with path settings and the extensions dir


On 25 March 2010 08:25, Mike Adair wrote:

> Is it possible for MapGuide to not set the PHP ini_path value at all in the
> registry?  That messes up other packages that also use PHP (e.g. MapServer)
> meaning they can't be installed in parallel.

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